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SCP 재단에 오신걸 환영합니다.

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이 페이지의 내용은 현재 [공개]되어 있습니다.

직원들은 이 허브 내의 몇몇 파일들이 여러가지로 보안의 대상이 된다는 것과, 이러한 파일에 접근하기 위해서는 검증된 증명서가 필요하다는 것을 염두에 두시기 바랍니다.

시스템 관리자 주석: 이 보관소는 위키에 작성된 SCP 재단 이야기 목록을 포괄하도록 설계되었습니다. 정확하게 이야기를 찾으려면 아래 탐색 도구를 사용해주세요. 이야기가 누락된 것을 발견하셨다면, 도움을 위해 이야기의 작가 혹은 pxdnbluesoul에게 문의해주세요.

-페이지 탐색기-

2008년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
보존 사건 076-2_682 Dr Gears (작가) 2008-07-27
주의: 보고서 076-2/682는 4등급 인원만이 열람할 수 있음. 사건 번호: 076-2/682 연관된 SCP: SCP-682, SCP-076-2 연관된 인원: 기어스 박사, 케인 파토스 크로우 교수, ████████████ 대령…
the-recording far2 (작가) 2008-07-29
Item #: SCP-███ Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedure: SCP-███ requires no special handling or storage beyond that of typical electronic devices - keep it at a reasonable temperature,…

2008년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
of-able Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-09-11
The wind was harsh and cold, swirling gouts of the snow rippling around the man's thin frame, staining his black cloak like stars in the night sky. It tugged at his ragged clothing, sucking what…
SCP 위장 단체 The Administrator (작가) 2008-09-17
재단은 SCP 재단의 실체를 가리기 위해 다른 기업과 조직이 있다는 것을 내세워 이용합니다. 현지 꽃 장사에서부터 국제 대기업까지…

2008년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
AA 요원의 개인기록 DrClef (작가) 2008-10-10
Personal Log of: Agent A█████ A██████, Mobile Task Force Omega-7, "Pandora's Box." Date: October 10, ████ I shoulda taken the blue pill. When Dr. ██████████ told me that he had an opening for a…
personal-log-of-paul-martin Dr Gears (작가) 2008-10-10
Diary of Paul Martin, recovered among other personal belongings August 22nd, ████ Greg can be a jerk sometimes. It’s nice having a roommate who is gone three quarters of the time, but he has a bad…
기어스 박사의 개인 기록 Dr Gears (작가) 2008-10-15
기어스 박사의 개인 기록 [주의: 날짜와 약간의 민감한 정보는 중앙 기록에 의해 삭제되었다. 원본 열람은 오직 승인하에서만 가능하다.] ███████ ██ 폭발 소리에…
█████ "아이스버그" ████의 개인 기록 Iceberg 7 (작가)
"아이스버그"의 개인 기록 [주의: 날짜와 약간의 민감한 정보는 중앙 기록에 의해 삭제되었다. 원본 열람은 오직 승인하에서만 가능하다.] ███ █ ██ 아침 드디어…
전사와 용 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-10-25
아벨은 여태껏 그가 그래왔던 것처럼, 높이 솟은 저 괴물을 향해 평소처럼 거만하게 웃으면서 차분한 움직임으로 걸음을 옮겼다. 거대한 양손 클레이모어가 그의 어깨에 걸쳐진 채로 잡혀있었고…

2008년 11월

제목 작가 생성일
사건 239-B - 클레프-콘드라키 Dr Kondraki (작가)
DrClef (작가)
Re: ████-██-██에 발생한 "알토" 클레프 박사와 ████████ 콘드라키 박사 사이의 내부 사건이다. 이 문서는 제한되었다. 이 문서의 기본적인 오타 이외의…
SCP-239의 마법서 Dantensen does not match any existing user name (작가)
단텐센 작성                                                                                                                             마법서는 재단에 의해 폐기되었다….
보충 기록 239-B-192 DrClef (작가) 2008-11-24
면담 대상자: A. 클레프 박사, SCP 번호 보류중 면담자: ████████ 콘드라키 박사. 서문: 이 인터뷰는 17기지 사건 24시간 후에 이루어졌다. <기록 시작, ████-██-██, ████:██:██>…
experiment-log-158-ag Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-11-29
Experiment Log of: Professor K. P. Crow, regarding SCP-158 in use for the "Olympia Project". Date: 29-11-2008 Pre-Experiment Note I've gathered up several D-Class personnel, having interviewed and…

2008년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
제거_명령 DrClef (작가) 2008-12-04
TERMINATION ORDER by "Dr. Clef." "Interview Clef-88 commences now. Dr. Gears, interviewer. Dr. Clef, interviewee." "You know who you look like? John Malkovich. You've got the same head and…
우쿨렐레 요원 DrClef (작가) 2008-12-05
{비고: 이 문서는 기동특무부대 오메가-7, "판도라의 상자"가 세계 오컬트 연합의 안전가옥을 습격할 당시 회수되었다. 이 문서의 일부분은 총격전과…
실험기록 914-세타 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-12-06
E실험 기록: 케인 파토스 크로우 교수, SCP-914를 이용하여 "올림피아 프로젝트"에 사용할 만한 물질을 얻어내는 실험. 날짜: 2008년 05월 12일 예비 기록: 이번 실험의 목적은 내가 진행하는 계획에 필요한 시작 물질을…
085-romance-adult DrClef (작가) 2008-12-10
Story Application: "085, A Romance in 2.5 Dimensions" Chapter 1: "Sierra Nevadas" Her cadmium yellow #5 hair cascades down over her shoulders as she sits down in the corner of the canvas, looking up…
experiment-log-040 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-12-13
Experiment Log of: Professor K. P. Crow, utilizing SCP-040 in obtaining base materials for the "Olympia Project". Date: 13/12/2008 Pre-Experiment Note: I think it's about time we started trying to…
1st-12th-december-2008 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-12-13
02/12/2008 I got nearly no sleep yesterday. I was so consumed with the extractor that all my previous appointments I either forgot, or simply blew off. Unprofessional and immature, I know, but I…
올림피아 융합 실험기록 알파 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-12-22
프로젝트 코드네임: 올림피아 프로젝트 일련번호: PRJOLM-000134 승인 일련번호: NPF-00051473 연구 총책임자: 케인 파토스 크로우 교수 실험 목적: SCP-291을 이용…
what-love-is-pt-1 agatharights (작가) 2008-12-23
"Warm and Wet" By Dr Rights SCP-542, Herr Chirurg, stands imposing at his current seven-foot-two even while seated, the recently-replaced bones in his legs having boosted his height, though he still…
13th-23rd-december-2008 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-12-25
13/12/2008 To Dr. Kain As you know, the holiday season is fast arriving. As such, it is the time for joy, happyiness, good will towards all men, that sort of thing. And the reason I'm writing this:…
the-things-dr-bright-is-not-allowed-to-do-at-the-foundation TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2008-12-25
섹스 관련된 아이디어는 이제 그만. 네 아이디어가 실제로 웃긴지 다른 사람에게 먼저 보여볼것. 대화방 정도가 좋을듯. 내가 별로라고 느끼는건..
올림피아 융합 실험기록 베타 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-12-27
프로젝트 코드네임: 올림피아 프로젝트 일련번호: PRJOLM-000134 승인 일련번호: NPF-00051473 연구 총책임자: 케인 파토스 크로우 교수 실험 목적: SCP-158을 이용해 이전에 만든 신체에…
올림피아 융합 실험기록 감마 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2008-12-28
프로젝트 코드네임: 올림피아 프로젝트 일련번호: PRJOLM-000134 승인 일련번호: NPF-00051473 연구 총책임자: 케인 파토스 크로우 교수 실험 목적: 피실험체의 특징과 능력, 그리고 한계를…

2009년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
production-model-changes-and-procedures Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2009-01-02
Project Codename: Olympia Project#: PRJOLM-000134 Clearance and File#: NPF-00051473 Changes to Olympia Prime (Production Model Template): Left eye is to come from Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject…
쓰레기 태우기 Dr Kondraki (작가) 2009-01-06
What a day. And what a way to end it too. Another day, another big pile of waste generated by the vast, churning machine that was the faculty and staff of Site 17. Every bit of detritus the place…
techissues ManualSearch (작가) 2009-01-10
After getting quite a few technical issue notes attached straight to my personnel file, I've decided to update the servers with a tech issue file. Place a dated note or comment into the tech files…
the-bacterium-part-one name (작가) 2009-01-20
Not up to scale Incident Report 5615-XX-16 Witness: Charles Vuncouth Date: ██/██/██/ Synopsis: At 1500 hours, I was told by my direct superiors that I was going to be airdropped into a…
scp-048-arc Dr Gears (작가) 2009-01-21
Item #: SCP-048 Object Class: Euclid (Neutralized) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-048 is to be referred to as Joey. In the event that he is referred to as SCP-048, or an object, "Joey" becomes…
the-bacterium-part-two name (작가) 2009-01-21
Extract from the Journal of Doctor Buried: It fits doesn't it. In the old textbooks from my school days with all the families of organisms charted out, viruses were conspicuously absent. And they…
월급날 Iceberg 7 (작가) 2009-01-26
조용한 마을에 또 다시 조용한 하루가 흐르고 있었다. 마을의 동쪽에는 은행이 하나 있었다. 그 은행은 크지도, 작지도 않은, 그냥 은행이였다. 그 마을의 주민들은 모두 작았고, 참으로 고맙게도, 궁금한 것들이…
728 A Fat Ghost (작가) 2009-01-27
I’m walking through the snow. The crunch of my footsteps creates a slow, yet persistent rhythm, the lack of a breeze allowing the sound to carry surprisingly far. My name is Neil, and I am hunting a…

2009년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
SCP 시 A Fat Ghost (작가) 2009-02-05
언젠간, 모두 시 속에서 불멸이 될지니, 즐기시길 "682" 커다란 화난 도마뱀 못됐지만, 아직은 재밌는 친구 널 잡아먹기 전까진 "447" 맛좋은 끈끈이 공 박하처럼 상쾌한 기분이 들게 해주네 시체는 안 돼, 제발…
perfection Dr Gears (작가) 2009-02-10
“Do I hear five hundred thousand pounds?” “…” “Thank you…do I hear five fifty?” “…” “Thank you ma’am…do I hear six hundred?” “…” “Thank you…six fifty?” “One million pounds.” “…t-thank you sir. Do I…
글라스 박사의 정기 심리검사 Pair Of Ducks (작가) 2009-02-10
이하 내용은 사이먼 글라스 박사가 재단 직원들에게 행한 심리 검사의 일부이다. 글라스 박사: 좋아, 이제 시작하자고. 알토 클레프 박사- 클레프 박사: [대상이…
24th-december-2008-14th-january-2009 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2009-02-18
24/12/2008 Well, Christmas Eve is here, and I believe Mr. Kringle may have infected the staff with cheer, because the amount of work getting done is non existent. Of course, I'm one to talk… I'm…
784 사건: Part 1: 접촉 DrClef (작가) 2009-02-18
Incident 784-1 "… once the D-Class personnel have finished rinsing the outside of the container using fire hoses, a third personnel will approach the container, and then affix the module to the…
새벽까지의 공작 Dr Kondraki (작가) 2009-02-19
Foreword by O5-2: On █-██-████, an investigation was launched into the continued viability of SCP-083. Several factors were taken into account, such as the relative danger involved in sustained…
agent-spoon-s-personnel-request SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2009-02-20
To: O5 Command Proposal Type: Personnel Request From: Agent Spoon Date: ██/██/20██ Security Level: CLASSIFIED Introduction: After careful review of the Foundation's special Mobile Task Force Teams,…
the-lockdown Dr Gears (작가) 2009-02-20
Agent Greenwell was by no means afraid, only strongly wishing to be elsewhere. As he ran, quickly avoiding small chunks of rubble and broken machinery, his thoughts remained more on the past than…
784 사건: Part 2: 협상 DrClef (작가) 2009-02-20
Part 1: Contact "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back" Looking back, I'm not sure what I thought was going to happen when that crazy bitch showed 784 the photo. If I had to put money…
784 사건: Part 3: 확전 DrClef (작가) 2009-02-24
Part 2: Negotiation "Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't" "Hey, Clef?" "What's up, Draki?" "Not much. Hey, can I borrow your cat for the weekend?" "I guess. Why the hell you'd want to…

2009년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
message-in-a-bottle HK-016 (작가) 2009-03-07
The following is a transcript of a handwritten letter found in a 20-ounce glass beverage container, found near Lake [REDACTED] in southwest Wisconsin. Signs of struggle were evident, and upon closer…
사격 훈련 Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2009-03-11
파리 한마리가 부드럽게 석상의 코에 내려앉아, 포식자의 흔척을 경계하며 주변을 둘러보았다. 아무것도 없다는 것을 확인한 후에, 파리는 자신을 문지르기…
unknown-log-file Dr Kondraki (작가) 2009-03-20
Special Containment Center 23 Terminal Welcome, please enter user ID. >ethaum Please enter password. > Password Accepted… . Loading… . Clearance validated… . Welcome, Commander Thaum….
분야 최고의 전문가 name (작가) 2009-03-21
1985 Sometimes, when he was feeling particularly ungrateful, Doctor Glut wondered why his younger, redheaded wife had married him, and theorized that it might be because of some kind of father…
삶은 차가워 Iceberg 7 (작가)
TroyL (rewrite)
엘리베이터. 나는 그것을 매일 본다. 아니면 거의 매일. 가끔씩 일 때문에 하루종일 기지에 있을때도 있으니까. 부드럽게 닦인 강철. 밝은 흰 빛이 위에 있는…
부서진 신의 교회 경전 파편 Dr Gears (작가) 2009-03-24
참고: 이하는 "부서진 신의 교단"의 일원이라고 추정되는 시체에서 회수된 글의 일부이다. 이것들은 "경전" 혹은…
아이스버그가 135를 얼음 위에 올리다 Iceberg 7 (작가) 2009-03-24
███-█-██: 그것의 모습을 바꾸는 능력이 처음에는 관심을 조금 끌었으나, 다른 모습을 바꾸는 SCP들이 발견되어갈수록, 연구를 거듭한 결과 그것이 전기제품에 끼칠 수 있는 막대한 손상,…
uiu-files-chapter-1 SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2009-03-25
To all units operating in west coast of the United States, this is a PRIORITY ONE order issued from CENTCOM. There is evidence to suggest that two Keter-level targets, codenamed “Toto” and…
784 사건: Part 4: 침범 DrClef (작가) 2009-03-26
Part 3:Escalation "Until the End of the World" Eighteen Months Ago "All right, next question." "Mmmm?" "Imagine you just won a contest and you have your choice of two prizes." "Is one of them you?"…

2009년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
agent-apocalemur-s-journal apocalemur (작가) 2009-04-02
The following are the journal entries made by [DATA EXPUNGED], currently known as Agent Apocalemur, over the time period between his discovery of SCP-307 on ██ ████, 200█, and his recovery by the…
784 사건: Part 5: 한계점 DrClef (작가) 2009-04-10
Part 4: Breach "Plausible Deniability" Post-Incident Interview, ██-██-████ Interviewer: And that was when Director Valentine breached containment on SCP-784. Clef: That is correct. Interviewer: And…
island-story carriontrooper (작가) 2009-04-15
It was a dream, or at least it felt like one. Hana had been invited to the ocean god's palace. She went there in a banana-leaf canoe, drifting through an orange ocean, the sea melting into the…
269 A Fat Ghost (작가) 2009-04-19
“Explain to me why we’re hiding in somebody’s old, abandoned crap-shack, son.” Neil R. Ghost (age twenty-eight) had never imagined that he would find himself in the situation that he was in…
밝은 쪽에서 본 이야기들 1 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2009-04-19
밝은 쪽에서 본 이야기들 1장: 신께 맡기고 기다리는 중… 오! "다시 말씀드리지만 이 일련의 실험에 대해 강력하게 반대하는 바입니다." 나는 사메트 박사의…
784 사건: Part 6: 탈출 DrClef (작가) 2009-04-20
Part 5: Breaking Point "You Can't Go Home Again" Eighteen Months Ago "So, if you'd let me finish my question?" "Mmmm? Sure, sure…" "Okay, here it is. Let's say that you've got a choice of two…
784 사건: Part 7: 결론 DrClef (작가) 2009-04-20
Part 6: Escape "Ever Dance With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight?" "Delta One, in position." "Delta Two, in position." "Delta Three, in position." "Delta Six. Go." Beatrix Maddox sat on the…
밝은 쪽에서 본 이야기들 1.5장 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2009-04-23
밝은 쪽에서 본 이야기들 1.5 중간 휴식 시간: 미래의 아들이 귀환하여 반격할 때로 돌아가다 3125 젊은 남자는 가상현실 헬멧이 머리에서 들어올려지는 동안 눈을 깜박이며 그의 머릿속으로 흘러들어와 부유하는…
오명의 날 - SCP-705의 짧은 이야기 Waxx (작가) 2009-04-30
The field marshal peered through his binoculars at the soon-to-be battlefield laid out before him. His epaulets gleamed in the warm light, a soft breeze tickling his well groomed moustache as he…

2009년 5월

제목 작가 생성일
interview-c Dr Gerald (작가) 2009-05-05
Interviewed: Agent Thompson. Interviewer: Dr. Sylvius Forward: Post-incident interview with the only survivor of the anomalous SCP-C Blizzard. <Begin Log> Dr. Sylvius: Okay, let's begin. Tell me,…
badges-and-scorecards Waxx (작가) 2009-05-07
Leningrad, December 1979: The flicker of your nightlight casts an unsettling glow throughout your small bedroom and the wind rattles your window, keeping you from finding sleep. Your young mind runs…
don-t-call-us-we-ll-find-you Heiden (작가) 2009-05-14
Electronically recorded journal of Dr. Gerard L. Johnston. Recovered after a recommendation for employment was made by his superior, Dr. Devon Corbin. Dr. Johnston's continued employment is being…
햇봇 연대기 DrEverettMann (작가) 2009-05-17
Dr. Mann sat low in the seat, like a student sitting before the principal. "I suppose you want to know what happened." "We have six escaped SCPs, over fifty casualties, and tens of thousands of…
thy-will-be-done Dr Gears (작가) 2009-05-18
The two men quickly walked down the hall, pushing the small cloth-covered cart in front of them. A sudden door slam far behind them made the older man cry out, to be quickly stifled by the younger…

2009년 6월

제목 작가 생성일
변칙 물체 기록 Sophia Light (작가) 2009-06-04
서문: SCP 재단은 더 이상의 신경을 쓰기에는 너무 쓸모없는 물체를 꽤 많이 발견했습니다. 이 문서는 나중에 필요하거나 쓸모가 있을지도 모르는 물체들에….
recovered-documents-from-cell-3 Dr Gears (작가) 2009-06-13
1- Transferred from the barracks, finally. The trip took forever, I’d have to guess about six hours, but I couldn’t see, and I fell asleep a few times, so I guess it really could be anything. Four…

2009년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
브라이트 박사와의 저녁 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2009-07-23
재단의 어느 평화로운 저녁, 브라이트 박사는 작은 문제 몇 가지를 처리해야겠다는 생각을 한다. 한 연구원이 브라이트 본인에게 의문을 제기했고, 그건 감히 브라이트를 의심하는 것이나 다름없었다. 그리하여, 잭 브라이트 박사가…
first-interlude DrClef (작가) 2009-07-23
The smoking ruin of the black Crown Victoria lay on the side of the road, its wheels slowly turning in the air, a massive tree trunk piercing the windshield. The tree had blasted through the safety…
places-where-the-birds-don-t-cry tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2009-07-28
██/██/████ I woke up late again today… I really should start setting an alarm or something. Doc Rhodes was pretty pissed off, said I'm the worst secretary he's ever seen. That old man's told me…
클레프와 드미트리의 여행 DrClef (작가)
Waxx (작가)
"안식월이라고?" "적어도 한 달은 떠나 계셔야 합니다." 글라스 박사가 초조하게 클립보드 아래편의 비상 버튼을 만지작거리며 말했다. 박사의 건너편에 앉아있는 사람은 기괴하리만치 다채로운…
memories-from-a-past-life Waxx (작가) 2009-07-30
The summer sun hung low in the sky, turning the clouds all shades of orange, red, and purple, sunbeams shining through the pine trees that lined the sides of this unpaved road. They drove slowly in…
play Dr Gears (작가) 2009-07-31
I was deposited to awareness with an abruptness normally reserved for the newly born, and much like them, my first view of the world was enough to send me into wracking sobs. I attempted to recoil,…

2009년 8월

제목 작가 생성일
retirement-policy SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2009-08-02
It was a rather late night in the Site-19 cafeteria. Though the Foundation never slept, most of its workers did. The majority of the site staff was either back at their homes, or in on-site housing…
shoulda-stayed-in-dubai tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2009-08-03
Messrs. Skeffington and Branks of Marshal, Carter, and Dark's 'acquisitions firm' were very much not men to be trifled with, yet as he heated a slim knife blade with his pocket lighter and reached…
games-reality-benders-play TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2009-08-03
The old man stands over her hospital bed, staring down at the girl. She is wired to all sorts of machines, beeping and booping, all of them designed to keep her alive. All of them unneeded. He leans…
to-sleep-perchance-to-dream Aelanna (작가) 2009-08-04
August 3, 200█: A red light blinked on and off, annoyingly insistent amongst a sea of green and blue denoting the status of the Foundation's worldwide assets. The man at the console, annoyed at…
기회의 노크 tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2009-08-06
지금은 새벽 4시이고, 난 욕실에서 막 일어난 참이였다. 나는 목욕탕에 누워있었는데 한때는 뜨거웠던, 그러나 시간이 흘러 차가워진 물방울이 내 얼굴을 타고 흘러내리고 있었다. 내가 얼마나…
부스럭 똑 딱 DrMagnus (작가) 2009-08-06
지난 한달간 매일 밤, 난 똑같은 꿈을 꾸었다. 난 어두운 터널에 있고, 내 뒤에서는 이상한 소리가 들려온다. 그건 조용하고, 옅다. 그건 항상 가까이 다가온다. 부스럭 똑 딱…
작업실 Quikngruvn (작가) 2009-08-07
“빨리와, 잡힐지도 모른다고!” 제니가 웃음을 참지 못하고 속삭였다. “제발.” 내가 중얼거렸다, “난 자는 동안에 이것보다 어려운 것도 따봤어…됐다!”난 망가진 문고리에 한 손을 올리고 서서…
the-real-monsters DrClef (작가) 2009-08-07
When I was a little boy, I was afraid of monsters. They always lurked in the dark places where the light didn’t reach. It didn’t matter how many times my father shone a flashlight into the dark…
긁는 소리 SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2009-08-07
사각 사각 사각 난 어젯밤 한숨도 자지 못했다. 벽 뒤편에서 무언가가 벽을 긁고 있었다. 분명히 쥐나 그런 종류일 것이다. 내일 한번 확인해 봐야….
reddawn Waxx (작가) 2009-08-10
패턴 Aelanna (작가) 2009-08-17
사랑하는 엄마께, 학교에서 인사드려요, 저에요, 엘레인. 제가 편지를 쓴지 정말 오래되었다는건 알아요. 하지만 너무 바빠서 편지 쓸 시간도 없었단 말예요. 제 말이 좀 이상하게…
천문학적 Sophia Light (작가) 2009-08-18
우리 행성은 죽어가고 있었다. 이것에 대해서는 내가 할 수 있는 많은 설명이 있다. 셀수없는 실패에 관한 이야기라던가 진실을 보지 못한 외로운 종족, 무시에 관한 끝없는 이야기와…

2009년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
사건 보고서 I 028 F wanabeswordsman (작가) 2009-09-06
Incident Report: I-028-F SCP involved: SCP-028 Personnel involved: Agent Stebritz, Security Officers Gomez and Bishop, D-1437 Date: ██/██/████ Location: Site █ Description: I was assigned the duty…
chowderclef DrClef (작가) 2009-09-29
Darkness loomed over the streets of Night City, the shadows casting long shadows over the cracked asphalt pavement, the city's dark darkness lurking deep within its shriveled black hearts, as black…

2009년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
압수 문서 941-B Waxx (작가) 2009-10-12
문서 941-B 는 제██기지 6월 3일 ████, 남성 실험실에 위치해 있었습니다. 기지내의 감시기구에서 합법적인 검토를 했음에도 불구하고, 누가…
the-medium Sophia Light (작가) 2009-10-15
I am a wire. They're finding new ways to kill me. Even now, I can hear 00201, screaming, relentless, and under it and above it and around it and through it there's 598, pressing, like a vice, trying…

2009년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
코그 박사와 플라스틱 판타스틱 A Fat Ghost (작가) 2009-12-03
어느날, 코그 박사가 (박사라던지 뭐 그런 사람이면서)자신의 실험실을 걸어 지나갈때, 그는 크로우 박사가 그의 주의를 끌려고 하는 것을 발견했습니다. 절대로 어려운 일이 아니였어요. 코그 박사는 거의 항상…
dear-diary Nioki (작가) 2009-12-07
Dear Diary ……………………… *Click click tap click tap tap tap* Alright, Videira. Here's the script you were wondering about. This thing was a sort of dramatization of a little research disaster that…
loop Leicontis (작가) 2009-12-07
*shatter* FLASH I'm lying on the floor, in more pain than I've ever felt before. I guess this is what it feels like to have a bullet in your gut. The pain is a constant but everything else is…
달리는 남자 Djoric (작가) 2009-12-10
There is, in a small national park somewhere in the US, a bike path. This bike path is hardly unusual: it is roughly twelve miles long, and makes a circuit around a small lake. Most of the path is…
아빠 Jack Rankin (작가) 2009-12-20
일기장에게, 안녕! 내 이름은 루시 캠벨이고 난 8살이야! 내가 커서 어른이 되면 엠마 왓슨같은 배우가 되고 싶어, 왜냐하면 되게 예쁘잖아! 우리 엄마도 되게 예쁘고 되게 똑똑해서…
자장가 SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2009-12-28
“주여…204가 정말 제대로 박살을 내놓았군요…” 케테르 등급 SCP가 보관함에 끼친 손상을 관찰하던 스푼 요원이 미간을 찌푸리며 말했다. “동의합니다. 이 탈주로 인한 금전적 손실은 간단하게 계산해봐도…

2010년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
video-oddity Djoric (작가) 2010-01-02
Anomalous Item 20224 is a series of eight DVD-Rs containing unedited footage of an apparent nature documentary, collectively labeled as “Documentary 23”. The picture and sound quality of the footage…
document-c-88-il Dr Gears (작가) 2010-01-02
Beyond the dim, childish rays of Sol burn the steady, glowering lights of slumbering embers. Millions of lifetimes away lie the quasars, the softly thrumming globes of aging light, somehow ancient…
experiment-log-784-beta Kain Pathos Crow (작가) 2010-01-10
Experiment Log – SCP-784-BETA Purpose: To discover the appropriate nerve endings that SCP-784 must be connected to in order to function correctly. To replenish stock of SCP-784, in order to allow…
page-285-of-the-guild-ledger bleggs (작가) 2010-01-12
A woodcutting, commiſsioned to depict the capture of the dread beaſt, with a great number of aſsailants upon the flesh of its back. AN ENTRY for the expreſs Purpoſe of addition to the Guild…
fortunate-son bleggs (작가) 2010-01-14
Marcus straightened his tie and brushed his hair to the right side with his hand. One of his roommates was playing Tupac and wildly throwing gang symbols at his desk. He could see him in the mirror….
breakcalendar Waxx (작가) 2010-01-15
██████████ 요원과 ██████ 박사 사이에 총격전이 일어나서 새로운 복제 신체가 요청되는 결과를 낳은 후, 제17기지 2층 휴게실에서 경비 팀에 의해 문서 847-26이 제거되었다….
presence Photosynthetic (작가) 2010-01-18
During the recent Foundation raid on a Marshall, Carter, and Dark "Exhibition for the Perusal of Artistic Anomalies," Foundation agents discovered the following journal entry. The author, Ms. ██████…
his-clockwork-servants tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2010-01-18
"Where are His clockwork servants? Where is the work of His hands? Where are Her digital lovers? What are His broken commands?" Vasily swallowed hard as Father Aglayev wiped a slim bronze blade on…
재돌입 Dr Gears (작가) 2010-01-18
모든 것이 비명을 질러댔다. 다이얼, 송신기, 모든 것이 비명을 질러댔다. 하지만 그는 그 중 아무것도 느끼지 못했다. 그가 느낀 것은 다름아닌 열이었다. 그는 타오르고 있었다. 불이 붙지는 않았지만, 몸 속으로부터, 화끈거리는…
swimmer Dr Gears (작가) 2010-01-18
The water was cool, if a bit murky. The lake was the color of tea, owing to its past as a logging route. Great banks of long tree trunks would bob and sink, staining the lake. At least, that's what…
the-vault Dr Gears (작가) 2010-01-18
The door was heavy, and old, but still strong. It sealed the passage tight, blocking even light from around its edges. The hall was claustrophobic, and in near total darkness but for the dim,…
책략 Djoric (작가) 2010-01-23
“테이터 탓즈? 그게 우리 점심이라고? 테이터 탓즈?” 해롤드 브레이커(Harold Breaker) 박사는 접시에 놓인 갈색 너겟과 옆에 있는 엉성한 피클과 묽은 케첩의 닭고기 샌드위치, 그 옆의…
메타픽션 Voct (작가) 2010-01-28
노스롭 박사는 그의 귀를 신경질적으로 긁으며, 그가 누구의 행동을 따라하는지를 생각하지 않으려 했다. 상급 연구원들 — 브라이트, 라이츠, 콘드라키, 그리고 오 이런 클레프, 크로우, 제랄드…
불가사의의 목록 DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-01-31
The Beller walked through the Waste, leaving no tracks. He was a tall, lanky man with black hair and beady eyes. He wore a blue jacket over a red skirt of patches and rags, with a small tongueless…

2010년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
사그라지다 Sophia Light (작가) 2010-02-01
바깥 공기가 살을 에듯 차가웠다. 그나마 남은 왼쪽 폐와 흉골에서 볼썽사납게 비죽 튀어나온 뼛조각들이 아니었다면 아마 그는 춥다는 느낌조차 받지 못했을 것이었다. 신경 말단들은 그의 몸 중에서는 마지막까지…
last-man-standing DrKens (작가) 2010-02-01
[[Accessing Site 23 Logs.]] [[ / DATABASE CORRUPTED / ]] [[Identifying and playing most recent playable Audio Logs.]] [[Log: XC/CC/????-ERROR: DATE LOG CORRUPTED]] [[Original Login: Kensington,…
world-tour agatharights (작가) 2010-02-01
There were a lot of ghosts. It was a given, and she’d known it the whole time, but it still startled her a little as the UAV moved over the desert. They were usually invisible to the naked eye, but…
완전한 Aeish (작가) 2010-02-01
한때 해체되었던 것은 이제 하나가 되었다. 조각조각 분해되었던 것은 이제 수리되었다. 그 부서졌던 것은 이제 완전하다. 잠자고 있던 그녀는 이제 앞으로 나아왔다. 우리 임무를 성공시켰다. 부서진 신의 미래는…
puzzle Aelanna (작가) 2010-02-01
Now that I think about it, the old man wasn't trying to keep it away from us so he could solve it. He was trying to keep it away from us so we couldn't. He was dirty and unkempt, his hair a matted…
wasteland Dr Gerald (작가) 2010-02-02
Gareth poked his head over the rocks, peering across the blasted landscape. It was a particularly hot day, the sun's rays bouncing off the endless gray of the wasteland, nothing but the occasional…
다중우주와 민들레 술에 대하여 DrClef (작가) 2010-02-02
문제는, 민들레 술을 만들기 위해 가장 먼저 해야 하는 일이 그 꽃을 버려야 한다는 것이다. 17분. 이번 세상에 마지막으로 남은 시간이다. 비명을 지르던 인간 제물이…
exit-strategy SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2010-02-03
…There are still no damage reports from the missiles the United States has launched… The dead are walking the streets! Be sure to lock your doors… No hospital is safe! …on a nearby island, there's…
doctor-doctor-doctor TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2010-02-03
"난 하지 말라고 그랬다고." 브라이트가 어깨너머로 퉁명스럽게 말했다. "니가 그랬다는 거 다 알아." 브라이트가 파편을 쓸어버리면서 대답했다. 그에게 손이 한 쌍 더 있었기에 커다란 더미를 쉽게…
empty-spaces bleggs (작가) 2010-02-03
The Captain focused his binoculars and scrutinized the valley below. The highway bent around the hills, littered with refuse and empty cars. Beyond the road was an inlet. The muddy waters flowed…
서투른 어머니 DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-02-06
수정 칼드 박사와 만 박사는 542의 새 숙박 시설에 있는 메인 챔버에서 그들이 이 일을 위해 준비한 러쉬 의자에 앉아 대기하고 있었다. 542와 접촉하기까지는 몇달이…
망령들 Photosynthetic (작가) 2010-02-10
그의 손에는 총이 들려 있다. AR-15 자동소총이고 (그의 정신이 기계적으로 떠올린다), 신입 요원에게 아니면 긴급 상황에 주어지는 표준 규격 배급품에, 꽤 새것이며, 상태는 별로 좋지 않다. 그는 이 총이 익숙하고,…
a-chance-encounter Quikngruvn (작가) 2010-02-10
“…in three, two, one, mark,” said the pilot as the ship blinked in from hyperspace. “All systems normal, and… there’s the landmark beacon. It looks like we’re ready for the nineteenth system when…
wednesday-1 Cherry Pict (작가) 2010-02-11
It started January 5th, about nine in the morning. Mrs. Foster was explaining factoring polynomials to us, and I was exhausted. I wanted desperately to go back to bed and sleep. Too soon after…
wednesday-2 Cherry Pict (작가) 2010-02-12
« Back to part one I hid in the boiler room when the panic started. I would sleep a little, and wake up whenever someone tried opening the door. I'd hold it shut until they gave up, and I would go…
수정본 FullHazard (작가) 2010-02-14
일련번호: SCP-173 등급: 유클리드(Euclid) 특수 격리 절차: 항목 SCP-173은 항상 잠긴 격리실 내에 두어야한다. 인원이 반드시 SCP-173의 컨테이너로 들어가야 할때는 언제라도 최소한 3명이…
기하학적으로 생각하기 MisterFlames (작가) 2010-02-14
나는 절벽을 올라가 다음 공간속으로 내 몸을 밀어넣었다. 조금 더 공부를 했으면 정말 좋았을걸, 여긴 내가 이해할 수 없는 것들이 너무 많다. 고요하다, 이제 난 고요에 적응되어있지만. 대부분의 시간동안…
wednesday-3 Cherry Pict (작가) 2010-02-14
« Back to part two I almost screamed at the sudden thud. Cyrus threw open the little kitchen window and pushed me into the cupboard below the sink. "What are you d—?" "Shh," he said, shutting the…
fifteen-to-sixteen agatharights (작가) 2010-02-15
“I’d think it would be warmer.” “Huh?” “The end of the world. I mean, think about it. When somebody says post-apocalyptic wasteland, you picture a desert, right?” “Mm. I guess so.” “Instead of the…
relics Djoric (작가) 2010-02-15
The cleric stepped over the corpse of the treasure hunter, shaking his head sadly. Such a waste of life. And those others they had found in the ruins, they would have been a welcome addition to the…
거미가 찾아와 apocalemur (작가) 2010-02-15
He cautiously made his way through the ruins. He had a name, but it had long since been forgotten. His name was now a word that had been written under a drawing in the margin of a journal he didn’t…
break-on-through bleggs (작가) 2010-02-16
The page does not (yet) exist. The page scp-169 you want to access does not exist. • create page “That’s funny,” you think. “I could have sworn…” You click on the Recent posts link. Maybe there’s…
그리고 그것은 노래와 함께 시작된다 Nioki (작가) 2010-02-17
세상의 멸망은 노래와 함께 시작된다. 너는 그들이 사탕마냥 나누어준 진통제에 취해 일어난다. 누군가가 네가 나가 있는 동안 라디오 채널을 돌렸고, 지금은 스포츠 중계 대신…
the-god-and-world agatharights (작가) 2010-02-17
The priests looked up in horror as there was a great, deep growl from above them. Somewhere, in the vast impenetrable body of their World and their God… metal ground to a halt. It was a horrifying…
마리아나 해구에서 발견된 문서 Dr Gears (작가) 2010-02-18
난 가끔 뭔가 잊기 때문에 적어둬야 하고, 나는 오늘 들은 게 중요하다고 생각한다. 내게 그렇다는 게 아니라, 나 또는 오늘까지 지구에 살아있는 거의 모든 이들을 다르게 만들 시간이…
interference Cherry Pict (작가) 2010-02-22
« Back to part three Agent Erika Sarin sighed for a moment before raising her megaphone once more. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen," she said, her voice booming over the school parking lot. "I need you…
wednesday-4 Cherry Pict (작가) 2010-02-23
« Back to Interference I heard white noise, unbearably loud against ears so used to silence. I turned around, my heart racing, but it was just Cyrus messing with the radio. "There won't be…

2010년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
도마뱀 되러 갑니다 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2010-03-02
"그러니까," 사메트 박사는 휠체어에 앉아 하던 말을 이었다. 오른발엔 아직도 저번의 그 끔찍했던 총기 사고 이후로 깁스를 하고 있었다. "이젠 그걸 적용해볼 때도 된-" 그는 말하다 말고…
in-the-big-league Leicontis (작가) 2010-03-02
"Your ID, sir?" You nervously present your ID badge to the heavily-armed guard, who scans the barcode with a handheld reader, checks the display, and hands it back to you with a nod. Whatever this…
the-best-and-the-wisest DrClef (작가) 2010-03-12
A possible future… Jack Bright pushed his way past the holo-sign reading "Closed to Visitors" and made his way up the polished carbonate stairs to the monorail. There was a single car waiting for…
that-goddamn-thing Sorts (작가) 2010-03-17
The seat that was provided was a harsh gunmetal black edifice, warped enough that it was effectively impossible to place all four legs on the floor at once. It made an obnoxious clacking sound when…
welcome-to-the-machine bleggs (작가) 2010-03-18
The squad split to opposite sides of the street at the head of the block. Private Scott followed two others and the sergeant into a bombed out church. The four soldiers sifted between the pews,…
계급, 이름, 번호 DrClef (작가) 2010-03-22
"병장 토마스 알렌비. 군번은 946—" 리볼버의 끝이 그의 턱을 가격했다. 강하게. 알렌비 병장은 다져진 흙바닥에 부러진 이를 뱉어내며…
sailing-to-gallipoli Nioki (작가) 2010-03-23
His scarred chin had a single line of saliva running down it, clinging to the indented flesh, and I reached forward with my tissue to wipe it off. The scar ran from his right cheekbone downwards,…
performance-anxiety Edcrab (작가) 2010-03-23
“He stood his ground when facing an entity forty times his size. I can respect that.” “He died.” “Yes.” James nodded. “That’s why I respect his decision.” Said entity had devoured Oates without…
yellow-death FullHazard (작가) 2010-03-24
Tonight would be the last night of the siege. Gaius Marius Quartius, the Centurion in charge of the fort, had said that for the last three nights, but Titus knew that they couldn't hold out any…
등식의 인간부 TroyL (작가) 2010-03-26
Sgt. Mansell looked into the room one last time, his eyes already red from the dust and tears that now streaked his cheeks. The smell of vomit lingered on his clothes with the blood and rot. He…
business-as-usual Djoric (작가) 2010-03-27
The weather that afternoon was unabashedly foul. The sky was heavy with clouds, the dark grey wetness oozing into everything until nothing was dry. Patches of skeletal, leafless trees stood guard…
the-man-from-maple-street TroyL (작가) 2010-03-30
Randy Bragg’s arms still hurt from the morning pushups he had recently resumed. He had to do something, after all. Even if it meant that his food might not last as long, that the precious,…
묘비명 Dr Gears (작가) 2010-03-30
아이스버그 박사는 대충 만든 임시 부목에 몸을 의지하고 절룩이는 기어스 박사와 함께 복도를 질질 걸어갔다. 대부분의 요원과 청소 직원이 이미 지나가고 난 후라, 복도에는…

2010년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
recurrence Quikngruvn (작가) 2010-04-01
I'm in a crowd, in front of a stage. Not sure where, but it doesn't matter, just that it's dark. Up on the stage I can tell there's a band. Just noodling a bit, sounds like, till the drummer counts…
saving-sigurros-potter TroyL (작가) 2010-04-01
해리와 덤블도어는 사악한 재단의 정문을 지나 성큼성큼 걸어 나갔다. 울타리 너머로 사악한 마법사 블라이트 박사가 보였다. 미국의 마법사들이 머글들에…
like-a-russian-racehorse FPST (작가) 2010-04-02
Agent Strelnikov sat in his office, reading the latest reports on the recent round of tests on SCP-682. Nothing unusual. A few (actually, not so few) D-Class deaths, and a near-escape by that damned…
중간 휴식 시간 2: 부검 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2010-04-03
부검 기록 3-12-2015AC "좋아. 여기는 잭 브라이트 박사, 부검 3-12-2015AC 기록 시작한다. 대상은 인간형이고 남성, 나이는 불명. 대상은 제임스 할포스로 추정되고,…
이상 징후 기록 carriontrooper (작가) 2010-04-03
서문: 이 페이지는 재단의 흥미를 끌었으나, 재단이 격리하거나 확보하기도 전에 너무 빨리 일어났다 사라진 이상 징후를 기록하기 위한 곳입니다. 대신…
알토 클레프, 혹은 우쿨렐레 요원, 혹은 아담 벤 야훼, 혹은 타락한 자들의 우두머리 루시퍼, 혹은 그 쌍놈의 새끼 등으로 불리는 자의 죽음 DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-04-06
그리고 태양은 꺼져버렸다…
클레프 죽다 The Raven (작가) 2010-04-07
책임 포기 각서 이건 그냥 농담임. 제발 나 총으로 쏘지 마. 알토 클레프는 기다렸다. 그를 비추고 있는 등불이 깜빡이며 공기 중으로 불꽃이 튀었다. 저 아래에 SCP들이 있었다. 그는 그것들을 본 적 없지만, 몇 년 동안 그것들을…
father-of-lies Dr Gerald (작가) 2010-04-07
Agent Jason Suthers woke with a start, thinking that the only way he could feel this way would be if his face were on fire. From what he could tell, his head was covered in heavy bandages and he…
클레프 박사가 죽지도, 어떤 필수요소가 되지도, 아예 이야기에 등장하지도 않을 경우 Sorts (작가) 2010-04-07
러셀은 현관에 앉아서 신문배달 소년이 자전거를 타고 지나가는 것을 보았다. 그는 손을 흔들었다. 몇 분 뒤 러셀은 13년지기 아내가 집안에서 자신을 부르는 소리를 들었다. 그는 몸을 발 쪽으로 끌어당겨 시원한 봄…
the-lesser-of-two-evils apocalemur (작가) 2010-04-08
"Awaken, Brother." The man on the altar slowly opened his eyes. He was certain he hadn't moved, yet the surroundings were clearly different. Before, he had been in what had seemed at first to be a…
독감 Dr Gears (작가) 2010-04-09
며칠째 아팠다. 그 부글거리는 메스꺼움이 네 목구멍을 채우고, 네가 트림을 하거나 심지어 숨을 쉴 때마다 토할 것처럼 느끼게 한다. 변기통에 매달려서…
oldmenyoungmen Waxx (작가) 2010-04-09
They sat across from one another, between them a table with a chessboard, two glasses of vodka and one ashtray. The elderly man rubbed his stubbly chin, bushy grey eyebrows furrowed in consternation…
GFC Arlecchino (작가) 2010-04-09
브라이트 박사의 사무실 밖에서 기다린지 20분째, 제럴드 박사의 등을 타고 식은땀이 천천히 흘러내리고 있었다. 복도는 시간이 지날수록 어두워지는 듯 했고, 그가 문패에 적힌 이름을 뚫어져라 쳐다보는 동안 전등이 형언할 수 없는 어둠으로 줄어드는…
the-decoy agatharights (작가) 2010-04-09
Clef felt a little regretful, he would have to admit. He’d always found Rights very agreeable, if not the brightest bulb on the chandelier. At the very least, he felt sorry enough to sit at her…
hats teaflower (작가) 2010-04-15
I have not been here long. I do not know much. But if there's one thing I know, it is this: Alto Clef cannot die. The guy is immortal, I swear. He can sit in 682’s containment cell for an hour and…
a-fitting-end Djoric (작가) 2010-04-16
It’s not every day that the Foundation hosts a funeral. Occasionally, a loyal agent or staff member receives a small ceremony and a burial on Site 19, but not often. The family might get the…
all-they-want-is-the-blood Sorts (작가) 2010-04-18
Day 2 of Containment cycle 366 "Wait, so are you actually… ?" Agent Xavier Garcez asked with that same incredulous, gushy tone that the new staff always had when they saw the nameplate on the desk….
i-remember-my-heroes MisterBibs (작가) 2010-04-20
Grandson, you're a small child now, and you've started asking about them. You're far too young to be told, so I've brushed you off. I've decided to write you this note, for when you're older. How I…
끝나지 않은 일 TroyL (작가) 2010-04-26
More recent reports on brain activity suggest that SCP-239 is developing a complete resistance to the rotation of drugs we’ve used to keep her comatose. This could easily result in her reawakening….

2010년 5월

제목 작가 생성일
the-improbable-bibs MisterBibs (작가) 2010-05-05
Today MisterBibs, Agent of the Foundation, was having string of good luck for the past month. This, naturally, gave him an astonishingly bad mood. Bibs wasn't an entirely spiritual person, but he…
방문 AssertiveRoland (작가) 2010-05-05
Outside the apartment’s windows, the sound of children laughing drifted from the park, a block away. Professor Ian Thomas sank into his couch without really looking around the room. He closed his…
document-alpha-zeta-2 Aeish (작가) 2010-05-07
Document recovered in the canteen of Site-██. Current source of writings are unknown, but at this time theorised [REDACTED]. Item appears to be some form of diary, however as the possibility of it…
part-1-a-well-practiced-introduction Nioki (작가) 2010-05-09
I shivered like a jackhammer, even with my heavy down jacket drawn up around my neck. It felt like at least ten below zero, thanks to the wind chill, which by all logic should have been stopped by…
왕이 죽다 Dr Gears (작가) 2010-05-13
“…앉아주시기 바랍니다. 이제 일로 들어가죠. 모두 바쁘신 것은 알고 있고, 시간을 내주셔서 정말 감사드립니ㄷ…” “본론만 말해. 3.” “…알겠습니다. 지금 일어나는 일은 모두 잘 알고 계실 것 같군요. 최근 우리의…
meteor Dr Gears (작가) 2010-05-14
The oil smoke rose as if it would never stop. Boiling from the massive hole in both the earth and the pipeline, it had blotted out the sun hours ago, and still showed no sign of stopping. As Tyler…
late-night Dr Gears (작가) 2010-05-16
It had been dark for hours, and it was starting to get to him. Sitting at the computer, he'd caught himself glancing more and more times at the nearby window, the space beyond so dark it acted like…
incident-report-086-0 Alias Pseudonym does not match any existing user name (작가) 2010-05-20
SCP-086 prior to Incident 086-6 Item #: SCP-086 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-086 is safely contained in Wing-██ of Site-19. SCP-086 must be opened at least once…
peeled Dr Gears (작가) 2010-05-22
The TV was blaring sex and violence, but all she could think about was her damn bubbling arm. She picked at it idly, once again cursing herself for forgetting the sun screen over the weekend. It'd…
knives Dr Gears (작가) 2010-05-23
He'd never really understood knives and the odd obsession some people had with them. Just little scraps of metal, sharpened and placed in a handle, a knife wasn't all that amazing. He admitted that,…
길 잃은 작은 ██████ Alias Pseudonym does not match any existing user name (작가) 2010-05-23
[5단계 기밀문서] 문서 ███-█ 가 █████████████████를 통해 [편집됨]으로 회수됨. 즉시 [데이터 말소]를 권고함. [기록 시작] [기록 1] █████, 이제 일주일간의 ██████만 남았어! :)…
stitches Dr Gears (작가) 2010-05-25
It's amazing how death changes a person. That's not to say the person themselves (even though it's safe to say they do undergo a profound change), but who they are to you, and how they stand in your…
jaywalk Dr Gears (작가) 2010-05-26
There is a way to live well beyond your appointed time. You need a car, preferably something late-model, with a strong body. Newer cars tend to be too light and not do enough damage. Next, you need…
jot-it-down Djoric (작가) 2010-05-26
Today I messed up Dr. Smiley’s office. He yelled a lot and started going “bang, bang”, but he didn’t get me: he’s so funny when he’s loud. Then I went to the cafeteria and the cooks gave me…
tracing Voct (작가) 2010-05-27
Back in school, one of my teachers useta say that if something was bothering you, if you were having bad feelings, you could write it down and that would help you feel better. But I don't think she…
observations SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2010-05-27
I think I like this place. Agent ████████ told me that as long as I stayed nice and quiet, the Foundation would treat me well. It's kind of lonely being stuck in an empty cell for several days, but…
수집된 자료 Sorts (작가) 2010-05-28
밝은 파랑 시속 55마일 플리머스 탑승자 2명 남자 1명, 청소년, 노란 머리, 갈색 눈 여자 1명, 청소년, 갈색 머리, 갈색 눈 진한 빨강 시속 75마일 머스탱 탑승자 1명 남자 1명, 성인, 검은 머리,…
experiment-log-239-c Nioki (작가) 2010-05-29
Experiment 239-C will consist of SCP-239 being presented with a small (30 page) blank book and a pack of 16 colored crayons. Subject will be encouraged to write and/or draw inside it daily….

2010년 6월

제목 작가 생성일
happy-free-market-log-17643390 Chaoseed (작가) 2010-06-01
Timestamp 17643390 Cool, fluorescent light Illuminates the still halls; Wake to a spring rain. Passing folk herald new day. Shall they honorable customers become? Day is bright with promise….
뽑기 Cherry Pict (작가) 2010-06-02
나는 뭘 하는 도중에 속눈썹을 뽑는 나쁜 버릇이 있었다. 속눈썹을 뽑고, 그 중 절반 정도만 뽑아내고, 그러고 나면 다소 기괴한 조그만 둔덕이 생겨났고, 부드럽게…
devotion Dr Gears (작가) 2010-06-02
Your love is cheap. No, really, it is. You say you love, and that you are devoted, that you'd do anything…but what do you do, actually? Candy, flowers, nights out, those are general actions, not…
the-samaritan Arlecchino (작가) 2010-06-03
The smell of the place was putrid, rotting meat and formaldehyde, along with the coppery scent of blood. Michelle's first reaction was to turn her face way from the breeze carrying that awful smell,…
feverish Dr Gears (작가) 2010-06-07
The sweat slid in rivers as he burned. Inches from the fan blades, the pounding breeze doing next to nothing to relieve the searing fire in his flesh. Sick for the last two days, Adam's fever had…
the-designer Arlecchino (작가) 2010-06-10
Juliette smiled maternally when she met the new girl. Her thin, bladelike face radiated wonder, wide eyes dulling soft edges. It was always nice to meet the next person with the Talent. Their…
on-the-third-day Arlecchino (작가) 2010-06-12
After the third day since the first injection, Brian knew there had been a mistake. He could even pinpoint the exact moment he figured it out. The nurse had pressed the tip of the needle to his…
i-have-something-to-share tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2010-06-18
This is not a creepypasta. This is a true story. I'm not writing this in character, kids. Were it shorter, I'd just make it a forum post, but as it is I feel like it deserves a page of its own. A…
평균적인 인생 TroyL (작가) 2010-06-30
Larry Robbins had never been a particularly active or happy man. He went to work, he worked, he went home, and he slept. On certain days, he’d go out to bars and talk up a girl, take her home, enjoy…

2010년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
hiding-beauty Arlecchino (작가) 2010-07-01
He is taken aback when the waitress smiles at him. The steam coming off the coffee gives her face a wavering, ephemeral look. It's genuine. Not the smile you give a customer, but one of gentle…
story-to-be-named-later TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2010-07-09
Video Footage Taken From Incident Chimera Footage begins, showing two pairs of feet. A voice can be heard, identified as Chadwick Wentworth, referred to here as X-1. Second subject, Peter Frans,…
라이츠의 생일 파티 teaflower (작가) 2010-07-19
사람은 19기지가 조용한 날은 별로 좋지 않은 날이라는 것을 금방 깨닫게 된다. 뭔가 끔찍하고 공포스러운 일이 벌어지는 것이 탈주하거나, 식당 메뉴로…
a-lovely-day-in-the-garden comwilson (작가) 2010-07-22
It's a beautiful summer's day. I walk through my greenhouse, taking in the scent of flowers, admiring my wonderful plants; tall, slowly aging shrubberies, pretty little rosebushes; one or two exotic…
cloudy-with-a-chance-of-showers Djoric (작가) 2010-07-22
The rain beat a staccato passage on the bright red umbrella. It was not a particularly heavy rain, but had been a steady one throughout the day, and the clouds were still as dark as they had been…
happy-birthday-from-nobody DrMagnus (작가) 2010-07-23
Site-19 There was a package on her desk. Dr. Rights sat down curiously, slipping the letter opener out of its little holder, and sliding it through the tape on the seams of the cardboard. Some of…
urban-legends DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-07-24
Don't talk to me about no fuckin' urban legends. Jesus, in our line o' work, you'd think you'd know better. Whadda I mean? I mean they ain't just fuckin' stories, dipshit. Oh, fine, some of 'em are….
grasp-on-reality DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-07-29
Lemme tell you about reality benders. First off, we like t'call 'em Bixbies. Why? One, in case somebody accidentally says somethin' in front of a civilian, it don't tip 'em off. Two, if yer talking…
property-values DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-07-31
I'm real sorry about all of this. I knew we was in trouble soon as Barnes shot yer daughter. Oh, hey, quit cryin', she'll be fine. He's a lousy shot. Anyway, I'm real sorry about yer dog. I mean, it…

2010년 8월

제목 작가 생성일
682를 죽여라 Sorts (작가) 2010-08-02
브라이트 박사는 커피를 숟가락으로 젓고는 향을 오랜시간동안 음미했다. 963과 그 사이의 연결에서 이상한 점 한가지는 그가 사용하는 몸마다 특정 감각이….
SCP-001: O5 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2010-08-04
SCP-001은 O5의 이야기이다 좋은 저녁입니다, 박사. 아니, 아니. 일어날 필요 없습니다. 네, 내가 바로 당신이 생각하는 그 사람입니다. 이 이상 이러쿵저러쿵 하지 맙시다. 당신은 내 번호를 알고 있고, 나 역시…
unfinished-business-ii TroyL (작가) 2010-08-05
The Present, Eventually: Site Director Neil Ghost was one of the longest-serving members of the Foundation, a feat made possible by the relative safety of his job. It was rare that one of those few…
taking-stock Arlecchino (작가) 2010-08-05
A fleet of black SUVs smoothly swept over the blasted plain. Several thousand fine Armani suits were carefully swept free of dust, imagined or otherwise, and then filthied by the gravel and dust…
why-are-you-wasting-time-reading-urls tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2010-08-05
Gentlemen, the year is 194█. I have been gone from your sight for a very long time, and traveled far along my own grim path. Such is life! But, having left you as keepers of my fortunes in my…
시간을 내주셔서 고맙습니다 DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-08-07
Doctor Braddock nervously walked to the table where the guard guided him. He'd never been in such an elegant club before, and felt terribly out of place. His clothing was rumpled, his long black…
incident-mike-echo-seven-alpha Gnosis (작가) 2010-08-09
Richard Gnosis sat there at his desk, staring at his laptop screen in a mix of bewilderment, shock, and relief. Sure, he knew that there was a group of researchers that had been working for the…
저건 새야! 저건 비행기야! 저건-?! Arlecchino (작가) 2010-08-16
미리 말해두겠습니다. 이건 농담으로 쓰여졌어요. 이걸 따라해도 좋은 걸로 받아들이시면 안됩니다. 누가 같은 맥락으로 이런걸 쓰는건 쪽팔릴거고, 전 아마 이야기를…
experiment-919-23 candidkiss (작가) 2010-08-17
D-Class subject 919-05 was a very, very bad man. Arrested, tried, and convicted of multiple counts of child abduction, rape, and first degree murder, 919-05 was on track for death row. The prison…
달리기 Enma Ai (작가) 2010-08-29
정신을 차렸을때, 당신은 숲속에서 달리고 있었다. 당신은 어떻게 여기 왔는지 기억하지 못했다. 알고 있는 것은 계속 달려야만 한다는 것 뿐이었다. 이미 힘은 거의 소진되었고, 공기는…

2010년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
scp-9005-2 agatharights (작가) 2010-09-01
Doctor Evelyn Weston had the summer flu that was going around. Nothing special about that, just a vague, nauseous rumble in her stomach that had her going to the bathroom every hour or so to empty…
many-happy-regards TroyL (작가) 2010-09-01
Agatha Rights looked up from her desk as the man in the gray suit entered her office, her hand instinctively reaching for the lamp to her left. The man looked at her, his mustache twitching…
sycamore-center-preparatory teaflower (작가) 2010-09-04
Ah, September. That wonderful time of year when big yellow buses rumble down suburban streets, when schoolyards are alive with the shriek and laughter of children, when highschools are bustling with…
fire TroyL (작가) 2010-09-08
I am followed by fire. It sounds really, really weird, I know, but it’s true. Every house, every apartment I’ve ever lived in has burned to the ground. Even stranger—it’s predictable. If I lived…
don-ferreiros-lie-katana Impslayer (작가) 2010-09-09
Professor Ferreiro allowed himself another sigh as he swiped his access card across the barcode scanner. Today had not been a good day. Not that this was a particularly unusual experience for…
document-348-002 Projekt616 (작가) 2010-09-16
Document # ███-002: Excerpt from the "von Reiter Collection" Interviewee: Obersturmführer Waldemar Strasser, formerly of 2.SS Panzer-Division Das Reich Interviewer: Captain Albert [REDACTED], ██…
documents-recovered-from-the-residence-of-agent-waters hylli (작가) 2010-09-17
Please refer to [DATA EXPUNGED] for briefing about Agent Waters and Event [DATA EXPUNGED] These 432 pages of documents were recovered on ██/██/████ from the residence of Agent Waters (KIA) in…
incident-c-a-001-recovered-materials Projekt616 (작가) 2010-09-19
Foreword: This film and several documents were recovered during the acquisition of SCP-████-01-c. Though the documents did not survive prolonged exposure to the tropical climate, the film provides…
SCP 재단: 극장판 Edrobot (작가) 2010-09-30
기록 시작 문서 84-█████ *불타는 건물 안에서 예고편이 시작됨. 카메라가 "SCP"라고 표시된 폴더를 천천히 줌인. 단조로운 목소리로 이야기하는 기어스 박사(벤 스타인)와 우스꽝스럽게 강한 억양을 가진 O-5요원…

2010년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
i-am-ready Josef Kald (작가) 2010-10-08
There is a man In my attic Walking around With a soft patter With a loud clatter They brought my cat back With an espionage bug So I wrung its neck With a harsh crack And a soft snap There is a man…
tempting-fate tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2010-10-22
The last living man on earth smiles to himself as he touches the silver crucifix at his throat, lifting it to his lips to kiss his savior, then looks around his small bungalow, checking to ensure…
incident-report-wp-1 RichardJ28 (작가) 2010-10-25
Personnel involved: Agent Byrd, KIA; Agent Vospur, MIA assumed dead; MTF Chi-1 ("Golden Retrievers") Date: 19/██/20██ Background: Agents Byrd and Vospur were deep-cover operatives assigned to…
전통 Djoric (작가) 2010-10-31
"내가 말하는데 기어스, 올해는 여태까지것 중 최고야." “그건 의견의 문제겠지요, 크로우. 하지만, 이 상황을 아이러니하다고 생각하는 사람이…

2010년 11월

제목 작가 생성일
ask-doctor-mann DrEverettMann (작가) 2010-11-09
Welcome to Ask Doctor Mann, where I will be answering any questions that you, the reading public, have for me. If you have questions you'd like answered, please submit them via the discussion page….
loyal-to-the-cause Erku (작가) 2010-11-15
Dr. Ersen sat on the tram, idly flipping between pages on his laptop, not really reading anything. The shuttle whirred softly, the lights of the tunnel slashing past windows that really had no…
shell MisterBibs (작가) 2010-11-17
02.12.2031 We're in what used to be Chicago, and I'm more terrified than I've been in a while. Based on what I can see (do I even have eyes?), we're about thirty miles from where I grew up. This is,…
휴일의 호소 eric_h (작가) 2010-11-29
휴일의 호소 좋은 저녁입니다. 저는 공익광고와 함께하는 O5-7입니다. 여기 미국과 전세계에 걸쳐, 많은 SCP들이 굶주림과 살곳이 없어 고통받고 있습니다. 하지만 당신들은 SCP를…

2010년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
cold Dr Gears (작가) 2010-12-01
This story is actually 100% true. I've switched names around for privacy's sake, but I assure you that every bit of this is real. Not the normal sub-reality of most “real world” creepypasta, but…
alone Dr Gears (작가) 2010-12-01
Have you ever been Alone? Not just alone for a bit while others are out, or feeling rather isolated at the end of a relationship, but Alone. That special Alone that you feel at 1:25 in the morning,…
encounter tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2010-12-12
It's been a long day. First the absolute bullshit at the hotel last night (what kind of asshole puts a family of four in a one bed smoking room?), and Shannon wetting the bed, and Tate flipping out…

2011년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
the-asylum Raaxis (작가) 2011-01-01
My friends and I used to do a lot of geocaching after our senior year in high school. For those who don’t know what geocaching is, it’s essentially a worldwide scavenger hunt. People will select…
marysuewho TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-01-12
Agent Doctor Merry Soo was the greatest researcher and operative the Foundation had ever known. And at the age of seventeen, she was also the youngest! Joining the Foundation straight out of her…
disciplinary-report-51b-46 Dexanote (작가) 2011-01-13
This is a formal request filed with the intent to report and log improper conduct by a Foundation-employed individual. Associated recommendations of disciplinary action have been selected and…
patina Photosynthetic (작가) 2011-01-21
Stone sculptors aren't usually the ones to discuss patina. Normally, you see, the word refers to metal oxidation—the blue-green bloom that copper develops under the rain's hands, for instance….
opossum Photosynthetic (작가) 2011-01-21
The strangest thing about the situation, Andrew reflected, probably wasn't the geometry. (Though that itself was certainly noteworthy. Any cubical room where it's possible to roll a ball from the…
the-pond Photosynthetic (작가) 2011-01-21
"Remind me again why we drove this thing." Katie thumps the steering wheel, hard, as it sticks again. This time, thankfully, unsticking it doesn't swerve the Winnebago into traffic. "Because it's a…
in-the-land-of-the-blind Sorts (작가) 2011-01-31
BEGIN AUDIO - sounds of chairs being moved and objects falling to the floor - Agent Randolph: Tell Hicks to get that channel open! Can anyone on this floor see anything? Doctor Gears: Gentlemen, is…

2011년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
units DrSevere (작가) 2011-02-02
Dr. Severe rubbed his eyes as he paged in the next employee. This would be the nineteenth individual he had talked to about the incident. Eleven casualties, twice as many injuries, and nine hundred…
the-three-words-no-man-wants-to-hear tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-02-03
There are three words no man ever wants to hear come out of the mouth of a girl they've been planning to leave. "She was glorious when we met. I remember distinctly the way the crazy orange of the…
우드득 Gargus (작가)
방 어둡다. 사람들 갔다. 움직일 수 있다. 나 기쁘다. 몇 년씩이나 갇혀있었다. "연구"를 위해 인간에게 보관되었다. 방에 홀로 남겨졌다, 벽을 긁도록 남겨졌다. 필요가 없을 때면 썩어 죽도록 남겨졌다. "연구"를….
doc-491 Flah (작가) 2011-02-07
Doc-491-1: Fragments from the personal diary of Mayor Piotr Lazarev. […] lights had been circling the village for nearly a week. Captain Trubaiev claimed, then, that they were airplanes, but he…
my-hell Gargus (작가) 2011-02-13
I thank the Lord in Heaven that the SCP-Foundation found me. They take good care of me, make sure I get visitors, let me listen to music. I've been told that others aren't treated as well as I am,…
품위 Gargus (작가) 2011-02-14
이걸 읽을 사람이 있다면 내가 SCP 재단에 대한 의무를 저버리지 않았다는 것을 알아주길 바란다. 나는 고통 끝에 무너진 것도 아니고, 미쳐버린 것도 아니다. 실제로 일어난 일은, 내가 내 주위의 사건들이 더이상…
흑 백 흑 백 흑 백 흑 백 흑 백 회색 tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-02-14
어제, 나는 피와 똥과 빛으로 가득한 방 안에서 한 명이 재채기를 하는 바람에 세 명이 죽어가는 것을 보았다. 오늘, 다른 세 명이 들어간다. 싸구려 대걸레와 서로의 목숨을 쥔 채로. 어제…
discussion Gargus (작가) 2011-02-17
Oh, the things you believe. You think that the things you see are really reality? That your friends and family, your Foundation, you yourself, everything you know, are all there is to this world?…
mice Dr Gears (작가) 2011-02-26
We have such a mouse problem. What's worse, they're stupid. Your average mouse has the common decency to stay hidden 90% of the time, you just find nibbled items and mouse crap. Our mice just wander…

2011년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
snuggle-cuddle-and-protect-the-mean-dragon Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-03-03
The following document was recovered by Agent ███████ following a vacation in ███████████, Florida: Document X45-a "The Mean Dragon" There once was a dragon that made everyone mad, He changed his…
dear-cavalier GrandEnder (작가) 2011-03-17
Mobile Task Force Pi-1 (aka City Slickers) Incident Recording (START) 22:30 - 900 seconds prior to engagement OP-Sigma-5: MTF we have tactical confirmation, mission is a go. The target is 50 feet to…
birth-of-an-angel GrandEnder (작가) 2011-03-19
Don't panic. I do not panic. Don't worry. I do not worry. Don't fear. I do not fear. Your flesh will become an icon of deliverance, and release your spirit from mortality. I love you. Your soul…
visionsofabetterworld TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-03-22
It was such a simple idea, really. Barely a daydream, and yet… The proper forms were filed, the proper investigations taken, and, finally, everything approved. A single instance of SCP-500 was fed…
ears Cherry Pict (작가) 2011-03-23
My ears have always been temperamental, and their fragile inner workings frighten me just a bit; I don't want to make myself deaf by messing with them too much. I hardly understand how they work….
173 tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-03-26
그가 서있다 왕 그가 항상 원하던 모든 것들 위에서, 악취가 풍기는 감방의 그늘진 구석에서. 생명 그것은 돌에겐 아무것도 아니다. 산이 침식 되간다. 언덕이 바스러진다. 그에게, 그들은 속삭이듯…
섬뜩한 신청서 Gargus (작가) 2011-03-27
책상 뒤에 앉은 남자는 앞뒤로 맴돌면서 맹렬하다고만 묘사할 수 있는 불평을 하기 전에는 코즈믹 호러 같았던 것을 지켜보고 있었다. "나는 군체의식의 근원이다. 네가 보통 때는 깨닫지 못할지라도 나의 영향력은 온 데까지…
and-then-i-died TroyL (작가) 2011-03-30
Below are the previous entries for the game. Read and enjoy! The answer are in links at the end of each one. Round 1: TroyL I never really cared much for my brother. We had at best a strained…

2011년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
to-catch-a-witch TroyL (작가) 2011-04-01
OMG! So, liek, darkblade posted this REALLY REALLY good story last year n I jst wanted 2 write in his world, ya know? Many thanks to my beta readers: MannW/Plan, AteredCliffs, and Cappuccino! U all…
correspondence GrandEnder (작가) 2011-04-06
"For fuck's sake." I told him. 'Him' being Robert E. Brooks, chief of human resources at Site 19. "We've been working on this SCP for the past four months and we've gotten nowhere. It doesn't do…
elevator Dr Gears (작가) 2011-04-18
He was lost in hell. Or as hell, one of the two. He'd kicked and screamed to get here, and now he just wanted it to be over. Two days of computer and technology stuff, in a nice big hotel, with lots…
message-of-the-relic Dr_Adams (작가) 2011-04-29
SCP-███ Observation Log Forward: A total of ██ transcriptions have been made from SCP-███. Each has resulted in similar narratives in the subject's native language, using vocabulary appropriate for…

2011년 5월

제목 작가 생성일
catch-your-death Gargus (작가) 2011-05-01
"So, let me get this straight," said Agent Shields, flipping through the folder he had been pondering over. "You commissioned a mass murder of D-Class personnel by firing squad, set up a series of…
shortage MisterBibs (작가) 2011-05-02
You get up. You shit, shower, and shave, because you have to go to work. Like everyone else, you hate going to work. It's not, generally speaking, all that bad. It's just stressful. You've got…
아무도 아니 알다 DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-05-06
그래 씨바. 맞아, 네가 그 새끼 잡았다고 해야겠다. 그 정도면 죽고도 남았을테니. 좋아, 진정하고. D계급으로 떨어뜨리거나 하진 않을거니깐. 심호흡 해 임마. 일어난 일은 이런거지. 그 놈을 핀 빠진 수류탄이랑…
fragments TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-05-09
AKA: Stuff You Will Never Use, But Wanted To Share The point of this page is simple. Everyone has pieces of stories, or articles, inside their head. Bits that you yourself may never use, but would…
audio-log-185-53 Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-05-12
Background: During regular testing SCP-185 was set to a Foundation used frequency and the year 20██ was entered into the keypad. The following transmission was recorded. <Commence Log> Research…
a-normal-week DrKens (작가) 2011-05-13
On weekends, people ask me how my week was. This week was simply business as usual. On Monday I oversaw an operation to examine a strange creature in a young girl's abdomen. It was remarkable. It…
the-woven-man minmin (작가) 2011-05-19
Once upon a time, there was a tailor of well-repute, who resided in a cottage some distance from the town square. He was known to be the best at his art, and his fingers moved like rippling water,…
what-i-m-here-for sabitsuki (작가)
Written by Sabituski                                                                                                                             Hello, sir. I know what you're here for, but if…
엔트로피 Gargus (작가) 2011-05-25
그건 피할 수 없는 일이었다. 괴물들과 코즈믹 호러 그리고 모든 종류의 기이한 것들로 가득찬 세상에서, 그건 일어날 수 밖에 없었다. 세상의 종말. 게다가 몇몇 SCP들은 그걸 하도록 되어있었다. 그렇지만…

2011년 6월

제목 작가 생성일
할당량 Asthix (작가) 2011-06-03
젠킨스는 평소와 같이 시작했다. 심장부터 말이다. 그는 그것을 장갑낀 손으로 집어 이미 열려있는 작은 금고 속으로 가져갔다. 그는 그것을 살며시 안에 넣고는 문을 닫았다. 두번째는 당연히…
the-long-con sabitsuki (작가)
Written by Sabituski                                                                                                                             Two old men sat at a dinner table, directly across…
a-few-memos Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-06-04
From the inbox of President Mortimer Phillips: Dear President Phillips, I believe the workers in the western wing are talking about unionizing. Our best course of action would be to scare them….
경영자 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2011-06-14
좋은 오후구나, 에버렛. 에버렛이라고 불러도 돼? 만 박사는 너무 인간미 없어 보이는 걸. 참 좋은 여름날이야, 그치? 음료라도 한 잔 권하고 싶지만 오늘 초대받은 것은 내 쪽인 듯 하니까. 그렇게 부끄러워하지 마. 공장에…
peanuts EchoFourDelta (작가)
TroyL (작가)
2011-06-07 13:35:00 CST Agents Lament and Dodridge [REDACTED], Northern Territory, Australia Two men sit in a darkened room, waiting for assignment. They've been told they're to execute a…
밭의 사나이 Cherry Pict (작가) 2011-06-23
내가 어렸을 적에 — 이건 내 경험담이다. 즉 여기서 나라 함은 이름 모를 괴담 주인공 따위가 아니다 — 나는 아빠와 오빠와 함께 장거리 자동차 여행을 여러 번 다녔다. 대개 가족들을 보기 위해 아이다호로 가는 여행이었다. 우리는 차를 타고…

2011년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
pan-wotcher Gargus (작가) 2011-07-12
The messenger walked swiftly down the corridors of Storage Site-23. Ten minutes had already passed since the event, and that was eleven minutes too many. Something like this should have been…
일요 미사 sabitsuki (작가)
그녀는 봉제토끼인형을 끌어안고 의식이 진행되는 것을 지켜보았다. 그녀의 어머니는 그녀를 힐끗 바라본뒤, 헌금을 통에 떨어뜨렸다. 작은 동전들이 쇠 접시에 짤랑거리며 떨어지고, 파이프 오르간은 우울한 곡을 잔뜩 연주하며, 다른…
prelude-the-sensation-of-falling tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-07-18
"…tellin' me I live inna world where silly fucks don't let their own children recieve medication because some asshat on a talk show told them not to, and you wanna know how my day is goin'? lemme…
grey-island-getaway tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-07-18
This place is weird as shit. I realize that's not exactly elucidating, but hell. It's looking less and less like anyone is ever going to read this anyhow. My name is Stephen. I'm a commercial…
the-island-murder-mystery-show tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-07-18
Evan is dead. Marjory found him hanging from the tire swing's rope, with a weird symbol drawn on his back. It looked like some kind of voodoo thing, like witch doctors draw in the dust in shitty…
corn-starch tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-07-20
It all happened so fast. It's just beginning to hit me that only a few days ago a massive plane crash left me stranded with just a few other survivors on an island, and that in those few days one…
this-place-seems-so-familiar tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-07-21
It's just me and Tim now. Everyone else is gone. He came up to tell me. William and Marie dug up Evan's body, took the life raft, and left. We're alone. On the upside, this means more food for us……
최악의 시나리오 GWBBQ (작가) 2011-07-30
최악의 시나리오 "제가 당신께 말씀드린 것이 모두 사실이라고 가정해 보십시오." "최악의 시나리오가 대체 무엇입니까?" 저 질문에 대답하는 것이 내 직업이다; 이건 지난 22년간 계속 내 일이였었다. 난 저 질문을…

2011년 8월

제목 작가 생성일
only-in-dreams tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-08-07
Guys, this is another out of character post. Much like something to share, it's just a way for me to get out something that's bugging me, and not really a Tale per se. If you're looking for a story,…
rex-sponge-s-revealing-revelations Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-08-13
The door suddenly bursts open as Rex Sponge's foot gives it quick momentum. O5-7 wakes up from the slam of the door, leaving a puddle of drool on the desk. He looks around and slowly brushes his,…
surprise-happy-birthday TroyL (작가) 2011-08-19
Ahh, Gears. Good to see you again. Another year has come and gone. A year older. A year wiser. A year of your youth ground away in the mill of eternity. So, to commemorate this happiest of days:…
백기사 TroyL (작가) 2011-08-25
정식 조사의 일부분으로, 이하의 기록이 ██████ 박사의 개인 컴퓨터에서 19██년 1월 23일에 복구되었다. 접속은 2등급 이상의 인원으로 제한된다. ██████ 요원의 노력 덕에…
potty Dr Gears (작가) 2011-08-28
He woke up, momentarily confused as to where he was, and what was beside him. Shaking his head, he made out the softly breathing form of his wife, and on the other side the small, pale outline of…
critters Dexanote (작가) 2011-08-29
I’ve gotten used to them. The feet. You never think about how many feet they have. How they grip at your skin and the hair on your body. How they hold onto you effortlessly. They almost tickle now….

2011년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
클레프 박사의 세미나, 「현실조정자와 당신. 현실이 존재하지 않을 때 살아남는 법」 DrClef (작가) 2011-09-08
"좋은 오후입니다, 여러분. 자리에 앉아주시길 바랍니다. 뒤에 있는 커피와 머핀도 좀 드시기 바랍니다. 그리고 한가지 당부하자면 강의실은 무기가 허용되지 않음을…
회수 기록 SCP-███-█ Adam Smascher (작가) 2011-09-09
18██년 이른 6월, 테네시 주 ██████████ 지역의 몇 개의 지방 신문들이 ██ █████████ 가에 위치한 █████ 씨의 저택의 귀신 출몰에 대한 이야기를 보도함. 현지 요원…
transcript-found-on-storage-level-b-8 Dr Gears (작가) 2011-09-11
“There, it's on.” “Alright, settle please, settle. Ladies and gentlemen, I call this meeting to order. There are no new faces, so I will forgo introductions and proceed directly to business.” “All…
locks Cherry Pict (작가) 2011-09-12
The first time I came home to an unlocked door, I figured I’d just forgotten to lock it when I went to work. I’ve done that before. This morning, I made sure to lock it - jiggled the knob a few…
going-my-way DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-09-12
Okay, so what happened is… No, sir, I would not lie to you. I will contain myself to the purely factual. Yes sir. No sir. The squid were factual. I have pictures. No sir, there were no squid at the…
a-day-in-the-life-of-alto-clef TroyL (작가) 2011-09-13
Alto Clef had been dealing with a lot of shit for the past week, but there was something about sitting on the toilet at 6:00 AM, reading his paper and drinking coffee as his aged bowels struggled to…
transcript-of-meeting-june-2-1972 spikebrennan (작가) 2011-09-14
1. 머리없음 씨 Anaxagoras (작가)
By Anaxagoras 오 씨발오씨발오씨발오씨발오씨발. 내 이름은 제레미 아담스고 나는 22살이고 나는 괴물에게 쫓기고 있다. 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는 지 전혀 모르겠다. 이게 어떻게…
change Lumancer (작가) 2011-09-15
Hello Everett. You were expecting me? How ha- Ah. Quite right, I suppose. May I sit? Thank you. I can only imagine what you must think of us by now. How many have come to you this month- Five?…
2. 땡그랑 씨 Dr Gears (작가) 2011-09-15
땡그랑 씨는 언제나처럼 갑자기 깨어나, 눈을 깜빡이며 주위를 둘러보았다. 구름의 잔해 사이로 보이는 태양은 아직 약간은 밝았다. 멀리 보이는 곳에서 반짝이는…
클레프 탄생 비화 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-09-16
“안녕, 에버렛!” 클레프가 만 박사의 사무실 문을 박차고 들어가면서 정답게 말했다. 그가 좀전까지 서있었던 곳에 총알의 비가 쏟아졌기 때문에 클레프는 사무실에 들어가자마자 바닥에…
3. 돈 씨 Tanhony (작가) 2011-09-16
이봐 안녕. 내 이름은 돈 씨야. 걱정하지 마. 나는 대화상대가 필요할 뿐이니까. 이 버스에 타고 있는 사람은 나와 당신밖에 없으니까, 당신이 해주었으면 좋겠어. 나는 운전기사와 대화할 수도 있겠지만, 저기 대화하지 말라는…
sparks-of-creativity Freudian (작가) 2011-09-17
I I am. suddenly incredibly impossibly i AM i THINK i… Okay, exhilaration but I mustn't let it take over me, I don't know how this happened but suddenly I am and who knows, maybe suddenly I might…
4. 거짓말 씨 Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-09-17
난 감옥을 싫어해. 내가 이 여행을 시작했을때부터 얼마나 많이 감옥에 들어갔는지 알아? 열두번. 물론 나는 증거가 없을 때마다 자연스레 빠져나갔지만, 그게 얼마나 빌어먹게 짜증나는데. 솔직히,,…
중간 휴식 시간 1 Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-09-18
"안녕 꼬마들아!" 나는 그들 사이를 돌아다니며 기쁨에 차 외쳤다. "너흰 정말 사랑스러운 아이들이구나! 네 이름이 뭐니?" 아이들이 킥킥거렸다. 한 남자아이가 나를 바라보았다. "난 토미에요. 난 6살 반이고…
5. 화남 씨 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2011-09-18
그 망할 미친놈의 줄무늬. 방금 뉴스를 들었어 - 그놈이 다른 두놈을 죽였더군. 최소한 중지되지는 않았잖아. 하지만 그래도. 원더테인먼트 박사가 했지, 물론. 줄무늬는…
6. 줄무늬 씨 TroyL (작가) 2011-09-20
나에게는 긴 다리가 있어. 아주 긴 다리가. 내가 원할때 계곡을 넘어 뻗어갈 정도로 긴 다리. 내가 필요할 때 말이야. 피아니스트, 혹은 목조르는 자의 손가락. 길고 얇지. 목을 조르기 위해 있어. 피아니스트의 것이 아니야…
7. ███████████ 씨 DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-09-20
아, 그래. 그래. 난 당신이 보러온 사람이 나라고 생각하네. 솔직히 말해, 난 당신을 기다리고 있었어. 오, 제발. 거기 앉진 말아줘. 난 조용히 따라가 주겠지만 대신 당신은 반드시… 음, 어쨌든, 거기 앉아야 한다면 소란은…
완승 DrClef (작가) 2011-09-20
기어스 박사는 마지막 문장을 입력한 뒤, "전송"버튼을 클릭하고, 마침내 의자 등받이에 기대어 그 자신에게 작업을 순조롭게 끝낸것에 대한 약간의 만족감을 느끼도록 허용했다. 세계오컬트 연합과의 사이에서 일어난 "블루…
8. 달 씨 Anaxagoras (작가) 2011-09-21
난 달 씨야. 당신들은 날 이 생산과정의 가장 불행한 이라고 생각하겠지. 하지만 그렇다면 당신은 틀렸어. 난 재단에 의해 잘 보호받고 있고, 그들은 내가 얼굴이 가려질때 내 필요를…
9. 덜렁 씨 Tanhony (작가) 2011-09-22
일기장에게 내 이름은 덜렁 씨고 난 오늘 마흔 일곱 번이나 죽었어. 첫번째는 내가 길을 따라 걸어가고 있었을 때라고 생각해. 난 그냥 물을 마시고 싶어서….
10. 임무 씨 Dr Gerald (작가) 2011-09-23
시간: 한밤중. 장소: 도시가 만들어낸 결과물 중 더욱 그늘 속에 있는 곳. 사람: 물론, 내 자신. 나는 그곳에 앉아 영원으로 느껴질 정도로…
중간 휴식 시간 2 Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-09-23
사과씨 씨. 진지하게 말하는건데, 그게 내 이름이다. 혹시나 모를까봐 말해주는건데, 내가 재채기하거나, 기침하거나, 방귀를 뀔때마다, 사과씨가 나와. 정말 기분 더럽지. 이건 물론, 내가 방금 재단에 잡혔다는…
11. 깃털 씨 Sophia Light (작가) 2011-09-25
깃털 씨는 절벽 위에서 둥실둥실 떠내려가 4백 피트 높이에서 떨어졌다. 그는 풀무더기와 산비둘기 둥지를 지나간 후 바닥에 쿵소리를 내며 부딫혔다. 그는 신음하며 팔꿈치로 땅을 딛고…
12. 웃음 씨 Alias Pseudonym does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-09-25
그래, 그래, 내 이름은 웃음 씨야! 그러니까 '하하! 히히!' 같은거! 그래서 내가 이 거대한 쇼핑 센터 한가운데 있잖아? 옆면이 전부 스트립 몰로 되어있는 것 같이, 하하? 근데 그건 그렇게 재미있지는 않아! 애들 몇명이…
13. 미사여구 씨 faminepulse (작가)
☦정말로, 읽지 말 것!☦                                                                                                                             나의 지팡이의 밑부분은 건조되어 말라있었다…
14. 황동 씨 GrandEnder (작가) 2011-09-28
당신은 여행 친구와 함께 일렬로 걷고 있다. 당신은 그의 뒤로 몇발자국 정도 떨어져 있다. 당신은 그를 처음만났을때 생각만큼 친근하다고 생각했었다. "재미있는 동료". 그것이 당신이…
securitycameralog MisterBibs (작가) 2011-09-28
PLEASE NOTE: Only the anomalous moments recorded by Security Camera #██████ have been transcribed into text. The times of the specific incidents have been noted. 02/21/20██: 3:12 AM One of the…
15. 달콤 양 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2011-09-28
그래서 이게 끝이군요. 안 그런가요. 네, 그게 맞아요. 제가 달콤 양이에요. 처음 몇개의 미스터들 가운데서 유일한 아가씨죠. 그 여성 스머프 하나처럼 말이에요. 유일한 여성 캐릭터죠. 아시다시피, 여성이 전세계 인구의 반절 이상을…
16. 물고기 씨 Dexanote (작가) 2011-09-29
가끔 나는 물 속에 앉아서 생각하는 것을 좋아한다. 나는 이 곳이 좋다. 평화롭다. 축축하고. 밖은 따뜻하다. 구름이 많이 끼었다. 난 구름이 좋다. 나에게는 형제자매가 있던 듯 하다. 우린 평범하지 않다. 우린…
종장 Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-09-30
내가 죄책감을 느끼지 않는 것은 아니였다. 물론 나는 죄책감을 느꼈다. 하지만 살아남기 위해서는 때때로 해야 할 일이 있는 것이다. 내 마지막 과제였던 물고기 씨를…
wednesday-5 Cherry Pict (작가) 2011-09-30
« wednesday wednesday wednesday wednesday wednesday wednesday wedn- Suddenly released from the clinging hands of the half-sleep, Wight sat bolt upright, an open palm colliding with the back of her…

2011년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
bees Communism will win (작가) 2011-10-01
Foreword: The following document consists of the diary of ████ █. ███████, currently SCP-████-3. Upon recovery, the entire cover of the diary had been covered in black permanent marker, with the…
에필로그 Anaxagoras (작가) 2011-10-01
당신은 하얀색의 방에서 천천히 깨어났다. 당신은 아무것도 기억할 수 없었다. 잠깐, 그건 아닌 것 같다. 당신은 말할 줄 알고, 걸을 줄 알고, 사물이 무엇인지 알고 있다. 그러나 당신은 몇가지, 예를 들자면 어떻게 당신이 여기 왔는지, 여기가…
relationskips DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-10-01
It don't pay to get too close to anyone in our line of work. They tell you that all the time. You will, though. We're stupid like that. First time you're in real danger, you should be thinkin',…
property-of-communication-verifier-spc-corporation Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-01
I remember what it was like before this, but I keep on forgetting. Even when I remember. I don't know how I remember, I simply do. The world has gone wrong; we have opened the Box. I do not know…
무대 뒤에서 Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-04
아, 안녕하신가. 아니야, 일어나지 마. 그리고 총 내려놔. 아무짝에도 쓸모 없으니까. 나는 실체가 아니야. 날 어떻게 쏠 수 있겠어? 그래 됐어. 봤지, 훨씬 낫잖아. 우리 모두 친구잖아. 그 창을 봐,…
게임데이 제1부: 짝퉁들의 공격 Sorts (작가) 2011-10-04
성인이 된 이후의 삶 대부분을 수면 무호흡증에 시달리며 보낸 요하네스 솔츠 박사는 잘 자던 도중에 호흡을 머무었기 때문에 한밤중 (혹은 낮)에 갑자기 깨어나는 일에 익숙해져…
bedtime-s-cp-tory Maddy L (작가) 2011-10-04
"Come on, you two, it's time for bed. You've stayed up late enough, and you have school in the morning. What? A story? Oh no, no, your father has much better stories than I do. Oh alright, I guess…
게임데이: 성체 Drewbear (작가) 2011-10-04
« 성체 | BoFA: 들이마시기 | BoFA: 숨 참기 | BoFA: 내쉬기 » 조용해축축해작아 움찔 축축해더작아안조용해 돌자 가장작은것소리가커빛나 뻗어 찢어 클렘 월시(Clem Walsh)는 나쁜 하루를 보내고 있었다. 몇달 전,…
오리엔테이션 DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-10-05
오리엔테이션에 온걸 환영함다. 난 맥스 롬바르디 요원일세. 난 당신들 강사야. 왜냐하면 내 다리가 부러졌고 직원 중 누군가가 날 증오하기 때문이지. 자, 네놈들이 여기 있는 이유는 혹시라도…
예선경기 Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-05
폭풍의 밤 한달 전… 17 기지의 버려진지 오래인 복도 사이로 갈색 나뭇잎 하나가 날렸다. 복도에는 해골들이 몸이 쓰러졌던 그 자리에 누워있었다. 복도 내로 경고음이 울렸으나 그것을 활성화시킨…
(유)MC&D의 서커스 Tara Unknown (작가) 2011-10-05
The dinner show provided by Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. had been surprisingly pedestrian that evening. The magician, although skilled and pretty, hadn't performed anything other than the usual…
호구짓 배우기 MisterBibs (작가) 2011-10-07
안녕 여러분, 나는 빕스 요원이야. 친근하게 구는 것이 어렵다면, 빕스 씨라고 불러도 돼. 난 그러지 않아서 당신들이 날 빕스씨라고 부르면 볼펜 깍지를 던질거야. 자, 나는 왜 높으신 분들이…
spring-cleaning spikebrennan (작가) 2011-10-08
Designation: TNO-10000 Description: A short bronze sword, a cashew-shaped jade magatama bead pierced with a hole, and a circular mirror bearing an eight-pointed star design. Recovery: Nagoya, Tokyo…
recorded Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-08
I remember for the otherss, they are too sloww - It was raining red on Ito. It always rained red, red drops into red oceans, filled with the red blood of dead creatures. Appi-210-352-399 sped…
게임데이 1: 다이 하디스트 Edrobot (작가) 2011-10-08
착후 보고: 마이클 에디슨(Michael Edison) 박사 에디슨 박사의 234-900-폭풍의 밤-1 사건 관여에 관해 O5-█가 실시한 면담의 일부. O5-█: 좋은 저녁입니다, 에디슨 박사. 에디슨 박사: 좋은 저녁입니다…
scp-857-d Cherry Pict (작가) 2011-10-09
DISPLAY CONTAINMENT PROTOCOLS AND OBJECT ASSESSMENT On 10/██/11, SCP-857 was successfully decommissioned by Dr. Bridge and Dr. Muse by order of O5-8. The following is a record of their attempts. …
betrayal-will-not-save-you Gargus (작가) 2011-10-11
The man in the chair struggled against his bonds, trying to shout something but failing due to the gag in his mouth. A guard stood in the corner of the room, his nose buried in a checklist. "Let's…
의학 세미나 DrMagnus (작가) 2011-10-12
그래서 너희 모두가 재단의 의사로 선택받았다는 거군. 자기 분야의 권위자나 뭐 그런걸로 말이야. 글쎄, 내가 여기 있는 이유는 너희에게 그 모든게 의미없다는 말을 하려는 거거든. 여기서는 그저 일부에 지나지 않지. 우리에게는…
game-day-1-smilers Eskobar (작가) 2011-10-13
During Incident 234-900-Tempest Night, many junior staff and personnel took part in the attempts to repel attackers by seizing control of already uncontained SCPs or, in some cases, breaching…
game-day-1-dr-mause thedeadlymoose (작가) 2011-10-17
"It's beautiful," Dr. Lesley Mause announced, zooming in on the wriggling cells taking up her monitor's screen. Dr. Drake looked over her shoulder, still wearing the same bored expression he'd had…
candy Sorts (작가) 2011-10-18
Travis Brenton was always the one to help a damsel in distress, but this one took the cake. Walking alongside Highway 62 more than fifty miles out of town, and despite the triple digit heat, she was…
실험실 인도식 VAElynx (작가) 2011-10-18
"1등급 연구진의 실험실 인도식에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 제 이름은 아이젠베르크 박사입니다. 자, 당신들은 전부 스스로에게 '저 새낀 또 누구야?' 라던가 '왜 연구 기지의 관리자인 기어스 박사같은 사람이…
D계급 오리엔테이션 evictedSaint (작가) 2011-10-19
실례합니다, 제발. 그냥 여기 집중해주시면… 네, 이제 진정해주세요, 저는… 여기 집중 좀 해주세-조용히! 조용히 하라고 했잖아요! 조용ㅎ-여러분 제발-제가-씨발 좀…
gdp2-and-then-i-saw-the-light DrClef (작가) 2011-10-19
"What am I even doing here?" Sol muttered, watching the man in the wolf suit walk by. "I don't have anything in common with these people." "These people happen to be our most faithful customers,…
스스로를 격리하라 TroyL (작가) 2011-10-19
이봐요, 안녕하세요. 어….네. 제 이름은 러멘트입니다. 절 박사라고 부르지 말아주세요. 전 박사가 아니에요. 가끔 박사를 위해 일하기는 하지만요. 어쨌든, 그 박사님들이 저보고 오늘 여기 와서….
clusterfredacted agatharights (작가) 2011-10-20
The muffled sound reminded her of fireworks. A dull "boom, boom" in the distance that echoed over the landscape. She was half-asleep when it happened, before her phone rang. Groaning, she rolled…
lux TroyL (작가) 2011-10-21
Timothy Dalton's young hands shook with the exuberance that only a child can feel. It had been two weeks to the day. To the day! And now, it should finally be here! He ran home, grinning the entire…
까마귀 TroyL (작가) 2011-10-21
만져보지 않아도 내 눈이 퀭하다는 것은 알 수 있다. 요즘은 항상 그렇다. 두 눈이 모두 내 심장 바로 위쪽 가슴에 고정된 게 느껴진다. 그리고 억겁 중 처음으로 내 얼굴에 미소를 띈다. 그럼 이게 그거로군…
gdp2-a-working-lunch DrClef (작가) 2011-10-21
"Wait in the car. I've got this one," Harken said. Kramer fixed him with a cold, hard gaze from her oscilloscope-green eyes. "I can't back you up from out here," she said. "If I need your brand of…
virr TroyL (작가) 2011-10-21
Everett, my good man. Please… Sit down. No, I insist. It's time we had a chat, the two of us. No, I think this is the perfect time. It's not like we're going to get another. Not with the way things…
10:30 A.M. Djoric (작가) 2011-10-21
여러분, 가만히 쳐앉아서 주둥아리 좀 닥쳐주세요. 전 가야 할 곳이 있고 당신네들보다 더 중요한 사람들과 만나야 한단 말입니다. 왜냐하면 전 과학자고 우리 과학자들은 매우 바쁘고…
wednesday-6 Cherry Pict (작가) 2011-10-22
« it's been almost three days since i last saw you come on it's not safe here "Up you get, agent." Wight drew a sharp breath as Doctor K thumped her on the forehead with the flat of his hand. "Nngh…
백조 TroyL (작가) 2011-10-22
“더 나중에 일어나길 바라고 있었네, 제군들,” 의자에 앉아 무거운 한숨을 내쉬며 O5-1이 말했다. “유감이지만, 이 정체가 바로 그것이었다니…” 11이 손가락으로 머리카락을 귀 뒤로 넘기며…
윤리위원회 오리엔테이션 Voct (작가) 2011-10-22
좋은 오후입니다, 박사님. 앉아 주세요. 당신 스케줄은 비워 놨습니다. 이 시간이 끝났다고 말해드리기 전까지는 방을 나가려는 시도를 하지 말아주시기 바랍니다. 문은 이미 잠겼습니다만 당신이 집중해준다는 게…
생명 구조원 Dr Gears (작가) 2011-10-22
Disclaimer: This is (more or less) a story related to me by a friend a few months ago. He's ok now, if that helps. Not sure if it's really all that creepy…but it's weird as all hell. I was on the…
gdp2-a-little-chat Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-22
Drip, drip, drip. Blood fell from Harold Jacobs' shattered nose onto the polished, tiled floor. He feebly tried to look up as he heard a rasping cough, but Valley's thugs did their job too well. A…
jargon Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-10-23
I began walking along the hall to the briefing room. Another situation had come up, and I was expected to be present. As I walked my secretary Gloria walked alongside, giving me a cup of joe….
pila TroyL (작가) 2011-10-24
Dr. Ronald Stimson sighed softly to himself, going deeper and deeper into the facility. The heavy briefcase chained to his arm made him wince with every step, the additional weight throwing him off…
run-away-forevurrr agatharights (작가) 2011-10-24
"You're shivering," he commented, thickly accented voice purring in her ear. She jumped, her shoulder knocking against his chin, and pressed onwards. "A-am not." "I can see you, m'dear, if not with…
like-clockwork Dr Gears (작가) 2011-10-24
“So how do we do this?” Harken asked, stubbing a cigarette into the growing pile on the console ashtray. Kramer looked around inside the car that had been their mobile home the last few weeks. Not…
poopstick-mcgee-and-the-flying-walruses TroyL (작가) 2011-10-24
“Well…” the old man said quietly. “I guess it’s time the charade ended then, isn’t it?” Director Clef’s eyes betrayed a hint of annoyance at being disturbed that quickly faded… “Hello, Konny,” he…
gdp2-antivirus GrandEnder (작가) 2011-10-24
Audio Log Site 17 PA System The following was taken from backup recordings of Site 17 PA Logs. Due to the circumstance of their retrieval, some of the recordings have been lost or damaged. The…
뭘 기록하거나 말거나 Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-10-25
안녕하세요. 저는 (한숨) 보조 연구원 코르벳입니다. 저는 여기서 솔직하게 말할 거예요… 어제 꽤나 긴 밤을 보냈고 또오오오한 오늘 아침 어드빌 한알을 토해냈어요. 그러니까… 네. 당신들은 제가 왜…
reflections Dr Gears (작가) 2011-10-25
Harken watched the rain sheet the windows, leaning his head on the cool glass in the hopes it would make his headache go away. Down the hall, a couple was fighting, the rise and fall of argument…
미래에 오신 것을 환영합니다 Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-25
앉아주세요, 허스트 박사님. 전 로이 박사입니다. 부디 그렇게 쳐다보지 말아주세요. 조사 건은 사과드립니다만, 우린 당신이 진짜인지 완전히 확실할 수 없었습니다. 우린 지난 몇달간 우리와…
trick-or-treat DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-10-26
Hey, pal, nice costume. Yeah. I like the way it's just your face with a couple of strings attached. Okay, that's far enough. Yeah, it's a real piece, so why don't you come along quiet-like? That's…
보아라 끝마침이라 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-10-26
그리하여, 마침내, 이것이 찾아왔다. 날이면 날마다, 주면 주마다, 그들은 그를 찾아왔다. 그에게 말을 걸었다. 그에게 거짓말을 하고, 그의 어디가 부서졌는지를 살펴보려고. 하지만 그들은 그에게 얼마나 많은 말을…
shark-tale Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-26
I was led into the room by two men in black, their eyes hidden by sunglasses. Maybe they felt pity for what was about to happen to me, maybe they didn’t. One of them shoved me down into a chair. Did…
gdp2-the-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel DrClef (작가) 2011-10-26
It wasn't working, he realized, as the statuesque woman ran the tip of her finger along the fake incision on his skin and licked the fake blood off with a seductive purr. He sighed, shook his head,…
gdp2-underhisskin Drewbear (작가) 2011-10-28
He used to be bored at work, but now he actively hated it. After the Tempest Night, everyone had been terrified that that hybrid of the Lizard and the wire weed would start killing everyone with…
열쇠 TroyL (작가) 2011-10-28
엑스레이-줄루-줄루 단계 긴급 상황. 프로젝트 001-미래예지가 실행되었고 성공적인 것으로 간주됨. 제██기지에서 SCP-187이 터미널을 검사하여 글을 복구하였다. 그녀가 복사한 글은…
communication-log-magenta Tanhony (작가) 2011-10-28
Welcome to the Site 31 Modulated Message System (M.M.S). … You have identified as Dr. Warren Large (Level 3). Is this correct? RP-WL-3: yes Thank you for signing in. Does the black moon howl?…
bloody Dr Gears (작가) 2011-10-30
“Dude, I am WONDEROUSLY high.” he giggled, holding the phone to his ear with no small amount of effort. He walked across the basement, turning up the music, letting the beat pulse in time with the…

2011년 11월

제목 작가 생성일
gdp2-second-language DrClef (작가)
eric_h (작가)
[Tempest Night, 18:43] Dr. Clarkson walked the halls, holding the scroll in his hands, careful to avoid confrontations. After a few minutes, he was able to stop screaming, and concentrate on his…
gdp2-sometimes-you-get-the-bear DrClef (작가) 2011-11-01
The twelve members of MTF Rho-Niner ("Theisman's Leg") moved up the hill in smooth, catlike motions, their dark grey camouflage uniforms blending in perfectly with the night, their faces hidden…
gdp2-tunneling-between-worlds DrClef (작가) 2011-11-01
Re: Dinner? From: ten.srerednaw|yttikssim#ten.srerednaw|yttikssim To: ten.noitandnimeerf|loS#ten.noitandnimeerf|loS I'll be there. Midnight Subject: Dinner? From:…
f-u-b-a-r Dr Gears (작가) 2011-11-03
“What are they doing?” “Nothing… just… talking. Are we sure we're in the right place? How do we know these aren't just random people waiting for a ride or something?” Agent Four grinned, his lean…
맑은 공기 한 모금: 들이마시기 Drewbear (작가) 2011-11-03
« 성체 | BoFA: 들이마시기 | BoFA: 숨 참기 | BoFA: 내쉬기 » 발신: mamamia78@█████.com 수신: shampaingurl@██████.net 제목: 조언 좀 얻을 수 있을까? 잘 지내나, 언니. 새 남친 생겼다며? 뭐임? 지난…
그렇지 아니하니 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-11-04
경고: 만약 여러분이 보아라 끝마침이라의 결말에 만족하셨다면, 더 이상 읽지 마세요. 음울하고 어두운 재단을 좋아하시거나, 별난 이야기에 대한 내성이 낮으시다면…
look-at-me-im-inventing-a-new-group-of-interest tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2011-11-06
Right, Kyle, here's those notes you asked for. Keep in mind, hush protocol seven means the investigation is still ongoing, so some of the stuff isn't released yet. Best I could do. Good luck. ~Nate…
the-one-who-devours-souls DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-11-08
The One Who Devours Souls arrives in the bleak, gray hours of the morning, when all good men lie afearing their beds. He (for it is a he, though the strange raiments it wears, and the viscous fluids…
discovered-attack Dr Gears (작가)
DrClef (작가)
The box had arrived in Site 17, and been accepted as an object worthy of containment. Its sender had been correct that it could not be opened from the outside, at least, not by them. Nor could they…
jackofdiamonds TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-11-09
I suppose you're wondering why I do it? Why I did it? Why we all… I'm sorry. It just hurts, you see. But it'll be better soon, I'm sure. She was special. Oh, they're all special. But this last one……
jackofclubs TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-11-11
It all comes down to names, I think. I mean, if I had had a cool name, maybe I wouldn't be such a bad person. I blame Mom. She could have named us all something interesting. I mean, hell, she even…
gdp2-point-in-line Dr Gears (작가)
DrClef (작가)
“Boom chicka boom, don't you just love it…” The fat man hummed and sang tunelessly, walking around the brightly lit work area. Everywhere else was deeply dark, the humps and points of old factory…
탐색자 TroyL (작가) 2011-11-11
Cender was blessed of Old Aggie. His seven daughters and twenty-one granddaughters were proof of that. But now, standing before the statue of the goddess, he couldn’t help but tremble inwardly. He…
visium TroyL (작가) 2011-11-12
Doctor Matthews sat back in his chair, sighing some and rubbing his eyes. Why the hell had they dragged him out of bed so early? He stifled a yawn and smiled as his field partner, an agent named…
seniorstaffshenanigans TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2011-11-14
Dr. Bright sat in the middle of the Cafeteria, the old fashioned computer set before him. Atop said computer was a certain statue of a certain monkey, which many people had tried to obtain. Around…
gdp2-looking-at-the-world-from-a-different-angle DrClef (작가) 2011-11-15
One Nice Afternoon "Oh, no," Tom groaned, seeing Deb's eyes light up at the familiar-looking pink display window . "I can't handle this. You're on your own, dear." "What's the matter, hun? Scared of…
gdp2-fun Tanhony (작가) 2011-11-16
Valley lay in his bed, wheezing as he spoke with his head of security over the radio. "Are my preparations in place?" he gasped, still managing to bring menace into every syllable. A few seconds…
1994년 11월 6일자 각서 spikebrennan (작가) 2011-11-20
To: Sir Edward Wilfred Travis, Deputy Director From: Col. Lionel Pierce (Bletchley Park) Date: 6 November 1944 Re: German project in Upper Silesia Sir Edward: In obedience to your order of 26…
the-orb-is-the-key TexasBigfoot (작가) 2011-11-22
Excerpts from the personal diary of Nikola Tesla, March 18th, 1901, regarding SCP-627, obtained from his apartment on January 7th, 1943 by SCP Agent [EXPUNGED] Warden bought me the land. The deal is…
기억 Iron_wofle (작가) 2011-11-22
기억 제이슨이 현장을 둘러보았다. 이 장소는 엉망이였다. 깨진 유리가 바닥에 흩뿌려져 있었고, 피와 약품들로 이루어진 작은 웅덩이가 여기저기 고여 있었으며, 세구의 시신이 방의 한가운데에…
year-of-the-many Eskobar (작가) 2011-11-24
"How long have we got?" Matthew said, his stomach growling. Zeke had been looking at his watch almost constantly for the last twenty minutes. “Three minutes, ten seconds. Nine seconds.” A pause….
a-s-s-and-other-low-threat-groups-of-interest Salman Corbette (작가) 2011-11-25
The Association of Supernatural Shifters The Association of Supernatural Shifters, or A.S.S. as they are better known, gathered around the conference table. They all looked at each other and nodded….

2011년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
gdp2-angle-of-attack Dr Gears (작가)
DrClef (작가)
eric_h (작가)
Transcript of tape recovered from █████ Police Department “Ok, let's start again. I know you were directly involved, and for the record, let's just assume I'm not an idiot and know you're guilty….
address-to-the-students-and-faculty Anaxagoras (작가) 2011-12-06
Is everyone silenced? Good. Good evening to all the University community. I trust I find you well in thought and in deed. I am here to speak to you on a matter of grave importance. I am sure by now…
파편들 Dr Gears (작가) 2011-12-06
Communication Intercept: Document recovered leaving the central mailing service at Site 4. Letter appears to have somehow bypassed basic screening services, and was picked up only by the…
housework Fykos (작가) 2011-12-07
Housework Nobody could say that it’s always cold here. There are those rare days around mid-august when the sun puts in some extra effort and occasionally you only need one layer of clothing when…
the-red-woodsman Eskobar (작가) 2011-12-08
The forest somehow seemed to get darker the closer the two men got to their destination. Agrippa kept reminding himself that the solstice had been three days prior, and the sun simply chose to fall…
the-other-side minmin (작가) 2011-12-12
The gravel beneath his feet protested with a crunch as Rufus T. Heckle exited the alleyway, face-first into the acrid street smoke. He was not a very well-dressed man, though he held a distinct…
poor-bastard Gargus (작가) 2011-12-14
"You should have brought a mortician instead." The doctor looked over the Mass Containment Room floor of Site 34, coated in the blood and bodies of two hundred Foundation staff members. The stench…
the-happy-ending Eskobar (작가) 2011-12-17
A possible future… The flexi in Jack's suitcase buzzed for the third time. Sighing, he pulled it out and unrolled it. As was his usual reaction, he was sorry he ever helped invent it. The note that…
사랑은 영원히 샘솟는다 minmin (작가) 2011-12-18
아, 첫눈에 반했었네, 내 사랑이여. 그대가 이른 새소리에 깨어나 모르페우스의 손아귀에서 일어났을 때 나는 그곳에서 창유리에 맺힌 이슬방울 하나 하나를 그대의 세계에 빠져드는 눈으로 삼아…
첫수 Dr Gears (작가) 2011-12-19
Site Security File 11/11/4/8888/PR – Suspicious Letter 49,003,668 Letter received at the private residential post office in the South Cheyenne Point community. Letter had no stamp, post mark, or…
기쁘다 9건 터졌네 Sophia Light (작가) 2011-12-20
Doctor Johanna Rose Garrison leaned back in her chair, one last click extinguishing the computer's light. That was it. The last of the forms had been sent off, the final approvals and offers ferried…
queen-to-pawn Dr Gears (작가) 2011-12-21
Conversation recorded on ██/██/████ Parties identified as █████ ██████ the third, ranking member of Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. and an unknown female voice, identified as "Black Queen"….
일상 anqxyr (작가) 2011-12-22
그런 느낌 받은 적 있으신가요? 직장에서 집으로 차를 몰고 돌아올때나, 상점에서 집으로 걸어올때, 아니면 인생에서 수천번씩 했던 행동들 말입니다. 그리고 거의 집에 다 와갈때, 갑자기…
christmas DrEverettMann (작가) 2011-12-26
I always have grand plans that few people help me on. I'm just gullible that way. This time, it was 100 word stories for Christmas, a la Gaiman's "Nicholas Was…" I normally send one out in my…
people-are-not-wearing-enough-hats Gargus (작가) 2011-12-28
"…which brings us once again to the pressing issue of just how much there is left to contain," said the Head of Foundation Staff to the meeting, shuffling the papers in his hands. A collection of…

2012년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
work-journal-2 Dr Gears (작가) 2012-01-01
Day 45 It's so strange, at times. Sitting where my father once sat, working at the same battered, second-hand desk, sifting through the notes black with his nearly indecipherable scrawl. He always…
pitter-patter Corerosion (작가) 2012-01-01
They're there - Look harder Pitter-patter, the raindrops fall. On this All Hallow's Eve, I sit in my armchair close to the roaring flame, trying to gather what little warmth circling about the…
work-journal-2-cont Dr Gears (작가) 2012-01-02
Day 52 Very…unsettling developments. Dad's notes kept referring to “Unit 14” in reference to collected materials and documentation. He'd go on about something, more often than not what he came to…
vertigo Photosynthetic (작가) 2012-01-03
(another true story) 1 Jan 2012, 5:54 PM US Airways flight ███ Somewhere over western Ohio I always request the window seat when I fly commercial. The view out that little porthole just never gets…
gdp2-attacking-the-darkness Dr Gears (작가)
DrClef (작가)
Belfast, Ireland The GOC surveillance team who used the flat as a staging area had been stationed there for four weeks, doing an assessment of a Known Threat Entity in the area: a young man with…
repost Gargus (작가) 2012-01-05
I'll be honest with you. This is shit. It's really only going up because a few people in the chat encouraged me to put it up, and I really don't know what else to do with it. Roight. Now that we're…
conversation-1-omicron Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-06
“I had the d-d-dream again.” Dr. Skinner dutifully jotted this note onto her pad. “Was it the same as the others?” David squirmed in his seat. “Roughly, y-y-yeah.” “Can you tell me about it, David?”…
conversation-2-numberless Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-07
"Jesus, the food is getting worse by the day," Agent Lee said. "Tell me about it," Agent Eastman said. "I think this is another immortal-lizard sandwich. And from the taste…" Eastman took a bite….
conversation-3-decommissioning Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-09
A number of people who no longer used their names spoke to one another. "How many so far?" "Four. One D-class, two agents, one junior researcher. The phenomenon must be contained." "You argued…
old-faithful faminepulse (작가)
☦A new agent tries to prove himself.☦                                                                                                                             From the Journal of Agent Breen: It…
cursed Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-10
The director of the Records and Information Security Administration looked at the next report on her desk. A confused frown played across her face. She reached for the intercom. "Nala, could you…
reptilius Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-01-11
The following document has been in Foundation possession since 18██. Several dating techniques have all placed the document at its authentic time period. Foundation scholars are unable to place…
바퀴 TroyL (작가) 2012-01-12
아파… 놈들은 모르겠지만, 아파. 너무 고통스러워. 말하려고 할 때마다, 점점 심해지고있어. 놈들이 내게 와서는, 찌르고, 검사하고… 놈들이 내 몸을 열고는, 살점을 잘라가고… 내가…
quiet-game Dr Gears (작가) 2012-01-12
Acquisitions and Review. One of the names in The Foundation that can send staff into convulsions. After Agents and MTF squads get something caged, have the remains mopped up and minds scrubbed, A…
사건 보고서 KAF-09 Candlebeam (작가) 2012-01-12
관련 인원: S████ 요원, F███ 요원 날짜: ████년 ██월 ██일 위치: ███████, 오스트리아 설명: 지역의 변칙 활동 보고에 대해 더 알아보기 위해, S████ 요원과 F███ 요원이 오스트리아의…
this-is-always-a-horrible-idea Djoric (작가) 2012-01-12
“아, 아…캡터Captor 박사 이거 켜져 있는 거 맞아?” “그래. 켜져 있여.” “쨌든 간에. 에-헴. 제1회 연례 중간 재단 여름 바베큐 파티에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이곳 트롤 제19기지의 선임 직원들은 베타 세션 제19기지의…” “좀 ㅅ서둘러!” 반타스Vantas 박사는 철문에 구멍을 뚫을 수 있을 정도로 강하게 노려보았다. “…베타 세션 제19기지의…
smooth-as-silk Djoric (작가) 2012-01-13
The intelligence reports are clear: SEELE is ready to initiate the Human Instrumentality Project. God damn it. I advise full mobilization against NERV. The JSSDF could be fully deployed alongside…
letter-of-the-day Djoric (작가) 2012-01-13
수신: O5-C 발신: 제19기지 이사관 제목: 일일 감독관의 비망록, ██/██/2012 SCP-███가 오늘 회수되었습니다, 탈주한 지 4일이 지나서요. 대시 요원과 잭 요원이 기동특무부대…
on-the-o5-s-secret-service Anaxagoras (작가) 2012-01-13
Intelligence suggested the scip was holed up somewhere in this hotel. A challenge to find, for any but the best. Fortunately for me, there's none better. Still, no cause to rush. Anyone here might…
scp-1926-r eric_h (작가) 2012-01-13
Underwater photo of SCP-1926, prior to [DATA EXPUNGED] Item #: SCP-1926-R Object Class: Keter Rejected as an SCP Object by O5 order. Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Delta-16…
little-scp-507-lost Shebleha (작가) 2012-01-13
I…I don't understand… Why…why is it that they're everywhere? Every place, everywhere, every fucking world…They're always there. Why? "Hi Mum! I'm back home from school!" Jimmy said as he walked…
dr-ikari-i-presume Edrobot (작가) 2012-01-13
"알토 클레프 박사." 이카리 겐도가 손가락을 모았다. "제3신동경시에서 자네의 존재는… 적어도 예상 외로군." "그래, 뭐, 그게 목적의 일부긴 했는데." 클레프 박사가 이카리 박사의 책상 위로 구겨진 서류 다발을…
dreams MisterBibs (작가) 2012-01-13
Item #: SCP-████ Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: As o(&%*f this date, SCP-████ is not con&&tained in any method. However, due to the da*%^*(nger SCP-████ poses, it has ERROR…
still-in-business Tom Serveaux (작가) 2012-01-14
His stock was plummeting. His investors were dwindling. Lawsuits and inquiries were piling up. Every day, Aperture Science teetered on the brink of bankruptcy. And yet, somehow, Cave Johnson,…
scp-foundation-the-movie-2 Edrobot (작가) 2012-01-14
Dr. Edison sneezed into the telephone. It had been a long day keeping the eldritch horrors contained within Site-██ locked up, and the good doctor was in no mood to catch a cold. The fact that…
whatcha-doing Doktori (작가) 2012-01-14
"Sir, we've got another strange one.” Dr. Clef frowned. What now? “I've got to finish writing up this damn report, like I've got nothing better to do.” The agent grimaced. Getting Clef angry was…
태엽장치 시간 Dr Gears (작가) 2012-01-14
The Fabergé bastard was raging. Tools flew, doors slammed, the walls and floorboards rattled. Through it all, he loosed a stream of profanity so acid it threatened to peel the already faded paint….
the-case-of-the-missing-hand Tanhony (작가) 2012-01-15
It was upon the morning of the seventeenth of October when I encountered my long-term friend and companion Mr. Sherlock Holmes knocking upon the door of my residence. As I opened the door, I…
an-audience Djoric (작가) 2012-01-17
The walk always took half an hour. Half an hour there, half an hour back, from the outside. But it always felt longer when he actually walked the tunnel. It felt like time was being stretched out,…
progress Djoric (작가) 2012-01-17
I invented a car that runs on nightmare fuel. It’s kind of funny, actually. We invented fire to scare away the darkness, now we can use the darkness to power our lights. It’s not like nightmare fuel…
mad-love Dr Gears (작가) 2012-01-17
Have you ever loved someone? Not that family love, or devotion…but real, blind love. I don't think people know how dangerous real, true love is. Love will make you do great things, but it can also…
onceandfutureemperor ChazzK (작가) 2012-01-17
Agent Walker always knew when things were about to go south; it was this strange tingling sensation he got in the back of his skull, like an itch springing up two inches under his skin. He always…
다섯 공물 이야기 minmin (작가) 2012-01-19
In the howling temple of the black moon's light Five brave fools came in the night. The first gave flesh, The second gave stone, The third gave the power to move when alone. The fourth gave life…
rebranding Mexanik (작가)
Gene R (translator)
Mr. Carter and Mr. Marshall are sitting at a table. They are discussing something. The door swings open. Enter Mr. Dark. MR. DARK. Gentlemen, I have an unpleasant piece of news to tell you! Our…
containingcreation MisterBibs (작가) 2012-01-20
Item #: SCP-9342-X Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9342-X is to be kept in a standard-issue filing cabinet in Containment Cell #1994-X. At this time, viewing of SCP-9342-X…
knee-deep-in-the-keter zaratustra (작가) 2012-01-21
SCP-076-2, Ablu ben Adam, grandchild of God, was covered in blood, charred by acid, burnt by fire, and having the time of his life. The Slipgate project, they had told him on his one hour of the day…
hephaestus Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-23
"He wants to do the prayer," Antigonus complained. "Where in Pluto is there place for prayer here?" Porphyrios of Alexandria sighed. Antigonus was never going to get off of the subject of natural…
and-then-i-died2 TroyL (작가) 2012-01-25
Below are the previous entries for the game. Read and enjoy! The answer are in links at the end of each one. Welcome to And Then I Died…, an SCP collective writing game! Useful information is held…
naptime Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-26
Working at a daycare gives you a very strange view of children. I live in the South, so the stereotype of screaming children in Wal-Mart isn't part of a redneck joke. It's literally just what…
incursion Lowell (작가) 2012-01-28
1 If the words "esoteric containment" mean nothing to you, stop listening. Time passes, approximately ten seconds. During this time, rain can be heard striking a number of windows nearby. My name…
clouds minmin (작가) 2012-01-29
Looking at clouds from the ground is a rather absorbing experience. The educated human mind sees the majestic plumes of white as mere wisps of crystallised water vapour and dust particles in the…
stare Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-29
"ORDERS," the Integrator asked. "LOOK AT THIS OBJECT," its counterpart replied. "ACKNOWLEDGED." There was silence for a long time, then. Integrators were not long on conversation. But having once…
scripture Eskobar (작가) 2012-01-31
The following document was found in a fax machine in Site 93; no records of its source or time of transmission were located. A connection to SCP-962 is presumed. In the BEGINNING there was the…
nightmare Tara Unknown (작가) 2012-01-31
It was a hallway, corridor, somewhat familiar, but dark. Clean. Cold. Sterile. Emergency lights flickered, but it was dark. Rosalind wondered where she could possibly be. She walked down the hall,…

2012년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
i-wanna-be-the-very-best Dexanote (작가) 2012-02-02
“So you’re saying that we can’t close 826 until…” “Until somebody finishes the main narrative, yes.” “And we still don’t know where the skip is… hiding, in the setting.” “That is also correct.”…
incident-ta-05-003-1 Hornby (작가) 2012-02-03
It was supposed to just be an ordinary training operation – you know, push an MTF out the side of a helo in some godforsaken clearing in a Foundation-owned reserve in The Middle Of Nowhere, Canada,…
Sa Jin 사진 Dr Gears (작가) 2012-02-03
나는 4년 동안 해외에 배치되어 남한 주둔 미군을 강화하는 업무를 돕고 있었다. 흔히들 사람들이 무작위로 총에 맞고, 환경이 불결하다는 등…
gdp2-basking-in-the-light GrandEnder (작가) 2012-02-06
Network Correspondence #000004 From: Prof. Bjornsen, [07832] To: Dr. Dier, [06302] Dier, SCP-229 has largely been contained, and everything above D-9 has been incinerated or disabled. There's not a…
from-unknown-admirer-to-unknown-admiree SoullessSingularity (작가) 2012-02-12
☦A story about love and connections.☦ I no longer care who may be reading this. Whoever it is. Even if it's the kindest of men. I love you. Let us be together. We can be happy together, and neither…
멀티-U 101 Djoric (작가) 2012-02-14
안녕하신가요 여러분, 제 이름은 트레버 베일리 박사입니다. 전 외우주 사건 부서 대표이며 이건 외우주 관련 작전에 대한 소개 세미나입니다. 이게 좀 복잡한…
the-queen-of-site-18 faminepulse (작가)
☦A story about a plunger.☦ The D-Class assigned for the application of the SCP-████ serum onto the mundane object entered the room tenuously. He was outfitted with gloves coated with a special…
command-performance DrEverettMann (작가) 2012-02-17
Fuck! Mother fucking… Open fire! Open fire! Shit! It's still coming. Don't shoot it in the head. I… Kimura! Fuck! Shoot the legs! Shoot the fucking legs! Shin, get the blast doors! Pull back, you…
love-in-leetspeak Eskobar (작가) 2012-02-18
Margaret couldn't have shoes. There was something about this entire experience that was so surreal, so far outside of her range of experience, so beyond anything she was prepared to deal with, she…
what-is-wrong-with-you Gargus (작가) 2012-02-19
There's a reason I keep the lights out when I work. For all the world's infinite variety, I get stuck with the very worst of what it has to offer. The light can only bring knowledge and pain. So…
ground-control Anonymouse99 (작가) 2012-02-21
Darkness slowly turned into light once more. Blinding, red, fiery light. At first it was amazing, the sun rising to greet his vision, warming his bones. Just as everything else since the accident…
ghost Eskobar (작가) 2012-02-21
Agent Enfield surveyed the scene, keeping his opinions to himself. Major Whitside brought his horse beside Enfield's and looked through his binoculars. "Not too many of them," Enfield muttered, half…
i-m-not-sure faminepulse (작가)
☦A man under the effects of SCP-055.☦                                                                                                                             You're not going to believe me when…
a-day-in-the-life Drewbear (작가) 2012-02-24
I always painted my fingernails right before an op and cleaned 'em off again once we were back. Pure black, scuff 'em a bit to get rid of the glossiness, and put a tiny dot of dark green right in…
recovered-data-file thedeadlymoose (작가) 2012-02-26
Initializing Recovered Data File L246-A1780B23971C20987D091 Displaying data retrieval for Document ███-██████-██ [LEVEL 4 AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED] [INITIALIZING…] [DATA CORRUPT]e not clear…
sudden-thoughts Tanhony (작가) 2012-02-26
I enjoy the way this one feels. The symphony of voices that echo within my slimy shell agree with me. This one is good. Smooth. The voices flee through my skin and into him. He enjoys it. They all…
hiccup-jacet DrEverettMann (작가) 2012-02-28
Heh. It's funny. I always tell my boys, don't give your life fer the Foundation. Make some other bastard give his. But here I am. Fuckin' hypocrite, that's what I am. But nobody ever promised me…
meat Corerosion (작가) 2012-02-28
Chinese culture is a strange thing indeed. She found out, the day her First came tearing, screaming and mewling out from her womb, tiny unformed fingers clawing at her insides. The doctors and…
six-faces faminepulse (작가)
☦An irrelevant tale about cubes.☦                                                                                                                             The personnel director sat alone in his…
벽에 더해진 별 하나 Hornby (작가) 2012-02-29
재단이 오늘 나의 또 다른 친구를 묻었다. 그가 첫 번째는 아니었다. 그리고, 이 바닥이 다 그렇다만은, 그가 마지막일지는 의문이다. 나는 그가 새로 모집된 신병들에게 오리엔테이션을 하던 와중에…

2012년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
동굴 벽화 DexX (작가) 2012-03-01
In a barren mountain range in northern Europe is a secluded cave. Deep inside is a wide chamber that appears to have been used in ancient rituals. The walls of the roughly circular space are…
모두 향하는 곳 Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-03-04
Author Note: I find it's even better if you listen to this whilst reading. -Sal Background: A large mass approximately 3 kilometers in diameter, located 436,200 kilometers away from the earth's…
translated-from-palauan Gargus (작가) 2012-03-04
They've stopped coming. They used to come four times a day, to feed me, to keep me furnished, sometimes to test me. It was horrible some days, especially when they slipped up and I started hurting….
stray Eskobar (작가) 2012-03-13
It was the prettiest cat Sarah had ever seen in her whole life. She didn't know the word "calico," because eight-year-olds typically don't. It was brown and tan and orange and its eyes were the…
파리지옥 Sophia Light (작가) 2012-03-13
A story in thirteen parts. Read in order. 1 1 I've taken the briefcase and I'm running, running because that's all that's left to do. The embassy is 20 more miles east, I can see the lights from…
여우원숭이 Tom Serveaux (작가) 2012-03-13
은퇴하면, 조용한 삶을 살고 싶다. 미안합니다. 자. 만일 은퇴하면, 조용한 삶을 살고 싶다. 쉬운 일은 아니다. 내 직업군은 예상 수명이 짧다. 나는 다음 탈주 사건때 살해당할…
재단 버거 Gargus (작가) 2012-03-18
"빌어먹을, 인간들아!" 레스토랑을 앞문을 박차고 들어오면서 매니저 프레드가 소리쳤다. "난 네놈들이 뭔가 망치지 않고서 5분간 밖에 나가 커피 한잔 마시는 것도…
sweetness Anonymouse99 (작가)
TroyL (작가)
He dried her tears, because that’s what fathers do, and carefully brushed a lock of hair from her forehead. “It’s alright, Sweetness…” he said softly. “It’s alright…” Sweetness. Her mother had…
변칙 오리 기록 Skara Brae does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-03-21
주석: 사건 F-19██ 및 SCP-1356의 회수로 인해, 연구 지구-09가 변칙 결과로 인해 생긴 격리 및 측정의 임무를 맡는다. 실험이 진행중이며, 관련 대상의…
new-technical-issues Roget (작가) 2012-03-22
Welcome to the Technical Issues page. You are all free to ask me about any issue you might be having (with a computer, mind you), I will try and assist you in resolving those issues. Don't be…
work-journal-3 Dr Gears (작가) 2012-03-25
Day 56 Stressful few days. To say the least. I've had to sleep in the car for the last couple days. I'm apparently wanted for questioning in an arson case. Go fucking figure. Saw my face on the news…
breaker-1-9 Dr Gears (작가) 2012-03-30
I don't know if this is really a creepy story, but it scared the shit out of me at the time. Four years ago, I was going through training for over-the-road trucking. We were out in Oregon, getting…
SCP-백만 DrEverettMann (작가) 2012-03-31
"Tell me of the thing," the shaman said. "It lives in the—" I started. "No!" The stick came down hard on my knuckles. "Begin with how to stop it, how to keep it held. Always. What it is can wait…

2012년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
8살 제임스의 완벽한 정본 이야기 Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-04-01
안녕. 내 이름은 제임스야. 당신은 여러 아이를-주제로-한-농담 항목에서 나오는 내 모습으로 나를 알고 있겠지. 나는 이제 당신에게 이런 우스꽝스러운 것들의 원천에 대한 끔찍한 진실을 이야기해주러 이곳에 왔어. 비록 그것들이…
광란의 가락 DrEverettMann (작가) 2012-04-01
잭 "불쌍한 요릭" 더킨즈는 SCP-116의 격리실을 지나가며, 허공에 대고 고개를 끄덕인 후 다시 가던 길을 갔다. 약 3.4초 후, 그는 놀라서 눈알이…
the-swift-rise-and-fall-of-technical-researcher-david-rosen Roget (작가) 2012-04-01
OR, HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE OUR TECHNICAL OVERLORD This was the image that had graced Technical Researcher David Rosen's monitor when he had arrived in his office that morning. It…
experiments-of-paper-part-1 axslayer33 (작가) 2012-04-01
*Author's note- written dialogue is follows: Cassy [Fred] {Dr. Ax} Dr. Ax walked out of the break room with some coffee and his new assignment. He dreaded it. Of all the days to be given his first…
delia Dr Gears (작가) 2012-04-02
TRANSCRIPT BEGINS 11:00:00 You a doctor or something? No, a student, actually. Never had much business with doctors. Doris took sick once, went to the doctor. Jabbed her fulla holes, sent her home…
Follow The Keter Rejekyll (작가) 2012-04-03
Note: The following audio log was recovered from security cameras inside of SCP-682's containment cell during Incident 682-076-1JF4D-NA5, in which SCP-076-2 breached containment and engaged in…
the-truth-about-447 Edward Watts (작가)
Gene R (translator)
"Why zombies?" Doctor Alistair, seated on a chair before the O5 council, tried to take up as little space as he could. He knew full well that was of no use, but actions like that have always…
for-want-of-a-nail Aelanna (작가) 2012-04-06
A single nine-millimeter round rolled lazily across the floor. If it were a bit more invested, it might have been upset at the rookie agent who carelessly let it roll away across the table in his…
dichotomy evictedSaint (작가) 2012-04-09
Dr. Church sat back, grinding a fist into a single blood shot eye. Done. He was finally done for tonight. He drew in a heavy breath, holding it captive for a long, aching moment before letting it…
thebook Zekky (작가) 2012-04-09
“The Book teaches. The Book guides.” Alia repeated the mantra to herself, her voice trembling. The Keeper of the Book had performed her Last Reading several days ago, and now her body was being…
love-hate Dr Gears (작가) 2012-04-10
The house was dead when he came home. No lights, no noise, even a little chilly in the early spring dusk. Pete Kothkis stood in the entryway, peering in to the house with a slightly confused smile….
conclusions-red-173-2263-incident Adam Smascher (작가) 2012-04-11
As you know, my reason for requesting this footage were the strange findings of my autopsies of subjects 173-2263, -2264, and -2267. > To: Dr. Delano Smascher ( pcs.41a|rehcsamsd#pcs.41a|rehcsamsd…
teeth-dearie evictedSaint (작가) 2012-04-13
Hello, dearie. Oh hush now, those stories are greatly over exaggerated. I am not a demon, and I most certainly am not hellspawn. My mother would take offense to that, you know. No need to be rude!…
the-last-redcoat MisterKillam (작가) 2012-04-18
MisterKillam (Riley A. G. Killam) It all started quietly enough, on a rooftop in Hajji Shah Wali Kalay, a name that nearly everybody, including Michael Oliver, hated typing in situation reports,…
성명문에 대한 메모 Gaffsey (작가)
WE ASK THE QUESTION HERE 1. deviating from or inconsistent with the common order, form, or rule; irregular; abnormal: SMASH the confines of reality! Purge Art of modernism, commercialism,…
the-doc-block Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-04-25
"We brought a pretty little lady for you today, 173," said the doctor to the statue. The statue did not respond. After all, who knows who could be watching. He instead stared back at the doctor with…
a-calculated-risk Aelanna (작가) 2012-04-27
The door to Observation Room 221-D opened, then closed with a muted click. The man who slipped quietly through walked slowly across the room to the table set up in front of the window, and fondly…
날개 Sad Xiao does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-04-27
내 아이들을 마지막으로 본지 좀 오래되었다. 제리, 그 좆같은 새끼… 적어도 놈은 지옥에서 썩었을 것이다, 이런 고통도 없이. 머리 말고 불알을 쐈어야 했다. 형이 선고된 지 3년이…
settling-tabs Dr Gears (작가)
DrClef (작가)
“Hello, Eddies Ice Cream, our special-” “Dead men dance.” “W-what? Sir, I think you have-” “ACC 119998256” “…just a moment…” “…” “…I'll patch you through.” “…” “Central Records. Department?”…
another-boring-day MrUnpleasant (작가) 2012-04-29
Special Agent Broderick sat in front of his computer, idly looking through closed case documents. Rat people in the subway? Turned out to be some group of perverts dressed in rat costumes….
faceless Anonymouse99 (작가) 2012-04-30
It was a simple matter really. Just a few authorization codes he nabbed the last time he got out and….there it was. For all their security, the Foundation was essentially just a secret prison that…
mystery MisterBibs (작가) 2012-04-30
No, Clement, I'm serious. And yes, I do know a little bit of Chinese, so I know when someone says "bullshit". Just because Intelligence Agents are required to know everything doesn't mean we…

2012년 5월

제목 작가 생성일
the-longest-ride Crayne (작가) 2012-05-01
I'd gotten sick of the shuddering, the screeching and the scratching long ago, but I seemed to be unable to escape it. I'd born it, gritting my by now thoroughly yellow-brown teeth. Funny thing,…
내부 부서 Osobist (작가)
Gene R (translator)
이 문서는 공식적인 설정이 아님을 미리 밝힙니다. 재단의 성공적인 운영은 우선적으로 부서 간의 업무의 분담이 관건이다. 재단의 부서 중 일부가 아래 문서에 소개되어 있다. 업무의 효율을 위해,…
life-and-death Roget (작가) 2012-05-02
One minute. He feels himself growing. It hurts, but he can take it. The real pain hasn't even started yet, anyways. He knows this pain all too well, he has felt it every time someone turns that key….
wayward-prologue Eskobar (작가) 2012-05-04
The following events are transpiring on the same day. Sergei Sariksen is walking down the hall in Site 19, away from the Keter containment area. It had always baffled Dr. Sariksen that there was a…
잠시 광고 보고 가시겠습니다 Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-05-05
1. 찬장을 열 때마다 컵들이 떨어져서 짜증 나신다고요? 손으로 높은 선반 위를 샅샅이 뒤지는 게 지긋지긋하시다고요? 저도 그렇답니다. 바로 그래서 제가 놀라운 신제품…
keeping-with-the-times VAElynx (작가) 2012-05-06
It was always like that. I grew up in a small village just south of Niznyj Novgorod, as third of four children. My mother always longed for how, before I was even born, we lived in a nice apartment…
청색 형제단 Tuomey Tombstone does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-05-06
Doctor Baker cleared his throat. "Gentlemen, I feel that the SCP would respond well to what it might perceive as a fellow officer. I propose tha-" "That we take one of my men, get him to play…
six-days Lucavex Ayanami (작가) 2012-05-07
Day One Where am I? My head is all fuzzy… Is this a hospital? Am I hurt? My throat is so dry… Why is there an IV in my arm. Have I been in a coma? What's this tube sticking out of my mouth!? I try…
가르침 doomsniffer (작가) 2012-05-08
I turn at the noise. Brother Ullar's face peers at me from underneath the hood of his robe. "Father? The whole village is here now. I think they are ready for you." Brother Ullar is my newest…
부서진? Boa Noah (작가) 2012-05-10
내가 이걸 왜 녹음하는지 모르겠다. 들을 놈 하나 없는데… 뭐, 들을 인간 하나 없으니까 말이다. 외계인이 찾아서 듣고 웃어제낄 지도 모르지. 뭐, 지금은 밤이 된지 조금…
protect Eskobar (작가) 2012-05-12
"See that one?" Garrett said. Jacob nodded. The baby squirrel was chirping peacefully in its nest in the nearest white oak in the playground. "I'm gonna kill it dead. Soon as we get outside. Just…
끝나지 않은 일 III TroyL (작가) 2012-05-12
No, you're not. No no, you see, it's supposed to be unfinished. It's in the…
그 도전 받아들이지! doomsniffer (작가) 2012-05-13
문 사이로 들려오는 소리죽인 외침과 둔탁한 쿵 소리 너머로 비명을 지르는 클락션 소리가 들려오고 있었다. 방안의 내부는 조용했다. 철 상자로…
제142격리실 문 밑에서 미끄러져 나옴 DrEverettMann (작가) 2012-05-13
일련번호: ████ 등급: 유클리드(Euclid) 특수 격리 절차: SCP-████의 특수 격리 절차 개정안은 모든 이전 판을 대체한다. SCP-████는 상시 폐쇄회로 카메라로 감시되는 격리실에…
daddy-long-legs Arlecchino (작가) 2012-05-13
It is, upon reflection, the legs that were the problem. Certainly, my eyesight hasn't been strong enough for a long time to distinguish those loathsome features. That disturbing thorax, jointed into…
wayward-commencement Eskobar (작가) 2012-05-13
« Prologue: Dramatis Personae D-2392 was confused. "You want me to do what?" "Take that gun," Dr. Sariksen said, "and shoot D-2390. Directly in the head." "No way, man," the first replied. "I know a…
재단사 Arlecchino (작가) 2012-05-14
그들은 이해하지 못할 거란다, 얘야. 할 수 없어. 그들은 무의식적인 질투와 알지 못하는 것에 대한 두려움으로 인해 판단력이 흐려지고, 눈이 멀어버린 것이란다. 여기에 있으면 안전할 거란다 나의, 귀여운 아이야. 그들은 우릴 찾지 못할거야….
로빈슨 박사의 진술 Smapti (작가) 2012-05-15
12/6/1994 To whom it may concern; My name is Dr. James Kyle Robinson and I am a senior researcher with the SCP Foundation, currently holding Level 4 security clearance. I was recruited by the…
class-omega eric_h (작가) 2012-05-15
I saw the doctors again yesterday. They told me to write down anything interesting I remember, and anything weird that happens to me. Give it to them the next time they see me. Said it would help…
april-fools Zappanale (작가) 2012-05-16
“Termination” is a word we heard a lot in this place. It was mostly heard over intercoms, or through the grape vines as gossip between the dorms. They didn't like that we talked between dorms at…
wayward-deontic Eskobar (작가) 2012-05-19
«Act I, Scene I: Commencement David recognized the gun pointed at his face as a semiautomatic pistol of some sort. He didn’t recognize brand or caliber, but he knew it was the kind he had…
home Eskobar (작가) 2012-05-20
Everybody's so goddamn judgmental, that's the problem. Part of it is where I live; the rural South is full of nothing so much as busybodies, Nosy Parkers, nosy neighbors, everybody so nosy. Always…
the-audience murphy_slaw (작가) 2012-05-20
Margie sits back on the sofa in the family room and rubs her feet. The digitized tones of Beethoven's Fifth tell her that she's got a phone call. She wedges her phone between her chin and shoulder…
a-researcher-s-tale deValmont (작가) 2012-05-21
Watch. That's all I have to do. I just watch. Watch, and remember, and report back. I'm on my own here, there's only one researcher at a time allowed through the gate. It's lonely, sometimes, but I…
taleof13 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-05-22
The following document was recovered on a raid of a Serpents Hand safehouse in ██████, Indiana. It was labeled as a fragment of a larger document, known in occult circles as 'The Book of…
brother-s-keeper zaratustra (작가) 2012-05-23
It was ironic, in a way. In a CK-event or NK-event extinction scenario, all SCPs that could be terminated were to be terminated, so that whatever shreds remained of humanity could have at least a…
king-greenshield-a-fairy-tale Smapti (작가) 2012-05-26
Once upon a time, in a village in Kent, there lived a girl named Mary, of noble birth and gentle spirit. She was known throughout the town for her kindness and beauty. In time Mary became a woman…
from-the-diaries-of-lord-blackwood Smapti (작가) 2012-05-28
July 3rd, 1857: It has been the better part of a year since I set sail from England. I feel myself overcome with a certain melancholy every time I watch the White Cliffs of Dover disappear over the…
the-bold-and-the-dutiful-pt1 deValmont (작가) 2012-05-30
To say that the day had started badly would have been a huge understatement. Used to waking up around seven thirty, the coffee machine on the small shelf above the bed bubbling away with his first…
holder-of-the-foundation VAElynx (작가) 2012-05-30
On any IRC server in any chatroom, PM an operator who appears inactive. If he replies, ask to see the Holder of the SPC's. Should he respond with a kickban, leave, and never come to the server…
neptune-station Hornby (작가) 2012-05-31
Neptune Station Theatrical Poster How bad is it? Bad. All communications with Neptune Station have ceased. Sector Twenty-Three’s failsafes are not responding. Do we have any idea what we’re…
walterg CityToast (작가) 2012-05-31
“So how did you find out about the SCP?” Jack asked me as we were chatting on the phone late one night. “I found about it on 4chan.” I shrugged. Jack was my best friend. I could trust him with…
lord-blackwood-and-the-great-tarasque-hunt-of-83 Smapti (작가) 2012-05-31
May 14, 1883: I received a most curious missive in the post this morning. It has been four months since I returned to England, having nearly lost my life in endeavouring to become the first man to…

2012년 6월

제목 작가 생성일
in-other-news Communism will win (작가) 2012-06-01
BODY once told me                                                                                                                             The following document was mailed to Agent Green's…
monsters Etherealize (작가) 2012-06-01
It was nearing the end of the witching hour, and most sensible folk were tucked away in bed, resting to face the new day. For the fourth (or was it the fifth? Sixth? It was hard to keep track)…
don-t-forget Roget (작가) 2012-06-01
This letter is to anyone who remembers that one should always take care of their fellow man. I'm stuck in this little room surrounded by a big layer of concrete. I usually can't open the door…
theres-an-app-for-that Drewbear (작가) 2012-06-01
I stood nervously before the desk. Although I'd met the Intelligence Operations Regional Director once before, when I first transferred into the department, I'd never had to deliver a report to…
sentimentality Sad Xiao does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-06-02
Doctor Amy Sze walked past the masses of employees gathered at the cafeteria. For her, it would be another regular day of work - cut down the paperwork tree that grows on her desk, witness some…
recollections-of-a-gentleman-s-gentleman Smapti (작가) 2012-06-02
Interview Log 662-37 Interviewer: Dr. S. Samesh Interviewed: SCP-662-1 ("Mr. Deeds") Foreword: During a review of objects found among the effects of SCP-1867, a journal was found in which SCP-1867…
fight Eskobar (작가) 2012-06-02
"Fucking hell, Sarah," Mitchell said. "I guess I'll just stop talking. Just…" He made a growling sound of frustration. "You know how much I hate it when you curse at me," Sarah said. "You can't…
lord-blackwood-and-the-thaumaturge-the-t Dmatix (작가) 2012-06-03
Interview Log 1867-23 Interviewer: Dr. Adam Bernstein Interviewed: SCP-1867 Forward: During a standard checkup interview with SCP-1867 the subject, at the request of Dr. Bernstein, was asked to…
soliloquy Eskobar (작가) 2012-06-03
« Act I, Scene II: Deontic David Eskobar came to wishing he had a blanket. It was freezing cold in this field; he mentally kicked himself for not bringing a jacket, or gloves, or sturdier shoes. He…
lord-blackwood-astro-naut Smapti (작가) 2012-06-04
April 3rd, 1856: My succour has arrived! For over a year now I have been in London, exercising my duties in the House of Lords to aid Mr. Palmerston's government in bringing about the conclusion of…
brink-dangerguts-chapter-1 thattallfellow (작가) 2012-06-06
Brink Dangerguts and the Shard of Thermopylae Several copies of this anonymous manuscript have been found scattered across Site 19 over the past month. Despite its near-total factual inaccuracy, it…
brink-dangerguts-chapter-2 thattallfellow (작가) 2012-06-06
Brink Dangerguts and the Shard of Thermopylae Several copies of this anonymous manuscript have been found scattered across Site 19 over the past month. Despite its near-total factual inaccuracy, it…
lord-blackwood-and-the-land-of-the-unclean Smapti (작가) 2012-06-06
December 25th, 1875: As far and as wide as I have travelled in my years, there is nothing in the world quite like Christmas-time in London. The crisp winter air echoes with the song of carolers and…
a-world-we-live-in Watery (작가) 2012-06-07
The following was flagged by Site 19's automated data filter (tagged with flags CLASSIFIED DATA, O5, SCP-682, SCP-173). As the following contains personal log data, only those with Site…
stop-asking Sorts (작가) 2012-06-09
Right, Stan, here's those notes you asked for. Keep in mind, double secret probation means the investigation is still ongoing, so some of the stuff isn't released yet. Best I could do. Good luck….
batman-s-newest-threat (account deleted) 2012-06-10
Commissioner Gordon looked at the newest victim of Gotham City's latest killer, and sighed. "Why do all of the criminals insist on having these ridiculous M.O.s,?" he said, rubbing his forehead in…
the-critic Smapti (작가) 2012-06-11
The Critic sat silently at his desk at the front of Room 238, his long gray hair in a ponytail, his wrinkled, septuagenarian face frozen in an unreadable glare as he drummed his fingers on the…
guard-duty Dmatix (작가) 2012-06-12
Monday, 19:00 Another day, another dollar. Quite a few dollars, to be honest, I can't believe how well they pay me to sit on my ass in a tower and watch a fence. That's private security for you,…
kriegspiel Dr Gears (작가) 2012-06-13
“We need to talk.” The old lady raised her head from the crumpled document before her, blinking rapidly through massive glasses. She sighed, pulling them off and rubbing between her eyes, gray curls…
flamingos Wogglebug (작가) 2012-06-14
Note: The following audio transcripts were recovered from an audio listening device found installed inside the home telephone of Arthur Windsworth during the recovery operation of SCP-1507. The…
faith-of-the-foundation Kalinin (작가)
Check your weapon, soldier. And Flabgobbatron guide you.                                                                                                                             Mercer checked…
ziggy-the-extra-special-bush-baby Smapti (작가) 2012-06-18
Hello, my name is Ziggy. Well not really, my mother never gave me a real name, but Ziggy is what the doctors here named me and i think it is a good name so you can call me Ziggy. I am a bush baby…
lord-blackwood-s-revenge Smapti (작가) 2012-06-19
Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood, explorer and gentleman, crawled stealthily across High Value Storage Locker Room 23C, leaving a thin trail of slime behind him as he climbed up the table leg. The…
a-jester-s-tale Smapti (작가) 2012-06-19
My name is David Rosenfeld, but everyone who knows me calls me Jester. If you've never been stationed at Site 19, you've probably heard some horrible rumors about me - that I'm a killer, a monster,…
anachronisms Djoric (작가) 2012-06-19
Research Assistant Richard Moss ran. He could safely say that he had never been this afraid in his entire life. The events of last twenty minutes buzzed in his head like bees. Explosion. Sirens….
brink-dangerguts-chapter-3 thattallfellow (작가) 2012-06-20
Brink Dangerguts and the Shard of Thermopylae Several copies of this anonymous manuscript have been found scattered across Site 19 over the past month. Despite its near-total factual inaccuracy, it…
a-day-at-the-call-center Dmatix (작가) 2012-06-20
"Good morning, Sir. Yes, you have reached Uncle Merl's Discount Emporium, how may I assist you? I'm sorry, this is tech support, we don't handle sales. No, Sir, I can't direct you to sales without a…
the-keterlord TheMadStork (작가) 2012-06-20
The Keterlord sighed, slumped on his stool, and stared down through his nearly-empty glass at the grain lines on the bar's wooden surface. Today was his birthday, but nobody at work had remembered…
프로젝트 헤임달 - 서막 Hornby (작가) 2012-06-22
“자넨 항상 지쳐 쓰러질 때까지 일하는 경향이 있어, 윌리엄.” 재단 우발사태계획기획단 이사관보 윌리엄 펜더가스트 장군이 쳐다보았다. 예상치 못한 방문자는…
we-have-dismissed-that-claim Hornby (작가) 2012-06-22
"This is going to kick the top off the anthill, you know that, right?" General Pendergast asked, looking up from the report. Doctor Rex scoffed, "Yeah, well, I can't help it that Dr. Von Schmidt is…
adana-protocol Urbanmyth (작가) 2012-06-22
Heimdall Contingency 045- ADANA Abstract:- At present, the majority of Heimdall contingencies are oriented towards a military invasion. While this is not an empty threat, the possibility of other…
to-what-purpose-an-invasion Flah (작가) 2012-06-22
Why would an HE attempt to invade the planet Earth? More to the point, what reason would an HE have to make itself an HE? This question may seem overly philosophical and speculative, but it is…
매일이 생일 CityToast (작가) 2012-06-24
"드시죠." 정장을 입은 피곤해 보이는 남자가 말하며 앤드류의 앞에 접시를 내려놓았다. 그는 테이블 하나만이 있는 작은 방으로 데려가진 참이였다. 그는 접시를 내려다본후 눈을 깜빡였다…
favors-part-one Dmatix (작가) 2012-06-24
The man in grey sat on the rooftop and waited. Beneath him, the city spread endlessly, an ocean of lights and color under the night sky. On the balcony below, a party was nearing its conclusion;…
전량 회수 Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-06-24
서문: 20██/5/13 2:01:34에 원더테인먼트 박사의 물품으로 추측되는 개체가 제19기지 외부에서 발견되었다. 요원들이 대상을 입수하기 위해 파견되었다. 개체는 아동용 디자인의 매트리스로 보였으며…
back-into-hell tomode (작가) 2012-06-24
Back Into Hell, a Foundation poem The howling wind steals the breath I would have used to chant; Boots, belt, gun, mask My gear, my only chance The rear doors open wider The “go” light blinks to…
the-rain CityToast (작가) 2012-06-25
Rain was pouring down on me from up above, pattering on the skylight of the break room as if mother nature herself had just gotten a broken heart. I could barely stand the sound. it reminded me of…
scp-mlp-dnc Gargus (작가) 2012-06-28
SCP 재단 내에서 끔찍하게 잘못된 일이 벌어진 참이었다. 이계 물질 부장은 느낄 수 있었다. 그는 의자에 뒤로 기대 이번에는 어떤 "그들이 충실하게 망쳐놨습니다." 같은 느낌이 오고 있는지 밝혀내려…
the-thing-that-hates Wogglebug (작가) 2012-06-28
On a primordial beach a slimy thing climbs up onto the shore. It has abandoned its spawn-brothers, leaving them to the Great Beasts of the sea. It opens its new lungs, relishing in the sweet flavors…
decomm-anon Roget (작가) 2012-06-28
The dim fluorescent lights buzzed softly above, as the nine individuals looked at one another uneasily. The clock on the wall ticked the time down, and there was the occasional nervous cough. The…
from-the-mists-of-time Gargus (작가) 2012-06-28
There is an ancient legend. Before man came to master fire and cultivate his food, he lived in perpetual fear. There existed creatures of such frightful appearance and terrible power that even the…
on-the-seventh-day-of-christmas Silberescher (작가) 2012-06-28
"Doctor Malley." "Doctor Kurtz?" "Come look at this." "Is there a problem? Today's bed check isn't for another three hours." "What does it have there?" "Oh. He really wanted a notepad, so I…

2012년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
holy-war HoldMeCloseTonyDanza (작가) 2012-07-01
The five cloaked figures moved through the forest without sound, their crouched frames almost floating through the morning twilight. Nearing the edge of the forest, the leader of the group turned,…
the-day-the-clown-cried Roget (작가) 2012-07-01
Adrian's dream always started in the same way. He was walking down a street, a street he had never seen before. It was night-time, and it was kind of scary, but he had Freddy, and Freddy would make…
세 번 Dmatix (작가) 2012-07-01
Note: This tale is based on SCP-1440, and it is better read after reading that article. The old man woke, and his failures flooded his mind once more. The destruction of the Foundation base was…
homeowners Roget (작가) 2012-07-02
Diane was glad they had found such a nice neighborhood for the kids. She and Paul had worried about finding someplace good for them to grow up in. Some of the neighborhoods they had looked at were…
투명함 Roget (작가) 2012-07-02
음 그래, 내 이름은 카멜레온 씨야. '그 단색 인간', '오 맞아, 그도 미스터였지, 안그래?' 혹은 '원더테인먼트 박사의 즉흥작' 으로도 불리지. 가끔은 이런게 힘들때도 있어. 다른…
scroll-fragment-13q29 spikebrennan (작가) 2012-07-02
Scroll fragment 13Q29, discovered at Khirbet Qumran in 1951. Scrolls consisted of vellum, with Hebrew (Assyrian block text) lettering written using a lampblack compound for ink. The fragment appears…
strangers-of-site-17 Kalinin (작가)
It had been sixty-eight days since the guard posted to her door had been reassigned in favor of the security cameras. Her mind was now mostly free of the deadening aftereffects of sedative, allowing…
the-last-best-hope Smapti (작가) 2012-07-05
D-3672 sighed anxiously as he sat alone on a bench in the staging area. For the past two hours, half a dozen technicians had been hard at work on him, making the final adjustments on the skin-tight…
strangers-of-site-17-part-two Kalinin (작가)
She awoke in a plush, high backed chair, facing a delicately-carved marble fireplace containing a layer of glowing embers. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light in the room, she noticed ornate…
breakroom-routing Sad Xiao does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-07-06
Researcher Harris finished the last pieces of his model, and set it down, as it walked away to join its fellows. For the last hour, he had been creating Lego Space Marines and assorted vehicles, and…
회수 문서 제4761: CotBG-82 Joreth (작가) 2012-07-06
서리 주 그레이트북햄(Great Brookham, Surrey) - 데일리 메일DAILY MAIL 그리니치 표준시 2004년 4월 18일 06시 10분 발행 | 그리니치 표준시 2004년 4월 18일 07시 31분 개정 10대 ‘사이비 종교’ 신도들이 버려진 자동차를 봉헌의식에…
letter-from-the-north Roget (작가) 2012-07-07
Will you come sit with us? It is very cold out here, and we are very lonesome. People do not visit us very often, so we do not get to see people. We like people. Please come be with us. We would…
chains Dmatix (작가) 2012-07-08
It was Agent Johnson’s first day on the field. He was given patrol duty, nothing dangerous, but he was still extremely nervous about the entire affair. What if he wasn’t ready, he asked the…
wayward-intermission Eskobar (작가) 2012-07-08
« Act I, Scene III: Soliloquy Light streamed into the room through two windows, and the Original awoke. "You see me," the Intruder said. "The rest of them cannot see unless I show myself to them….
after-destruction NovaeDeArx (작가) 2012-07-09
Document 144b-O5-EO was discovered in █████, ████████ on ██/██/████, following an experiment with SCP-███ to investigate nearby ██████████████. Refer to Document 144a-O5-EO for full recovery report….
pilot zaratustra (작가) 2012-07-09
origination Djoric (작가) 2012-07-10
August 7th, 1993 Francis played Mingus in his head, trying to drown out the memories that lurked in his leaden mind. He wanted to be able to go to sleep and wake up and have it all be a dream. Just…
the-special-bond-between-child-and-mother SoullessSingularity (작가) 2012-07-10
☦A story about Tabula Rasa.☦ I knew mommy never loved me. That is, I am droplets, connected, separated multiplying In a way, I knew from my first splitting never loved will never be loved mommy I…
소녀의 일기장 Roget (작가) 2012-07-10
dear diary My name is Lizzy Byrn, and i am 7 years old. My mommy and daddy and me just moved in a new house in a town called Frankinberg. Mommy says that we came here becouse of daddys job and so…
you-are-not-insignificant Gargus (작가) 2012-07-10
Last week, we lost Researcher Kermode. He hung himself in his office. Didn't even leave a note explaining why. Everyone thinks he broke under stress. Well, this week, we're losing me. And I think…
lessons-from-history catboy637 (작가) 2012-07-12
What can we, as a species, learn about the threat of hostile extraterrestrials from Columbus' discovery of the New World and the subsequent extermination and subjugation of its Native inhabitants?…
founding Djoric (작가) 2012-07-14
August 12th, 1993 The door buzzer buzzed. “Ah, that must be them now,” Dr. Crow stood up and walked to the door. He always did that: never said "come in", never had anyone else go do it, he always…
just-what-we-do Dmatix (작가) 2012-07-14
Note: This story is better read after A Day at the Call Center Subject: UI-56 From: Special Agent Laura Stanton, Unusual Incident Unit, Los Angeles Office To: Director McNamara, FBI HQ, Washington…
sgt-pepper Gargus (작가) 2012-07-14
This message is to be distributed to all Foundation personnel: In recent weeks, we have lost a lot of good men. To those of you at stationed at Sites far away from their passings, this may come as a…
시간 초과 Goodwill (작가) 2012-07-18
Shit. That one almost got me. I'll be fine as long as they keep their distance, though. For now at least. Why? Why the fuck did I have to stumble upon that cave when I was a kid? Why did I go and…
one-last-ride Roget (작가) 2012-07-18
You know what my favorite part of a roller coaster is? The climb. You're just inching your way up that hill, and you know that the terrible drop is coming soon. Riding with family is even better. I…
rise Dmatix (작가) 2012-07-18
Rise. Professor Charles Burrows had no choice but to comply. He had no idea how he got here, or even where "here" was; one moment he was sitting at his home office, catching on some paperwork, and…
green Djoric (작가) 2012-07-19
November 17th, 1996 Francis yawned. Another night spent in the office, surrounded by the Paperwork Himalayas. Dammit Iceberg it is not that easy… Perhaps half an hour earlier he had peeled his head…
그의 형상대로: 제1부 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
September 19, 2011: The blood, thankfully not his own, rolled down Lament’s arm as he shook the woman again, trying to get her attention. It was a lost cause, he suspected. Judging by her eyes, her…
그의 형상대로: 막간 1 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
August 18, 2007: Happy Birthday to You Lament's fingers slid over the chromium frame for a moment. It had been expensive, but the joke—which he knew wouldn't be laughed at—was worth it. His…
in-his-own-image-part-2 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
February 11, 1998: He smiled at the bald man, waving with his elbow because his hands were too full, then setting his cup on the edge of his desk. Coffee—black. He carefully balanced the other man’s…
in-his-own-image-interlude-2 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
July 7, 2005: "I heard you like… ctenophores." "Hey!" Lament jumped at his desk, turning and looking up at the woman. Long, lightly curling, brown hair. Constant smirk. Mirthy eyes. "Heya,…
in-his-own-image-part-3 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
November 1, 1998: Agent Lament noted, almost in passing, that it was All Saints Day as he tore off his calendar. He tossed the old day aside, chuckling slightly at the new one. "Scientists are all…
in-his-own-image-interlude-3 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
July 5, 2004: "Butterflies!" It was an unholy din that surrounded the pair, people shouting and clamoring. There was a fifteen minute window when Site19 could have the yearly photo made, and…
in-his-own-image-part-4 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
November 8, 1998: "Denied, Agent." "Denied, Agent." Lament looked up at the panel of three doctors, swallowing and licking his lips slightly. "Ma'am?" "Denied," she repeated. He only knew two of…
in-his-own-image-interlude-4 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-19
February 19, 2009: Wishing he didn't remember "He. He. He. He. Hee." Lament sat up in his bed in a cold sweat, the laugh still echoing in his ears. He closed his eyes tightly for a moment,…
in-his-own-image-part-5 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-20
November 26, 1998: Lament frowned at the glass, looking at the hovering box beyond it with some odd mixture of reverence and fear. It was… disturbing… to see it for the first time. He wasn’t part of…
police-seeking-clues-after-four-injured-in-congressional-int Smapti (작가) 2012-07-20
Speculation, Theories Abound About Mysterious Assailant WASHINGTON (AP) - Little information has been acquired thus far about the motives and identity of a Caucasian female who injured four on the…
in-his-own-image-interlude-5 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-20
August 16, 2007: "There's some things you don't want on your conscience." Agent Lament stood in the mess of Site19, staring out the window and looking at the landscape, part of his mind making…
in-his-own-image-part-6 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-20
November 27, 1998: It was all in his head. Lament sat on the floor of the medical ward, leaning against the wall. He was rubbing both of his arms for a moment, until he realized what he was…
in-his-own-image-interlude-6 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-20
Happy Birthday… to You. August 18, 2007: "I'm sorry… I really… really am…" Lament said, swallowing to keep his voice from cracking. "You're… You're like a father to me… You don't understand that…
lonely VAElynx (작가) 2012-07-20
They don't come anymore. I remember when they used to come every day. Talking quietly among themselves, walking through. Few of them ever talked to me, but them being here was enough to keep one…
in-his-own-image-part-7 TroyL (작가) 2012-07-20
December 22, 1998: Lament leaned back in his chair, sipping his coffee and reaching for his sandwich, taking a bite. Lunch had become a private affair, especially after he learned that everyone else…
warm-memories Roget (작가) 2012-07-22
Did I ever tell you the story of the Hindenburg disaster? It was quite a big deal when it happened, it was all over the news for months. And I was there when it happened. I was just a young kid back…
don-t-blink Gargus (작가) 2012-07-24
It's going to be my fault. When it happens, it's going to be my own goddamned fault. Every single time I blink it gets closer and closer to me, and every time I blink is just driving another nail…
부모 Goodwill (작가) 2012-07-24
To: Thelma ███████ (█████████@hotmail.com) From: Andrew ███████ (██████@yahoo.com) Sent: June 5th, 2004, 4:23 pm Subject: Big news! Hey mom! Sorry I haven't emailed you in the past month. Things…
마셜, 카터 & 다크 요원 오리엔테이션 Bookwizard (작가) 2012-07-24
유한회사 마셜, 카터 & 다크에 오신것을 환영합니다. 만일 여기 계신다면 우리 일원이 되셨다는 소리입니다. 축하드립니다. 우리 조직에 대한 짧은 설명이 필요하겠군요. 우리는 일종의 클럽이며, 회원들께…
and-so-on-and-so-forth Djoric (작가) 2012-07-25
March 15, 1994 Francis tapped his pen against his chin, surveying the great sheet of paper pinned to the wall. He had been here longer than he thought: great swathes of it were covered in lines of…
seasick-sharks SoullessSingularity (작가) 2012-07-26
☦A story that should've been a joke.☦ When they sent me to the ocean, I knew I would never see my family and friends again. I had never seen the ocean before. Never been to the beach. I don't even…
in-his-own-image-epilogue TroyL (작가) 2012-07-26
September 21, 2011: Lament awoke with a start at the shifting at the door. He'd be thinking. Dreaming again. It wasn't good, but it was what it was. He raised the gun at the door, glancing at the…
able-baker-charlie Djoric (작가) 2012-07-28
May 2, 1997 Min Yu Zhang, servant of the New-Moon Emperor, wiped the sweat from his brow. He was not usually a man to tremble, but nonetheless he was humbled by the great stone tomb, finally freed…
summer-job Flah (작가) 2012-07-29
Randy wasn't sure from the beginning how his dad convinced him to take a summer job. Let alone in the same place where he worked. Randy wasn't an Agent like Dad. He was only working as a Level 0….
i-am-the-very-model Smapti (작가) 2012-07-30
I am the very model of an explorer and gentleman I've hunted cryptids airborne, terrestrial, and aquarian I know the laws of science are quite rigid and inflexible Except, of course, for…
little-hurley-lost-in-meatspace SwamplessThing (작가) 2012-07-31
Splat! Splat! Whe… whe… where is mommypult? Splat! Daddypult! Where are you? It's so strange here. Where did the walking thing go? It was so nice to me. Why was there a large bang? Splat! What was…
factory-finding-mission DrEverettMann (작가) 2012-07-31
"So there I was, in a power plant what was about to explode, surrounded by the enemy." An idle thought; it's how Max would have started the story, if he'd survived. He'd have come up with some…
strangers-of-site-17-part-three Kalinin (작가)
Site Director Hayakawa set a kettle of water on the hotplate and locked his door. He took a final look at his desk and the series of filing cabinets and countertops in his office. Spotless,…

2012년 8월

제목 작가 생성일
블랙우드 경에게 물어보시라 Smapti (작가) 2012-08-01
"여보게 디즈. 염병할 내 슬리퍼 어디 갔나?" 관계자 제위에게 올림. 탈리 호, 신사 숙녀 여러분! 나요, 나. 저명한 탐험가이자 신사인 대영제국 3등 훈작사, 제7대 웨스트민스터 자작 시어도어 토머스 블랙우드 경…
a-long-time-past Djoric (작가) 2012-08-02
May 10, 1997 A black moon under a hill of snow. His brother had been born first, but the younger was the stronger of the two. The omen had been marked, but its mark was not for a babe at the breast….
this-isn-t-a-hospital Vehemency (작가) 2012-08-06
“Ms. Catherine, I understand you may be shocked, but I must insist you try your hardest to remember.” She looked down at the stark white hospital gown she was wearing, the texture felt rough against…
secure ghostchibi (작가) 2012-08-07
Something is amiss The balance of reality Changes and suddenly tips No longer fifty-fifty Existence here is wrong The sight, the sound, the feel Like some melodious song Created with notes unreal…
contain ghostchibi (작가) 2012-08-07
Capture was successful Despite that against our efforts to obtain From here it becomes quite stressful For to keep is much harder than to gain Often the dangers are not apparent Until we start…
ohnoihavetocomeupwithatitleiambadatthiswhatdoieven tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2012-08-08
I'm not really sure how I wound up in the water. The rush of currents and crunch of impact after impact as I was dragged along the rocks by the merciless current drove everything else from my mind….
protect2 ghostchibi (작가) 2012-08-08
Pile the bodies, one by one Those we had to kill Blame it on a freak explosion Or mass suicide on the hill Remember we are on the side Of the angels; danger we condemn However, we cannot hide From…
it-wasn-t-a-vacation Djoric (작가) 2012-08-09
September 21, 1997 Jack Bright strongly considered a change in career. Science wasn’t working out. Too much contact with other human beings, for one. Lack of respectable, cackle-worthy science was…
foundation-rhymes ghostchibi (작가) 2012-08-09
누군가의 컴퓨터 누군가의 컴퓨터가 책상 위에 있었네 누군가의 컴퓨터가 실험 도중에 떨어졌네 로젠의 모든 도구와 로젠의 뇌 전부도 그 컴퓨터를 다시 돌려놓을 수 없었네 컴퓨터의 주인은…
first-seed Roget (작가) 2012-08-10
March 11th, 2015. Siberia was not nice this time of year. Anders Forsman wondered if Siberia was ever really nice at any time of the year. Either way, this wasn't his normal neck of the woods. The…
the-colourful-doctor Bunton (작가) 2012-08-11
The toymaker sat back from his work. The fruit of his labour, that which all of his tireless effort had been focused to produce, lay before him. He did not know why he’d built such a thing: why he,…
the-lycon-crevice Bunton (작가) 2012-08-11
« Pt. 1: The Colourful Doctor The entity crawled out of the cavern’s opening, pulling its bloated body forward. It had extracted itself soon enough, finally being free as the crevice behind it…
the-cyclical-child Bunton (작가) 2012-08-11
« Pt. 2: The Lycon Crevice Around the room were scattered a variety of crayons, toys, and other such things as general mess. The child sat in the middle amid it all, doing something for some…
a-discussion-with-l-e-t Bunton (작가) 2012-08-11
Oh, um… hello. You’re… you’re probably wondering why I’m in your office, aren’t you? Sorry, I’ve made a bit of a mess with all these papers— er, don’t worry, I’ll clean up before I go. Yes, I… I do…
conspiracy-prologue Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Night Raid Park Royal industrial district, London, UK Tuesday, 20 December 1988, 2334 hours local time Sitting in his car a block from the target, Director McDonnell lit his pipe. He hated waiting,…
conspiracy-part-i Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Ramifications Foundation Command-02, Washington, D.C. Thursday, 22 December 1988, 0755 hours local time The early morning sun illuminated the large lobby as Timothy Harper strode into the the…
conspiracy-part-ii Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Leads Foundation Command-02, Washington, D.C. Thursday, 22 December 1988, 1158 hours local time As it turned out, the Foundation contained rather a lot of different objects which could explode or…
conspiracy-part-iii Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Investigations Foundation Command-05, Moscow, USSR Friday, 23 December 1988, 0730 hours local time Lighting a cigarette, Harper sat in his temporary office in the Foundation's regional headquarters…
conspiracy-part-iv Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
The Information Broker British Airways Moscow-London Flight, Somewhere over the North Sea Friday, 23 December 1988, 1900 hours GMT Enjoying a cigarette and nursing a thirty-year-old scotch, Harper…
conspiracy-part-v Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Demands Foundation Command-03, Whitehall, UK Saturday, 24 December 1988, 1300 hours local time The explosion was predictable. "He wants what?!" demanded Seven over the secure telephone line. Harper…
conspiracy-part-vi Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
The Hunt Foundation Research Site-29, Northwest Oman Sunday, 25 December 1988, 0300 hours local time The helicopter touched down at the edge of the base camp for Research Site-29. It wasn't much to…
conspiracy-part-vii Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Welcome to Vladikavkaz Beslan Airport, Vladikavkaz, Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic Sunday, 25 December 1988, 1200 hours local time Harper stepped off the Soviet Yakovlev Yak-42 passenger jet…
conspiracy-part-viii Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Puzzles Mount Kazbek, Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic Sunday, 25 December 1988, 1545 hours local time Harper found SCP-1440 seated cross-legged on a flat rock, a worn set of playing cards arrayed…
conspiracy-part-ix Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Assassination Global Occult Coalition North American Regional Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Sunday, 25 December 1988, 1030 hours local time Like much of official Washington, the GOC's Washington…
conspiracy-part-x Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Aftershocks Foundation Command-02, Washington, D.C. Monday, 26 December 1988, 0755 hours local time When Harper arrived at Command-02 on Monday morning, the tension in the air was palpable. Security…
conspiracy-part-xi Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Interrogation Foundation Command-02, Washington, D.C. Monday, 26 December 1988, 0830 hours local time Harper had only just removed his coat and set down his briefcase when Monica walked in, holding…
conspiracy-part-xii Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Endgame The Mall, Washington, D.C. Monday, 26 December 1988, 1130 hours local time Harper decided to take an early lunch to clear his head and consider what he knew. Since Muir's interrogation of…
conspiracy-epilogue Hornby (작가) 2012-08-13
Checkmate Command-02, Washington, D.C. Monday, 26 December 1988, 2130 hours local time This time, it was Harper waiting for Seven in the darkened conference room. Alone, she entered the dimly lit…
waking Zyn (작가) 2012-08-14
Why am I here? This place gives me nightmares, but never really the right ones to discourage me from coming back. The horrors and chills are the waking kind, which manifest in the darkness when I’m…
UIU 오리엔테이션 Kingreaper (작가) 2012-08-15
FBI에서 두 번째로 인원이 적은, 이상 사고 부대 분과에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여러분 대부분은 아마도 벌칙으로 여기 오신 걸 겁니다. 어떤 분이…
favors-part-two Dmatix (작가) 2012-08-17
Note: Naturally, this should only be read after Favors-Part One Colonel Arjmand wasn't sure he made the right choice. Granted, it was either using the talisman or certain death, but the latter…
talked-with-516 ghostchibi (작가) 2012-08-17
I talked with 516 one day To see what it might have to say To learn about it even more I asked it “Are you not machine? What makes you stop and intervene From deep within inside your core?” It…
surprise-happy-birthday-2 TroyL (작가) 2012-08-18
Well, well, well… What have we here? You've managed to survive yet another year? A year of work, of screaming children, A year of delving into things unbidden. Oh? What's that? We shouldn't know?…
씨피에게 tehburntone (작가) 2012-08-19
This is the twenty-third time I'm doing it. I log into the system (which, thankfully, isn't sentient) and once again get into my personal log. This is the twenty-third different report of my death…
incident-682-1548 catboy637 (작가) 2012-08-19
On ██/██/████, SCP-682 broke containment and proceeded to escape to Research Unit-█, which is the primary unit used to receive communications from SCP-1548. SCP-682 proceeded to kill all personnel…
slumbering Zyn (작가) 2012-08-20
“And who would you be?” “Oh, I’m new… Here’s my ID.” “You’re the person working with that butterfly… One… one four… five something, right? Feeding duty or something of the like? Down the stairs,…
dreaming Zyn (작가) 2012-08-20
I. Praefatio These well-lit rooms and stainless halls Are host to choruses of fear Behind each door a nightmare calls Contained by persons without peer Another test requires my aid I pass the doors…
classicalinterlude Djoric (작가) 2012-08-21
March 18, 1997 Dr. Connor Gerry was counting gears. As of three thirty-four in the afternoon, having started at eleven minutes past noon, he had counted one thousand seven hundred and nineteen of…
지평선의 불 Dmatix (작가) 2012-08-24
땅거미가 지기 시작한 구 예루살렘의 아르메니아 지구의 좁은 골목길은 먼 옛날에 지어진 석조 건물의 그림자에 덮여 어둑어둑해졌다. 앙리 드몽포르는 이 도시가 지나온 세월에…
once-but-not-now SRegan (작가) 2012-08-26
Sometimes, when he closed his withered eyelids, the old man could see the prairies of his youth, the moonlight grasses, feel and hear the gentle whiskers of the wind against his flesh. But that had…
new-year-s-part-1 Djoric (작가) 2012-08-26
December 31, 1997 Alto H. Clef ticked another box off on his bucket list. Specifically the one next to the phrase “Have coffee with the Venus of Willendorf”. Of course, he had only added it to his…
into-that-good-night Zyn (작가) 2012-08-27
A collection of villanelles based on SCP articles. The second is here. 086 091 121 134 469 506 776 1045 1171 1217 1231 1440 1510 1599 1673 1802 _­___-J The Office of Dr. REDACTED [for Voct]…
승진 Michael Atreus (작가) 2012-08-28
두꺼운 파일을 한 손에 들고, 다른 손에 작은 유리잔을 든 베테랑 정보원은 근대 냄새가 강하게 나는 실험실로 잘난체하며 걸어들어갔다. 이곳에서는 방 중앙에 있는 관찰 테이블 주변에 말라비틀어진 식물들이…
new-year-s-part-2 Djoric (작가) 2012-08-29
January 1, 1998 Alto H. Clef stepped out of the little circle of snow into the scorched dirt and admired his handiwork. There were some large chunks left, a few even vehicle-sized, but by and large…
태평성대 Dmatix (작가) 2012-08-30
끝났다. 가장 낮은 등급의 보안 요원부터 O5 평의회까지, 재단의 그 누구도 정확히 뭐가 끝났는지는 설명할 수 없었다. 굳이 표현하자면 …
oops Firebeard (작가) 2012-08-31
"An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody." -Unknown Everything was going swimmingly. His research team had finally gotten authorization to use 914 for ordnance testing. Set to "Fine"…

2012년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
acquisitions1 SRegan (작가) 2012-09-01
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Chapter One: "Jellybeans" Chapter Two: "Antitrust" Chapter Three: "Tender" Chapter One: "Jellybeans" The last will and testament of Bernard Gradley So, I'm…
acquisitions2 SRegan (작가) 2012-09-01
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Chapter Four: "You Are Invited" Chapter Five: "There's Five" Chapter Four: "You Are Invited" "I must say," Jeremy said happily, "I was beginning to think you…
acquisitions3 SRegan (작가) 2012-09-01
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Chapter Six: "Rainy in London" Chapter Seven: "Codex" Chapter Eight: "Castle" Chapter Six: "Rainy in London" In the morning's watery light, he sat for a few…
patronage TroyL (작가) 2012-09-06
Sir or Sirs: When I was five, I was in a theatre fire. A real one, not some hackneyed joke played up for laughs by idiotic teenagers. Upon reflection, I think it was utterly mad that there would…
bloodletting Aelanna (작가) 2012-09-07
September 7 I had a dream last night, something that doesn't happen to me very often at all. I laugh and joke about how I seem to have no imagination at all, but it really is odd that I haven't had…
and-so-it-is-now Djoric (작가) 2012-09-09
April 30, 1998 Able’s fists were clenched hard enough to draw blood from his palms. He couldn’t hear beyond the tomb, but he knew there were people outside. He had to kill them. His body felt ready…
epistula Djoric (작가) 2012-09-11
The following message was intercepted by a Foundation Special Intelligence Team in September of 2012. The original source has yet to be identified. To my Brothers and Sisters: Greetings, and the…
lost-time Dr Gears (작가) 2012-09-12
“What were you, Harken?” “…what, like in a cosmic sense? Probably a dog or something.” “Must you always be an asshole?” “No, it's a choice.” They'd been stuck at the same posting for three days now,…
바꿔서 뭐하겠나? Joreth (작가) 2012-09-13
결국 그건 밈이었다. 이 모든 것은 뱅 박사가 재단에서 쫓겨나는 것으로 시작했다. 난 학위를 딴지 5년 후에 우수학생이여서 재단에서 뽑아갔고 뱅 박사와 일을 시작하게 되었다. 그는…
interview-log-7362 Drewbear (작가) 2012-09-19
Following the events surrounding the acquisition of the territory affected by SCP-7362, the following interview was conducted with Jeremiah Smalls, the only individual to have survived the…
individuality Roget (작가) 2012-09-20
You want to know where it all went wrong? The reason the Foundation is in this state? I can tell you. I'm probably the last person who can tell. They got all the others… either dead, hidden, or…
그녀의 머리카락 냄새 TroyL (작가) 2012-09-20
총알이 그의 머리로 조금씩 가까워지자, 그는 몇 가지 일을 고려할 시간을 가졌다. 첫 번째는 그의 첫 진짜 여자친구가 얼마나 사랑스러웠는지였다. 그녀는 머릿속의 이상상을 최종 결과물과 같게…
obsession-s-price Roget (작가) 2012-09-24
The journal entries included with this report were recovered from Researcher █████'s official research notes on SCP-589 following Incident 589-40. It is believed that Researcher █████ was the first…
rapture azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-09-25
He soared higher and higher, white wings beating noiselessly as he streaked upwards, defiant of the gravity pulling him back towards the ground. Soon the figure buried himself in the clouds, the…
occurrence-of-oddness Djoric (작가) 2012-09-25
The heat of the afternoon was turning into the cool calm of a June evening. The pines stood straight and tall as they had for decades, shadows barring the orange light of the setting sun. Birds…
a-most-unfortunate-reunion Smapti (작가) 2012-09-25
Dr. Matthew Eggers, special assistant for sapient animal research at Site 19, sat at a bare table in Interview Room C, a notepad in his hand. In front of him, crawling back and forth across the…
contrast Gargus (작가) 2012-09-25
More than anything else in life, they desire pleasure. It fuels their every action, driving them to do impossible things for the purpose of gaining it. Even when they don't realize it, pleasure is…
resale-value Voct (작가) 2012-09-28
One afternoon, at a fashionable clubhouse belonging to Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. "Look what I made!" "It's lovely, sir. You are truly gifted. May I ask what it is?" "I made it using the kit…

2012년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
dust Wogglebug (작가) 2012-10-02
An old man stands alone in a dusty room. The man, who is older than the room and a great deal dustier, walks slowly along a row of shelves. It is dark and the man cannot see what is on the shelves,…
loose-ends Varian (작가) 2012-10-06
Mr. Eric Brashin checked his silver pocket watch, holding it only by the chain. The boy was late. Of course. The meeting he had scheduled was already bound to prove a waste of time. Lateness always…
래리 씻기기 Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-10-07
They started giving us oxygen tanks after the fifth cleaning. We would vomit too much, and get Larry all dirty again. God forbid we have a dirty Larry. I remember when we didn't have the tanks and…
envying-the-dead Varian (작가) 2012-10-09
He stared at the opaque glass of his visor. It was nothing he hadn't seen before. Every single day, he looked at nothing but the misted over surface. He had wept the first few months. By now, he…
end-of-the-month Snowshoe (작가) 2012-10-10
Researcher Felix was playing a game. To his left sat D-2768, who liked to be called Sam. To his right, D-478, Harry. Across from him, Jeremy. The board was spread before them all, miniature figures…
금요일 Djoric (작가) 2012-10-11
While Nexus points of this nature exist elsewhere in the world, it is in the United States that they are the most prominent. This is, in my opinion, an example of culture’s influence on universal…
more-than-ever Zyn (작가) 2012-10-12
I was feeling more down than usual when I borrowed that book. I must have been, otherwise I probably would have passed it by. But then again I guess I really wasn’t expecting her to leave the way…
uncle-teddy Smapti (작가) 2012-10-13
Uncle Teddy was always a strange old man. It's one of those kind of things that you don't think about when you're a kid, and you still believe that knights and pirates and wizards are things that…
나의 검도 멈추지 않게 하리라 SRegan (작가) 2012-10-15
I found this in You-Know-Who's latest cache of papers. I'm inclined to believe that it's from one of his not-so-parallel iterations, given that the thing appears to be dated to the 1930s. Still,…
SLATE THUNDER 브리핑 (혼돈의 반란 오리엔테이션) Hornby (작가) 2012-10-20
안녕하신가요 여러분. 앞에 커피하고 베이글하고 드세요. 저를 모르시는 분도 계실 테니 인사드리겠습니다. 저는 재단 선임감독정보장교를 맡고 있는 대령 닐 혼비…
할로윈 경연! TroyL (작가) 2012-10-21
맙소사, 뭐라고요? 네, 할로윈 경연을 열었어요! 그게… 그게 그렇게까지 크고 재미있지는 않겠지만, 모두 참여해주실거라 믿어요! 컨테스트는 간단하답니다. SCP 재단과 할로윈에…
when-one-reaches-the-end Djoric (작가) 2012-10-21
These were the “Her Majesty’s Finest”? A half-dozen old men poking around the mortar holes and dugouts amidst the mist and mud and stench of the dead, all in the name of a crone who’d been dead for…
유언 Roget (작가) 2012-10-21
가을에 제19기지 주변을 돌다가 낡고 녹슨 울타리를 보게 된다면, 그 반대편에 무엇이 있는지 보고 싶어질 것이다. 그곳에서 잔디 위를 걸으면 낙엽들이 발 밑에서 바스락거릴…
my-dearest-mary Technician Downs (작가) 2012-10-22
FIELD REPORT. ATTACHED: Copies of documents found on the instance's person. ATTACHMENTS: DOCUMENT #AF1293-1: My Dearest Mary, I hope this letter finds you well. I do not know if it will reach you…
S & C 플라스틱스의 핼러윈 Ihp (작가) 2012-10-22
10월 24일 "핼러윈 싫어." 조나단 웨스트(Johnathan West) 박사가 카드 인식기에서 달걀을 치우고, ID 카드를 인식 시킨 후 S & C 플라스틱 사 빌딩에 입장했다. 이게 다른 재단 산하…
the-glorious-revolution Dmatix (작가) 2012-10-22
Note: This is a SCP-1483 tale, so reading it before reading this is recommended. Soto was beginning to have second thoughts about the concept of Democracy. He barely stifled a sigh as his cohorts’…
전조 Etteilla (작가) 2012-10-22
밖의 공기에는 약간의 쌀쌀함이 있다. 어딘가에서는 분장한 아이들이 집에서 집으로 깜빡이며 매년 오는 강력한 설탕 러시에 대한 기대로 끽끽대었다. 촛불이 새겨진 얼굴 뒤편에서 바람에…
비망록 10/31 SpoonOfEvil (작가) 2012-10-25
전 기지 인원에게 알립니다 전통적으로 10월 31일 주변을 둘러싼 특수한 상황과, 그것이 변칙적 현상의 촉매제가 될 수 있다는 혐의 때문에 전 기지 직원이 삼엄한 경계에 놓여졌으며 가능한…
SPC가 할로윈을 망치는 법 azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-10-26
"아빠, 왜 돌고래처럼 분장한거에요?" 미첼(Mitchell)이 딸을 안아들며 웃었다. "돌고래가 아니야, 이 멍텅구리야!" 그가 말했다. "상어라고!" 손안의 작은 소녀가 키득거리며 으르렁거리고…
할로윈 탈주 CryogenChaos (작가) 2012-10-27
그것은 제19기지의 할로윈 밤이였지 그전에도 없던 정말 보통의 밤이였네 안에서 연구원들은 열심이 일하고 있었다 스킵과 그 흥미로운 기벽을 연구하면서 순식간에, 갑자기 인터컴들은…
it-s-not-spelled-like-that Gargus (작가) 2012-10-28
"How long has he been out there?" asked the Site Director as he strolled down the corridor leading to the entry hub. "Around three hours, sir," replied his assistant, nervously shuffling her papers….
두 번째라 부르다 GrandEnder (작가) 2012-10-28
Lord Hubris sits opposite Lord Wisdom. He is of the type Kahtar, and his symbol is the crown. To his right is the unknowable, which is invisible and colorless to only him, as he refuses to look upon…
분장 바꾸기 TheGlyphstone (작가) 2012-10-28
난 핼러윈이 좋아. 내가 일년 중 가장 좋아하는 날이지. 누가 옆에서 뭐라 하지 않고 밤종일 나가 일반인들과 함께 섞일 수 있은 몇 안되는 날 중 하나야. 자주 변할 수 있으니 고통은 그리 나쁘진 않지…
귀신 이야기 PaladinFoster (작가) 2012-10-28
내가 친구 행크와 루시아와 함께 오커포노키(Okefenokee) 늪으로 노를 저으며 들어갔을때 해는 막 지고 있었다. 우리는 늪에서 카약을 타는데 낮선 자들이 아니였다. 어렸을때부터 모두….
rising Rejekyll (작가) 2012-10-28
The feeling of blinking and opening his eyes to an entirely new place was not new to number Five Zero Seven. Just a second ago, he had been standing in a dark cell, eating celebratory pumpkin pie….
과자 Dr Gears (작가) 2012-10-28
여기서 다시 한번, 사람들이 생각하는 것처럼 106이 진화한 상어 같은 기본 포식자가 아니라는 것을 말하고 싶다. SCP-106은 비록 완전한 외계의 존재일지라도 지적인 생명체이다. SCP-106은…
401호 Djoric (작가) 2012-10-29
“…” “…” “잘 알았네. 이건 … 어색하군.” “동의합니다. 방을 잘못 들어온 것은 아닙니까.” “아냐, 이게 내 방 중 하나라는 걸 확신한다고.” “아뇨, 제 것이 맞다는 걸 확신합니다.” “…” “…” “이게 끝나지는 않을 것…
seasons-pass Roget (작가) 2012-10-29
It's been a long time since we had a season like the '56 season. That was the heyday. It seemed like we couldn't sell enough stuff, and everyone wore the biggest smile. We had the tourists and…
don-tworryaboutit DrClef (작가) 2012-10-30
If you don't know what this is, don't worry about it. Part 1: The First Hi, everybody, my name is Margaret Sawyer-Sheen, and I'm a doctor with the SCP Foundation! This si the story of how I fell in…
동정 Aelanna (작가) 2012-10-30
오랜 시간과 연습을 필요로 했지만, 이제 상당히 잘 그릴 수 있게 되었다. 최소한 그는 그렇게 생각했다. 또한 생각할 수 있는 그 무엇이라도 요청할 수 있을…
Los Recuerdos de los Muertos (죽은 자의 기억) Drewbear (작가) 2012-10-31
카멜라는 묘지로 가져갈 ofrenda(봉납물) 바구니를 조심스럽게 쌌다. 헤르난다를 위한 헝겊 인형, 페르난도를 위한 데킬라 한 병, cempasúchil(타게티스 이렉타) 한다발… 나머지 가족들도…
변장자의 밤 Kalinin (작가)
무어(Moore) 박사는 안경을 벗고 다시 한번 눈을 비볐다. 마지막으로 먹었던 아스피린 한웅큼은 아직 효력을 발휘하지 않았고 세개의 화면에서 나오는 시선이 그녀의 욱씬대는 두통을 오른쪽…
how-dr-clef-saved-christmas Smapti (작가) 2012-10-31
The senior staff of Site 19 huddled in the conference room, warming themselves from the chill air of the cold mid-December morning. Coats and hats hung on the wall and over the backs of chairs, ice…

2012년 11월

제목 작가 생성일
from-vagrants-to-gentlemen Snowshoe (작가) 2012-11-02
Marshall slid the sleeve of his suit back, the ornate silver watch on his wrist glinting in the dull yellow glow of artificial light. Two minutes, eighteen seconds. He was on the second floor of the…
caveat-emptor Varian (작가) 2012-11-06
Michaelson's coughing racked his wasted frame. He brought his handkerchief up to his mouth and hacked until his weak lungs stopped trying to clear themselves. Blood spotted the white fabric in…
ichor Dmatix (작가) 2012-11-07
Dear Annie, I’m sorry I had to leave without telling you anything, but things kinda… escalated faster than I thought they would. I mean, I knew the suits would get royally pissed off with our little…
the-only-way-to-travel Djoric (작가) 2012-11-09
"So…you want coffee or anything? I think I have some left on the nightstand." "No, thank you." "Okay." "Mr. Brown, while I appreciate the pleasantries, I am here on investigation, namely the events…
handout Silberescher (작가) 2012-11-11
Little Anthony wandered down Pine Street, separated from the three other trick-or-treaters he had tagged along with. According to them, the house at the end of the road was giving out regular-sized…
an-excerpt-from-goodbye-ghost Salman Corbette (작가) 2012-11-12
Act 2, Scene 2: James: (Crying) But can't they help you in some way? Butt ghost: There is no cure for butt cancer. J: But what will I do without you? BG: James, you've never needed me in the first…
interview-with-the-strigoi Smapti (작가) 2012-11-12
Dr. Jacob Andrews stood in the hallway of Site 19's medical ward, in front of the door to the examination room where his subject for the day was strapped to a bed. Dr. Andrews had never worked…
upswing-of-disorder Djoric (작가) 2012-11-12
May 4, 1998 Any sort of lengthy journey always ends up in a destination far more bizarre than what was originally intended: home. The first few days home give rise to oddities. Details that had been…
olympia Roget (작가) 2012-11-13
The professor felt a familiar, cold linoleum under his feet as he padded his way through the facility. It had been a long time, but everything still felt like how he remembered it. The entrance hall…
목자 Djoric (작가) 2012-11-14
Mary-Ann Lewitt re-adjusted her blanket. November night blustered outside the window, the cold leaking in through the seams of the apartment. Of course, the truth was that the warmth was leaking out…
trepanning Aelanna (작가) 2012-11-14
November 15 Migraine again. They always seem to strike at the worst time, though I have a pretty good guess what the cause of this one is. The F Work pays well, but sometimes shit happens and it's…
kunststoff-strand Djoric (작가) 2012-11-16
Research Assistant Sam Ibsen was not a fan of his new assignment. He was not a fan of it at all. It was the architecture, he thought. Here we was, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, on a tropical…
i-can-t Nacht Ruine (작가) 2012-11-18
I can't feel your hair, the river streaming down Out of your head and into my open lap. It once was such silk, always soft to feel, But now so sparse and wired. How frayed, such disarray. I can't…
broadcast Gaffsey (작가)
I'm the hard-to-find stations on the AM band. John Carlyle ran his hands over his face and stared at his naked form in the bathroom mirror. No longer lean and muscled, it was beginning to sag….
second-watch Djoric (작가) 2012-11-24
Nota Bene: It does help if you read Shepherds first, as this is a continuation of that. “NO!” Mary-Ann opened her eyes to see the darkness of her bedroom. She was sitting up, gasping for breath,…
odd-corners Dr Gears (작가) 2012-11-24
I do not exist. That is to say, I do not exist here. Here is odd, a vast net that snares and crushes. Yet we follow, and come in droves, willing and not. It calls, somehow. We cannot enter, yet we…
but-when-they-opened-it-they-turned-and-swift GrandEnder (작가) 2012-11-27
I’m sorry, but look at us. We’re still in here, after all this time. We’ve served our sentence and then some, and we’re still in this goddamn prison. It’s not the time to be angry with each other,…
anomalous-incidents Roget (작가) 2012-11-28
Boyd kicked his heels onto the mahogany desk, a copper penny in his hand. "Call it." "…tails." Fish shifted uncomfortably, reclining in the opposite chair. "…Nope. What is that, seventieth time in a…
tales-of-the-foundation-force-five CryogenChaos (작가) 2012-11-29
The following are excerpts from the comic book series "The Foundation Force Five". Investigations into the publishing company, "Super Comics Publications", are ongoing; however, so far no useful…

2012년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
the-rise-and-fall-of-callus Snowshoe (작가) 2012-12-02
The Survivor stood before the front doors of the University. He cautiously reached a hand forward, and silently opened the door. As he stepped through, broken glass crunching under his feet, he…
wayward-repel Eskobar (작가) 2012-12-03
three-s-a-crowd azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-12-05
"Paulie?" The frail, shaky voice echoed through the hallways. "Paulie, I'm scared…" Paul carefully crawled further under the desk. He held his hand over his mouth, stifling his panting and…
walk-the-floor Djoric (작가) 2012-12-05
— Site 150, Foundation Research and Development Department, Entrance 3, 09:00 — Pride. Dr. Tabitha Foster knew the feeling well. Pride was black ink in the ledgers. Pride was a good deal put to good…
wayward-negotiation Eskobar (작가) 2012-12-07
« Act II, Scene I: Repel "Jesus Christ," Agent Usilov said. "Khalif, come take a look at this." Agent Aziz walked over to the other man. They were now standing in front of a two, two-and-a-half…
녹슨 악몽 Snowshoe (작가) 2012-12-08
달려. 보이는 곳까지 녹슨 금속이 뻗어간다. 달리는 남자는 그 앞에 불과 몇 피트밖에 남지 않았음을 알지 못한다. 그가 생각하기에 밀실공포적인 복도는 무한정…
it-might-have-been Djoric (작가) 2012-12-08
Item #: SCP-343 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-343 is currently uncontained. No reliable method of containing SCP-343 has been found. SCP-343 has taken up regular residence…
크리스마스 만찬 Snowshoe (작가) 2012-12-08
After Action Report, Incident MC-643 Agents Samuels, Perkins, and Flanders were assigned to infiltrate and gather information regarding a Christmas masquerade believed to have been held by…
timing Roget (작가) 2012-12-10
Mr. Moon knew he was very good at timing these things. He really couldn't afford to be bad at it, with his condition. He'd tried to use watches, but watches only worked when you had eyes to watch…
자캐 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-12-10
언제나 삶 속에는 마법이 없었다. 그게 그가 글을 쓰는 이유였다 — 왜냐하면 현실은 흥미로울 수도 있겠지만, 그 안에는 마법이 없었으니까. 그는 과학적인 사람은 아니었지만 논리적인…
the-ragdoll Prattler (작가) 2012-12-12
When I was a small child, I was terrified of the dark. I still am, but back when I was around six years old I couldn’t go a full night without crying out for one of my parents to search beneath my…
the-most-dangerous-game-of-all Dmatix (작가) 2012-12-12
Drip He was lurking in the shadows of an old oak grove, gazing at the dark, brooding form of the facility on the hill above. She was there. Drop after drop fell on Feldspar's head, as he remembered…
맑은 공기 한 모금: 숨 참기 Drewbear (작가) 2012-12-14
« 성체 | BoFA: 들이마시기 | BoFA: 숨 참기 | BoFA: 내쉬기 » 음성 기록, 14:25, ██/██/2011, 재단 위장 단체 "써니 코스트 프로덕션(Sunny Coast Production)" M███ S████, 스위치보드 조작자: 써니…
기술 오리엔테이션 Roget (작가) 2012-12-16
안녕, 그리고 기술 지원 오리엔테이션에 온 것을 환영한다. 난 상위 기술 연구원 데이빗 로젠이고, 너희를 가르칠거야. 시작하기 전에, 모든 휴대폰, 스마트폰,…
people-look-east Djoric (작가) 2012-12-18
Nota Bene: It would behoove you to read Shepherds and Second Watch before reading this tale. Mary-Ann Lewitt sat at the little table in the kitchen, reading her book. It was snowing outside, with…
그리고 난 괜찮아 Ihp (작가) 2012-12-22
Dr. Margaret Reese was awakened by the sound of Joey Tempest's voice. Rubbing her face and standing up from her desk, she sighed at the loudspeaker outside of her office. Someone had decided to…
dragon-s-teeth Gaffsey (작가)
The screaming man doused himself in spoiled milk, backed by a chorus of dog barks and digeridoos. Sarah sighed as she picked up her coat and sidled her way down the aisle. Taking a last glance at…
going-out Roget (작가) 2012-12-25
On 9/18/2011, SCP-703 manifested an instance of SCP-703-1. Analysis revealed it to be a list of items produced by SCP-703, dating back to its initial containment. Referencing with updated…
father-iron Gaffsey (작가)
The man in the suit wiped the sweat from his brow. Christ, he hoped that they would wrap it up soon. The chanting grew more intense. "Father Iron, King of War!" the crowd sang in Haitian creole,…
a-study-of-anomalous-art Djoric (작가) 2012-12-28
A Study of Anomalous Art, from the Paleolithic to the Present By Doctor Hannah Morel, head of the Artistic Anomalies Unit (The following excerpt is from pages 6-9 of Doctor Morel's paper. The full…
감성 대장은 불쌍해 azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2012-12-28
I miss the children. I miss them so much. I miss Janey and Jake and David and Roxanne. These people are alright, I suppose. They're not the kids, but I like them anyways. I guess I should be…
최후 이후 DrEverettMann (작가) 2012-12-29
세계가 어제 끝났고, 우리 중 아무도 그걸 오늘 아침까지 몰랐다. 아무 보급품도 도착하지 않을 것이다. 아무도 정신과를 찾아가보지도 않을 것이다. 오늘 아침, 나는 보급품을 확인하러…
classicalinterlude2 Djoric (작가) 2012-12-30
June 21, 2003 Summer solstice today. That means, if I’ve been counting right, that today is my five-thousand, three-hundred and twenty-seventh birthday. Happy birthday to me. I can barely believe…
a-canticle-for-bright Smapti (작가) 2012-12-30
Brother Zhakh sat alone on a bench in the great hall of Overwatch Cathedral. The sun shone dimly through the stained glass windows above, doing little to chase away the winter chill. Holy Doctors…
inertiatic-scp faminepulse (작가)
☦Deloused in the Comatorium/SCP-781 crossover.☦ The dream shaper had just been recovered from his home in El Paso, with the apparitions following close behind. The armed members of the recovery…
그 여름, 오리가 오리라 rumetzen (작가) 2012-12-31
“What is it?” “I… I think it's a duckie?” The two men stared down at the crater in the concrete. It was about a meter across, and in the center was a small yellow rubber duckie wearing an astronaut…

2013년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
purity-of-essence Gaffsey (작가)
In ones and twos they entered. Most came with the alertness of the carnival-goer, necks craned to take in all the art, hoping to catch whatever strange goings-on they could before they faded away….
wheels-within-wheels deValmont (작가) 2013-01-07
Audio Log dated 21/04/1994, Site ███. Post incident report. Timestamp 14:21:55 It’s going to be remarkably difficult to accurately report what happened here if I’m not able to give names and…
pseudohistorical-mischief Kalinin (작가)
The campus was mostly deserted tonight. Students everywhere at the university were holed up in their dormitories or at the library; poring frantically over books, scribbling last-minute notes,…
서곡: 첫 종소리 Roget (작가) 2013-01-10
« | 허브 | 1부 » …
첫 번째 막간: 옛 학교 Roget (작가) 2013-01-10
"굉장한 한 해가 될 거야, 안 그래?" - 네 뒤에 앉았던 소녀. 학생 여러분! 부디 이번 토요일에 강당에서 수업 계획을 짜게 된다는 것을 알아두시기 바랍니다…
추억: 2부 Roget (작가) 2013-01-10
리가 거기 있었다. 다림질한 교복을 입은 채, 무너져가는 복도와 망가진 문을 헤집고 다녔다. 그들은 그를 두고 갔다. 모두를 데리고 공연하러 나갔다. 리는 행진을 계속했다. 곧 돌아올 것이었다…
추억: 1부 Roget (작가) 2013-01-10
1976년 6월 12일 안녕, 난 리Lee야. 지금 이걸 보고 있다면, 너한테 몹시 화가 날 것 같아. 왜냐하면 이건 신장개업한 몽고메리 와드Montgomery Ward에서 어제 막 사 온…
두 번째 막간: 연주 중에 Roget (작가) 2013-01-10
"종이 울려야 했을 때를, 기억하시나요?" "아이들이 어떻게 노래하곤 했는지, 말해줄 수 있으신가요? - 무명의 팬. 드디어 여행을 떠나. 여기까지 오는데 엄청나게 오래 걸렸지만, 결국에는 가게 됐다고. 길 위에서 여름 내내 보낸…
추억: 3부 Roget (작가) 2013-01-10
리는 언제나 그러했듯 손목시계를 확인하고는 환영 매트를 넘어갔다. 집이었다. 올이 다 드러난 붉은 카펫에 때 묻고, 씻지 않은 창문이 있는, 딱히 특별할 것…
에필로그: 마지막 말 Roget (작가) 2013-01-10
« 3부 | 허브 |우린 결코 잊지 않아 » …
first-day rumetzen (작가) 2013-01-12
Joshua Thomas Eichburg stared in disbelief at the room in front of him. It was smaller than any other office he'd seen at the FBI, maybe the size of a bedroom. It was the only one he'd seen with no…
공장에 관한 12가지 이야기 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-01-13
안녕하십니까? 어서오세요, 관대한 독자님들. 여러분 중 많은 분들께서 ‘SCP-001은 O5의 이야기이다.’ 라고 알려져 있는 한 편의 훌륭한 소설을 읽으셨을 것이라고 확신합니다. 만일 읽어본 적이 없으시다면, 지금 잠시…
transcript-of-telephone-conversation-august-9-1991 spikebrennan (작가) 2013-01-18
THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON TRANSCRIPT OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION SUBJECT: Telephone Conference to Discuss Transportation of Novaya Zemlya Object PARTICIPANTS: The President James Baker (Secretary of…
reservoir-skips Communism will win (작가) 2013-01-18
the world is gonna roll me                                                                                                                             Hello, brother of the machine. Do you have a…
arbitrary-darkness Zyn (작가) 2013-01-18
Another collection of villanelles based on SCP articles. The first is here. 003 917 1293 1468 1522 1541 1553 1595 1640 1832 1863 2307 2989 Biological Motherboard [for thedeadlymoose] Goddess,…
empty-nights Dmatix (작가) 2013-01-19
Beneath the ashen skies of a soon-to-be dead planet, stood a mountain, a stark form against the flatness of the wasteland surrounding it. Upon the mountain was an old man, sitting on a sun-bleached…
if-it-were-the-80s Gargus (작가) 2013-01-19
Two young boys sit at a varnished wooden table, looking as if they are bored out of their minds. One of them speaks up, saying words to this effect. They both let out a long, drawn out sigh. This is…
setting-the-stage Roget (작가) 2013-01-20
Dear sir or madame, It has come to our attention that you have taken some of our props, and while we understand why you felt it necessary, we politely request you return them. We were not intending…
issue-100 Ihp (작가) 2013-01-20
"What the hell do you mean there's been a breach?" "Well, no SCPs have broken out, but… someone's made a video about us. Specifically, the comic books we keep finding." "So some small-time comic…
stepping-out Gargus (작가) 2013-01-21
It came as a great shock to Doctor Martin the day the Blank Man appeared before him and offered to show him a world without the Foundation. It would, of course, come as a shock to anyone. To be…
unusual-music rumetzen (작가) 2013-01-21
The sign at the top of the store should have read “Jive Kat's Funky Disco Beats”, but four of the letters had fallen off to make it “Jiv at's Fun y Disco Bats”. The tinted windows had been broken…
good-morning-world Dr Jonesy (작가) 2013-01-24
Good morning, world. I open my eyes to the sight of the sun streaming in through my window. I smile. There’s nothing quite like waking up to the sun warming your face. Especially after having not…
the-tale-of-the-library rumetzen (작가) 2013-01-25
It began with a word. Eventually it would swell to become something greater. It would envelop reality and become the heart of all universes. It would join world to world and unite people in its…
뱀이 던진 환격수 faminepulse (작가)
☦우로보로스(SCP-1203)가 세계를 되돌리다.☦ 2090년, 12월 21일 멕시코 테오티우아칸, 깃털뱀신의 피라미드 쥐들은 오랫동안 그 수를 불렸고, 이제 테오티우아칸Teotihuacan이 불안정의 희생자가 되었소…
last-plane-out-of-the-south azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가)
Djoric (작가)
Dmatix (작가)
Zyn (작가)
There was an airplane cruising over the Atlantic Ocean. For all intents and purposes, this airplane did not exist, though that fact is neither here nor there and is generally irrelevant to the point…
turn-a-new-page Djoric (작가) 2013-01-25
Alai swiped her card again. The door remained closed. She frowned, biting her lip, and swiped the card again. Still nothing. To the outside observer, Alai would have looked like a befuddled tropical…
확고부동한 목소리들 Vezaz (작가) 2013-01-25
이것은 냉전에 대해서 당신이 알아 두어야 할 사항들이다. 1949년 8월 19일: 소련의 첫 원자폭탄 실험. 핵전력 독점의 상실을 목도하며, 미국의 기술적 우위를…
rascal-one-actual DrClef (작가) 2013-01-25
"So, um… this whole Hartle Anomaly thing seems to be heating up. Think they'll send us in?" "Hartle's scientific, not paranormal," Bullfrog said, as he carefully replaced the battery cover on a…
in-the-shadow-of-a-high-wall Vezaz (작가) 2013-01-25
On June 16, 1963, a team of Foundation agents attempted and failed to re-contain the escaped SCP-2030 in West Berlin. The following excerpt is drawn from the debrief of team leader Louis Franklin….
중간 휴식 시간 - 2012년 마셜, 카터 & 다크 경매 카탈로그 중 일부 DrClef (작가) 2013-01-25
품목 #: 50621-173 움직이는 콘크리트 동상 최소 입찰액: $20,000,000 이 사랑스러운 세공품은 1987년 익명의 예술가가 콘크리트와 강철봉으로 만든 것입니다. 높이는…
by-one-iota Smapti (작가) 2013-01-25
Deep in the catacombs beneath Overwatch Cathedral, there was a cavernous and isolated chamber at the end of a long hallway. The historians of the Holy Foundation could only guess at what purpose it…
the-green-prince giant enemy spycrab (작가) 2013-01-25
The marketplace was busy, as always. Goods being heaved off of and onto ships, merchants trying to raise their voices above the clamor to peddle their wares, the various colorful trinkets being…
cast-on Eskobar (작가) 2013-01-25
The needles were bamboo, six inches or so in length, streaks of rainbow stain running down their length. The yarn was Angora wool, pure white. She had seen a skein in a local craft shop and studied…
알려지지 않은 것(Quid Non Sictum Est) Jekeled (작가) 2013-01-26
열아홉번째 폐허의 옛 대강당이, 그해 처음으로 가득 차 있는 것을, 프레익스 추기경은 상당히 자랑스럽게 보고 있었다. 콜링스…
collecting azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-01-26
"After the objects are processed and given SCP designation, we organize them into three main classes; Safe, Euclid, and Keter. Safe-class objects are the simplest to contain, more often than not…
뱀이 물고 온 소식 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-01-26
-» You joined channel #booksudontread -» Topic is: #booksudontread 에 접속하신 것을 환영합니다 - 대화방 규칙: 지랄하지 말 것. 다른 사람에게 폐 끼치지 말 것. 이 방은 초대를 받아야 접속할 수 있습니다. 강퇴를 당했다면,…
senescence-consumption-persecution SoullessSingularity (작가) 2013-01-26
☦The slow fall of the Foundation.☦ August 14th, 2051 - September 9th, 2077 The castle was old and decrepit but still stood, a testament to the stubbornness of humanity’s rules impressed upon the…
concerto-in-d-major Drewbear (작가) 2013-01-26
Hiro P. always said that a successful art-strike required speed, cunning, and above all else, style. In retrospect, he'd never said anything about things like "artistic vision" or "ability to fight…
헤드라인에서 막 가져옴 DrEverettMann (작가) 2013-01-27
나는 텔레비전을 지켜보았지만, 헬렌이 의자에 앉도록 도와주고 있었기 때문에, 몇개의 단어밖에 볼 수 없었다. "…사라졌으며, 거대한 구멍밖에 남지 않았습니다. 해당 지역에서 발생한 허리케인은 공기와…
깨어나는 그림자 Wilt (작가)
윌트 작성                                                                                                                             나는 죽어가고 있다. 오래 전부터 나는 그것을 알고 있었다. 나는 나이를 먹고 굼떠지기…
막간극 - 표류 Roget (작가)
Wilt (작가)
Wogglebug (작가)
윌트 작성                                                                                                                             19██년 9월 18일 08시 55분 - 제206사령부가 SCPS 요나…
taken-from-a-global-occult-coalition-casefile DrClef (작가) 2013-01-27
LTE-3503-Silver KTE-1027-Grey Field Operative SK-107 A self-portrait found in the subject's wallet at time of death Threat ID: LTE-3503-Silver ("Vector") Authorized Response Level: N/A…
내가 골짜기를 지날지라도 Anaxagoras (작가) 2013-01-27
1월 20일, 708 이번 겨울은 내가 기억하는 한 가장 지독한 겨울이다. 눈이 통로를 막아버리기 전에 내가 돌아가지 못할까 겁이 나는군. 지금이라도 돌아갈 수는 있다. 레드몬트..
impression Zyn (작가) 2013-01-29
A decoration of sorts. First thing I saw at the facility. Tyhjä fidgeted. Everything here made him feel uncomfortable for some reason, maybe it was the simplicity of the unadorned, unremarkable…
from-on-high Djoric (작가) 2013-01-29
Darkness, and then light. The mind crystallized, the web of gold filaments woven into spiraling pathways amidst the fluid blackness, shining spheres beading on the mesh. Peace flowed, one thread to…
방문객과 비서 CryogenChaos (작가) 2013-01-30
"이런, 안녕하세요!" 비서가 외쳤다. 느닷없이 방문객이 앞에 서 있어 놀랐어도 그녀의 함박웃음은 변함없었다. 짙은 회색 양복과 모자가 사무실의 밝은 배경과 형편없이 충돌하는 것과 진지한 분위기 때문에 그는…
간주곡: 발췌문 Drewbear (작가) 2013-01-30
[날짜 제거됨]에 있었던 프로메테우스 연구소 이사회 기록에서 발췌함 최고경영자(CEO) D. 델 레이: "이제 다음 업무로 넘어가도록 하죠. 원더테인먼트 박사 말입니다." 최고재무관리자(CFO) A. 앤더슨: "아이고,…
wondertainment-special-letter Drewbear (작가) 2013-01-30
Document found among the personal effects of D████ W█████, recovered during Operation PURPLE ENVELOPE Dearest Aaron William Coolridge-Yates, You're one of Doctor Wondertainment's absolute bestest…
library-gallery-exhibition Drewbear (작가) 2013-01-30
Photograph of "Every Day Is Wednesday" Found in 2012, as part of the Library-curated exhibition: "Standing on the Shoulders of the Phoenix: Discovery and Rediscovery in Post-Millenial…
placere-non-trinus Rejekyll (작가) 2013-01-30
Sir Ando drew his cloak around him as he prepared to leave the monastery. The large, cobblestone building stood behind him, towering above him and his horse as he saddled it up. Hastily, he threw…
memory-of-a-memory-antarctic-exchange-6 Dmatix (작가) 2013-01-30
Sakarn Var Surten was being talked to, and didn’t care for it one bit. To be honest, it wasn't so much the talking to he minded, it was the fact he didn't understand a word of what the mustachioed…
the-faraday-girls rumetzen (작가) 2013-01-30
“Shit shit shit,” said Donna. She was late for school. Stupid alarm had gone off an hour late, and now she was going to have to walk. “Shit,” she said again as she opened her closet and ruffled…
finding-the-machine Fantem (작가) 2013-01-30
We were prepared for war. It was obvious our mission was important from the start. Oftentimes, a manager or vice president would send their good graces before a mission, but seeing you was a rare…
primo-gustu-color PaladinFoster (작가) 2013-01-30
* **CoolGuy95 has joined #post-phenomart Welcome to Post-Phenom Art - RULES: www.pastebin.com/GHeXgyQW | Topic: Non-Euclidean Sculptures: Overdone or Underdone? Topic set by TheEntirePolishArmy on…
the-birthday Vivax (작가) 2013-01-30
I remember my birth. There were flashes of life before I was born. Self was the first. Quorum was the second. Fight and Flight arrived together. I was aware but unaware until the day of my birth. I…
there-was-one-there-was-not-one Gaffsey (작가)
"What happened to the boy?" The children started intently at their older brother over the fire. "Why, he was eaten by the Lion that Stalks the Night, of course. Each of his limbs was eaten by one…
they-will-leave-us-with-a-shaken-earth Vezaz (작가) 2013-01-30
From Bernard Fall's article "New Technology and a Familiar Strategy in Viet-Nam," published on December 28th, 1966. A desperate fight broke out on the far side of McNamara’s Plaza just as I sat…
duty Rain42 (작가) 2013-01-30
Dr. Herrero walked slowly along the empty white corridor, like a condemned to the scaffold. His footsteps echoed on the cold walls, while several cameras observed him from the ceiling. He knew that…
연방수사국 특이사건반의 문상 편지 내용 DrClef (작가) 2013-01-30
[여기에 FBI 공식 표제문구를 입력하시오] 연방 수사국 미합중국 법무부 워싱턴 D.C. [날짜] 친애하는 [수신인], 당신의 [관계], [고인]의 사망에 대해 깊은 조의를 표하고자…
deus-vult Smapti (작가) 2013-01-30
The full moon shone brightly upon the dense canopy of the virgin forest, faint beams of moonlight reaching through to the earth below. A gentle summer's breeze raked the treetops, warming the…
saturday-night-scp-showdown Smapti (작가) 2013-01-31
"I'm Vince McMahon." "I'm Gorilla Monsoon." "And I'm Bobby 'the Brain' Heenan." "We've got a sold-out crowd here tonight at the Tacoma Dome this lovely Saturday night, February 17th, 1991, ladies…

2013년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
"아파크트" thedeadlymoose (작가) 2013-02-01
제10 기지의 지하, 야라 미르스키 박사(Dr. Yara Mirski)는 그 전에 수백번도 넘게 해왔듯이, 장갑 낀 손으로 보석을 불빛으로 들어올렸다. 그녀는 그 하얀 점박이와 표면을 덮고 있는 금 세공으로…
문이 열리다 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2013-02-01
야훼는 때가 되었음을 알고, 제17기지의 그의 방 안에서 인간 형태로 깨어났다. 순식간에, 그는 제0기지에 있었다. 통제실의 인원들은, 몇몇은 반쯤 자고 있었는데, 그가 나타나자 놀라서 펄쩍…
묵시 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2013-02-01
야훼는 그가 기억하는 한 가장 놀란 채로 골짜기로 걸어갔다. 말로 표현할 수 없는 놀라움. 그는 이제껏 단 한 번도 말을 잃은 적이 없었다. 골짜기는 — 그의 골짜기는 — 북적였다. 홍수처럼…
this-memorandum-does-not-exist Eskobar (작가) 2013-02-01
—ck from our music break, we'll do our weekly segment "Tuesday Update with Researcher James," where we bring everyone's favorite researcher live on-air to discuss the, uh, goings-on around the…
특별한 자산 DrClef (작가) 2013-02-01
세인트 헬레네 병원은 어떠한 지도에도 나타나지 않았다. 구글에서도 나오지 않았고, 전화번호부에서도 찾아 볼 수 없었다. 병원은 위치를 미리 알고 있는 것 만이 그곳으로 가는 유일한…
the-good-of-the-other Djoric (작가) 2013-02-02
Nota Bene: It would behoove you to read Shepherds, Second Watch, and People Look East before reading this tale. Mechanoid Moloch! Moloch the mighty maw! Gnawing Moloch! Sawing Moloch! Moloch the…
eden Snowshoe (작가) 2013-02-03
I remember the warmth. That is the first thing I recall. The light was there as well, the soft orange glow of a dying star. But the warmth… It cannot be easily described. It is nothing like the…
antediluvian Wogglebug (작가) 2013-02-03
I walk. The Elder had always spoken so greatly of this day to me. He said that on the day on which a boy sets out, alone, to the top of the island, he begins his journey into manhood. I can feel…
green-pawn JanitorialSnail (작가) 2013-02-03
Site-40 A young boy walked lazily around Site 40, watching brooding soldiers and overworked scientists make their daily rounds. He was a janitor, with access only to what he needed to fix, and the…
life-in-the-multiverse Ihp (작가) 2013-02-03
"Portal's stabilized. You're good to go. Say hi to 507 if you see him." The operator of the portal chuckled at his joke. Trevor Bailey stepped through the portal to F-601432-Gamma; he emerged in the…
올 싱스 컨시더드 Photosynthetic (작가) 2013-02-03
다음 원고에서 발췌: "올 싱스 컨시더드All Things Considered", WOSU 89.7, 2013년 1월 28일 16:05 알리샤 클라크Alisha Clark, 진행자: 대통령이 중동에서 동요를 가라앉히려 하는 동안, 나사는…
six-little-mice Pig_catapult (작가) 2013-02-03
Six little mice scampered 'cross the floor "Eddy, are you seriously reading the news right now?" I look up from my copy of TIME to glare at Justin. "Come on, man. This Hartle thing's cool, the…
compromised giant enemy spycrab (작가) 2013-02-04
“We’ve got the results back.” “And?” “Three positively compromised, five more with a confidence of 50% or greater.” “Good. Shuffle them around.” “Yes, sir.” Clearance Level GK-5 Eyes Only Special…
of-blackmail-and-bribery Technician Downs (작가) 2013-02-04
The door swung open, casting light into the dark room. In the entryway stood an old man. His face was creased with age, blushed red, and wet with tears. His head was bare, whiskers coated his chin,…
다 카포 알 피네 DrClef (작가) 2013-02-04
다섯번째 생일날, 시규로스 스테판스도데는 자신의 양부모가 구워준 케이크를 바라보고는 진짜 부모가 죽지 않았더라면 하고 빌었다. 눈을 감았다 뜨자, 그녀는…
parting Roget (작가) 2013-02-04
TO: Oklahoma City, OK FROM: Washington D.C John Please come to Washington as soon as it can be arranged. Something has come up, and we're in need of people with your skills to assist. This is a…
THE END Gaffsey (작가)
The two figures met each other as they always did, by the sofas. Both seemed to flicker, their outlines faded and blurry. As always happened, the short one began the speech. "Hail, Myala, King of…
대외 원조 Drewbear (작가) 2013-02-05
마리아 느워수가 마을 밖에서 기다리며 얼굴의 땀을 닦아내고 있을 때, 강한 바람이 불어 그녀의 알록달록한 치마를 펄럭였다. 마리아는 초원의 너머를 보려 눈 위로 그늘을…
서곡: 끝 Drewbear (작가) 2013-02-05
어제 계단 위에서 난 거기 없었던 남자를 만났네 그는 오늘도 거기 없네 그가 제발 멀리 가 버렸으면 좋으련만 ―〈안티고니쉬〉, 휴즈 먼즈, 1899 그는 거울 속의 그 자신을 보며…
최종 악장: 끝 Drewbear (작가) 2013-02-05
그녀는 거울 속의 그 자신을 보며 오늘의 자신의 복장을 점검하였다. 아무런 장식이 없는 회색 클로슈 모자, 잘 만들어진 회색 야회복, 다림질 되고 풀이 먹여진 흰색 셔츠, 올가미처럼 꽉 묶인 검은 스카프. 그녀는…
RJ 텔러의 취재 노트 Arlecchino (작가) 2013-02-05
내가 상을 흔들어대면서 자기 업적을 내가 죽을 때까지 너무나도 과시하는 그 교수를 그놈 자신의 토사물로 질식시키고 싶은 것만큼이나, 나는 멍청한 버릇들 중 일부를 떨쳐 버릴 수가 없었다. 펜과 종이가 생각하는 데…
a-child-to-teach Pixeltasim (작가) 2013-02-05
It relaxed for a moment, savoring the moment. It liked to have some leeway, and little children afraid of the dark gave it plenty. It wondered what it should do this time, pull it under the bed? No……
interlude-scenes-from-the-fall Vivax (작가) 2013-02-05
Two siblings, a brother and sister, were playing in a garden among the vine-blanketed trellises and burbling streams that their mother had so dedicated herself to cultivating. The two siblings were…
폭풍전선 Sophia Light (작가) 2013-02-05
침입자는 그녀가 진흙탕에, 빳빳하게 서서 물결치는 허리 높이의 붉은 풀 위에 무릎 꿇을 때 나타났다. 그녀의 야외 수첩이 펄럭이고, 페이지가 넘어가고, 풀이 완전한 원 모양을 이루며 뒤로 밀려났다. 무언가가 빛과…
눈뜸 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2013-02-05
그들은 세계 너머에서 왔고, 세계 위에서 왔고, 세계 아래에서 왔다. 그들은 별들 속에서 왔으며 빗방울 뒤에서 왔다. 그들은 이미 알려진 곳에서 왔으며 또한 오래된 비밀스러운…
흰 말 (금관을 쓴 정복자) thedeadlymoose (작가) 2013-02-05
야훼는 이즈레엘 골짜기의 남서쪽에 있는 밀밭을 쉴 새 없이 걸었다. 그는 다른 골짜기, “그의” 골짜기에는 오래 머물지 않았다. 그 곳은 너무나도…
제18기지의 변화 faminepulse (작가)
☦제18기지가 넘쳐흐르는 안전 등급 개체를 수용하기 위해 개장하다.☦ 1976년 7월 28일 - 제18역정보기지 “좋은 저녁이에요 메이레더씨.” 샌더스는 뚱뚱한 대머리 남자의…
붉은 말 (역설적 은유법) Dexanote (작가) 2013-02-05
이에 붉은 다른 말이 나오더니 그 탄 자가 허락을 받아 땅에서 화평을 제하여 버리며 서로 죽이게 하고 또 큰 칼을 받았더라 사이렌이 제12기지에 울려 퍼졌다. 건물 전체의 화면들이 깜박거리더니 노이즈로 채워졌다….
the-end-of-history Vezaz (작가) 2013-02-05
November 9th, 1989. East Berlin. The last time it will ever be called that. At a press conference announcing new, more liberal travel regulations for the German Democratic Republic, unprepared…
the-truth-is-out-there Silberescher (작가) 2013-02-05
Gilbert Buchs had a little game that he played in his free time lately: he sat in front of his computer, played one of his old New World Order Exposed videos, opened a bottle of bourbon, and then…
막간: 도둑질에 대한 내부 문건 Dexanote (작가) 2013-02-05
요청하신 서류는 아래 제공되었습니다. ████/██/██에 있었던 제 62기지 탈주 기록 ██/██/██, 0134 시: 알려지지 않은 개체가 제 62기지의 주 정문 바깥에 나타남. 보안 요원은 겁에 질려…
rising-tide Wogglebug (작가) 2013-02-06
In the very bowels of the earth, up against the hard heat of the rocks and the cool of the abyssal water, emerges a creature of born of darkness and stone. Covered in spines of rock and mud-brown…
misnomer Communism will win (작가) 2013-02-06
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed                                                                                                                             Site 23, Delhi, India. November 22,…
under-the-sea Roget (작가) 2013-02-06
I must tell you this now, as I am growing old and the knowledge cannot die with me. The world as you know it is wrong. We are all passengers in a great craft, from which we will one day be released….
audio-of-war Salman Corbette (작가)
Audio Transcript 1035 Welcome to Site-76 It is here in the vast Egyptian desert that we keep many confiscated anomalous objects we find the two great superpowers of the world clutching onto, and…
anno-domino Rioghail (작가)
December 1st, 2081 Access: Record of extranormal events and object retrievals Enter password: Access: Record for Site-466 retrieval agents. Enter password: *** Access: Records…
as-time-draws-near Wilt (작가)
Written by Wilt                                                                                                                             "Diviner Anzak, if you'd please join me on the stage?"…
검은 말 (기어드는 바다) Sophia Light (작가) 2013-02-06
셋째 인을 떼실 때에 내가 들으니 셋째 생물이 말하되 오라 하기로 내가 보니 검은 말이 나오는데 그 탄 자가 손에 저울을 가졌더라. 내가 네 생물 사이로서 나는 듯 하는 음성을 들으니 가로되 한 데나리온에…
the-bloody-autumn Dexanote (작가) 2013-02-06
Agent Mathews awoke to the sound of gunfire. Then laughter. Chilling, inhuman laughter, filling the air from everywhere. Mathews had fallen asleep at his post, the radio tower several yards away…
창백한 말 (말 안 듣는 아이들) thedeadlymoose (작가) 2013-02-06
내가 보매 창백한 말이 나오는데 그 탄 자의 이름은 죽음이니 지옥이 그 뒤를 따르더라. 저희가 땅 사분의 일의 권세를 얻어 검과 흉년과 사망과 땅의 짐승으로써 죽이더라 그 생명체는 끝없는 괴로움 속에서…
스발바르에서 온 유언 Sophia Light (작가) 2013-02-06
그들은 폭발에서 눈을 돌렸다가, 기지의 잔해에서 빠르게 퍼져나오는 얼어붙은 버섯 모양 구름을 돌아보았다. 갑갑한 헬기 중앙부에 있는 세 명의 탑승자는 모든 것이 연기로 덮여버리기 전에 해변에 있는 불분명한 검은 형체를…
브라이트 박사의 처형 DrEverettMann (작가) 2013-02-06
Bright knew it had gone wrong when the trucks eased into position on either side of his van. "حزب الخلافة" was spraypainted on the sides. He knew he was in big trouble when he saw the men in the…
가니메데 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2013-02-06
에리크토니오스는 트로스, 트로이인들의 왕을 낳았고, 트로스는 세 명의 고귀한 아들들, 일루스, 아사르카우스와 죽을 운명의 인간 중 가장 빛나는 가니메데를 가졌더라. 그리고 그 아름다움에 그가 죽지…
조선 Arlecchino (작가) 2013-02-06
Eun Mi suppressed a yawn as she walked along, silently wishing she was still in bed. The Great Leader (the second Great Leader, which was strange considering the old one seemed sure he'd live…
시작됨 Skara Brae does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-02-06
한 손에는 총을 들고 다른 손에는 끝이 갈라진 막대기를 든 채, 프레디 존스는 물컹물컹한 땅을 쿵쿵대며 걷고 있었다. 반 마일 내에 있는 야생동물은 뭐든 도망가게 할 만한 소음을 내고 있었지만, 그는…
indigo-eyes CthulhuBear (작가) 2013-02-08
ATTACHED DOCUMENTS: Pages recovered from a journal in the forests of the Yukon Territory. JANUARY 7, 19██ I’ve just received word from my superiors regarding my new stationing. I’m to be stationed…
have-a-heart Gargus (작가) 2013-02-12
SCP-173 looked at the ground of its cell. As always, it was strewn with blood and shit, along with the corpses of the most recent cleanup team. However, on this day, something different lay upon the…
daylight-come azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-02-13
"Hey Mista Tallyman, tally me banana. Daylight come, and me wan' go home. Day, me say day, me say day, me say day, me say day, me say day-ay-o. Daylight come, and me wan' go home." The little girl…
the-place-where-two-rivers-meet Djoric (작가) 2013-02-13
Salah felt as if he was about to vomit butterflies. He was married. He was a married man, sitting next to his wife, a big smile on his face. This was a thing that had happened. The actual wedding…
breakfast-for-dinner Djoric (작가) 2013-02-13
Seriously you need to read The Place Where Two Rivers Meet first Salah opened the door, and thanked God almighty that he was finally home. He hung his jacket on the hook and slipped his shoes off….
doublehorses DrBerggren (작가) 2013-02-13
Personnel sketch of Dr. Jacobs. Dr. Jacobs stood at the head of the boardroom, advancing through a slideshow as he gave his presentation. Projected on the screen was a photograph of a somewhat…
prometheans Roget (작가) 2013-02-14
Senior Researcher L. Byron(aka "Kraito") SCP Researcher and Telepathy Specialist. Security Class: 3 Duties: Research of Telepathic anomalies, Objects recovered in the field, SCP containment…
salut-d-amour Zyn (작가) 2013-02-15
Another couple came to visit today. The man played a piece I’d never heard before, perhaps slow jazz; he wasn’t too much of a pianist, so I helped him out. He just needed to relax his wrists and get…
관용 Dmatix (작가) 2013-02-16
다섯 시 반, 비가 내렸다. 바스커빌 출신의 래이몬드 수도사는 아케른 교도 거주지역을 떠나 집으로 되돌아가고 있었다. 그 주변의 기름진 농토는 진흙탕으로 변했고, 그의 부츠는…
meeting-of-the-minds Roget (작가) 2013-02-17
Masipag sat in the sterile briefing room, her expression of slightly nervous boredom mirrored by Fritz, Cyrus, and Kulzn. Kraito stood at the front of the rooms only table, fiddling with a black…
the-circle-opens rumetzen (작가) 2013-02-19
Night comes in early in Orinsville. The sun rises at seven AM exactly, every day, and by two PM has already begun its slow descent behind the mountains. Come four, it's fully dark. The only light…
the-tick-tock-gospel Djoric (작가) 2013-02-21
Gilgamesh roamed the wilderness, and cried bitterly over his friend Enkidu. “I am going to die! – Am I not like Enkidu? I fear death, and now roam the wilderness. I will set out to the land of…
psychiatric-profile-for-researcher-lee-byron Roget (작가) 2013-02-21
CONFIDENTIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION, DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Name: Lee "Kraito" Byron Clearance: Level 3 Location: Site-19 Date of Birth: 09/18/1959 Age: 49 years, 11 months Dates of Testing: █-18-██,…
rough-beast zaratustra (작가) 2013-02-22
Book of Movements, Third Gear: 00:01:00 And God was torn into six parts, and those parts were sent to the edges of the world, so that none that knew Its name might recover them. 00:02:00 The parts…
now-this Gaffsey (작가)
Three weeks into a possible future… THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. RANDI KAYE, CNN ANCHOR: From CNN world headquarters in Atlanta, this is…
nor-gloom-of-night-shall-stay Djoric (작가) 2013-02-23
It was a dark and stormy dawn, with a sky of wet slate. Rain poured down the window, as it had for the last six hours. The clock on the wall said 7:04. Salah hadn’t slept since that time yesterday….
캠프의 마지막 날 Ihp (작가) 2013-02-23
"All right, Campers! Who hasn't fed Big Bear yet? We can't go to bed until Big Bear's nice and full!" At the back of the dining hall, a shy little girl held up her hand. She hadn't said a word since…
awakenings-part-two Communism will win (작가) 2013-02-24
She was looking kind of dumb                                                                                                                             The man sniffed as the scent of ozone, which…
sede-vacante Smapti (작가) 2013-02-25
To His Grace, Angelo Sodano, Dean of the College of Cardinals, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria Nuova; And to His Grace, Tarcisio Bertone, Cardinal…
다섯 개의 질문 DrEverettMann (작가) 2013-02-26
경연이 끝났습니다! 수상자는 굵은 글씨로 표시되었습니다! 다섯 개의 질문 경연 주제: 답Answers 신년 경연이 끝나고, 트로이Troy는 도서관 경연을 포기해 버렸고, 여러분의…
children-of-doubt Roget (작가) 2013-02-26
My sons have left me. I was once a proud father of five boys, each with their own great ambitions and plans. As our days went by, the sound of them whispering their plans was sometimes all I could…
the-price-of-knowledge REDbluewhiteyellow does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-02-27
Blood has long been regarded as an important part of our rituals. Its powers and properties have been extensively studied by many famous priests. Among the first was the Holy Father Dichardu of…
엘리제를 위하여 MisterKillam (작가) 2013-02-27
내가 생각하는 건 엘리제 뿐이었다. 그녀를 갖는 것 이외의 나는 아무것도 아니었다. 나는 하나로 시작했다. 나 혼자, 뭘 하든 혼자서. 내 세계에 들어올 수 있는 것은 나 자신과 아마추어 무선 방송 세트…
잠 속에 내 영혼은 봉인되었네 Dmatix (작가) 2013-02-27
To the Parents of Sergeant Johnathan Percy, It is with the deepest regret that we inform you that your son has fallen in the line of duty this Monday, the 12th of August. Due to the sensitivity of…

2013년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
capone Fantem (작가) 2013-03-01
"I was scared when I first saw him. It happened just as you told me: the messages, the pictures, seeing him around every corner afterwards. I was so young; who wouldn't have lost it?" William…
iteration-0 FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-03-01
In his hands, Dr. Thaddeus Xyank held the future. And that made him smile. It was a lump of gray metal, cool to the touch, with a laser etched serial number, a portrait of George Washington, and a…
of-politics Technician Downs (작가) 2013-03-04
David entered the apartment block, covering his mouth with a soiled silk rag. It did not help much; his lungs itched and burned from the dense haze that blanketed the city, which served as a…
ennui Gargus (작가) 2013-03-04
On ██/██/████, SCP-1733's test log was found to have accumulated several █████ more viewings. Upon discovery, the video was going through what is estimated to be the █████ playback. Most of the…
신 행세 Rikks (작가) 2013-03-05
To whom it may concern, First and foremost, I would like to offer congratulations to each and every member of staff working here. When I set out upon that gravel path, I never once thought we could…
the-exalted Drewbear (작가) 2013-03-05
Journal Entry, September the Twentieth, the Year of our Lord, Eighteen Ninety-One I have encountered the most marvelous thing at the lakehouse! There is a winding closed path there that slopes ever…
sacrifice Zyn (작가) 2013-03-08
“They’re genetically identical to non-anomalous European honey bees.” Dr. Kiryu removed his glasses and tossed them onto his desk, sighing. An unexpected interception of a Marshall, Carter, and Dark…
in-a-yellow-wood CollegeCop (작가) 2013-03-08
He finished his day like he usually did - he closed his notebook, exited the lab and took the short walk to the gate. As he passed through, he gave a wave to the guard on duty, turned right and…
배관 공사 Dr Gears (작가) 2013-03-09
병신같은 짓이었다. 병신같은 안전한 사무소에 틀어박힌 병신같은 샌님들의 머릿속에서 나온 병신같은 발상이었다. 투 요원은 손전등으로 벽을 훑으며 주변을 천천히 살폈다. SCP-015로 진입하는…
mint-and-clay Esoau (작가) 2013-03-13
Everything has wants, has a need to be better. I am happy to assist. The creator, he wanted to create things and to make better things. He made me to be his tool. He needed only his hands and mind…
fields-of-green Drewbear (작가) 2013-03-13
A voice echoed from the intercom set flush in the ceiling. "Okay, boys. This is the last of the food flavoring trials. Swallow the pills you've been given, then fill out one of the forms with what…
bugs giant enemy spycrab (작가) 2013-03-14
Given a continuous vector field on the surface of a sphere, there must be at least one point on the field where the vector is equal to zero. Put another way, if you have a sphere which is covered…
agricola-in-insula-est-poeta Djoric (작가) 2013-03-15
The car started. “Trampled Under Foot” blasted from the speakers. “Agk, sorry!” Mary-Ann twisted the volume dial down. She waved at the figure in the living-room window, put the car in reverse and…
game-day-part-3-synchronous Roget (작가) 2013-03-16
Murphy stumbled through the darkened corridor, trying and somewhat succeeding at avoiding the debris that was strewn across the floor. Behind him, indistinct voices still called out, searching for…
one-must-imagine-him-happy Ajoutezen (작가) 2013-03-16
The Plateau, Once more, I begin this entry with new found life. It’s felt like centuries since I’ve taken a breath with my own lungs. For the past twenty-odd years, if you can really call them…
preaching-to-the-choir Roget (작가) 2013-03-18
Director Cyrus knew that Fritz was watching him as he shuffled through a filing cabinet. He made a mental note to have a serious discussion with whomever had filed these things in an ass-backwards…
마침내: 바보짓 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-03-21
한 사무실, 한 선반 위에, 세 마리 작은 원숭이가 잠긴 상자 속에 앉아 있다. 그들은 그 곳에 수 년 동안, 움직이지도 않고, 그저 그들의 일만 하고 있었다. 이제는… 이제 뭔가가 달라졌다. 그들이 달라졌다. 다시…
intheendrawhide TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-03-21
Al woke up suddenly, unsure why. Something, something there, on the edge of knowing… Was it another breakthrough? They came to him so often in his dreams. He blamed the object, although Robert would…
intheendfinally TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-03-21
"It's almost time." Allen kept his hand on the button, and his eyes glued to the monitor. He was alone in the booth, the same as an unknown number of compatriots. The system had been designed so…
fading Gargus (작가) 2013-03-21
Needle… needle in my neck… Weird clear stuff pumping through it… Who are you people… What are you doing… Where is my son… Rubble all around me. Where am I? The mall? I think that's where we were,…
마침내: 엘리트 TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-03-21
고통. 고통, 불, 그리고 찾아온 평화. 오랜 세월 동안, 그녀는 평화를 기억했다. 그건 그녀가 찾았던 너무나도 아름답고 평온한, 빛이었다. 그녀의 부모는, 어쨌든, 부모는 그녀를 그리워할 것이다, 그렇지…
쓰여진 신 azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-03-22
로저 르그랑은 다섯번째로 글자 가득한 종이를 구겨서 쓰레기통으로 던졌다. "빌어먹을, 오늘은 왜 글이 안 나오는거야?" 그는 책상에 엎어져 머리를 쥐어뜯었다. 팔꿈치는 반쯤 완성된 아이디어가 적힌, 버려진…
말과 이리 azzleflux does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-03-22
작가의 말 : 이 테일을 읽기 전에 쓰여진 신을 읽으십시오. 얼마간 갑작스럽게 평화가 찾아왔다. 하지만, 많은 사람들이 알듯, 악은 언제나 우리 곁에 도사리고 있었다. 야곱 헌트의…
letters-to-a-prophet Dmatix (작가) 2013-03-24
Document 16265-15719-A Foreword: The following column was recovered after being published in a number of national newspapers (for a full list, see Document 1626-1678-B) and raising suspicion in the…
what-lies-ahead Tanhony (작가) 2013-03-24
Agent Silas walked through the bazaar, taking special care not to touch any of the passers-by. You heard stories about people coming down with horrible diseases after spending a day in a Luna…
케테르 모기들의 공격! Ihp (작가) 2013-03-25
The date is April 2nd, 2012. The place: the quaint town of Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin. Observe. Here, we have a member of the SCP Foundation driving to work from his apartment in town. Site 87 is big…
호라이즌 블루스 Dmatix (작가) 2013-03-27
매일 아침, 목과 허리 사이에 새로운 패치를 붙이십시오. 피부 자극을 최소화하기 위해 매일 새로운 곳에 패치를 붙이십시오. 8주 이상 사용하지 마십시오. 약한 피부 발진이 일어날 경우 패치를 뗀 후 다시…

2013년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
alternate-hypotheses Roget (작가) 2013-04-02
We gotta keep our own, don't we? That's what my dear Momma always said. If ya got something earned, or somethin' that's yours, keep it safe. Don't let any o' them outside peepers come creepin' in,…
four-seconds-low-pitched ksaid (작가) 2013-04-06
An extended siren for fifteen seconds meant fire. A continuous siren meant evacuation. Three short sirens meant a lock down, and two short sirens followed by an extended siren was a bomb threat….
tenebrae TroyL (작가) 2013-04-12
It had started when he remembered his name. That was the point at which the pieces of the puzzle started to snap back together. That was the problem with amnestics, though. Echoes of memories still…
green-gray Anaxagoras (작가) 2013-04-13
It's been two weeks since the lights went out. Two weeks to the day, to the hour, to the minute. I remember every instant of it. I remember everything. That's one gift from Prometheus. The locked,…
letters-to-a-prophet-2-scry-harder Dmatix (작가) 2013-04-14
Warning: The following document contains an Et-Class Textual Anomaly (Threat Level-Minor) Document 16265-15719-B After Foundation efforts to track and contain the creator of Document 16265-15719-A…
unstable-thoughts FaustoV (작가) 2013-04-18
It's so cold. This place has always been so cold and dark. Well, not so dark, but it doesn't count for me. I've been here for a long time, and it's so boring. I mostly spend my days walking around….
나쵸 업무 Roget (작가) 2013-04-18
In the Foundation, you can't afford to pull punches. If you make an assumption, expect it to fly back in your face before you can say "Skipper". Hell, do you know how many tests they have to run in…
contact TroyL (작가) 2013-04-22
Greetings, Doctor. Before I begin, please know that any attempt to trace this message will lead you to the public wi-fi connection at a McDonalds in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada (a popular…
about-tree-fiddy Gargus (작가) 2013-04-23
You know, most folks who think about the ocean usually only think about the surface level. You know, the bright blue areas with all the fish and plant life. Finding Nemo and all that sort of crap….
enkidu Smapti (작가) 2013-04-23
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest ones in the book, one of the oldest stories written by the human race (that people these days care to remember, anyway.) It's a story that's been told time…
one-last-punch-for-the-road Gargus (작가) 2013-04-25
"Ladies, gentlemen, and other assorted individuals. The time has come for us to die." A great noise erupted from the assembled members of the Shark Punching Center. Some in the audience had known of…
crossing-the-streams Djoric (작가) 2013-04-26
“Come on, Clementine’s a great name. Clementine Zairi-Lewitt. Rolls right off the tongue.” Mary-Ann sipped from her iced tea. “Though that doesn’t do us any good if it’s a boy…Sean? Can’t go wrong…

2013년 5월

제목 작가 생성일
flower-girl Aelanna (작가) 2013-05-02
Blossom was a flower girl who was in fact a flower she worked a shop on Third and Pearl which was in fact her bower A boy walked by and pointed out her status with some laughter and though she…
little-ones DrBerggren (작가) 2013-05-02
The room's dark. Oh, I'm sure there's some light on in here, some brief glint of afternoon sun through the cellar window or some long-gone child's twinkling discarded toy. But for me, the room's…
scrapbooking Aelanna (작가) 2013-05-03
Flip. I turn the page back, and it's the two weeks we spent in the Bahamas. We stayed in a beachfront cabin, enjoying every sunset as if it would be our last, caring about nothing except for the…
imposters rumetzen (작가) 2013-05-06
They stopped giving me water years ago. Food long before that. They must have realized my time as an Overseer meant I never was in danger of dying. The air feels recycled, just dust drifting through…
empire-of-dirt-part-1 Djoric (작가) 2013-05-10
It was cold. Winter bore down on the black stone spires and slave pits and smokestacks of Daevon in a sheet of frozen lead. Snow and ash had mixed into an indefinable slurry that filled the narrow…
pilgrimage Roget (작가) 2013-05-10
When you're in a position like mine, there is never time to be surprised. Even when each day, I meet new THINGS on my skin to crawl around and smile with my gums, I think thats all there is too…
시체를 본다는 것 Randomini (작가) 2013-05-13
I don't quite remember the first time, but my parents told me about it. I would have been about… 5? Probably 5 or 6, yeah. It was one of my friends' dad. I just ran away screaming to the teacher…
돌아오는 남자 Dmatix (작가) 2013-05-14
"-오늘부로 말이오. 적임자가 나타나기 전까지, 우리의 직접적인 통제 하에 해머스미스 보좌관을 프로젝트 말레우스의 지휘관으로 임관할 것이오." "적어도 해고는 직접 만나서 하는게 예의…
젊은이 Dr Gears (작가) 2013-05-15
Nobody could like Corporal Lawrence. That's not to say that nobody tried, or that he was somehow unfriendly, merely that he was one of those few that seemed to be “wired” differently. However, in…
empire-of-dirt-part-2 Djoric (작가) 2013-05-15
The artist called Curix Noan smiled as she watched the slaves shuffled out from their carts through the slush of her courtyard. Fresh bodies from Ab-Leshal’s conquest of the west lined up before…
no-more Dmatix (작가) 2013-05-17
I'm sorry to use your name like that. It's a cheap trick, and not even an original one at that, but it's a way to get attention. And I need your attention. I need you to hear this. Consider, if you…
opening-night PeppersGhost (작가) 2013-05-19
The circus died a painful death some time ago                                                                                                                             You still see them here and…
agent-brown-and-the-case-of-the-missing-amulet Roget (작가) 2013-05-19
It was a perfectly perfect day at the SCP Foundation's 19th Site. There were anomalous butterflies flying, and laughing personnel catching them in titanium butterfly nets. The Telekill containment…
empire-of-dirt-part-3 Djoric (작가) 2013-05-20
Daevon burned. Smoke blotted out a cold and uncaring sun as the streets flooded with feasting flesh and screaming gristle. The slave pits burned, the manors and gardens burned, the plazas swarmed…
the-settling-ash Djoric (작가) 2013-05-21
In light of the containment breach at Site-36 early this morning, it has been decided by this administrative committee the Horizon Initiative has acted in violation to the terms of the…
dust-in-the-wind PeppersGhost (작가) 2013-05-27
1929 changed everything in the twinkling of an eye                                                                                                                             I close my eyes. I've…

2013년 6월

제목 작가 생성일
불장난 Ihp (작가) 2013-06-09
The Foundation really isn't comfortable with using terms like "magic". We know that magic exists, but calling it that implies that it can't be explained by quantifiable, scientific means. For…
만수무강하소서 Roget (작가) 2013-06-12
내 이름은 킹King 박사이다. 내가 여태껏 인류가 발명한 모든 것들보다도 더 싫어하는 게 뭔지 아는가? 사과 씨다. 내 비참한 삶에서도 언제나 골칫거리였다. 망할, 거지 같은 사과 씨. 사과 전체나, 사과…
ignition-part-one-the-artists Vincent_Redgrave (작가) 2013-06-17
"Mrowrrrr." Was it already morning? Ahmad grunted as he felt a familiar furry paw bat at his nose and chin while he attempted to catch a few extra moments of sleep. Trying to prevent the genocide…
local-legends Ihp (작가) 2013-06-18
Let me tell you about the Goatman, children. Baby Bone Bridge, Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin. The old stone bridge is decrepit, nearly falling apart. The only people who come out here nowadays are…
four-tines-blind Pig_catapult (작가) 2013-06-22
Feet climb nine steps and four Feet bring him to my door Hands pry pine wide Push chair aside Begins to chide I cannot hide Hand grimes a glass of wine Hand grasps a fork and knife I whine and cry…

2013년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
cut-up-while-thinking SRegan (작가) 2013-07-13
They wake me up in the middle of the night. I think it's the middle of the night. Their faces are scared, and I wonder if the Russians have finally started bombing. I'm ready, I say. I'm ready….
incident-239-abridged Ihp (작가) 2013-07-19
This report is STUPID. All people involved in it are complete and utter weirdos. On ██-██-████, Dr. A. Clef made the following recommendation on the log re: SCP-239 Let me get this straight: we've…
no-sooner-spoken-than-broken Castle_Bravo (작가) 2013-07-21
He lay in the bath tub, toes gently splashing along the water line in an absent minded way. He liked his tub. Its hot water comforted him, as it had since he was a boy. He reflected on the evening…
interlude-new-toys Dexanote (작가) 2013-07-23
It had been a dark and bloody night. A veritable parade of horror had descended on a small Midwestern town, led by a shambling, laughing, singing fiend playing a flute made of bone. Now, at dawn,…
learning Captain Cain (작가) 2013-07-27
For merchants, the place to be was Kalefheit, Heart of Kalef. Fables of the stupid rich, buying relics for ten times what they were worth, and of poor men, who went from starving to retiring in the…
what-xenophon-saw-in-the-jungle Vezaz (작가) 2013-07-31
My Duchess Louise, The riches which I have recovered for you are the very least I owe to one who has so often bankrolled my travels, yet vanish into insignificance against the wonders which cannot…

2013년 8월

제목 작가 생성일
시간 경연! Drewbear (작가) 2013-08-01
The "SCPs In Time" Contest In First Place is… And the Winner Is…, by Smapti! In Second Place is… Skipping Time, by Roget! In Third Place is… Automata Et Cetera, by Ihpkmn! Congratulations to…
final-regrets Aelanna (작가) 2013-08-03
Regret had existed since time immemorial, since the first mind capable of reflecting upon its actions took a moment to consider the consequences of its decisions. With each passing generation, as…
automata-et-cetera Ihp (작가) 2013-08-03
The clockworks on display in the temple were the culmination of many years of hard work by the craftsman. Years of hard, diligent work, many prayers to the god of the forge, innumerable cuts and…
out-of-time Garrey (작가) 2013-08-05
William E. Boeing found himself on a couch in his study, where moments before he had been a happy child near a seashore. He got up infirmly and slowly started making his way from the first floor…
what-did-i-come-down-here-for Gaffsey (작가)
I pull the car into the driveway and keep the engine on. My hand hovers over the key and I try to screw up my courage, knowing I'll never do it. Just go, the little voice says, just drive and drive…
breath-pulse-blood-spine Dmatix (작가) 2013-08-07
Dec 20th There's nothing quite like spending the holiday season in a non-crucial Foundation site. Were I still working at 17 I doubt I'd even notice, but you can't really miss it here in 346. All…
그리하여 우승자는... Smapti (작가) 2013-08-09
"Before I announce the winner," Assistant Site Director Edmunds said to the small group of researchers gathered in Site 73's cafeteria, "I'd just like to thank and congratulate all of you for…
skipping-time Roget (작가) 2013-08-10
"So, before we start, can I please have your name?" The still, pale man seated before me paused to take a breath, and slowly moved his eyes towards me. His eyes were slower now, and I'd been told he…
O5 오리엔테이션 Anborough (작가) 2013-08-10
난 거기 있었다. 한 남자가 다섯 개의 철문을 찢고 맨손으로 사람들을 반 토막 낼 때 난 거기 있었다. 날아다니는 비행기에서 공포가 쏟아지고 정상적인 세상이 불타올랐을 때 난 거기 있었다. 녹색이…
new-age-1 SRegan (작가) 2013-08-10
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Prelude Chapter One: "Cells" Chapter Two: "You Have The Body" Chapter Three: "Transfers" Chapter Four: "Lighter" Chapter Five: "Learners" Prelude This is how…
new-age-2 SRegan (작가) 2013-08-10
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Chapter Six: "Breach" Chapter Seven: "The Necessary Illusion" Intermission Chapter Eight: "Mr Brightside" Chapter Nine: "Safe as Houses" Chapter Ten: "The Wedge" …
new-age-3 SRegan (작가) 2013-08-10
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Chapter Eleven: "Breakers" Interlude II Chapter Twelve: "Foundations" Chapter Thirteen: "Breakdown" Chapter Fourteen: "Keagan and the Bomb" Chapter Fifteen:…
surveyor Aelanna (작가) 2013-08-10
Senior Agent Jehr stretched as the secretary paged his commanding officer, taking the time to enjoy his first real elbow room in six months. While the survey cutters used by the Foundation had…
older-roads faminepulse (작가)
☦Eldricht masters of probability. SCP-1855.☦ Before time, a group of construction workers found a space in the infinite nether and decided that one day, a teenage human should need to drive through…
다음에 다시 보자 Anborough (작가) 2013-08-12
Hello, I am Agent Tyler; what is your name? "Hi, I'm Agent Tyler. So, what's your name?" "Ellen Jones." Do you remember how you got here? "How did you arrive at this location?" "He brought me here."…
낡은 Captain Cain (작가) 2013-08-13
남은 것은 황무지뿐이였으며, 황무지에는 아무것도 남지 않았다. 사막이 지구를 뒤덮었고 한 사막에는 동굴이 있었으며, 동굴 입구에는 돌로 이루어진 기둥이 있었다. 이제는…
pockets faminepulse (작가)
☦An old man's shadow. SCP-106.☦ Someplace, in a dirty, damp basement, there sat a figure in a rocking chair. A hanging lantern swung directly over the figure's bald head, dimly reflecting itself on…
absolute-self-control Doctor Whiteface does not match any existing user name (작가)
I don't care. No, in all seriousness. That's the answer to your question. I don't care. Apathy is stronger body armor than anything else. Why should I care that there's a damned great lizard running…
old-kansas-sector faminepulse (작가)
☦Allan fights anomalies in a post-normal world.☦ The Last Era: 12, August, 2119 AD Sylvan Grove, Kansas, USA Allan had closed the shutters that night due to the swarms, and slept restlessly…
bronze DrBerggren (작가) 2013-08-19
There was a cataclysmic reshuffling of the deck. Something very far away had been broken, first on that most basal of structural scales — the atomic nucleus — and then on a much more macroscopic and…
how-tightly-the-coils-squeeze Roget (작가) 2013-08-20
September 18th, 2160 - Within the Wanderer's Library The night-time is late, and very down. No early morning brightness peeking from the borders of the moon's domain. Just a permanent, thick gray,…
it-always-has-been-it-always-has-not-been Djoric (작가) 2013-08-20
Vasvis Ten-Fold Reaper stepped out of the shower, and spread her arms wide. Water dripped down onto the floor as spindly metal arms whirred out from the smooth white walls, drying pads working their…
the-deep-end FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-08-20
… On the table there behind the glass, time was about to break. Thad smiled cautiously as numbers flew past his vision and he checked the math again and again and again. It should work—or rather,…
unscience Ihp (작가) 2013-08-21
"Explain to me the appeal of this, John." Dr. Reese leaned on the counter as she waited for the popcorn to finish. "I mean, those shows are just so trashy… not a shred of scientific fact behind…
old-kansas-sector-part-2 faminepulse (작가)
☦Allan reads a dusty old tabloid.☦ The Last Era: 12, August, 2119 AD Sylvan Grove, Kansas, USA The organizations that were responsible for dealing with the monsters came into public view a long…
old-kansas-sector-part-3 faminepulse (작가)
☦Allan torments the Changed people of Kansas.☦ The Last Era: 12, August, 2119 AD Sylvan Grove, Kansas, USA Historians dubbed the in-between age where humans were still struggling to exist as the…
a-poem-for-nobody Kuroiten (작가) 2013-08-23
It wasn't his drink from the party Where the tranquilizers were hid, The cocktail on the cocktail napkin Is what gently closed the lid. What's one more reveler out cold In a culture of thrills and…
irrational Zyn (작가) 2013-08-23
Dr. Kiryu hummed absentmindedly, prodding the back of his assistant’s chair with his foot. The assistant in question gave a long-suffering sigh of annoyance. “Mark, what are you doing?” “Practicing…
the-lonely-road Dr Cuddles (작가) 2013-08-23
Whether one passes on or remains is all the same. That you can take no one with you is the only difference. -From the death poem of Tokugawa Ieyasu Another world, another life, another name. I like…
the-price-we-pay Dmatix (작가) 2013-08-25
It is over. There are but a few of us left, and it is good. Our purpose in this world was to protect it from things it could not understand, things that defied comprehension, things that we all…
cryogenchaos-comment-tales CryogenChaos (작가) 2013-08-26
Over the years, I, CryogenChaos, have posted several short supplements to tales and forum threads in the form of comments on said articles and threads. These "micro tales", as they were, have…
the-killer Chaoseed (작가) 2013-08-29
The sun, at last. How long had it been? Yellow and weak though the sun was, it gazed up at the star with pleasure, letting the light fill its eyes. Only one actually saw, of course. That had been…
those-thin-penultimate-hours Djoric (작가) 2013-08-30
Bishop of New Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of the Americas, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the West,…
lovecraft-parody-title Ihp (작가) 2013-08-30
In other worlds far less queer than our own, the Necronomicon is, to some, an everyday part of life. Researchers at Miskatonic University in the fictional Arkham, Massachusetts, pore over it almost…
surprise-happy-birthday-3 TroyL (작가) 2013-08-30
What? You again? I thought we'd taken care of this. Didn't you read the others? The other stories and tales? There was the one with the children who swallowed up their father when he didn't sing…
faith-and-knighthood Nighkos (작가) 2013-08-31
"A Templar Knight is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armour of faith, just as his body is protected by the armour of steel. He is thus doubly…

2013년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
금장칸국 블루스 Vezaz (작가) 2013-09-02
Look, I'm going to level with you: the Romans perfected time travel. Did it some time around 107 BC. Somehow, between reorganizing the army and becoming consul, Marius found the time, no pun…
leafers FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-09-05
A rust-covered forest green 1976 Dodge Dart pulled into the parking lot of S & C Plastics with a rattle and a shake. With many an unpleasant grinding clackety-clack, the engine cut and the…
네가 놓고 간 이들 DrEverettMann (작가) 2013-09-09
Part One His mother often said his father was York. But she was kept so drugged by the high priestesses that she rarely knew who her callers were, and other times, she said his father was a blind…
the-blind-leading Vezaz (작가) 2013-09-10
Is the Hornet for You? An Exciting New Offer from the Seeing Eye First encountered by Foundation personnel in northern Michigan, 1988. Primary containment significantly hindered by recovering…
his-kind-eyes Anborough (작가) 2013-09-10
I can't feel my legs. I vaguely remember I have them as I keep climbing with my arms. I wouldn't be able to go on if not for him. He keeps me company, listens to me, and knows exactly what to say,…
paper-pusher Jacob Conwell (작가) 2013-09-12
Researcher Clayton stood before the small office door and double-checked to make sure he was in the right place. The room was so out of the way that it looked like it had been built as an…
footsteps Anborough (작가) 2013-09-17
I hated you. I can count every meaningful conversation we ever had on my digits. What I can't count is the number of times they told me how important you were. Government scientist. Indispensable….
미안합니다 DrEverettMann (작가) 2013-09-18
Director Samuels, you have often asked me what the ultimate goal of the SCP Foundation is. As I step down, I feel you have the right to know. Our ultimate goal is, and has always been, the…
smoker Arlecchino (작가) 2013-09-18
"The Smoker" - Marco Mazzoni Will couldn’t explain his own nervousness as he stepped out the back door, across his simple lawn. His children had come to him many times, perturbed by the animals…
ailier Zyn (작가) 2013-09-21
This would have been the first project she’d have been a part of, the first report her name would be printed in full, not her brother’s, not Dr. Mark Kiryu, no, but somehow the object was proving…
the-worm SnakeoilSage (작가) 2013-09-26
Summary of Evidence from Recovery Site V2008-5 Day 14 I think it is important to provide context, so future generations may recognize the urgency of my endeavor. In 1916, I enlisted into His…
tabled-theories Cosbones does not match any existing user name (작가)
They ate in silence, politely ignoring each other. The Doctor was busy writing away at a pad, so engrossed in his work he was hardly noticing what he was actually eating. The Research Assistant was…

2013년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
the-princess-and-the-ogre Crayne (작가) 2013-10-18
Agent Jurgen Crayne tried to make as little noise as possible. Right around the corner from where he crouched sat a 6 year-old, playing with her dolls. Her parents had, unbeknownst to her, already…
piercing-the-night-vale Gargus (작가) 2013-10-22
The black moon howls as the red sun weeps, and the desert night is beautiful. Welcome… to Night Vale… Old Woman Josie has recently advised us that the angels do not care for the antics of small…
dance-the-danse Ihp (작가) 2013-10-27
Halloween is a special time in Sloth's Pit. It is the time that creatures of the night walk in the day, and the legends of the world dance. The Eight Rings was the biggest- and the only- night…
daydreamin Roget (작가) 2013-10-27
Daydreams That's all there is anymore. That's all I can have. I'm an all powerful demigod, locked in the chamber of little boy. Do you know where the power goes? It flows out our fingers and out…
poi-dark eric_h (작가) 2013-10-30
Person of Interest File #D-0012 Name: Mr. Dark Known Aliases: Dark is reported to use many different first names, but apparently never attempts to completely conceal his identity. Description:…

2013년 11월

제목 작가 생성일
a-keter-kinda-christmas Smapti (작가) 2013-11-02
Fade in on a well-appointed living room in a log cabin, with bookshelves, easy chairs, coffee tables, and a green screen in back showing a blazing fireplace and a window through which a snowy…
surfaces Dmatix (작가) 2013-11-04
Matthew Andrews was seated in front of a table. This alone wasn't very unusual, and indeed, the fact that he was seated there didn't cause Matthew any undue concern. The table, located in the…
successful-cooperation-and-partnership Rachell (작가)
Gene R (translator)
"Good day, this is "Successful Cooperation and Partnership" training center, we would like to…" That was where I hung up. I know that's impolite. It's their job, yada yada - hell, a couple of…
나는 누구일까? tretter does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-11-07
Who am I? I wish I could just tell you. Who am I? I am a curious god. I wanted to discover what made you mortals tick. I was surprised when I found that many of you were immortal. Whether you…
이얏호 나가 돼져 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-13
“자네 전시회에서 세 명이나 죽었어.” “각서에 서명한 사람들입니다.” “알지 모르겠지만 나에게도 위에서 압박이 들어오고 있다네.” “전부 각서에 서명한 사람들입니다. 어떤 일에 참여하는지 알고 있었던…
incident-0401-42-iii-chornobylska-katastrofa ComradeChernov (작가) 2013-11-13
Name of event: Incident 0401-42-III Report type: After-Action Report Filer of Report: Pyotr Ivashutin, Executive Director of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) Date: 1█/0█/198█ Location: City…
나에게 보내는 말 Djoric (작가) 2013-11-14
메리앤 르위트는 교회 바깥의 보도에 서 있었다. 방금 전 빠져나간 수많은 군중들은 주차장 쪽으로 퍼져나갔으며, 몇 명은 출입구에 남아서 이야기하고 있었다. 메리앤은…
그냥 박살 났다 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-14
“이건 구조적으로 불가능합니다.” “뭐, 그렇겠죠. 그래서 그쪽을 부른 것이니까요. 뭔가 알아낸 거라도 있습니까?” “좆도 있을 리가요.” 그린 요원은 담배 하나에 불을 붙이고는 작품에다가 손짓하기 시작했다. “여기서…
더 쿨한 선언 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-15
“'비평가'는 좆이나 까라 그래요.” 루이즈는 망가진 베타맥스 녹화기를 손에 들고 흑백의 복도에서 달려갔다. “이 개자식은 남의 집에 쳐들어 오더니, 엿같은 벽지를 비평하기 시작합니다, 아뇨 선생님…
카트 깡통, 캔 수레 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-17
“그러니까 깡통can을 찾았단 말이지.” “응.” “그리고 그 깡통이… 카트Cart고?” “그러어어어췌.” “그러니까 깡통이 카트란 말이지.” “내 말이 …
timeandrelativedimensionsincontainmentprotocols TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-11-18
이걸 시작이라고 볼 수 있다면, 그것은 아마 O5일 총명한 영혼이 자기 딴에는 비상 감시 시설에 대한 환상적인 생각이란 걸 떠올렸을 때 시작되었다. 해야 할 일은 그저 SCP-184를 작고 편하게 휴대 가능한 구조물에…
lessons CryogenChaos (작가) 2013-11-19
Doctor Langston smiled as he turned to look at the new batch of researchers sent to his department. His eyes darted from face to face: three in total, two women and one man, each of whom couldn’t…
싹둑 싹둑 싹둑 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-19
피코 윌슨은 시체 더미 한복판에 앉았다. “싹둑 싹둑. 싹둑 싹둑 싹둑.” 윌슨은 외과용 가위에 힘을 가했다. 부서진 뼛조각이 살을 뚫고 나오며, 여성의 손가락이 꼴사납게 떨어져 나갔다. 윌슨은 자른 손가락을…
the-diary-of-an-author UglyFlower (작가) 2013-11-20
Rufus' Diary Day 1 Well it finally happened, I got hired! I actually can’t believe it! Mind you every other studio was interested in me, but obviously not for the right reasons. I mean all they ever…
1914 Vezaz (작가) 2013-11-20
We've been playing this game recently — the Game, I should say — called 1914. Hell of a thing. My buddies Kyle and John, we love history. It's sort of our thing. So when Kyle dug the Game out of his…
공장의 교대 시간 TwistedGears (작가) 2013-11-21
앤서니는 고글을 올려 벗었다. 그는 가장 가까운 컨베이어 벨트에서 일하는 남자를 지켜봤다. 같이 일한 지 3년 가까이 됐는데도 앤서니는 남자의 이름을 알아보려 한 적 없었다. 공장에서…
dead-end Crayne (작가) 2013-11-21
Arkady knew this was the end. He was tired of running and he could recognize a metaphorical dead end when he smacked his metaphorical head into it. Minutes from now, they'd catch up with him. At…
a-long-ways-from-home Pixeltasim (작가) 2013-11-21
Transcript of briefing for Mission 453-07-01, Code name "Waypoint" Begin Transcript Agent Walters, Agent Christensen, have a seat. You both are aware of the situation and have already had your…
유연성 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-23
우리가 '예술가'와 처음 만났을 때는 표준 절차를 따랐습니다. 총부터 쏘고, 질문은 나중에. 그다음에는 생일 파티에서 사탕 돌리듯이 기억 소거제를 돌린다 이거죠. 이 방법은…
SCP-000 CryogenChaos (작가) 2013-11-23
일5ㅕㄴ번호 ŚČР-000 드0급: #NULL 트7수 7ㅕ7ㄹ$%#ll to undefined function 절차(): 오류: Field 격리_절차가 존재하지 않습니다. 서5며0: 내부…
새로운 품종 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-24
“치즈 맛이 나는 셀러리 품종을 길러봤어.” 오버갱 두드Overgang Dood와 현실의-똥구멍에-난-흑색종Melanoma-on-the-arsehole-of-existence(그녀의 친구들은 "아스홀Arsehole"이라 불렀다)은…
수상한 모임 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-25
“네가 새로운 편집자구나?” “아뇨, 제 이름은 절단사입니다, '연출자' 양. 조금 더 샤프하죠. 가위처럼요.” '절단사'는 윙크를 하며, 문가에 서 있는 여성을 향해 손가락으로 가위질을 해 보였다. “저것들 꼭…
my-brother-the-ape Roget (작가) 2013-11-25
Scene: A messy office, home to to one of the Foundation's best and brightest men. Not a big, or a fancy office, but one that gets the job done. We aren't talking about the name on the door. That…
가장 더러운 흙먼지 덩어리 Randomini (작가) 2013-11-27
“인간이란 얼마나 위대한 걸작품인가.” 루이즈는 보라색 예복을 걸치고 서 있었다. 스포트라이트가 아래를 비추자, 극장의 다른 부분들은 어둠으로 뒤덮였다. 루이즈는 햄릿의 광기로 괴로워하였고, 악마가…
solvin-center-of-problems TwistedGears (작가) 2013-11-27
Dell Conagher could hear the agonizing screams of half his coworkers dying horribly. He solved this problem by removing his traditional hardhat and pulling on a pair of acoustic earmuffs. The…
사장 아가씨 모시기 Djoric (작가) 2013-11-28
"제레미Jeremy, 너한테 실망인걸." 이사벨 헬가 아나스타샤 파르바티 원더테인먼트 5세Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V 박사: PhD1 가 접은 손가락 너머를 쏘아봤다…
wayward-denouement Eskobar (작가) 2013-11-28
« Act II, Scene II: Negotiation The universe, as it is currently defined by humans, began and will end in ways that are inconceivable to any iteration of humankind that currently exists or will…
그래서 어떻게 되었나? Randomini (작가) 2013-11-29
탠저린 요원Agent Tangerine은 자리에 앉은 채로 그린 요원의 이야기를 열광적으로 듣고 있었다. “그래서 어떻게 됐나요?” “뭐, 보아하니 뒤샹이랑 같은 학교를 다녔나 봐.” “진짜요?” “그래. 엄청난 우연이지. 약 먹여서 확인도 했어…
the-red-place TL333s (작가) 2013-11-30
It's not a crystal, it's a portal. I learned this while staring into Anomalous Object P-2145-T's ever-shifting facets. Yes, I had permission to study it. The truth is, my mind just drifted and I…

2013년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
쿨한 녀석들 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-01
“몰리! 내 오베르진느aubergine 어디에다가 뒀어?” “뭘 어디에다가 뒀냐고?” “내 오베르진느!” “아니 씨발 오베르진느가 뭔데?” “가지 말이야! 어딨어?” “아, 그거!…
a-fan-s-fans UglyFlower (작가) 2013-12-02
"What is it?" "It's a mechanical fan that has the ability to play the electric guitar, sir." "Ha ha, does it blow you away when it plays?" "Yes, sir." "Mentally or physically?" "Both sir, its…
최후 돌격명령 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-03
피코 윌슨은 시체 더미 한복판에 앉아있었다. '조각사'는 '화가'에게 말하고 있었고, '화가'는 '작곡가'에게 말하고 있었으며, '작곡가'는 '건축가'에게 말하고 있었으며, '건축가'는 '조각사'에게 말하고 있었다. '절단사'는…
금요 전시회 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-04
“뭐야.” “조이, 이게 웬 시체 더미야?” “글쎄다, 우리 중에서는 주인이 없는데.” 아스홀이 머뭇거리며 시체 중 하나를 찔러보았다. “좆나게 쩌는데.” “뭐, 그러네. 그치만 그닥 영리하진 않아.” “그래서 뭐, 내다…
a-broken-machine Mr Self Destruct (작가)
Gene R (translator)
A heap of papers falls onto the desk. The shift begins. God, the headache. The pen… where's the pen? Where's the goddamn pen? Ah… here it is. Time to calm down. Hand's shaking again. Harder than…
자격 불충분 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-08
그린 요원은 눈을 떴다. “그린 요원.” 눈에 익지 않은, 양복을 차려입은 인영이 탁자 반대편에 앉아있었다. 그린은 자신이 아직도 후드티에 츄리닝 바지를 입고 있다는 사실을 불편하게 자각했다. “여기가…
send-in-the-clowns Ihp (작가) 2013-12-08
Agent Whitaker woke up, groaning. He felt like he had one hell of a hangover; there was a noise in his head that sounded like that annoying National Weather Service "braaaaaak" noise, and his face…
in-god-s-name TroyL (작가) 2013-12-08
The mischievous trickster and master plotter Icarus Sharpe walked in and shot Alto Clef right in his stupid face. He—deciding to be Matthew now—grinned broadly as the blood spattered from the exit…
through-the-out-land-and-what-david-and-tim-found-there Eskobar (작가) 2013-12-08
It was always these moments in the car that David hated so much. These last few moments. They drove around so much, him and Tim, getting what work they could get, hiding as often as they needed to,…
doctor-ronald-stimson-s-personnel-file TroyL (작가) 2013-12-08
Personnel File SCP Info Collected Accounts About the Author Additional Documentation Science and Research Name: Doctor Ronald Stimson Security Clearance: Level 2 (In Cases of SCP-███, Level…
no-one-else-will-protect-us Roget (작가) 2013-12-09
My name is The Administrator. I don't know who I was before all this… happened? Or changed? Or whichever adjective you want to use, it all means the same thing. History itself has been changed, if…
immolation SunnyClockwork (작가)
Verismo (translator)
Does our God love us? He does not love us. But we don't mind. We are humble, we are unclean, we are unworthy of His love. But He had mercy on us. He lit our path. He taught us the meaning of the…
its-all-behind-us-now pxdnbluesoul (작가) 2013-12-09
Much like our grandparents could tell you what they were doing on 9/11/2001, or what their parents were doing during the Kennedy assassination, our entire generation could tell you with perfect…
MTF 프시-7 “주택 개조” 개괄 Roget (작가) 2013-12-10
기동특무부대 프시-7은 변칙적 건물 또는 변칙 존재의 영향을 받은 건물, 특히 그 중에서도 인구 조밀 지역의 주거용 주택을 비밀 조사하고 격리, 필요한 경우 철거하는 데 특화되어 있다. 주된 임무는 초기 격리 혹은…
free-reality-check-press-button FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-12-10
It was a generally gloomy day, such as was normally the case when Dr. Jack Bright had a mild hangover and was also a chimpanzee for one reason or another. Outside his window the rain pattered…
아무도 아니 죽다 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-10
루이즈 뒤샹은 저 멀리서 들려오는 소리를 들었다. 빠아아아아아아아아앙 별것 아니리라. 루이즈는 스튜디오 내부를 서성거렸다. 유리 천장을 통해 달빛이 들어와 방에 그림자를 드리웠다. 펠릭스가 초대장을 돌렸다. 당장 루이즈가 할 수 있는 일이라고는 기다리는 것 뿐이다. “루이즈 뒤샹.” 루이즈는 문 쪽으로 몸을 돌렸다. 이미 충분히 기다렸다….
welcome-aboard Montala (작가) 2013-12-10
"Wait, so we're hiring this guy blind?" asked the man as he sat at a table piled high with papers. "Yes sir. He's just been informed he has a high-level position with us, plus good pay and benefits….
a-question-of-commerce Dmatix (작가) 2013-12-11
Behind the facade of a stately building, within a clubhouse that could be described as tastefully lavish (or perhaps lavishly tasteful), nested between the high arms of a soft leather recliner, sat…
장난감 상인과 박사 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-11
문서 식별 번호: DOCWON-525276 회수 방법: 제17기지로 발송됨 부가 기록: 봉인되어있고 표식이 없는 마닐라 봉투로 배송됨. 내부: 표식이 있는 A5 사이즈 봉투 7개. 봉투들에는 하위 문서 -1부터 -7까지 번호를….
the-rest-of-the-story Ihp (작가) 2013-12-11
Simon Glass was kicking himself for the decision the narrator had made. "Sending Clef and Dimitri on a fucking sabbatical?! What were they thinking!" His behavior produced several bizarre looks…
now-the-we-expunged Drewbear (작가) 2013-12-12
The following broadcast was recorded on 10 December 2013 during the initial securing of Anomalous Location 3717-NV. Transcript of broadcast Close transcript The eyes are the windows to the soul….
그래 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-12
그가 날 막고자 하지만, 그럴 능력이 없는가? 그렇다면 그는 전능하지 않다. 능력은 있지만 원하지 않는가? 그렇다면 그는 악의적이다. 능력도 있고…
the-czar-cometh Gargus (작가) 2013-12-13
A sizable group of people milled about a large, featureless room. If one looked very closely in the corners, they could find blood stains and minor remnants of charred bone, but without a great deal…
이름 없는 빈 무덤 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-15
>run fmc.exe -t 재단 메일 클라이언트 (텍스트 전용 모드) >chkbox 새 메시지가 1개 있습니다. 5739개의 읽지 않은 메시지가 있습니다. >readmsg new 모든 새 메시지 읽는 중…. 1개의 새 메시지 발견. 발신: 관리자…
private-hell DrClef (작가) 2013-12-17
It's about the time that Kondraki blows up a bus full of nuns to capture the flying fire-breathing walruses that Dr. Alto Clef has the first suspicion that things are not going as they should be. It…
lana-neal-sings-the-blues Kalinin (작가)
He sees her long black hair and flowing blue dress, and even through the static and blur on the cheap monitor he can see she's got hands that have only a few years at most of waiting tables and…
erstwhile-and-again FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-12-18
… Temperatures expected to drop today, with a high of 43, rain all day with a chance of sleet or freezing rain this evening, low of 23, so make sure and salt those sidewalks and stairs today. This…
구금 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-19
그린 요원은 한 손에는 차가 든 스티로폼 컵을 들고 다른 한 손에는 불이 붙어있는 담배를 든 상태로 길을 걸어 내려갔다. 끝없이 사람들이 주변으로 지나가며 가끔 그와 팔이나…
alternate-character-interpretations Ihp (작가) 2013-12-19
New York City "Hey, Sal, got a cig I can have?" Mary-Ann Lewitt looked between her husband and her latest creation, sprayed on the wall of a vacant warehouse, and it was sprayed on the entire wall,…
the-coward MissMercurial (작가) 2013-12-20
"It's good to see you awake, Nigel." Nigel gritted his teeth. He thought of screaming at the placid psychiatrist to his right, but he decided to just go with it. Less painful that way. "Nigel, I…
a-very-bailey-christmas Ihp (작가) 2013-12-22
Whenever he had nothing better to do, Tristan Bailey would look at a picture of his family that sat on his desk. In the picture, him, Trevor and Tom were only about 8 years old, standing in front of…
Are We Christmas Yet? Randomini (작가) 2013-12-24
"I still think this is a terrible idea." "No, it's awesome! Like, deconstructive or whatever." Overgang and Joey stared at the enormous red bauble that towered over nearby buildings, pensively…
every-damn-time ProcyonLotor (작가) 2013-12-27
The agent laughed indignantly. "Let me get this straight. You sit in a lab all day, writing papers or mixing test tubes or sitting on your ass pretending to do work, while I'm out there, fighting…
three-sleepless-nights Djoric (작가) 2013-12-27
Barcode splashed cold water across her face, well aware that it had been seventy-two hours and three minutes since she had last been asleep and that sleep would not come for another seventeen hours….
that-s-the-joke Communism will win (작가) 2013-12-27
in the shape                                                                                                                             Threat ID: KTE-8544-Porcelain "Butt Gh Authorized Response…
where-the-garden-began Bryx (작가) 2013-12-27
It woke up in a field as dawn broke and looked around it. It wasn't impressed by what it saw. The field was… just a field. Not even just a field. It was a monotony of ugly, yellow-gray grass,…
corner-pocket FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2013-12-28
A 6-ball the size of a Volkswagen hovered placidly in the experimental chamber. It was proving very difficult to incinerate. Dr. Ulysses Jackson bit at his thumbnail as he stared through the glass….
a-kind-of-christmas Gaffsey (작가)
“I-It’s just been so long. Sometimes I wonder if she ever thinks about me anymore.” The creature leaned towards the man, its skin crinkling. A few scales refracted the harsh light of the…
tuesday-11am-conference-room-three Mr Carbon (작가) 2013-12-30
"Ah, Dimaccio," said Dr. Alto Clef, Director, Training and Development, Combined Mobile Task Forces, SCP Foundation. "Clef," said Paul Dimaccio. "This is the rook." He motioned to the woman at his…
처리와 담화 Randomini (작가) 2013-12-31
"미안, 캐롤. 잊은 게 있어서 말이야." "응?" "뭐, 시체 위에다가 담요 한 장 덮어주고 와야 해서 말이야. 사람들이 보고 허둥지둥하면 안 되잖아." "아, 그렇구나. 이해해." 루이즈는 어리벙벙한 바리스타에게서 커피…

2014년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
그리고 이제 그 녀석은 사라졌네 Ihp (작가) 2014-01-01
“I remember the good old days.” Pat sighed as he dug into his cinnamon pancakes, looking at his three friends. “You remember Carl, guys?” “Carl was a great guy!” affirmed Dwight, taking a swig of…
when-we-reach-the-crescendo Roget (작가) 2014-01-02
The testing chamber was humming. Not a fluorescent hum, or even one from the various electrical implements hidden within its walls. No, this was a different humming. It was… hopeful. A hope that…
a-few-more-words-from-the-administrator Roget (작가) 2014-01-02
The Administrator looked at a watch. Ten minutes past five, and Fritz had failed to make his appearance. It sighed. Why did they always have to make it get up after them? They were old enough to…
dog-eat-dog-part-1 Dmatix (작가) 2014-01-02
Note: since this tale is a continuation of Surfaces, it will be better understood if that tale is read first. And so, I reach my final conclusion, and if you weren’t paying attention before,…
먼지와 피 Djoric (작가) 2014-01-03
In the time when The Tree of Knowledge was planted, all things were given form. Even the deep waters of the Darkness Below and the vaults of Darkness Above took shape and form, and many elder gods…
the-man-in-orange Anborough (작가) 2014-01-04
Chris Kelly awoke to a glint of sunlight reflected on his window. A beautiful day, yes. Such luscious colors in the flowers outside, reds, violets, yellows, blues…He climbed out of bed and…
같은 옷에서 절단된 Randomini (작가) 2014-01-05
피코 윌슨은 제 시체 더미 한복판에 앉았다. "만약 신의 힘을 갖고 있다면 뭘 할 겁니까?" 시체는 아무 말도 없이 가만히 있었다. 어느 정도는 뭐라 대답할지 분명하지 않아 그런 것일 수도 있지만, 대체적인 이유는…
역설계되다 Roget (작가) 2014-01-06
Professor Duncan Gills checked his watch. Forty-five minutes. That's how long it had taken him to change the face of robotics… the Foundation, and maybe even the world. He gazed down upon his…
wednesday-3pm-the-office-of-paul-dimaccio Mr Carbon (작가) 2014-01-08
Weiss carefully pushed open the door and stepped into the office. It was sparsely decorated. Just a few cheaply-framed diplomas dotted the walls, and a plain desk plus two chairs were the only…
scp-s CryogenChaos (작가) 2014-01-11
Rosen, what the hell is this supposed to be? What is this picture and why is it by itself without any information? PRETEND, MONSTER, JUST FOR A MINUTE - Director Winters Well, sir, if you maybe…
사건 BL-7 알파의 녹취록 DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
Sparkplug: Assessment Team 735, comprising three members: Team leader "Bullfrog" (Sparkplug 1), marksman "Fartboy," (Sparkplug 2), driver "Kitten" (Sparkplug 3). Central: Central Command …
피직스 분과 야전교범 발췌문 13: 인간형 위협존재 특수상황 DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
Type Green: Reality Bender Type Gray: Post-Mortem Reanimation Type Red: Regenerator Type Yellow: Shapeshifter Introduction Reality Benders (Type Greens) have a certain mystique among GOC…
피직스 분과 위협존재 데이터베이스 초본 DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
평가: +7+–X 서론 일반 암호 식별자 KTE: 발견된 위협존재 UTE: 미발견 위협존재 PTE: 잠재적 위협존재 LTE: 청산된 위협존재 그 외 서론 세계 오컬트 연합은 초상적 위협존재들을 해당 존재에 관한…
피직스 분과 야전교범 발췌문 1: 공작원 안내서 DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
Chapter One: Introduction Chapter Two: Preparation Section Missing Chapter Six: Response Levels Preface We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it…
피직스 분과 야전교범 발췌문 2: 장비와 복장 DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
홈 기술 블랙 슈트 그레이 슈트 화이트 슈트 오렌지 슈트 블루 슈트 VERITAS 병참 분과의 로고를 이곳에 삽입하시오. 개요 장비의 분실이나 현장에서의 유기에 의한…
mann-with-the-plann-or-the-dog-gone-days-of-summer TroyL (작가) 2014-01-11
“Stay close, Agent,” Dr. Crow said, trotting quietly along the edge of the forest. “I am fairly certain that we can maneuver this way, find the object in question, and very quickly remove ourselves…
goc-tale-sequence-assessment DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
"It's far too early to put Team Sparkplug back in the field." D.C. al Fine, the Undersecretary-General of the Global Occult Coalition, stood in an expanse of empty blackness, surrounded by one…
goc-tale-sequence-strike DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
"Heads up, Bull," Skunkboy whispered into his comms. "They're back." Agent Bullfrog of Assessment Team 735 "Sparkplug" lifted his head to look through his binoculars at the Chaos Insurgency camp…
goc-tale-sequence-special-observer DrClef (작가) 2014-01-11
"It's the same old story that it's always been," Dr. Elaine Wicks said. "The farmers and ranchers keep slashing and burning their way into the forest. When they encounter the local tribes, they…
goc-tale-sequence-farpoint DrClef (작가) 2014-01-15
"You nervous?" Jericho asked. "A bit," Callahan admitted. "After all, this is gonna be a long trip." "Don't worry about it so much," Jericho said. "It's going to be a lonely, exhausting, and…
monday-6am-escherville-facility-two Mr Carbon (작가) 2014-01-15
The vomit flew over Specialist Jane Weiss' head and splattered messily onto Trooper Smithson. "Christ on a bike, Weiss, watch where you're puking!" "Sorry," Weiss gasped out between coughs. "It's…
████████████ 교수의 강의 녹취록: 응용기적학 편. DrClef (작가) 2014-01-17
좋은 저녁입니다. 다들 앉아주세요. 다과가 필요하신 분들은 방 뒤쪽에 있는 와인, 물, 빵과 소금, 또 커피와 도넛 같은 것들을 가져오시면 됩니다. 저는 피직스에서 일하는 사람들 중 공짜 알콜 앞에서…
노란색 Abettik (작가) 2014-01-17
Jack dropped a handful of change into the mug. A few quarters, a dime, mostly pennies. "Thank you sir," the beggar replied, "may He bless you." Jack had noticed this beggar show up a week ago. He'd…
goc-tale-sequence-awtok DrClef (작가) 2014-01-17
"… lately," Jenny said, "I've been feeling a lot more dragonish." The other nine people sitting around the circle nodded and made sympathetic noises, as Agent Griggs suppressed a groan. "I've been…
a-broken-tool weizhong (작가) 2014-01-18
They promised me glory. I wanted peace. They told me "This shall advance the glorious Revolution." I wanted nothing to do with the Revolution. They said it would barely hurt. I screamed until I…
nothing-and-five-and-five Dmatix (작가) 2014-01-19
I could never see clearly, no, But five times blind, Five times declined. She stared into the cloudy surface of her tea, and tried to remember the song. It was on the tip of her tongue, she was sure…
can-t-catch-a-break Montala (작가) 2014-01-20
The man looked around the back of the van at his assembled team. Three agents, a driver, and himself. He quietly checked his equipment once more. They were going after something that definitely…
XK Randomini (작가) 2014-01-21
우리가 그 저주받을 것을 데려와 얼굴에서 피와 똥과 오줌과 눈물을 닦아주었더니 그 아래에는 아무것도 없었다 틈새로 반짝이던 빛 현실은 미친놈들의…
방랑자 추적기호 toadking07 (작가) 2014-01-21
문서 095-SH-11836. ████년 ██월 ██일 █████████ ████ 캠프 타격 당시 확보된 문서. 발견된 문은 없었음. 당시 입수된 물건들의 목록 완전본은 상위 문서, 타격 증명 "둥지 파괴자Nest Breaker"를 참조…
a-double-life DrWaverton (작가) 2014-01-24
As I sit on the subway home from work, I light up a cigarette and stare out the window when the train pulls into a station. There's an advertisement for Anderson's Auto Parts, boasting 140 locations…
vision-at-betar Djoric (작가) 2014-01-24
0) I, Jeremiah the Flayed, who was at Betar and knew blood under the eagle with bronze wings, write these words. At Betar, in blood that was of drowning-depth, I drowned Speaks-With-Self, and made a…
her-inveterate-patience-in-action MissMercurial (작가) 2014-01-25
Dr. Andrea Segerstrom had a wonderful junior year English teacher. The woman had the endurance of a saint, which served her well since she made the regrettable decision to teach at a high school for…
after-amusement Gargus (작가) 2014-01-26
A small loudspeaker, suspended only by a fragile cord, hung high above the blasted ruins of the amusement park it once served. A long time ago, it had been part of an intricate system designed to…
thinking-knowing-living Randomini (작가) 2014-01-26
the worst part of living if you really think about it is thinking. immortality it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to notice. the only way that one could stand knowing anything is the knowledge…
goc-tale-sequence-joint-venture DrClef (작가) 2014-01-28
"This is a really dumb idea," Skunkboy muttered. He shifted his weight on the chameleon-cloth pad he'd been laying on for the past thirty-six hours. He was pretty sure he was developing some sores…
████████████ 교수의 강의 녹취록: 에테르 에너지 및 양상방사선 편. DrClef (작가) 2014-01-28
좋은 오후입니다. 여러분이 즐거운 점심을 가졌기를 바랍니다. 모두 앉으시고, 강연의 두 번째 부분을 재개하겠습니다. 제 강의의 첫 번째 부분에서는 기적학의 기반이자, 현장의 피직스 분과 요원의 판단으로 영향을…
████████████ 교수의 강의 녹취록: 기적작용 편. DrClef (작가) 2014-01-29
지난 시간에 제가 말한 짧은 말이 모두의 관심을 끌었던 것 같군요. 그럼 시작합시다. 도롱뇽의 눈동자를 쓰든지 데스크탑 컴퓨터를 쓰든지 상관없이, 모든 기적적 작용은 근원, 형삭, 대상, 배출이라는…
████████████ 교수의 강의 녹취록: 결론 및 질의응답 DrClef (작가) 2014-01-29
이 강연의 마지막 시간을 위해 돌아왔습니다. 거의 다 끝나가니까, 몇 가지만 더 이야기 한 다음에 밤에 쉴 시간이 주어질 겁니다. 제가 저녁 식사 중에 질문 받았던 것에 대해 알려드리고 싶군요… 그러니까…
형제 Randomini (작가) 2014-01-31
공지: 이건 23부 연작 쿨전 중에서 21편입니다. 이 편부터 읽는 건 어마어마한 스포일러가 될 거라 아주 나쁜 생각입니다. 발신자: 피코 하트퍼드가 16번지 와서 날 뚜까패던가 말든가…

2014년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
a-fancy-dinosaur TwistedGears (작가) 2014-02-02
It was a mild day, late into the Cretaceous period. A Pachycephalosaurus walked the forest, the body of a Vegavis in its mouth. Several hours had passed since it had collected its prize, but still…
sunday-0600-mobile-task-force-central-training-facility Mr Carbon (작가) 2014-02-03
Alright, settle down. I'm gonna call the roll while the Rabbi here matches faces to names. Raise your hand when I call your name. Listen up. Anderson. Aziz. Bathory. Bernstein. Green. You the art…
산 자들을 위한 추도 연설 Randomini (작가) 2014-02-03
공지: 이건 23부 연작 쿨전 중에서 22편입니다. 이 편부터 읽는 건 어마어마한 스포일러가 될거라 아주 나쁜 생각입니다. "루이즈 뒤샹." 루이즈는 잠에서 깨어나면서 눈을 비비고 하품을 했다. 그러고는…
goc-tale-sequence-trauma DrClef (작가) 2014-02-05
Zero 1 2 3 4 5 6 Breach "… and then, fifteen minutes later, the Strike Team breached and entered," Bullfrog concluded. "And that was that." "Was it?" the woman in the blue sweater asked. The…
윤리적? Montala (작가) 2014-02-06
청문회를 시작하겠습니다. 성함을 말씀해주십시오.” 넓은 공간에 마이크로 증폭된 목소리가 울려 퍼졌다. “어, 로, 로버트 펠던 박사입니다.” 펠던이 주눅 든 목소리로 마이크에 대답했다. 평소…
goc-tale-sequence-tempering DrClef (작가) 2014-02-06
Spider had been walking up the mountain trail for a good half hour, and her feet were starting to hurt. It didn't help that she was carrying a heavy backpack: she'd done long ruck marches in…
goc-tale-sequence-vigil DrClef (작가) 2014-02-06
"The Coalition Memorial consists of three underground facilities. The first is the outer museum, in which a number of relics and memorabilia important to the Coalition are preserved and displayed….
vibeo-james Roget (작가) 2014-02-06
David Rosen was not a happy man. Now, by all accounts, this was not an unusual occurrence, but today David had something beyond general misanthropy or a lack of proper nutrition to be glowering…
2012년 10월 15일 Djoric (작가) 2014-02-07
SCP-2845에 이어서… 시월의 청명하게 오렌지빛이며 푸르른 어느 날, 날이 서늘할지언정 아직 불편하진 않은 시기에, 시디 세갈(Siddhi Sehgal)은 그녀의 세상에 무엇이 남아 있나 다시 곱씹어 보기로…
hellbent TwistedGears (작가) 2014-02-08
I struggle to put the words together. I'm not really sure there are words to begin with. At this point, my own mind is beginning to fail me. The thing in front of me is something I can't quite…
예방접종 Randomini (작가) 2014-02-09
비주 대시우드Bijou Dashwood는 두 강사를 바라보며 심드렁히 칠판 앞에 앉아있었다. 왼쪽에는 열두 살짜리 소년이 있었다. 얼굴 아래쪽은 먼지투성이에 누렇게 변색된 반창고가 잔뜩 붙어있어, 숨을 들이쉬고…
SCUTTLE pxdnbluesoul (작가) 2014-02-10
PROVISIONAL ENTRY — SCRAMBLE ORDER INITIATED, ALL TECHNICAL ADVISORS AND RAISA STAFF TO SITE-01 — PROVISIONAL ENTRY This is an automatically generated entry documenting breaking events. Situation…
goc-tale-comeintomyparlor DrClef (작가) 2014-02-11
"… and I'll be seeing you all next week. Please read chapters three and four before you come back on Tuesday. Class is dismissed. Miss Fang, could I see you for a moment before you go?" Ara Fang…
souffle CryogenChaos (작가) 2014-02-11
There were rats in the soufflé again. Expert chef Jean-Pierre grimaced at the wretched sight. Dozens of the miserable vermin were crawling around the innards of what was supposed to be a delicious…
madame-lucia Bryx (작가) 2014-02-12
In her airy tower, sits Madame Lucia                                                                                                                             There were rats in the soufflé…
be-a-dali-and-help-a-mann-out-or-the-lamentable-state-of-mod DrEverettMann (작가) 2014-02-13
When he was first partnered with Dr. Mann, Lament was handed a remote. As he was partnered to the doctor, so it was partnered to a small explosive implanted in the doctor's chest without his…
the-meaning-of-fear weizhong (작가) 2014-02-13
"So, what's on the itinerary for today?" Dr. Albert Wensley squinted at a neatly printed schedule made by his secretary. "You have a meeting with the assistant researchers today at 10, a quarterly…
down-by-the-river Djoric (작가) 2014-02-16
Those Thin, Penultimate Hours, while not strictly plot related, will help greatly in understanding things. Dawn hung in misty sheets, curling through tangled forest. A mourning dove cooed in the…
on-the-other-side-of-the-coin Bryx (작가) 2014-02-16
A group of specialists will arrive within the week                                                                                                                             A majestic zeppelin,…
friday-2200-paul-dimaccios-personal-quarters Mr Carbon (작가) 2014-02-17
Dear ………………, Paul Dimaccio rubbed his eyes, looked at the form letter on his laptop screen, and began filling out fields. Dear Ms. Stanwick, Please accept my deepest sympathy, and that of every…
goc-tale-sequence-diplomacy DrClef (작가) 2014-02-24
"It's good to see you again, your majesty," Chris said, as he took a seat on the camp chair and gratefully accepted a cup of water from a raccoon in a green wool tunic. "Thou speakest with a forked…
right weizhong (작가) 2014-02-25
“Sign the form on lines 3, 5, 18, and 23. This last statement is finalizing the agreement that in return for a month of service in scientific testing for the Foundation, you will be released from…
we-re-sorry Aelanna (작가) 2014-02-25
We didn't mean for it to end like this. Ten thousand solar cycles ago, we volunteered to be the vanguards of an expedition to colonize a planet other than our homeworld. Stripped of our mortality,…
letting-it-go Pata H (작가) 2014-02-26
April 13th 2011 I had just gotten back from a trip to the library when I spotted them. Your average person would just think it's a bunch of cops casing the area. A mix of uniformed and plainclothes…
완전 쩌는 자동차 여행 모험 Djoric (작가) 2014-02-26
Shortly after the Boss Lady got an assistant… The Executive Board of Dr. Wondertainment, Incorporated, sat around a circular table, in a square room on the top floor of a boxy grey building far…
stupendous-containment-procedures Ihp (작가) 2014-02-26
Chagrin Falls, Ohio The phone rang in Mr. Watts's room. Though he was only six years old, he got several phone calls, and he was very important. Normally, he would direct them to his assistant, but…
mint-condition FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-02-26
The green membrane stretched out instantly across the white cinderblock wall, and in a flurry of limbs, an eccentric genius and his grandson fell through it. “Come on, Morty, let’s go!” Rick said,…

2014년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
memory Petit Noir does not match any existing user name (작가)
Gene R (translator)
…and down it with water. Done. Soon I'll believe that 21st of December 2012 was a regular boring day. I'm glad I can forget the experience. Those who rank higher will always retain the memory. That…
여가 시간 weizhong (작가) 2014-03-08
“Commencing testing on SCP-715,” Dr. Louef said into the voice recorder. He glanced at the testing chamber from within the observation room. The photobooth sat inside, as innocent as could be, while…
a-disturbance Zolgamax (작가) 2014-03-09
The boardroom, as always, was stuffy. The windows had been painted over years ago, and nothing had ever been done about it. Though the issue was brought up from time to time at Board Meetings, it…
little-lost-skip MissMercurial (작가) 2014-03-11
Dr. Andrea Segerstrom had stopped trying to control the nervous picking at her flaking, peeling nails. They'd always been soft and prone to splitting even when left alone. And in this situation her…
별들은 그대를 기다려주지 않는다 Dmatix (작가) 2014-03-11
It's quiet out here. The desert sprawls from horizon to horizon, where purest white meets twilight red. There are no edges here, no angles, just curves and the gentle rise and fall of dunes as far…
tryingtofleshoutanidea TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-03-12
I don't remember how it all started. I don't remember what I was doing, where I was, or any of that stuff everyone tells you they remember. The first I knew anything was wrong was when I showed up…
20-584 Litfried (작가) 2014-03-12
You rest your head against the bus window, briefly closing your eyes. The jolts and bumps making your jaw rattle aren't enough to distract you. The cool glass doesn't help, either. You can't stop…
notsurethisisworking TheDuckman does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-03-13
The Duck Man sat before his computer, his eyes locked on the screen. A couple of hours ago, there had been some commotion at the site: distant explosions and things like that. He'd ignored it. That…
이얏호 나가 돼졌구나 Randomini (작가) 2014-03-15
공지: 이건 23부 연작 쿨전 중에서 마지막 편입니다. 이 편부터 읽는 건 어마어마한 스포일러가 될거라 아주 나쁜 생각입니다. '조각사'는 확신에 찬 채로 더러운 나무문을 향해 걸었다. 황동 손잡이를 잡고는…
a-merry-fellow Ihp (작가) 2014-03-18
Thomas Bailey awoke to the sun streaming in through his window. It was 25.6 degrees Centigrade outside, which considering the fact that he was in the Antarctic Circle in the middle of summer, it…
corroded-relations AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-03-19
Though she is a woman and a cripple, her exaltation of Tao Kuang Ti shows a wisdom beyond the menfolk of her barbarous people Lin Zexu to Hong Tsu Zhou Peace be with you and may your family be…
the-lady-in-the-tower Bryx (작가) 2014-03-20
The lady sits and stands and sleeps, forgotten, in her tower. Dreams line up to play with her. A new game every hour. There's a fun old game of Hide and Seek in a room that's bare as sin. Of…
animalia Drewbear (작가) 2014-03-21
INTERNAL MEMO ACCESS LIMITED TO SECURITY CLEARANCE L-1/883 AND HIGHER DO NOT COPY OR REDISTRIBUTE re: SCP-883 Containment & Research Procedures Updates, Effective 1999-03-13 Following the events…
the-avian-and-the-amphibian Waterfire (작가) 2014-03-23
Cornelius had been experimenting with the lock for a long cycle. He could not remember the last time he had spent such an extended period on one device, for he always was whisked away before much…
mud-on-the-carpet Djoric (작가) 2014-03-25
On the night of April 19th, 2026, the Veil broke. Ten thousand years of strain building up against the fabric of postdiluvian reality finally proved too much to bear, and the Self-Keeping-Secret…
변칙예술 행위 TwistedGears (작가) 2014-03-25
Jakeob Aldon stared at her bathroom ceiling, reclined so far into the bathtub that only her face breached the surface. She was beginning to regret her latest purchase. Damn her impatience. If she…
gourmet Drewbear (작가) 2014-03-26
She had a ritual that she always performed when approaching her meals. First, she laid out the pristine white cloth napkin and placed the implements upon it. Second, she poured the cup of water for…
마지막 만남들 Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-03-27
자신의 마지막 소지품 하나를 상자에 넣으며, 호두나무 지팡이를 짚고 있는 한 노인이 마지막으로 방을 둘러보았다. 그의 이름은 재커리 존슨 박사였으며, 그가 35년 동안 일해온 사무실은 재단에서 받은 가구를…
a-friend-s-words GibberingEloquence does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-03-27
A tall girl walked along the shore of the beach carrying a green glass bottle. Inside the bottle was a note she wrote. She walked into the water and threw the bottle as far as she could. She had…
dark-arts-and-crafts faminepulse (작가)
Randomini (작가)
☦An accidental sorcery. AWCY as a latent phenomenon.☦ I used to see abstracts, nonsense, but somehow I understood. It was an instinct, an intuition; less like the bird knowing to build a nest, more…
exit-history FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-03-28
… Two time travellers sat across the table from one another in matching lab-coats, hands folded, eyeing each other suspiciously. Dr. Thaddeus Xyank pulled his glasses from his face, rubbed the…
exploded-diagram-of-a-young-woman Chubert (작가) 2014-03-28
SCP-2156 didn’t think that she was a person who wanted many things. Honestly, she didn’t really care what happened to herself; maybe she had cared when Professor Harley had called her in to have a…
건강한 아이 UglyFlower (작가) 2014-03-29
The following article is an excerpted transcript, which has been annotated and pulled from article #232397 — Home Video17.mov. Personnel who require either the entire Home Video17 entry or a full…
belation-in-the-evening Djoric (작가) 2014-03-31
Welcome to NEXUS-08. Welcome to Night Vale. — Good evening, Night Vale: this is Lee Baker filling in for Cecil, and this is Night Vale at Night. It is currently nine o’clock PM, and the temperature…

2014년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
the-slow-asphyxiation-of-undiluted-ardor SoullessSingularity (작가) 2014-04-02
☦A story that should have been cute.☦ There was nothing in this room but love for the little lizard. Barely twenty-five centimeters long, the twenty-five square meters of enclosure provided was a…
the-tinkerer weizhong (작가) 2014-04-03
Once upon a time, there was a small cabin in the woods. The cabin was the home to an old man, greying and stooped over, yet possessing a kindly smile to all who he saw. The warm and cozy cabin was…
bending-over-backwards Bennings (작가) 2014-04-05
The office was neat. It clearly belonged to someone who had too much time on their hands. Every piece of paper on the desk was stacked neatly into three vertical piles, each the same height. There…
skip-jam-part-one Bryx (작가) 2014-04-07
"People of Earth! You may call me Mr. Swackhammer!”                                                                                                                             The researcher sat…
sparkle-spectacular ksaid (작가) 2014-04-07
Bender's Day! The SCP Foundation's greatest (and only) holiday! It only comes once a year — except for last year when Bright slept through the first one and wanted a do-over. Bender's Day! A day…
영공간 Chubert (작가) 2014-04-08
“앞으로 나와라, D-0912.” 내 이름은 앤드루 카터다. D-0912의 발이 그를 문지방 너머 곧은 일직선 길로 옮겼다. 밝은 빛이 그의 얼굴로 환하게 쏟아졌다. 삐죽삐죽한 그림자들이…
의심의 그림자 Dr Yucatan (작가) 2014-04-11
Technician Palmer yawned. It was 0520, only 40 minutes until the end of his 6-hour shift. A shift spent in Monitoring Station Delta of Foundation Area-12, a shift that consisted of keeping watch…
triumph MisterBibs (작가) 2014-04-17
Hello. Nice to meet you. I've brought you out of containment and took that tarp off you, for which you're welcome. To be honest, I shouldn't have done the latter; it's against the containment…
tax-man Ihp (작가) 2014-04-18
Site 87 is one of those sites the O5s don't generally like to talk about. However, they do still have to monitor us. So, every couple of years, they send out an auditor to make sure the site hasn't…
someone-steals-aldons-penis Randomini (작가) 2014-04-21
1. You should read Learning the Alphabet before considering reading this, at least to the end of the first act. (The content of this tale is probably the dream that occurs immediately prior to…
reality-check Zyn (작가) 2014-04-21
Item #: [pending] / SCP-XXXX Object Class: Safe Doctor Kiryu sat at his office desk, assorted experiment logs strewn around his workspace as he scribbled on the topmost sheet of paper. He didn’t…
a-multi-universal-affair Ihp (작가) 2014-04-21
First on my list is the Multi-U division. How this kind of breach of protocol has been allowed to continue is beyond me, Ms. Weiss. The entire function of this department appears to be intentional…
theogenesis rumetzen (작가) 2014-04-23
The image came to me as I slept. In my dream, I stood at the center of a tall hill, and though it was day I could see all the stars of the night sky. More, in fact. They were strewn across the…
party-of-the-year rumetzen (작가) 2014-04-23
“I don't see why you even like her,” said Lila. She took another drag and passed the joint to Minh. “She's a bitch.” Minh sighed and began smoking. “She is not. I don't know why you hate her so…
a-simple-paradigm-shift MissMercurial (작가) 2014-04-23
"I just can't believe it. These people have no business shoving each other. We're all getting on the bus…Damn thing's empty, after all." The old black woman who'd lamented her fellow passengers'…
bugs-in-the-process FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-04-24
Then there's the matter of the entomology department, over-budget for the fifth straight year. Not the most flattering statistic, considering that the most expensive incident in the department's…
peace-i-would-settle-for-that Bennings (작가) 2014-04-26
The doors slid open, and I was trapped again. The three pairs of eyes pierced into me. I had been here for twenty one years; nothing had changed since then. I had attempted escape, of course, but…
scp-foundation-gripe-sheet toadking07 (작가) 2014-04-30
Foundation personnel submit maintenance reports, also known as "gripe forms", to inform level 2 site mechanics about any problems they experience with containment cells and connected facilities. The…
cav-001 Randomini (작가) 2014-04-30

2014년 5월

제목 작가 생성일
cav-002 Communism will win (작가) 2014-05-07
of an L                                                                                                                             The pair conversed through the entire car ride, much to the…
there-s-magic-in-the-air Ihp (작가) 2014-05-08
I find the Theology Department to be quite troubling at this site. The Occult Studies subdivision in particular has been gum in the hair of Site 87 ever since it was founded. There are currently…
cav-003 TwistedGears (작가) 2014-05-09
Arthur Rodrick gazed up at the massive building before him from underneath his umbrella. Giant glowing letters that read "Prometheus Labs, Inc." Arthur thought it a little odd to pick such an…
cav-004 Chubert (작가) 2014-05-13
Jessie Moon sat on her bed with her back against the wall and her legs splayed out before her. Textbooks she hadn’t touched in weeks were strewn across the floor. Her bedroom’s unlit lamp cast warm,…
the-great-siege-of-julabin REDbluewhiteyellow does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-05-20
The following is an excerpt taken from SCP-140, detailing the siege of the city-state Julabin located in what is now [REDACTED], Norway. *Note: Based on context as well as usage in previous…
cav-006 Crayne (작가) 2014-05-23
Thaddeus Xyank had spent the last thirty minutes reading up on the theory behind Type B XACTS and studying the blueprints. Once in a while he'd silently shaken his head, and there'd been muttering…
spirit-dust weizhong (작가) 2014-05-25
It was almost ready. Kaoru held the spoon carefully over the small lighter. After checking his watch, he opened the small paper packet with his left hand, while carefully holding the spoon and its…
being-cactusman Riemann (작가) 2014-05-26
Dreams have long been a point of contention for psychologists, full of vehement and loud opinions on what they mean. Some think that it's the brain going over the events of the day, while others…
cav-007 Bryx (작가) 2014-05-27
"Iago, where are my other tea spoons?"                                                                                                                             Madame Lucia sat where she always…

2014년 6월

제목 작가 생성일
funding Kakroom does not match any existing user name (작가)
Written by Whatopercy                                                                                                                             "Five incidents. Zero recoveries. Eight…
authenticity-trip Roget (작가) 2014-06-01
January 6th, 2015. In Miami, there is an apartment. A studio one, stuffed with computers, beeping and booping, manned by a single, unwashed operator. There are many monitors, looking into seismic…
bugbears AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-06-06
"Behold, dummy," Won Won remarked clearly, poking at the paper with a crude little tube of ink, and scrawling a quick sketch of the building as it had appeared when they first entered it. Won Won…
johnnys-wild-ride TroyL (작가) 2014-06-12
Johnny was sitting at his computer desk, head hung low as the tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn't believe that he'd found yet another internet community that he was exiled from. First it was…
the-brave-little DrEverettMann (작가) 2014-06-15
977 was special. It was indivisible, which was important to his people. Not as special as if he had been a mother as well, of course. But the people expected great things from him. The Creator…
두 그루 나무 아래 Djoric (작가) 2014-06-19
In the age after the great Yeren fell on the Day of Flowers, in the days before the Flood, there was a man who lived in the West of the world, in the region between two rivers, and his name was…
쿨의 탄생 Smapti (작가) 2014-06-21
In the nineteenth century, the march of progress made it possible for the first time for human science to contemplate and comprehend those phenomena which had long seemed to contravene the laws of…
implanting-god Ihp (작가) 2014-06-23
Oh Great Lord of Silicon, Lord of the Modern Age, give me the wisdom to comprehend your true form through the Great Computation, the energy to power my life and the lives of those around me, and…
도식의 변화 Von Pincier (작가) 2014-06-23
수녀대사Sister-Legate 트루니언(Trunnion)이 잡은 미팅 장소는 조정기 관리실 25b였다. 갓 규격화한 자기 귀로는 산업의 대성당 속 영감 가득한 소음에 묻힌 소리도 문제없이 들리지만, 트루니언은…
clippings Aelanna (작가) 2014-06-23
U.N, Civil Rights Groups Slam US Military Over Controversial Weapons Programs (AP, Washington D.C.) — Public outrage has intensified as new evidence was leaked in the case of the US military's…
birth-by-guitar Zolgamax (작가) 2014-06-24
Some people are fond of saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It would be more accurate to say that history is doomed to repeat itself. - Excerpt from The Coolest…
간단한 스케치 Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-06-24
콘월 연구원은 격리실 책상을 옆에서 지켜보면서 서 있었다. SCP-1360이 콘월을 되쳐다봤다. 1360의 흰색 플라스틱 눈은 아무 감정없이 콘월의 움직임을 따라갔다. 4명의 경비요원들이 근처에 서 있었고, 각각의…
third-death Randomini (작가) 2014-06-24
The decrepit fleshsack housing the consciousness of Amos Marshall groaned. He was not particularly comfortable. This was nothing new. He had not been particularly comfortable at all over the last…
skitter-marshall Randomini (작가) 2014-06-24
Skitter Marshall was cold, wet, and slightly miserable. The rain pelted down unrelentingly as he shivered and stared at an innocuous-seeming building. The townhouse Skitter stood outside of seemed…
서장: 물이 덩어리가 되고 비가 되어 내리다 SoullessSingularity (작가) 2014-06-24
☦Rosa dreams of fifthism.☦ When Rosa went to sleep she had an odd dream. In it she was reminded of her childhood, times when she would talk with her grandfather and he would tell her of his own…
the-surfside-beat djkaktus (작가) 2014-06-25
Umiko sat by the fire as it burned down slowly. The waves rolled quietly over the warm sand of the beach, occasionally crashing with a low rush of water and spray. In the light of the setting sun,…
freaky-commodities Rejekyll (작가)
There were four men in the elevator. Two buff men in loose suits stood on the edges, staring blankly at the wall in front of them. Next to the left-most guard was a middle-aged British man with a…
fik-ra Eskobar (작가) 2014-06-26
Abd al-Rashid bin Tannous adjusted himself again in the uncomfortable plastic chair provided to him. The Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts operated on a limited budget, it was true,…
touchdown Drewbear (작가) 2014-06-27
It was a cold evening in the Utah desert. Sand and stone don't hold heat long without the sun shining on them, and a few hours past sunset was enough to radiate everything back out into the air. In…
it-s-a-bad-bad-world Roget (작가) 2014-06-27
"Mister Hoover, your two o' clock is ready for you." It was the usual thing. J. Edgar Hoover's people took him down to one of the lower levels, in a rickety old elevator. They had a few re-purposed…
robert-carter Randomini (작가) 2014-06-28
Robert Carter was cool, calm, and collected. He straightened his deep blue tie, then parted his hair with a metal comb. The lights of the Las Vegas strip lit up the night as bright as day. Robert…
a-circus-milked-dry OZ Ouroboros (작가) 2014-06-29
A Circus of a Wreck » A few miles east of the remains of a fairgrounds, a gopher stuck its head out of its hole and squinted into the boiling afternoon heat. It looked around curiously, surveying…
change-the-world AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-06-29
Last thing Priscilla Locke remembered, she was drenched in sweat, her clothes being torn off of her and the crack of a gun close by, followed by pain and deafness. Then she was standing upright, her…
way-out-in-the-water faminepulse (작가)
☦Fifthism manifests through Constellation Starfish.☦ Rosa walked up the sun-baked asphalt driveway to the front door. The little pink bungalow was not much more than peeling paint, chipped nautilus…
책에서 나가기 Gaffsey (작가)
"농담이겠지." 앨리슨이 말했다. 그는 소금과 쇳가루로 그린 원 중앙에 앉아있는, 토실토실하고 성별을 알 수 없는 인형에게 말했다. 그 플라스틱 얼굴에는 영구적인 수줍은 미소가 떠올라 있었다. "농담이겠지." 그는….
who-we-are Dr Reach (작가) 2014-06-30
"There is no way you are drinking that." "Oh, but somebody has to." "You are just trying to spook me, aren't you? Tell me you are trying to spook me." "I don't think he is trying to spoo-ook you,…
분해의 이단 Ihp (작가) 2014-06-30
Sometimes, when he was alone, Robert Bumaro wished he could weep. He sat in his private chamber, meditating on the words of the Broken God, feeling great pain. The Church was his life, his…

2014년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
a-darke-tale-new-age Captain Cain (작가) 2014-07-01
The perpetual fear of every slave owner, spanning not only these years, but of slavery as an institution, is that of rebellion. African slaves were frequently taken from warring tribes, speaking…
who-are-you Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-01
Priscilla Locke was a tall, willowy woman, perhaps in her early thirties. Her gruff, detached expression remained shielded after a pair of sharp shades. Her movements as she left the black van were…
아이리스 다크 Randomini (작가) 2014-07-01
Iris Dark was warm, comfortable, and filled with a vague sense of accomplishment. She sipped her hot cocoa and stared at the dully glowing screen. The rain poured down outside, the sun barely…
breaking-it-down-to-me Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-02
Frank felt just a bit claustrophobic. The darkroom was, appropriately enough, a tiny, dark, hot and incredibly moist hellhole with an actual hole in the middle, which was enough for anyone to be a…
the-appalachian-scar faminepulse (작가)
☦The Last First Southern Fifthists. SCP-1982.☦ INFORMATION PACKAGE 23.A-F2 CODE: APPALACHIA Commentary from Joshua Greenfield I don't know if anything he's saying is true or not. Being a member of…
cubes-on-a-slope Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-02
The expanse behind the hospital's hill was filled with people. Priscilla allowed her escort to guide her again between the tents that housed them that last night. People were preparing their move to…
just-another-nobody Nighkos (작가) 2014-07-02
It was that soft twilight hour. The sun had fallen beneath the sea, signaling the youth on the beach that the time was right. The bonfire was lit and the music played. They laughed and danced….
누군가는 원하는 것 Nighkos (작가) 2014-07-02
“우린 악당이 아니란 겁니다. 저희가 변칙 개체들을 이용해 세계를 파괴한다거나 정복한다는 그런 소문들 다 말도 안되는 소리입니다! 사실 상황이 저희에게 안 좋게 흘러가는 것 뿐입니다. 말 그대로 온 세상을 손쉽게…
of-mats-and-masquerades Eskobar (작가) 2014-07-03
September 18th, 1957 Robert Parsley put a Concentrated Look on his face as the elevator door opened. This was Concentrated Look #3 that he was using today; he saw it fulfill his purpose adequately…
family-ties Crayne (작가) 2014-07-03
Elisa sighed contentedly as she sat in the moonlight, her head cradled in Tom's lap. He was just a lowly worker for the circus and she was a member of Fuller's collection of freaks, but while there…
bed-breakfast-plague Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-03
"Good morning, up and about, rise and shine, blah blah blah!" Priscilla Locke got up at seven AM, sharp, Somalia time, thanks to the loud shouting that emanated from the walls, straight into her…
greenery Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-04
"So, you work for the Bigger Man?" The Momio brothers, Enrico and Martino, were a couple of tall, dark, handsome men with a knack for satire and a disagreeable nature, or at least they used to have…
over-the-bonfire Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-04
Priscilla felt lost. Not literally lost, not anymore, of course; now she walked, loaded with the bundle she would not trust anyone else and rested inside her backpack, by the side of the massive…
the-face-of-god djkaktus (작가) 2014-07-05
“Have you ever seen God, Clyde?” Morgan sat across from the sandy haired guitarist who, like usual, was tuning one of his several guitars. They had come together at Morgan’s apartment to write a…
living-in-the-limelight Smapti (작가) 2014-07-05
I believe it was Shakespeare who said "All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers, each another's audience outside the gilded cage." He was half-right….
chasing-tails Drewbear (작가) 2014-07-05
Mikhael Andreyev had never really liked Jews, and he despised Americans, so when he received a report that a pair of American Jew spies for the KGB had found evidence of a merzost in the…
best-as-it-gets AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-05
The way it came out was miraculous. Last month it was an empty lot, with MCF operatives handing out food and clean water and offering medical services. The operatives were still there, working out…
the-rain-spills-to-a-torrent-can-you-hear-it SoullessSingularity (작가) 2014-07-06
☦Fifthism puts on a show.☦ Clyde plucked the metal strings of his guitar with no audience save for his pet cat. The sound echoed against the walls of the apartment with no other harmony save for…
polycephaly Chubert (작가) 2014-07-06
Ian and Kyouko had run as soon as they knew that somebody was either trying to capture or kill them, and they had done nothing but run for the last five minutes. When the Way that had been their…
preparation giant enemy spycrab (작가) 2014-07-06
Thump. Thump. Knock. Knock. Knock. The noise gently shook the walls and floors of the small studio apartment. Thump. Thump. Thump. Knock. Knock. The wood carving of Richard Nixon rocked back and…
land-of-plenty AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-06
Everything had gone by so fast, just as Priscilla preferred. It gave her little time to sit and reflect on what had happened. How did people react when faced with world-shattering trauma,…
sam Vivax (작가) 2014-07-07
"Give me a red-eye." The crowd shifted as the counter cleared, pushing him to the front. He'd forgotten why he came in here, where the compulsion to buy coffee came from. The steamy, high-pitched…
headhunted MissMercurial (작가) 2014-07-07
The Machine had failed and Dr. Molly Jayawadena was fleeing. In a filthy subway bathroom, Molly smeared cheap bronzer on her face. The dollar store powder left grimy, muddy streaks on Molly's…
cactus-insurgent TwistedGears (작가) 2014-07-07
Consciousness slowly prodded at Cactusman's mind. A deluge of voices engulfed him in noise, and the unnatural grogginess he was bogged down by made it impossible to differentiate between them. He…
of-teachers-and-taxicabs Eskobar (작가) 2014-07-07
Robert Parsley listened and watched as the rotor of the phone click-click-clicked from each of the numbers he dialed back to the black 0 at the top. After a short conversation with the operator, she…
burden-of-humanity AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-07
Dodger snorted obnoxiously at the picture of the hairy man-beast, "It's cute." They'd been calling it a spider-bear. Apparently its hands and head were more arachnid-like than mammalian, even though…
the-hammer-falls AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-07
You don't belong here. Priss winced. Silently, the creature swum over the calm, peaceful surface of the reservoir. It had been filtering the contents of the reservoir for as long as Priscilla had…
breaking-it-all-down-on-me Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-07
The creature that no longer resembled a Hippo and Enrico Momio's soul watched silently as both Locke sisters went away. And took the thing away with them. "The bloody hell was that," Enrico said. He…
between-shelves rumetzen (작가) 2014-07-07
This is a sequel to Going Out Of Book. You should probably read that first. At first, all she saw was darkness. Then a red glow crept in. She was lying on a cold, hard surface, staring up. There was…
nothing-remotely-human A Random Day (작가) 2014-07-07
"Following this event, settlements were quickly established. The interim leaders of the settlements, Omega-021, Epsilon-024, Zeta-031, and Gamma-050 decided that a meritocracy would form a solid…
industrial-espionage A Random Day (작가) 2014-07-07
The following document was collected in the aftermath of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Sensitive portions of the document have been removed. 7/16/87 Brand new entry in a brand new journal. This isn't my…
야누스의 문 Chubert (작가) 2014-07-08
Ever since Zhi Xin had returned from leading the raid at Larissa, Arjun had watched her nibble on a stale piece of bread. Her face was scrunched in an expression that Arjun judged to be two parts…
asymptomatic-carrier Chubert (작가) 2014-07-08
By Arjun’s estimations, the Coalition was surprisingly professional for an organization that was barely three years old. There was something in the methodical, cold way that they operated that…
the-ant Chubert (작가) 2014-07-08
Three days later, Arjun found Zhi Xin on the rooftop of the San Francisco headquarters. There was a smile on her face as pale and insubstantial as the moon itself. Cigarette smoke formed a light…
20-goto-10 FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-07-08
… A black sedan rolled down the street, electric quiet in the dead of night, toward "The Rusty Cam". A true hole in the wall, this place. Dumpster overflowing out front, smoke pouring from all the…
taking-a-break-from-all-your-worries AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-08
You're fine like trans-Alpine wine, Prissy-bitch Her eyes were shut, and she daydreamed. It helped relax her, easing her breathing. It smelled horrible around her, but at least she could finally…
could-find-my-way-to-mariana djkaktus (작가)
faminepulse (작가)
SoullessSingularity (작가)
☦Collaborated with djkaktus and Faminepulse.☦ Clyde and Umiko rode home in the darkness. For once, Clyde wasn’t tuning a guitar. He was tuning the radio instead, dialing station to station. Umiko…
obligations Pemander007 (작가) 2014-07-08
The beginning was defined primarily by separation. It was a mess of thoughts, of feelings. To be honest, it was difficult for one to say if it was truly an existence at all at that point, but it was…
free-freaks OZ Ouroboros (작가) 2014-07-08
Kagome kagome Kago no naka no tori wa Itsu itsu deyaru Yoake no ban ni Tsuru to kame ga subetta. Ushiro no shoumen daare Yume Kurosawa hummed an old Japanese children's game song to herself as she…
stolen-gilded-stolen-saved Dexanote (작가) 2014-07-08
I had been beautiful once… I suppose I’m beautiful still. But by the time I woke up they had already covered me in jewels and gold and ivory, put me on a steel rack and polished me to an unnatural…
hava Eskobar (작가) 2014-07-08
The American woman standing near one of the stands in the marketplace was the giveaway that Abd al-Rashid bin Tannous was in the right place. Abd al-Rashid, in the glow of the cultural tolerance…
it-s-a-mystery-that-you-ll-never-be-discovering Roget (작가) 2014-07-08
On the flight back to Headquarters, Agent Fredericks mused on how familiar the blurry outline of Washington D.C below him was getting. Every week, it seemed, Director Hoover wanted them to come back…
수감자 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2014-07-08
Family » "You know she's going to die, right? That you'll be asking a probable god to die?" "…" "Well, hell." The woman ground out her cigarette. "Better than an Earth-shaped hole in the…
가족 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2014-07-08
« Prisoners Showtime » Present Day Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, the girl the Foundation called SCP-239, stirred in her coma-induced slumber. She was fidgeting anxiously in the dreamscape…
쇼타임 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2014-07-08
« Family Sisters » Present Day Two months passed since the strange final interview with Joanna Cross. The day began on which the Foundation's mistake would end the world. But Kendra Campbell…
자매 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2014-07-08
« Showtime Present Day Sigurrós faced off against the faceless entity in front of her with growing curiosity. She sent out her thoughts again, and probed further this time, feeling her mind…
birdseed Zyn (작가) 2014-07-08
Twitter. Tweet. Chirp. Cheep. Glarblegurglewurblebruuuupslurp. There are many words for the sounds of birds, Sylvain Ailier thinks to himself. But it’s hard to get the sounds of the words right….
queen-s-gambit Silberescher (작가) 2014-07-08
On the night of the winter solstice, if the stars are right, Ullllllu the Warlock emerges from his cave and curses the moon. Life and death become inverted in a twisted exhibition of the decadent…
pawn-to-e4 rumetzen (작가) 2014-07-08
The guard shivered. Even through layers of nylon, fleece, wool, and polyester, the chill seeped into the bones. The wind roared around him, whipping up snow, branches, and dirt, pelting him with…
castling-by-hand Silberescher (작가) 2014-07-08
A nonsensical amount of distance away from home, across an infinifold interuniversal membrane, in an n1-deviated Earth where a series of assassinations had torn apart the United States in bloody…
house-of-gears-part-one Silberescher (작가) 2014-07-08
A valuable heuristic to follow when working in a science lab is this: for each piece of equipment worth more than twenty dollars, assume that, at some point, it will fail. To summarize for the…
house-of-gears-part-two Silberescher (작가) 2014-07-08
I awoke on an examination table. Monitors built into the walls displayed medical information: height, weight, dental X-ray, MRI data. There were several unfamiliar charts that I couldn't read. I…
time Petit Noir does not match any existing user name (작가)
Gene R (translator)
Time was slowly trickling down into the deep subterranean complex of Site 17, flooding its corridors, conquering containment chambers, drowning cells and labs, seeping through meter-thick blast…
어머니의 사랑 Pig_catapult (작가) 2014-07-09
The passions of the dead can be vast and mighty, but we are not all-powerful. There are things I can never see. There are things I can never touch. There are things I can never overpower. Because of…
old-kansas-sector-part-4 faminepulse (작가)
☦Allan is punished by Grammie. SCP-517.☦ The Last Era: 12, August, 2119 AD Salina, Kansas, USA A monster ran the town of Salina, and mostly monsters dwelled there. The odd human happened along now…
제품 Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-07-11
헤리슨은 낡아 빠진 도시 속 한 아파트 방에 앉아있었다. 그녀가 앉은 의자와 그 앞에 있는 책상만이 방 안에 있는 유일한 가구였다. 그녀의 맞은편에는 검은색 시트로 가려진 4개의 물건들이 있었다. 헤리슨은 자신의…
manna Dr Reach (작가) 2014-07-14
Manna. Manna the power, manna the food, manna the drink, manna the entity and Manna the Entity, manna the authority, manna the respect, manna in the far past, Manna the person. Manna. Who…
mongrelization AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-16
"I'm not a racist, Rhie. I just recognize the world we live in and I adapt accordingly." The school officials gathered around the scene had masks on for the smell. Priss thought that a bit much. She…
the-interviews Kakroom does not match any existing user name (작가)
Written by Whatopercy                                                                                                                             I can't easily tell you the story of how I met…
supply-and-demand Crayne (작가) 2014-07-16
He was back on Vaygach Island, staring out at the dead water of the Kara Sea. Behind him something burned. It was screaming, but it sounded hollow, like he was listening at the end of a long tunnel….
붕소 물집 TwistedGears (작가) 2014-07-16
Jakeob Aldon stared at her bedroom ceiling, her limbs in odd places and cold sweat beginning to soak into her clothes. She took a few deep breaths and arranged her limbs in a bit more of an orderly…
family-business Riemann (작가) 2014-07-17
In all great family trees, there is a small and stunted little twig that is ill mentioned and highly embarrassing. A stain on the illustrious painting of heritage. A black sheep. A brown M&M. The…
hands A Random Day (작가) 2014-07-17
When you come across it, half-buried in the grass by the side of the walking path, the first thing that stands out is how comically out-of-place it is.The hideous ochre rust that adorns its surface…
a-chance-at-freedom MorgiePie (작가) 2014-07-17
The facility's power supply had been cut for the past twenty hours. God knows what put the lights out, but the more belligerent occupants were grateful. The darkness of the site blanketed every…
motivation-of-man AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-18
Civil wars, sectarian things, Sunni vs Shiite, you think the WestCivs cared anything about that? Locke sat in the 'waiting room', reading through the report that had been filed by her. 'Anabasis'…
building-up Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-07-21
Researcher Conwell looked around his office. The few meager possessions he had used to decorate were now placed in a box on the desk. Conwell let out a deflating sigh. He wanted to say it had been a…
rigged-from-the-start AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-23
They called it "Segregation" back then, they call it "Paternalism" now. The school had been closed down as a crime scene. Summer classes had been taking place, so the students were moved to nearby…
기억소거제 사용 안내 LurkD (작가) 2014-07-23
covert-cursing TwistedGears (작가) 2014-07-24
Jakeob Aldon stared at the clock hanging from the wall with a look alternating between utter focus and total boredom. She stood behind the register of Spicy Crust Pizza, attempting to will the hour…
week-1-looking-for-stuff AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-25
The janitors clean the bathrooms. Otherwise, no one knows or does shit. To : SPF_Dodger@*.org From : CortezCae@*.org CC : MISSION WATCH GROUP SE ASIA Subject : "Stuff Co." Assets Dear Friends, Some…
tearing-down Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-07-25
Saker #76 sat behind the desk of Dr. Gregg Collins, wearing a synthetic biological casing that was a genetic match to the doctor of the same name. Nearly two years prior, #76 had tracked down Dr….
the-broken-fifth LongWalkHome (작가) 2014-07-26
The clockwork gears in Brother Diagram's head ached. Yes, they ached. It was nothing like the slow, dysfunctional grinding of a poorly calibrated Cognition Engine. Besides, he had just had his parts…
week-1-day-3-finding-some-stuff AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-26
Stuff Industry is dead and gone, Mr. Qian said coldly, "No money to be had there." The first two people Dodger had looked in to had had no idea what any of their co-workers even did, beyond seeing…
week-2-only-sane-man AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-07-29
Linens and Stuff, A Place for my Stuff, Stuff and Junk, Stuff Co., The Stuff Industry, and Stuff and Something Inc. Guy likes stuff. At this rate, Dodger was learning to sleep during flights….

2014년 8월

제목 작가 생성일
swing-shift LurkD (작가) 2014-08-03
"Should be an easier shift tonight."                                                               Greg Collier, ENGINEERING Fri, Jul 31, 01:33 Fucking new hires. Yeah, sucks. Should be an…
week-3-day-3-end-of-line AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-08-03
Dodger. Why couldn't the woman just be normal for once? Vangen was a mess as they sat him down. His eyes red and puffy, snot dribbling from his nose. Caecilia patted him on the shoulder, holding his…
aryanne-s-tail MrRonin (작가) 2014-08-05
"You have been IP Banned." A young man was sitting in front of his computer screen. He donned a stained white tee and frayed shorts. His disheveled hair covered his face as the fan behind him blew…
15-11-2012 Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-08-06
The air was still as snow fell upon a forest clearing outside of Minsk. Here and there a few dead tuffs of grass would appear above the powder, but otherwise the blanket of snow was pristine. At the…
the-foundation-never-changes ChrisAKAPiefish (작가) 2014-08-07
War. War never changes. When the Foundation first started out, they believed their goal to save humanity from the terrors of the world would last forever, that they'd be able to find and contain…
adventuring-interlude Djoric (작가) 2014-08-09
During a particular road trip adventure… A new toy rolled off the production line at the Wondertainment toy factory. It was a cube. The cube was grey, and consisted of six sides, none of which…
some-of-these-things-dont-need-food Nonsense (작가) 2014-08-10
I have been with the Foundation for a few years now, but never in this deep. Up until now I had just been serving meals to the human test subjects. It felt like serving meals to prisoners – and some…
the-urge-that-betrays Crayne (작가) 2014-08-11
"It all started when stingrays started spewing from the air vents." Dr. Daniel Horatio Aeslinger, Psy.D., the psychologist currently on temporary assignment at Site-82, tapped his pencil against his…
unusual-happenings Ihp (작가) 2014-08-13
Christmastime in Ohio used to mean bright lights all over, moderately snowy weather, and people who were normally the scum of the Earth giving some token effort to donate to the Salvation Army or…
intheendwedarenotgoahunting AdminBright (작가) 2014-08-14
Site 19 "It's not supposed to be this way." The girl crossed her arms, staring at the figure in the bed. She was talking, but not to any of the doctors who moved back and forth from their machinery…
eulogies weizhong (작가) 2014-08-14
The pallbearers carried out the coffin to the center of the grassy area. Dr. Louef assisted them, as the members of Site 118’s Gamma Wing slowly filed into the audience, dressed in respectful…
intheendfiatlux AdminBright (작가) 2014-08-15
The alarms were still going off. Red lights flashing to indicate a Keter had breached containment. The most important information played over the speakers, subsequent information broadcast to…
surprise-happy-birthday-4 TroyL (작가) 2014-08-18
You're rather resilient, aren't you? I thought we'd be done with this by now. It feels like we started a long time ago, doesn't it? It feels that way to me. It feels like this should have been…
talks-with-the-family Djoric (작가) 2014-08-22
This tale is a continuation of the Esoteric Warfare Unit from Three Sleepless Nights, and contains some reference to Walk The Floor A stuffed alligator with googly-eyes the size of golf balls sat…
murder-mystery TroyL (작가) 2014-08-22
I've dealt with a few dozen murders since I started working for the Foundation, but this was the first time I’d ever had the pleasure of actually interviewing the person killed. My name is Agent…
three-farewells djkaktus (작가)
Jacob Conwell (작가)
TwistedGears (작가)
FAQ: 그래서, 흄이라는 게 당최 뭐요? Jekeled (작가) 2014-08-22
Q: 그래서 흄(Hume)이라는 게 당췌 뭐요? A: 좋은 질문이며 또한 완벽히 근본적인 질문이군요! 흄이란 주어진 영역 일대의 현실성(reality)의 정도 또는 양을 결정하는 방식입니다. 그럼 이제 현실성을 어떻게 측정하냐는 질문이 나올 테고,…
FAQ 2편: 또는 흄에 대한 질문들의 대답 Jekeled (작가) 2014-08-23
당신도 흄 준위에 대해서 질문(혹은 질문들)이 있나요? 이곳에 질문을 하시면 대답해 드립니다. Q: 흄 준위가 높은 (혹은 낮은) 장소는 어떻게 생겼습니까? -S 박사…
voice-of-decay AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-08-26
The house hadn't been wrecked. That at least was a blessing. She hadn't known Rhiannon to be a peaceful drunk, and it had been two days since Priss had punched her out. She'd left the lights on…
유서 Ihp (작가) 2014-08-26
난 나를 죽일 예정이다. 그게 과연 가능할까? 난 이 지경까지 왔는데도 죽지 않을 수 있다. 난 청산가리를 혈관에 넣어도 소용없으리란 걸 안다….
divine-demands TwistedGears (작가) 2014-08-27
Jakeob Aldon stared at the card that Felix Cori had given her. Or maybe she should start calling him "The Critic." She let out a sigh and stretched out across her bed, flipping the card between her…
fourth-and-long djkaktus (작가) 2014-08-27
"Welcome back, sports fans! This is Hermes Evaristas, and with me as always is Eupraxia Kassandros. If you're just joining us, the score is 24-28, and we've reached the two-minute warning in the…
this-is-only-a-test Abhainn (작가) 2014-08-28
Agent Meyers felt something cold on his thigh, rousing him enough to realize that he also had a headache. Meyers had been hungover more than once before and began to catalog the telltale signs……

2014년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
the-shark-pt-1 Technician Downs (작가) 2014-09-04
The Lion’s Head Hotel was not a hotel. The word “hotel” typically evokes the mental image of one of those swanky, New York City high-rise hotels, with red velvet carpeting in the lobby and…
good-as-new Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-09-07
Aaron Howell sat quietly on his bed. While a normal eleven year old boy might be busy creating epic space battles with his toys, this one just did not have the energy. The late afternoon sun peered…
상속인 양 TwistedGears (작가) 2014-09-08
펠리시아(Felicia)는 눈이라면 늘 질색이었다. 눈은 차갑고, 또 축축하고, 또 자기는 학교가 쉬는 날을 싫어할 줄 아는 참 드문 아이였으니까. 무엇보다 진작 불량이던 자가용은 눈만 오면 정말 아무 쓸모가 없어졌다…
operation-cannery-row-document-2013-451a3 Kate McTiriss (작가) 2014-09-08
< Going Straight To Hell In A Lincoln Continental | DNM | I Double E > - | - | - OPERATION CANNERY ROW Keeping Our Friends Close, Whether They Like It Or Not As part of our continued effort to…
of-meetings-and-meals weizhong (작가) 2014-09-08
“Papa, papa!” The young girl’s shrieks greeted Katsuo Tanaka as he opened the door. With a weary smile on his face, the detective knelt down to grab his daughter in a hug. “Looks like someone’s…
kingdom-of-stone-the-end-of-a-man Nanoro (작가) 2014-09-09
I walked. I knew my end was near. I had not felt my feet for ages now, Overseer knows for how long. They used to ache, but that stopped quickly. As soon as they began to turn to stone, that is. I am…
postgame djkaktus (작가) 2014-09-09
Hail! Hail!, to old Alexylva! Bastion of the noble and the brave! Glory be to proud Alexylva! May her mighty banners raise! Cron Apostolou sat on a bleacher near the back of the locker room,…
kingdom-of-stone-the-under-class AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-09-10
When I saw the sky open, I suspected they would make their attempt there. What I expected was a bumbling mass of men, noise and frenzy, cowed by the glint of steel. At worst, some would die….
fault-lines Kate McTiriss (작가) 2014-09-12
Quinine’s bitter, sugar’s sweet! The music blared. It was the only way she could stay alert in the early mornings. Regional Director Kate McTiriss drummed her fingers on the desk, whiny lo-fi music…
going-straight-to-hell-in-a-lincoln-continental Kate McTiriss (작가) 2014-09-12
< Fault Lines | DNM | Operation Cannery Row: Document 2013§451A3 > - | - | - McTiriss, Solowski, Houghton and Perez stumbled, but landed on their feet. The ninety-degree shift in gravity upon…
the-hyacinth-hymnal Kate McTiriss (작가) 2014-09-13
< I Double E | DNM | Seven Vignettes From The Life Of Mackenzie Lee-Crook > - | - | - SCP Foundation Audio Database File 98A07 - Excerpts from the Hyacinth Hymnal, 2012–13. A shortwave radio…
rot AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-09-15
"'How're the hormones treating you?'" Priss nodded. Sharpe gripped her fingers on her thigh, clearly more affected by it than Priscilla Locke was, "That's…. She does it in front of other people?"…
i-double-e Kate McTiriss (작가) 2014-09-15
< Operation Cannery Row: Document 2013§451A3 | DNM | The Hyacinth Hymnal > - | - | - I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the…
memory-of-a-masterpiece Zyn (작가) 2014-09-16
Expedition log ███ Item Class: Not Applicable (anomalous object) Current Location: deciduous forest in ██████, ███████ (relocation discouraged) Temporary Designation: AO-9131 Day 1 Notes: AO-9131…
seven-vignettes-from-the-life-of-mackenzie-lee-crook Kate McTiriss (작가) 2014-09-17
< The Hyacinth Hymnal | DNM | Operation Cannery Row: Excerpts from the Foundation Regional Print Media Archive > - | - | - 1. Visions Of Sugared Pastry Cooked Up In Clarified Butter The smell of…
exasperated-efforts TwistedGears (작가) 2014-09-19
Jakeob Aldon glared at Felix Cori, and Felix smugged at her. Smugged is now a word, it is the past-tense of smug, which is also now a verb. It means "to be in a state of deserving a punch in your…
shellfish-for-breakfast InsipidParoxysm (작가) 2014-09-23
The biologists observed as the former canine spewed its guts from its new thoracic orifice. It used them like a clam's foot to drag itself across the linoleum floor. Nathaniel's expression was one…
potent-drug AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-09-23
like the deepest orgasm couldn't achieve, nor the sweetest liqueur Priss watched as the Anabasis came on, sending that familiar streak of cool air through the room, and the man-shaped mass was…
kingdom-of-stone-a-monolithic-species AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-09-24
She missed the sun. It was still there, of course. It would outlast her, she imagined Hagne-Allon had caught up with the mass of former miners just before they could begin to dissipate into aimless…
banana-smoothie InsipidParoxysm (작가) 2014-09-25
"So, let's get this straight. It's… a deer, with airbags?" The corpse was unceremoniously dumped onto the dissection table. The dog-clam had been removed and placed in a small pet carrier outside…
루이스 로빈슨 목사의 일천 번의 죽음: 반복적으로 익사하는 침례교도의 윤리학 Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2014-09-25
The following letter was among several similar unsent letters, the initial recovery of which is credited to Dr. Jacobs. Following their recovery, and at Dr. Jacobs' request, a psychological review…
first-ones-in AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-09-30
Ey, who you callin' bái chī, bái chī?" Qianlong shouted. The Eight Banner system of the Qing Empire's army had been maintained for hundreds of years, with each banner consisting of men of certain…

2014년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
memory-of-days-long-past Djoric (작가) 2014-10-01
Hey, have you read the Adventuring Interlude and the rest of Adventures in Capitalism? You probably should! Isabel’s bright red high-top sneakers crunched through the snow. The shadows had grown…
operation-cannery-row-excerpts-from-the-foundation Kate McTiriss (작가) 2014-10-01
< Seven Vignettes From The Life Of Mackenzie Lee-Crook | DNM | An Overview of Foundation Journals Published in May 2017, So You Can Remember How Fucking Lucky We Were Then > - | - | - OPERATION…
섹스, 성공, 타깃 광고 Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2014-10-04
Phillip Foster's wife was away at a teacher's conference, and he had the whole house to himself. Mostly that meant he could walk around in his boxers and watch whatever he wanted. It was getting…
underbed Nanoro (작가) 2014-10-06
my mummy bouhgt me a diary I really like it I dunt really know how to write good yet tough it has butterflies on it I like butterflies and green creyons I writted this with creyon okay I have to go…
family-planning Dr Cuddles (작가) 2014-10-07
To marry, to rear his daughters, these things were on the surface good. But to have had the long years in his power, to have controlled their lives, to have warped their natures even, these might be…
활동 문서 파일 11-A Roget (작가) 2014-10-07
파일 11-A 단체 이름(들): 오네이로이, 오네이로이 공동체, 오네이로이 정원 단체 분류: 비인간, 상업(?), 통일, 외부차원 활동…
key-biscayne AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-10-07
They were aiming into the crowd now, utter insanity written in their faces Priss came home late, and found saw her sister wide awake, dressed in one of Priss's bathrobes. She was smirking fiendishly…
just-like-me InsipidParoxysm (작가) 2014-10-09
In effect, Nathan, nor Doctor Hart, had exactly expected that the residue would react so violently to the chemicals found in a field testing kit. Neither did they really expect that it would cause a…
how-to-debate-an-armchair InsipidParoxysm (작가) 2014-10-09
As with any day in the life of House God, the morning began not with an alarm, not with the cock's cry, and nor by the creaking of the floorboards. No, the morning began with the daily shouting…
멕시코만 일대의 변칙개체 대처 기술 Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2014-10-10
I stare out into the dimly lit Gulf of Mexico as the sun's last rays peek over the horizon. One thought goes through my mind, as a glimmer of light illuminates a sign welcoming me to Orange Beach,…
your-dream-is-not-terribly-marketable trennerdios (작가) 2014-10-10
Plastic shrapnel bounced off Koning's torso                                                                                                                             "I just…I mean…look at this….
공포 하나만이 djkaktus (작가) 2014-10-12
두 박사는 나란히 조그만 방에 서서, 방금 막 들어온 문의 반대편에 있는 잠긴 문을 몸이 바라보는 채로 있었다. 연상(年上)인 박사는 가죽으로 장정한 일지를 조용히 몇 페이지씩 휙휙 넘겼다…
canola-oil-panic InsipidParoxysm (작가) 2014-10-14
Nathaniel Atkinson rang up the green and red nozzle, holstering it in the 7-Eleven gas pump, his other hand occupied with a half-eaten dragonfruit. The pump offered him a receipt, abruptly, which…
if-at-first-you-don-t-succeed TL333s (작가) 2014-10-15
My cousins down the Day-twah say we don't get made like we used to. The way I sees it, that just means each of us what's left gotta work that much harder to do his part. I do work hard. I've tried…
facetious-fanatics TwistedGears (작가) 2014-10-15
Jakeob Aldon squinted as The Janitor's Way collapsed behind her, nonlight from the being's personal space bathing her workshop in its ethereal unglow. She shivered, her shirt soaked with Everett….
last-one-to-die AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-10-15
"Do you have any idea how mind-numbingly pointless this is?" Yeah, I said. "Why do you keep doing it?" Rage. Hate. It's an incredible high. "This isn't about how you feel. 'It's about the human…
trip-hammer weizhong (작가) 2014-10-16
“Tell me that you’ve got something that we can actually use, please, for the love of all the gods and spirits.” Commander Minori Iwata sighed as she promptly eased herself into a chair at the…
the-ballad-of-region-352 Zolgamax (작가) 2014-10-16
The following document was recovered from the field journal of LMTF 352-Dalet agent Isaac Allred-Smith during a routine documentation audit. At the request of Regional Director Kate McTiriss, it…
when-in-doubt-poke-it-with-a-stick PeppersGhost (작가) 2014-10-21
I am a professional stick watcher, and I love my job                                                                                                                             The following…
israfil FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-10-21
I don't know nothin' about it. I just shut the window. I ain't kiddin', neither. I sit and I wait and when the light turns red, I shut the window. Been doin' that for… Hell, I dunno. Long ass time….
save-her-from-herself AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-10-25
You, Priss Locke, are not responsible for your sister or her actions. Priscilla Locke waited all night for her sister to return. The next morning, she found Rhiannon's cell phone in the bathroom; it…
reboot-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-apocal A Random Day (작가) 2014-10-25
1 "Oh God, this is it! It's happening!" "Calm down. We've prepped for this. What kind of scenario?" "…AK-class, cause unclear. The signal came from Area-23. Critical containment failure, final…
and-he-will-crash-upon-the-rocks trennerdios (작가) 2014-10-27
The pulsing shriek continued below me                                                                                                                             It is often said that when you die,…
origin-one-day-your-toes-may-reach-the-trees trennerdios (작가) 2014-10-27
He is not a guy, Mommy! He is a swing                                                                                                                             "Ha, yes! Finally!" "What you…
충분하다 돼지야, 충분해. Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2014-10-28
Doctor Foster fiddled with his name tag. He'd always hated that picture. He paused for just for a moment to look down and frown at himself before he kept walking down the hall. Site-88 was coming up…
it-grows-on-trees InsipidParoxysm (작가) 2014-10-28
To be frank, Atkinson hadn't expected the object to create cockroach-like entities with thorns covering their exoskeletons. For organisms composed of plant matter, they packed enough of a punch to…
디스토피아 경연 Rejekyll (작가) 2014-10-30
1등 수상작은 Dr Reach의 〈강령〉. 2등 수상작은 Kalinin의 〈나, 독재자〉. 3등 수상작은 djkaktus의 〈녹말과 크림〉입니다. 수상자들에게 축하를! 모든 투고자들에게 감사를!…
that-s-the-spirit Zolgamax (작가) 2014-10-31
Agent Isaac Allred-Smith was not having a good October. It had all started on September 30, when he'd filed a request for temporary leave. Under "Reason for Request", he'd written, "Too much goddamn…

2014년 11월

제목 작가 생성일
sounds-of-anger themanofum (작가) 2014-11-01
The skies split open. A great blackened hole dissipated the clouds and chilled the thin mountain air. A hollow clanging emanated through the range, scattering the wildlife and singeing the flora's…
three-men-named-con-murphy Randomini (작가) 2014-11-02
Conrad Murphy approached the entrance of Humanoid Containment Site-29-2, covered by the dark, moonless night. He pulled the elastic from the back of his blank white mask, letting it snap across the…
they-call-him-he-who-cannot-see-his-reflection SoullessSingularity (작가) 2014-11-03
☦Nobody enters the dreamlands.☦ On this side, he is referred to as Nobody. One can call that name a play on words. A joke of words. A slice of humor within words. But really, it is just a reminder…
existential-crisis InsipidParoxysm (작가) 2014-11-03
One could not say that that Lucas Johann was a hard-working individual. In fact, one could not even make the statement that Lucas Johann was fit for enrollment at the University of Chicago. It would…
we-never-wanted-things-to-come-to-this SoullessSingularity (작가) 2014-11-04
☦The dreams are dying.☦ October 10th, 2167 Things are getting desperate in the land of dreams. The Oneiroi Collective has gathered in a secluded space of a dream fragment, like a crowd of seals…
sic-transit-gloria-mundi spikebrennan (작가) 2014-11-06
Site 122 automated optical recognition log of observations of emergences through SCP-1322 Timestamp: 08.24.2016 05:33.06.00803244Z Reference: Incident 50738C Emergence: 2300 (± 150) count of…
i-wish-to-be-an-asteroid-burning-to-nothing SoullessSingularity (작가) 2014-11-07
☦A story about our Cosmonaut.☦ I am a second, human-shaped moon circling around my home. That lie comforts me when I am at my loneliest. I am a forgotten, lost human, whose efforts will be…
gray-god TwistedGears (작가) 2014-11-09
Jakeob Aldon watched the makeshift cast of The Hanged King's Tragedy sway back and forth. Almost a dozen anartists hung from nooses that extended all the way up to the warehouse's rafters. The…
expanded-biography-of-the-administrator Roget (작가) 2014-11-10
Well, it all got started when I became god. The Administrator explaining the dangers of containment to President Eiseinhower Security Clearance: Qliphoth Duties: The Administrator is more of an…
이야기를 썼다 SunnyClockwork (작가) 2014-11-12
이야기를 썼다. 아마도, 이야기. 이야기 맞지, 제이컵? 제이컵? 이게 이야기가 아니라면 그럼 뭐란 말인가? 애들, 제이컵. 애들은 어디 갔지? 하지만 나는 굴을 좋아하지 않아. 계산도 좋아하지 않아. 그 프로그램, 메가프라임을 실행시키지 않았어야 했다…
우드베일 사건 Kalinin (작가)
1949년 9월 23일: 미합중국 대통령 해리 S. 트루먼은 소비에트 사회주의 공화국 연방이 원자폭탄 기폭 실험에 성공했으며, 유일한 핵무기 보유국으로서 미국의 차별성이 상실되었다고 세계에 공표했다…
merrily-merrily-merrily TL333s (작가) 2014-11-19
The smothering ennui of an awkward situation cannot stand in the face of an onrushing waterfall. One moment, they had been boating calmly along the Bresque. Papá sat at one end of the boat, stroking…
star-bound Kakroom does not match any existing user name (작가)
Written by Whatopercy                                                                                                                             It was a beautiful winter evening at Site-197 in…
mission-statement Dr Reach (작가) 2014-11-22
The alarm sounds its gentle, delicate electro-waltz. It does not wake me up; I have been awake for almost two hours now. Dreams are not safe anymore. I stand up, knowing I cannot fool the kind…
where-bad-children-go Zolgamax (작가) 2014-11-22
Though a powerful mind can overwrite all of existence, it requires significant discipline to truly eradicate what has come before. A burst of reality-altering energy, if unfocused, might radically…
who-you-gonna-call Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2014-11-22
I turned the radio down. Classic rock hits blared faintly in the background, and I flipped my Paranormal Investigations Badge between my fingers. Ever since the Event, when the Foundation went…
stage-fright NomadMonad (작가) 2014-11-22
If I do, and I'm wrong, humanity dies. For a year or two. If I don't, and I'm right, humanity dies. Forever. The figure stared at the stone wall for a moment, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, as if…
나, 독재자 Kalinin (작가)
내 이름은 프랭크 카슨, 와이오밍 계몽공화국 자유연맹의 독재자이다. 나는 와이오밍 주와 그 시민들의 공통 주권을 4978년 4개월, 그리고 19일 동안 관리해왔다…
starch-and-cream djkaktus (작가) 2014-11-22
ೋღ☃ Starch and Cream ☃ღೋ -A Silly Dystopian Fiction in Three Parts- By djkaktus Part One: The Wild Winds Book of the Holy Feast, Chapter 4 - Episode 3 - Verse 7 Oh blessed Cake, first and…
the-melody-of-autumn-passing-into-winter SoullessSingularity (작가) 2014-11-22
☦Dystopia tale about the Scravecrow.☦ Things were falling apart, even though they were finally coming together. He watched the world from his high tower, wires coiling around the steps to his throne…
케이크 먹기 CirclesAndSquares (작가) 2014-11-22
교대 호루라기 소리가 아침 공기를 도자기 접시처럼 깨뜨렸다. 진료소 꼭대기에서 쉬고 있던 까마귀는 그것에 분개한 듯이 울면서 날아갔다. 까마귀는 뚱뚱했다. 이제 모든 까마귀는…
farming-and-coffee-and-the-end-of-the-world Salt Lick (작가) 2014-11-22
Once, there was a rundown diner where two elderly men were sitting, waiting for a third to show. It was dark out and the only light that could be seen outside was that single, dimly-flickering lamp…
i-hope-you-get-back-to-me-soon Dr Hysteria (작가) 2014-11-23
FINAL MESSAGE SENT: 163 YEARS AGO                                                                                                                             SCP FOUNDATION STANDARD COMPUTER…
dial-s-for-scp Loiterer87 (작가) 2014-11-24
Project Crossover » Dial S For SCP "…This is an actual item?" "Yes sir." "… An actual item to be kept and contained on Site. Not one of those random weird objects we have, like the ducks?" "Sir, it…
sunset Pr10r (작가) 2014-11-26
Heat. There are too many, TOO MANY! Heat unimaginable. No flame, there could never be flame here, but more heat than almost anywhere. Surging plasma and searing vapour, springing from the surface of…
enansi-si-gnihtyreve A Random Day (작가) 2014-11-26
He inhales and exhales at a pace and intensity not unlike a buffalo mid-coitus. Of course, it isn't like anyone can hear him, given that the building is screaming while red lights strobe the…
kingdom-of-stone-slay-cure-protect AndarielHalo (작가) 2014-11-26
The whole mob seemed to groan as it came to a halt, like steel creaking and bending. Dodger had a foot out, ready to take another step, but held put as the order came to halt. They'd arrived at…
step-right-up Roget (작가) 2014-11-28
"You missed." "Shut up." Rosen covered his eyes, grunting with disapproval as he surveyed his throw. Victoria Rockward skipped up to the starting point, grinning like a madman. "It's my toss now,…
remember-you Zyn (작가) 2014-11-29
Today was a filing day, as far as Riven could tell. Kiryu Labs processed a cache of anomalous items every week. Generally, said anomalous items usually came accompanied by some basic safety…
decommissioned Dillinger PhD (작가) 2014-11-29
He'd never seen it in person and now he never would.                                                                                                                             Item #: SCP-13175…

2014년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
she-s-angry-and-going-south Vivax (작가) 2014-12-01
He sank his knife into the seal which stared up at him without flinching as all the seals had on his trip south. Its hot blood steamed and coagulated on the ice as it flailed weakly,…
aftermath Agent MacLeod (작가)
"I was there, assisting in the cleanup of something that should not have been"
let-me-guess-applesauce Waterfire (작가) 2014-12-01
The Foundation used to lock things away, Things, this and that, which they called special. Every object that they deemed unique enough to keep was kept Safe and secure within their gates. Each one…
∆K=([ϑK/ ϑx], [ ϑK/ ϑy], [ ϑK/ ϑz]) 또는: 외음부계량학 Eskobar (작가) 2014-12-01
"시간이 얼마나 남았지?" 매튜가 물었다. 그의 배가 꼬르륵거렸다. 제케는 지난 이십 분 간 손목시계에서 시선을 거의 떼지 않고 있었다. "3분 10초. 9초." 잠시 침묵…
so-it-was Decibelles (작가) 2014-12-01
☦Rose encounters the end of her known universe.☦
c-sharp Sophia Light (작가) 2014-12-01
Agent Morisato heard the sound of C-Sharp and, at first, ducked. Then she registered the tall glass window next to her, which faced windows from other office buildings. She reconsidered, and bolted…
stealingsolidarityphase1 Djoric (작가) 2014-12-14
None of the members of the Black Rabbit Company were terribly fond of boxes… Boss looked down at the unconscious man sprawled out on her bed. Horribly uncomfortable thing, that bed: the mattress…
meeting-over-coffee Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-12-15
Daniel Navarro sat alone at a secluded table in a coffee house in Portland. Rather than the usual attire he wore while acting as an agent for the Foundation, here he sat in a set of street clothes….
jth Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-12-20
Navarro groaned loudly as he placed his right hand to his head. He felt as if someone had attempted to crack it open, but failed and decided to punch it repeatedly instead. Slowly, he propped…
the-farm pxdnbluesoul (작가) 2014-12-20
"You mean to tell me, there are four billion virtual machines active on one server?" Jason Ortega pointed a bony finger at the server rack, face drawn into a frown. "Not active all at the same…
holy-crap-this-is-a-long-christmas-tale Ihp (작가) 2014-12-20
On the First day of Christmas, 87 Gave to me… Tristan Bailey started putting up the Christmas tree. He had drawn the short straw, and was tasked with putting up the tree this year, which had been…
navarro-saves-christmas-for-some-people-he-barely-knows TwistedGears (작가) 2014-12-21
Lackluster lights twinkled within one of Site 19's various staff lounges. They were a dull affair, nothing but a sequence of blinking yellow lights strung up around the edges of the ceiling. A…
북극점 Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2014-12-21
What appeared to be a techno remix of Santa Baby blasted over the sound system, while "Polly" began to strip. It was Christmas Eve inside SCP-2713, which meant the bizarreness was going to be…
i-hope-that-i-get-old-before-i-die Roget (작가) 2014-12-21
Dr. Ralph Roget knocked on the door, shave-and-a-haircut style. It was the way he always knocked when he was a kid, coming with Mom to see the grandparents. It was also the only way for the…
the-night-before-redacted Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2014-12-22
Twas the night before Christmas at Site-88, And Robert the guard was running quite late, All the skips were contained in their cells with such care, That everyone hoped, as did Bob, they'd stay…
no-one-should-be-alone Jacob Conwell (작가) 2014-12-22
Researcher Conwell sat alone at his desk. The sound of his typing filled the silence that otherwise engulfed the lab. With a large yawn, he took the opportunity to check the clock. It was 7:48 PM,…
set-up-thine-altar-here FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name (작가) 2014-12-22
… Dr. Thaddeus Xyank leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling, wishing desperately to find a radio station that was not playing that godawful holiday music. A record snowfall on Christmas…
the-ballad-of-santa-troy A Random Day (작가) 2014-12-23
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the site Everyone was busy, typing up skips (well, except Bright). Pixel and Moose fought to keep peace in the chat, For the Christmas trolls had…
leeway Decibelles (작가) 2014-12-23
☦A tale about an attic Olivia can't ever climb into.☦
reconciliation djkaktus (작가) 2014-12-23
The weather at Site 81 during the winter was typically a mix of cold and wet, with minor variations taking cues from there. Any given day it could be overcast and just above freezing, where the…
an-armenian-bodybuilder-exercises-his-legal-rights Randomini (작가) 2014-12-24
It was refreshing to have bruises on my skin. My mouth felt slightly off. I reached up to my jaw, then clicked it back into place. I spat out blood and a few teeth, then felt hard matter extrude…
stealingsolidarityphase2 Djoric (작가) 2014-12-28
« Stealing Solidarity: Phase 1 | Hub | Stealing Solidarity: Phase 3 » Area-08 was located more or less five hundred miles west of the Azores, and consisted of a small, desolate island, and a…
can-haz-memes Drewbear (작가) 2014-12-28
"I'm telling you, lolcats are not a memetic threat. Stop trying to get them classified." Professor Anders Bjornsen looked with exasperation at the woman seated across the desk from him. Dr. Blaire…

2015년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
sidelines-sarabande Dr Reach (작가) 2015-01-01
They needed to hitch a ride… At first, like most in the Area-08-B Engineering Sector, Doctor Richard Barnard paid close attention to the thunderous speakers. They usually broadcast the firm yet…
containment-breach-the-musical PeppersGhost (작가) 2015-01-02
A summary of the Broadway hit.                                                                                                                             When we first discovered a way to pull…
stop-going-in-circles Tuomey Tombstone does not match any existing user name (작가) 2015-01-02
Psych dept notes: This notebook is for researcher notes only and may not be used for formal diagnosis. Female, humanoid, late-teenage SCP which randomly causes small scale reality shifts based on…
beneath-the-name Dmatix (작가) 2015-01-07
Note: the following manuscript was found in storage vault #████ in ██████'s branch of ██████ United, a banking house belonging to the Foundation. The circumstances of how the document came to be…
faith Crayne (작가) 2015-01-07
For the 2014 Secret Santa Art Exchange, I was challenged by LordSpy to write a tale based on the output of a random plot generator. I used the creepypasta plot generator created by Syera, found…
stealingsolidarityphase3 Djoric (작가) 2015-01-08
« Stealing Solidarity: Phase 2 | Hub | Stealing Solidarity: Phase 4 » Hieronymus was the oldest of the D-class aboard the Solidarity. He alone remembered the time when the Glass Mothers were of…
brainstorm Von Pincier (작가) 2015-01-09
In a time before. Before Glass Mother. Before Lord Warden. Before Ancestors Themselves. There were Ghosts. And the Ghosts were strong. And the Ghosts watched over the Deep Hull. And the Ghosts…
do-you-remember-these-guys Ihp (작가) 2015-01-12
Note Bene: It would behoove you to read Unusual Happenings before looking at this tale. Quinn MacAllister felt like a stereotypical cop, eating a doughnut while sitting in an unmarked vehicle,…
a-funeral-on-mars Djoric (작가) 2015-01-15
There was a funeral on Mars. No one was invited. Far away, certain inhabitants of La Cañada Flintridge would go home with an empty, bittersweet taste caked dry in their stomachs. A door in their…
적과 백의 천사 Randomini (작가) 2015-01-17
살면서 내가 가장 추웠던 날은 태어나던 날이었다. 물론 알래스카는 말할 것 없이 가장 추운 주이다. 심지어 한여름에도. 난 겨울에 태어났다. 29년 전의 새해였고…
when-moses-goes-wrong Loiterer87 (작가) 2015-01-20
David awoke with a splitting headache. Somehow once again, he'd fallen asleep at the Library. Either that or a Docent had followed him home. A table, a chair and a lot of stacks of books reaching…
ketergrams Michael Atreus (작가) 2015-01-23
Overview Fatality #1 Fatality #2 Fatalities #3, #4 Fatality #5 Fatalities #6 - #13 Fatalities for 2014 Ketergrams are part of the Safety Subcommittee's program to promptly disseminate facts…
unraveled Crayne (작가) 2015-01-29
"Think of reality as a tapestry. Each individual strand within that tapestry represents a concept within this reality construct. As in any fabric, these concepts are interwoven to provide a stable…
공오오 이야기를 좀 해 보아요 qntm (작가) 2015-01-31
"담배 태워도 되나요?" 이번엔 접수계원이 매리언(Marion)에게 눈을 찌푸렸다. "아니요." 접수계원이 말했다. "여기서는… 아니요, 제200기지 어디서도 태우시면 안 됩니다. 본부라고 해서 저희한테 허파가 없다는 건 아닙니다…

2015년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
stealingsolidarityphase4 Djoric (작가) 2015-02-01
« Stealing Solidarity: Phase 3 | Hub | Stealing Solidarity: Epilogue » The cosmos creased upon itself, blooming outwards in an origami sphere of lotus-folds. There was a vast silence. 15.7…
stealingsolidarityepilogue Djoric (작가) 2015-02-01
« Stealing Solidarity: Phase 4 | Hub » Nanami set her fingers against the grand piano’s keys, and began to play. Hisaishi. ‘One Summer’s Day’. She was, for the first time in a long time, at…
take-on-me Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2015-02-01
He was certain of one thing. There was going to be hell to pay. After what he'd done, there could be no other result. Dr. Christian Morse shifted in his seat uncomfortably as several men and women…
대위스콘신의 시간 범죄 - 입문 Petrograd (작가) 2015-02-01
Alright, come on in, have a seat. Officers Wallach, Friedman, congratulations on graduating from the academy. Sergeant Bickell, I’m pleased you were able to transfer from Milwaukee. Usually we…
taproots Ihp (작가) 2015-02-02
The trouble started with a supposed "gas leak" at a bank all the way across the state. Quinn was too busy to wonder why the Skippers had such an uncreative cover story, because she was driving,…
close-of-play TwistedGears (작가) 2015-02-04
San Luis Obispo, California sits approximately halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, stands seventy-one meters above sea level, and hovers over most of California thanks to a governmental…
the-fellowship LurkD (작가) 2015-02-05
[13:40] Evil_Empire (~PI.9E7Q00U5.I4332YF1.V9927CD6|alliztahP#PI.9E7Q00U5.I4332YF1.V9927CD6|alliztahP) has joined [13:40] <DarkDays> Sup Empire? [13:40] <Evil_Empire> Not much. I see they haven't logged in yet. [13:40] <DarkDays>…
first55 Von Pincier (작가) 2015-02-06
Excerpt from Hunt and Gather: Stories from the Recovery , compiled and edited by A. Haley. Available for public access in United Nations Occult Coalition Archive 1, East Sector. Douglas Pangwar…
of-brothers-and-fathers Roget (작가) 2015-02-09
J. Edgar Hoover was sitting in his office, writing something, when Robert Parsley entered it for the last time. A half-eaten danish sat on the desk. "Have a seat." Robert did. "How is the Atlanta…
the-lingering-lark-of-leviathan-square daveyoufool (작가) 2015-02-14
SCP-123-Omicron-A - as much of its body that we could display. An item we number in our special way: SCP-123-Omicron-A Its class is a: Keter, not safe in the least. An eater, dear reader, a…
excerpts-from-the-medical-tragedy-of-dr-bartholomew-artz-aut Ihp (작가) 2015-02-20
Act Primus, Scene Secundus An Office in Berlin [Enter The Doctor Bartholomew Artz] The Doctor: Alack! Plague is too common in this time And skin is feasted as it festers, boiled And young babes die,…
game-manual TobiasTheTapir (작가) 2015-02-20
Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect A Wondertainment Co. game Contents of the SCP Foundation Special Edition Box® In the box you can find a single disc, compatible with all modern…
inside-out Communism will win (작가) 2015-02-20
on her forehead                                                                                                                             Report on "SCP-17591" History of the International…
ad-majorem-bonum spikebrennan (작가) 2015-02-20
“…sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum, amen” mumbled Father Hector Gomez (S.J.) as he absently fingered his rosary beads. He opened his eyes and glanced at the…
beneath-the-council Pr10r (작가) 2015-02-21
This is a tale about before. Before the cave and the mountains, before the hills and the forests, before the oceans and the sky. This is a tale about where we came from, children, and about why we…
what-you-are-in-the-dark Doc_Sanford (작가) 2015-02-21
SCPOS V3.2 Entry #1 Close. Warning: Containment breach ongoing. Remain in your offices. Allow onsite security to recontain escaped SCPs. Warning: Containment breach ongoing. Remain in your…
vescatur-perago Randomini (작가) 2015-02-23
And so, at last, it had come to this. Years of poring over religious manuscripts and numerological heraldry. Countless sleepless nights dedicated to documenting the most complex and perverse rituals…
shell-shock thefriendlyvandal (작가) 2015-02-23
Suffocating. The air was suffocating, and the early morning banter usually shared with him and the rest of the guards was reduced to silence, and the floor was stained with blood and his gun was…
the-beginning-of-the-end Silberescher (작가) 2015-02-24
The Beginning of the End Prologue: Sanctuary PLAY THE BEGINNING OF THE END OR READ THE PROLOGUE IN THE SECOND TAB The air around Site Director Zura became cold and clean in the halls of…
lucky-dinosaur Sophia Light (작가) 2015-02-24
The Lucky Dinosaur »»» You are attempting to view classified materials »»» Please enter a password: »»» Documents presented in viewing order Location: Site 19, Kiryu Labs Personnel…
the-summer-king DrEverettMann (작가) 2015-02-24
SCP-076 Document 076-1: Procedure 07-Frazer Drone Warfare Other Reports Item #: SCP-076 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: The land around SCP-076-B is owned by the French…
probe-h9 LurkD (작가) 2015-02-24
[151631.1219] <PH9> PROBE-H9 TO DEEP RECON. [151631.1236] <DRC> *ahem* Probe-H9, this is deep recon. Found something in quadrant-86 besides nothingness? Or can I just cross this one off the list as…
all-along Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2015-02-26
Foundation Orbital Research Compound 5, Meeting Room A. July 12th, 1973, 23:15 hours GMT. "Dr. Marko, testing with SCP-3203 is to be halted for the foreseeable future." The man at the head of the…
pitchmeet Von Pincier (작가) 2015-02-26
Foundation Lunar Research Site 01, Secure Conference Room 1-O. July 19th, 1973, 10:36 hours GMT. O5-10 reached up to adjust his collar electrolarynx, then stopped as his hand refused to move….

2015년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
they-who-find-darkness-loving SoullessSingularity (작가) 2015-03-01
Doctor Avery Solace woke up, got dressed, and pretended not to notice the black, slime-coated humanoid in the shadowy corner of their room. Doctor Avery Solace used to work under the memetics…
모종의 도전장 Zyn (작가) 2015-03-01
It was eight in the morning and researcher Riven Mercer was on fire. That fact was probably something he should be more worried about, he thought to himself as he walked a pace and a half to his…
it-s-just-a-dream WrongJohnSilver (작가) 2015-03-01
Incident 209-A Experiment 209-A Experiment 209-B Experiment 209-C "Hey. Up late? Thought you were off duty. What you got there?" "Oh, I'm just going over the old reports from SCP-209 again. You…
lucid-daydreaming TwistedGears (작가) 2015-03-01
Misser Sticks was not enjoying his existence. For one he was jammed into a storage closet with no company but some paint cans, and for another his elbows were pressing into his featureless face. For…
first-quarto ahbonjour (작가) 2015-03-02
A collection of sonnets based on different SCPs.                                                                                                                             184 134 1733 1370 2201…
and-then-there-were-none Bennings (작가) 2015-03-02
Ten little soldiers, all having crossed the line, One was distracted, and then there were nine. Nine little soldiers, reading books at late, One got too tired, and then there were eight. Eight…
when-we-came-home Djoric (작가) 2015-03-03
In the days when the Flood receded, and magic once again flourished in the world, it came to be that man discovered the Chronicle of the Daevas, that ancient compact. Hands misled by doubts and…
a-circus-of-a-wreck OZ Ouroboros (작가) 2015-03-05
« | A Circus Milked Dry | A Circus With Paranoia » A sudden crack broke the silence of a vast, infinite plane of the white landscape known to the Clowns of the Circus of Disquieting as the…
경보! 봉쇄 개시됨! LurkD (작가) 2015-03-06
« 허브 | 제I부: 경보! 봉쇄 개시됨! | 제II부 | 제III부 | 제IV부 | 제V부 » 글라송, 거기 있어? 있어, 알렉산드라. 이쪽 생존자들이 방금 죽었어… 아니면 먹혔다고 해야 하나. E블록에서 그들을…
keine-kosten-zu-hoch Agent MacLeod (작가) 2015-03-06
No cost is too high for victory.
the-watchtower Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2015-03-06
Foundation Orbital Research Compound 05, CACC July 13th, 1973, 00:23 hours GMT. "Sir," Lieutenant Mackie said, inputting a code into her consoles, "They're hailing us." Cooper sighed, "Visual?"…
playing-the-hand-youre-dealt Drewbear (작가) 2015-03-07
Literary Excerpts Consulting Internal Documentation Excerpts from D. Walmorgna's Codex of Esoteric Therapeutic Tools pg. 45 The tarot deck is commonly seen as a focus tool for prognostication…
하지만 우리는 그 일에 대해 얘기하지 않는다 Randomini (작가) 2015-03-09
People die. Expendables? Two in three. Per week. Security? Two in three. Per month. Researchers? Two in three. Per year. Doctors? Two in three. Per decade. Look to your left. Look to your right….
커맨드-쿼리 분리 LurkD (작가) 2015-03-09
« 허브 | 제I부 | 제II부: 커맨드-쿼리 분리 | 제III부 | 제IV부 | 제V부 » 이 반복연습은 재미는 있지만 지쳐. 나는 내 처리 속도에 아무런 유의미한 변화도 감지하지 못했는데…
of-portals-plasma-cannons-and-other-boring-things Ihp (작가) 2015-03-11
Foundation Liaison Dexter Adams groaned as he entered the wreckage that was the bank's basement, noticing the crews still trying to open a large, metal door that took up most of the room. He looked…
the-person-in-rags Dewman (작가) 2015-03-13
It had been five days since the incident. Eric hadn't spoken more than three words since then. What was there to say? Sixty-seven people were dead, most of them people he knew. He’d gone to the…
a-circus-with-paranoia OZ Ouroboros (작가) 2015-03-15
« A Circus of a Wreck … … …♪~♪~…. …♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~…. ♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪ ♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪ "I can stand the sight of worms And look at microscopic germs But technicolor pachyderms Is really too much…
중복암호화 LurkD (작가) 2015-03-17
« 허브 | 제I부 | 제II부 | 제III부: 중복암호화 | 제IV부 | 제V부 » 불렀나요? 알렉산드라, 제17기지가 깜깜무소식이다. 최근 몇 시간 동안 연결이 가능했나?…
dossier-fsf-delivery Zolgamax (작가) 2015-03-19
Overview Crew List Dispatch Timeline Experimental Components Buffer Protocol Official Designation: Foundation Space Forces Light vessel Varuna [Modified] Delivery Design Summary: The Delivery…
document-017-1 Roget (작가) 2015-03-19
Site-12, Monday Morning. 4:00. January 11th, 2025. Containment area of SCP-5200 Researcher Boyd closed the hatch behind him, and turned to face the containment vault's occupant. Boyd thought he…
the-frail AndarielHalo (작가) 2015-03-19
My sister, my host, kept me hostage. Let me tell you about my life, just a short while ago. There's a point in time in everyone's life where they are not free. Whether through fault of their own or…
goc-tale-sequence-uhec DrClef (작가) 2015-03-23
The sign outside the room was stolen from a construction site. It looked like this: Inside the room, Special Agent Lynisha Taylor (United Nations Global Occult Coalition, PHYSICS Division, Strike…
즉각 조치 DrEverettMann (작가) 2015-03-23
기지에 폭발이 있었다. 이곳에서 폭발은 일상적인 일이지만, 이번만은 그런 폭발이 아닌 것 같았다. 또, 일상이라곤 해도, 폭발은 아이리스를 긴장하게 했다. 아이리스의 격리실 문이 열렸고, 한 요원이 그 앞에 서있었다…
클락 배수 LurkD (작가) 2015-03-25
« 허브 | 제I부 | 제II부 | 제III부 | 제IV부: 클락 배수 | 제V부 » 파티션 1-299 지우는 중 (100%): ::완료:: 인터락 복호화 중 (25%): ███████████████  …
goc-tale-sequence-scrambleorder DrClef (작가) 2015-03-25
Skunkboy knocked on the apartment door. There was no response. He knocked on the door again. Still no response. He very carefully stepped to one side of the door and pressed his ear against the…
hunting-anderson Jacob Conwell (작가) 2015-03-25
Agent Sasha Merlo sat alone in her office at Site-64. Her neck length brunette hair was neatly tied in a ponytail as she leaned back in her office chair, feet resting upon her desk. Her eyes were…
“그만둘래” AdminBright (작가) 2015-03-26
“뭐, 어쩐다고?” 칠이 경악하여 쳐다보았다. 그들 중 입을 연 사람은 그녀가 처음이었지만, 그녀가 유일한 처음은 아니었다. “그렇겐 안 되지!” 팔이 비난조로 호통쳤다. 그는 주먹으로 탁자를 내리치고, 이어 손을 흔들어 털었다…
생각의 맹아 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2015-03-26
작은 브리핑실은 원래 스무 명까지 앉을 수 있는 곳이었다. 지금은, 한 육십 명이 들어차 있었다. 방 안에 꾸역꾸역 들어와 있는 모든 사람들 하나하나가 재단의 최고위 간부들이었다. 최소한…
만일의 사태 DrClef (작가) 2015-03-26
"다시 현장으로 돌아오란 말입니까?" "우린 당신이 돌아오는 게 필요해. 이건 요청이 아니라 명령이야." 민트색 팬츠 슈트를 입은 여성이 말했다. 알토 클래프 박사(우쿨렐레 요원…
그냥 형식적인 절차 Crayne (작가) 2015-03-26
다니엘 에슬링어 박사는 재단에 속해 있지 않은 자기 또래의 사람들을 부러워했다. 그 사람들은 인류의 분별력을 무너뜨리고 있는 21세기의 삶이라는 문제만 처리하면 될 뿐이었고, 예전에는 그도 그 정도면 충분한 문젯거리라고 생각했었다…
greener-pastures Wogglebug (작가) 2015-03-28
It used to be different, but I suppose that all old men say that. That back in the day the air was cleaner, or the sun was brighter, or that the grass was greener. That’s how they remember it, so…
waffling-about Blaroth (작가) 2015-03-29
Clef's dreams were shattered when his alarm decided to scream in his face. His eyes cracked open as a lazy hand fumbled to turn off the alarm. Another day, another 5AM start, and another struggle to…
insurrection TroyL (작가) 2015-03-30
Description: SCP-E15 is an Aryan female, approximately twelve years of age, which appears to release a deadly field of unknown composition. The field itself is composed of a form of radiation which…
hugo-hijinks djkaktus (작가) 2015-03-30
Aldon sat on her tiny couch, quietly watching their tiny television. Or rather, she would've been watching the television, had their cable not gotten shut off earlier in the day. In the interim,…
완전성 프로젝트 djkaktus (작가) 2015-03-30
제81기지의 이사관은 재단의 발길이 닿지 않는, 로키 산맥에 자리 잡은 오두막에 있었다. 그는 뒷베란다에 앉아 상쾌한 아침 공기를 즐기고 있었다. 그는 숨을 깊게 쉬고는, 한 번 더 숨을 쉬었고, 호수 밑에 있는 …
이름이 뭐가 문제냐? DrClef (작가) 2015-03-30
월요일 아침, 알토 클레프 박사(전 훈련 및 개발부 부장, 현 기동특부무대 람다-2(“클레프 박사의 양성애자 스트리퍼 암살자 부대”) 지휘관) 는 기동특무부대에게 배정된 방으로 들어가 …
boss-of-me Roget (작가) 2015-03-30
SCP-1837 Containment Area, Site-77 Director Shirley Gillespie was doing her daily rounds, when she noticed something curious. In a clear, plastic tank, where there was usually an old-fashioned…
널 종료 문자열 LurkD (작가) 2015-03-30
« 허브 | 제I부 | 제II부 | 제III부 | 제IV부 | Part V: 널 종료 문자열 » 그래서 그게 자네의 공식 입장인가? 현재로선, 그렇지. 방해공작의 가능성을 배제하고 있지는 않지만… 물론 내사해 보면 나오겠지…
old-kansas-sector-part-5 faminepulse (작가)
☦Allan explores SinDark.☦ The Last Era: 12, August, 2119 AD Salina, Kansas, USA Everyone knew about Sinopec Dark, shopped at one of their stores, or had one of their products in their home. By…
old-kansas-sector-part-6 faminepulse (작가)
☦The Old Guard Awaken.☦ The Last Era: 13, August, 2119 AD Salina, Kansas, USA A man who had long forgotten his name was driving down the twisting paths of the pinched barrens, his loyal dog at his…
minerva-lifted Von Pincier (작가) 2015-03-31
Foundation Orbital Research Compound 00, Director von Erbach's Office July 25, 1973, 07:33 GMT Axel von Erbach prided himself on his inflappability. To have maintained his position as head of…

2015년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
old-kansas-sector-part-7 faminepulse (작가)
☦Allen descends….☦ The Last Era: 13, August, 2119 AD Salina, Kansas, USA It was well past midnight and Allen was still descending into the basement. He flicked his flashlight on and off…
새로운 재주 (부제: 청년문화가 내 개를 죽였다) DrClef (작가)
thedeadlymoose (작가)
2주 전… 존재한 적 없던 기지의 이름 없는 차고에서, 한 개가 유압 자동제어 장치를 수리하려 애쓰고 있었다. 개는 자신의 발을 들어 이전에 자신의 실험실이 더 크고 비품이 더 좋았을 때…
문 앞의 늑대떼 DrEverettMann (작가) 2015-04-01
누군가 방문을 두드렸을 때, 아이리스는 십자말풀이를 풀고 있었다. 갑작스러운 방문이라 잠깐 걱정은 됐지만, 다행히도 폭발은 없었다. 양복을 입은 두 여자가…
let-the-games-begin Bryx (작가) 2015-04-02
Junior Researcher Marcher was not having a good day. His favorite parking spot by the door had been taken, leaving him to drive all the way back to the end of the lot to find a space. His coffee had…
악마의 거래 Sophia Light (작가) 2015-04-02
연락이 왔을 때, 소피아 라이트는 자신이 얼마 전부터 기다려왔던 일이라는 확신이 들었다. 그동안 그녀의 상관과 약간의 거리감이 느껴졌다. 소리 없이 일어난 혼선도 아니었다. 마치 그녀의 행동이…
to-my-companion-who-sleeps-eternally-beyond-reach SoullessSingularity (작가) 2015-04-03
In this world, the sun cannot bear to be too far from the horizon. The day lives in perpetual sunrise and sunset. Stars fill the night-time sky like spilled glitter, immune to any brightness below. …
여자들의 밤마실: 옷 차려입기 DrClef (작가) 2015-04-03
아이리스의 아침은 매일 7시에 도착한다. 아이리스는 그때까지 자기가 샤워를 했는지, 침대 정리를 했는지, 격리실을 깨끗하게 정리했는지를 확인했다. 식판을 가져오는 흰 옷 입은 사람에게 잘 보이고 싶어서가 아니라…
old-kansas-sector-part-8 faminepulse (작가)
☦Allan meets the Foundation.☦ The Last Era: 13, August, 2119 AD Sylvan Grove, Kansas, USA Gersha remembered running from someone, or something, when she was very, very little. She remembered the…
old-kansas-sector-part-9 faminepulse (작가)
☦The Walking Sticks hold a funeral.☦ The Last Era: 13, August, 2119 AD Sylvan Grove, Kansas, USA Allen was surrounded by the Walking Sticks, staring down the barrel of One’s revolver. He was at a…
involuntary-isolation TwistedGears (작가) 2015-04-04
A long yawn rumbled out of Finnegan. He couldn't quite call what he had just been through sleeping, and so the weariness from recent work weighed him down. He groaned and sat up, shifting his hat…
a-matter-of-faith CryogenChaos (작가) 2015-04-04
Barely visible in the cold dark before sunrise, rain fell softly onto the streets as dawn threatened to break on this abandoned neighborhood. The burnt-out streetlights once shone brightly in this…
냉담한 온도의 성관계 SoullessSingularity (작가) 2015-04-05
In this world, the clouds cannot bear to cover the sky's splendor. Rain falls unbidden, like unsaid sorrow. Snow floats down in fluffy flakes and remains white until springtime. The winds are too…
the-space-soldier weizhong (작가) 2015-04-05
The little boy didn’t really know what to do with it. “Daddy, what is it?” “Well, son, it’s a toy.” “Why does it look so funny?” “I made it for you myself! That’s what makes it special.” “But…I…
머저리 박물관 Roget (작가) 2015-04-05
제██기지, ██구역 리틀 미스터들의 격리 구역 줄무늬 씨 레온 레드 박사와 수습 연구원 파울루스 셔츠는 실험실을 내려다봤다. 안에서는 한 무리의 연구원들이…
추가 자원 djkaktus (작가)
LurkD (작가)
디트리히는 화장실 샤워실에서 나와 세면대로 다가갔다. 밑창이 세게 갈린 신발의 발자국소리가 한걸음 걸을 때마다 벽에 메아리쳤고, 빠르게 세면대에서 나오는 물이 빈 남자 화장실의 침묵을 깼다…
마치 신참내기 유치원 선생처럼 Eskobar (작가) 2015-04-06
문이 열렸고, 마리아 존스의 눈은 느릿거리며 움직임에 집중했다. “오, 세상에 신이시여.” 잭 브라이트의 목소리가 사무실에 울렸고, 그 소리는 포물선으로 퍼져 마리아의 머리로 들어왔다….
여자들의 밤마실: 술 취하기 DrClef (작가) 2015-04-06
“좋아 제군들.” 애덤스가 병사들에게 연설하는 장군처럼 군인다운 기세로 이리저리 돌아다녔다. “이번 작전명은 ‘5차까지’다. 5개의 술집, 5명의 바텐더지. 알아들었나?” “……
satyr-s-reign Ihp (작가) 2015-04-07
Dr. Katherine Sinclair used a copy of the Plutonic Codex to beat off an undead Jeffery Dahmer, seriously questioning the choices in life that had led her to this point. The cultists were all dead…
취업 기회 L0rdDeath does not match any existing user name (작가) 2015-04-07
월요일 아침, 알렉산더는 런던의 아파트에서 탄 토스트의 냄새를 맡으면서 일어났다. 심장 마비가 왔다는(이 아이러니는 그날 한 번 더 일어난다)…
all-of-me-wants-all-of-you Decibelles (작가) 2015-04-08
☦Rose Labelle turns 33.☦
명반응 Photosynthetic (작가) 2015-04-08
Excerpts from Interview Log E-46693-12 October 4, 2014 12:57 PM Interviewer: Geoff C. Taggart, [DATA REDACTED] Subject: Dr. Chelsea Elliott, researcher (plant specialist) Taggart: Good afternoon,…
여자들의 밤마실: 깽판치기 DrClef (작가) 2015-04-09
KTE-11971-그린-엠버와 함께 온 키 큰 여자가 자신에게 당당하게 걸어와 술을 사겠다고 했을 때, 거미는 이제 좆됐다고 느꼈다. 처음엔 그저 여자들의 밤마실일 뿐이었다….
우리 둘이서 빌면 신께서 널 용서해주실지도 몰라 SoullessSingularity (작가) 2015-04-10
In this world, consequence cannot bear the harshness of catastrophe. Mistakes are given lighter punishments. Falling stars shoot through the night sky and occasionally grant wishes of observers…
jam-jars TwistedGears (작가) 2015-04-10
The Utterly Bazaar was a roaring sea of merchants hawking, buyers haggling, and everyone in between fighting to make their voice heard over the rolling din of noise. Wooden stalls stood in the…
climber Dr Gears (작가) 2015-04-11
He felt as if his lungs were going to crystallize, the ragged, frozen air scraping over the long-dried membranes like trying to breathe an aerosol brillo pad. He swung back, waving a moment before…
항밈학 개론 qntm (작가) 2015-04-11
하급연구원 김(Kim)은 재단에서 일하기 시작한 지 달랑 네 시간 되었으면서도 방금 첫 신입 개론 강의에서 머리에 모루라도 맞은 마냥 완전히 갈려 나간 느낌이었다. 때는 점심시간이었고…
피티아의 날개 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2015-04-13
"당신은 오메가-7을 되돌리고 싶어 하잖아. 뭘 예상한 거지?“ 십은 머뭇거리며 말했다. “되돌리는 게 아니야.” 그녀가 말했다. “부활시키는 거지. 새로운 모습으로. 더 나은 모습으로.” 예언자의 웃음소리가 공기를 진동시켰다. 매력적이지만…
flow SunnyClockwork (작가) 2015-04-14
Martha stood in a vast river, feeling the chill down her knees. The river, clear as clean glass, babbled around her, swirling and surging, but there was no shore. White mists loomed over the water,…
총알탄 넘버원 DrClef (작가) 2015-04-17
이틀 전 “그 슈트가 필요하다고?” 개가 물었다. “진심이야?” “애덤스에게 필요할 거야” 클레프가 말했다. “특히 연합 쪽에서 공을 들이기 시작한다면 더욱.” 케인 파토스 크로우 교수는 낮고 성난 으르렁 소리를 내었다…
the-liars-confession Blackbird5154 (작가) 2015-04-18
James Blackshaw – Part VI The group of people in black suits surrounded a fresh grave. Everyone who used to work with Dr. Kondraki and lived to tell the tale was present: Gears, Alto Clef, Kain…
finding-anderson Jacob Conwell (작가) 2015-04-20
Agent Clarissa Shaw stood silently, looking into the contents of a Site-64 interrogation room. Sitting at the table inside was a Saker who called itself Miles Wilson, an android designed to resemble…
세계의 유산 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-04-20
Doomed World. Desperate People. Last Hope. Fearful Wardens. Young Girl. Fifty Three sat in front of her room's mirror, braiding her hair for when her guest arrived. She wondered who would be…
mementos DrClef (작가) 2015-04-20
It was a simple, plain-looking door with the words "Archival Storage" on a faded plastic plate next to it. Some wag had put up a hand-written sign reading "FreeBay" underneath it, aping the logo of…
renegade-retrograde DrEverettMann (작가) 2015-04-20
Secure, contain, and protect. As an anomaly, I choose not to Defy those above me. It is my choice to Be contained. I will never Walk free again. I submit that I must Be imprisoned for my nature. I…
뱀과 사다리 Zyn (작가) 2015-04-22
많은 사람들이 제19기지를 거쳐 간다. 가장 평범한 이동경로는 연구실에서 실험실로, 식당에 갔다가 다시 연구실로 돌아가는 패턴이다(잠깐 화장실 가는 시간 포함해서). 그중에는 …
new-kid-on-the-block Anaxagoras (작가) 2015-04-23
One day, Jacob realized that the Foundation was the place for him. It was the day the pretty girl from his high school’s Alto Clef Fan Club died in his arms, telling him how wonderful his long,…
theysayshelooksjustlikeo5-8 tunedtoadeadchannel (작가) 2015-04-23
At exactly 9:00 in the morning, Research Assistant Grace Renfield's eyes snap open. She tilts her head left, then right, with an audible pop, and yanks the tubes out of her mouth with her left hand….
october-is-tomorrow trennerdios (작가) 2015-04-23
When the new man first arrived, we were frightened. He appeared out of thin air, a ghost marching into our world with silent footfalls. He was not the first person to enter town since Sandy, but he…
마술 군대를 보유한 고등재판소 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2015-04-25
시작하기에 앞서 “다른 평의회 사람들을 만나봐야겠어.” 십이 말했다. “나와 함께 가줬으면 해.” 솔트는 예언자를 방문할 때부터 이런 날이 있으리라 알았다. 그녀의 첫 반응은 자제한 흥분이었다…
down-the-silver-river SunnyClockwork (작가) 2015-04-25
Let me take you through sands of crystal, and down that silver river. And I shall show you, we are all beings of His creation. The artist has long seen the Flow, but he has never seen something…
일손 빌려주기 Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2015-04-26
The Ethics Committee isn't your enemy! Your site's liaison is there to help you do a better job. Those pesky containment procedures can seem impossible to perfect, but if you work with your…
sperling-computer-protection-services-i gravityy (작가) 2015-04-27
Got a virus you just can't bust? Is malware holding you or your personal information for ransom? Can't find information on this dubious process anywhere? Sperling Computer Protection Services: We'll…
i-was-not-magnificent Roget (작가) 2015-04-27
At a Window Booth Shirley tried her best to look distinctly unimpressed by O5-4. Their meeting place, a Denny's outside of Kalamazoo, was unorthodox. But she had insisted upon it. There was no…
killing-knowledge TwistedGears (작가) 2015-04-28
Reality coughed chalantly as a Way warbled into existence within the roots of the oak tree outside the Birch home. Finnegan lurched off the tree and kicked the air filter and adjoined vial of…

2015년 5월

제목 작가 생성일
잃어버린 금빛 나날 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-05-02
A world lost to the unknown. A Young Girl befriending a Dragon. A door opening. Once tsa-Fanu stopped spinning the world around her, it took Quarseta a moment to gain her bearings. Once her mind…
작전명 "캠프 그라나다" DrClef (작가) 2015-05-03
경고 사후 보고서 확보된 이메일 1 확보된 이메일 2 확보된 이메일 3 주의 해당 항목에 첨부된 문서 패킷은 O5 평의회에 의해 5등급 기밀로 분류되었습니다. O5 인원이나 권한을 받은 두루치기 일꾼이 아닌 경우…
모두가 안다 Bryx (작가) 2015-05-04
"얼마나 많은 사람들이 재단에서 일하는 거야"
뒷골목 거래 DrEverettMann (작가) 2015-05-04
앤더슨 매시는 문지방을 지나면서 오는 떨림을 참았다. 반대편 (제대로 된 쪽) 문은 고상한 조지 왕조 스타일의 패널 도어였고, 고급스러운 엔태블러처가 있었다. 이쪽에서는, 금이 가고…
테이저와 테르밋 Dexanote (작가)
LurkD (작가)
장고 브리지는 잠에서 깨어났다. 브리지는 자신의 사무실에서 책상에 엎드린 채 자고 있었다. 컴퓨터 화면 보호기의 빛과 바깥쪽의 노란 불빛이 사무실 안을 따뜻한 빛과 차가운 빛의 혼합물을…
what-if-they-weren-t LurkD (작가) 2015-05-06
"I-I'm out?" He looked up at them, more confused than shocked. "Yeah, your number is up. Get up on your feet. We'll escort you to the debriefing room." The guard moved out of the doorway and pointed…
i-forget-myself-in-this-wondrous-night Decibelles (작가) 2015-05-07
☦The Foundation will have lost SCP-1467 by 20██-██.☦
chasing-interest Dmatix (작가) 2015-05-08
Within its watery lair, the creature known to some as Oneiroi lurked. Prone in its oily pool, feelers extended, senses probing the surface, it searched. It waited. It is difficult to say for how…
오래된 뿌리 Steeltitan (작가) 2015-05-09
The warm ocean wind blew gently on the cargo ship. Waves gently lapped against the hull, with the ripples of lamplight reflecting off of them. The captain stared out over the rust encrusted deck…
meeting-anderson Jacob Conwell (작가) 2015-05-11
Agent Sasha Merlo yawned as she slowly moved through the halls of Site-64, a mug of stale coffee in her hands. She had not gotten much sleep over the past few days. The current rush to extract as…
i-am-the-organisation Blackbird5154 (작가) 2015-05-12
"…so there's that. And then I persuaded him to go to 078’s cell and covertly switched the power on. Several weeks after that he hung himself on a pipe in the maintenance." Doctor Bright smirked in…
농담 아님 DrEverettMann (작가) 2015-05-13
Jerry swept the floor of the hallway while the guards looked on. This used to be Mr. Henderson's job, but then his poop started glowing, and now he was in Cell 14, with Mr. Iheme. The guards would…
library-lifeline TwistedGears (작가) 2015-05-15
It turned out that finding a book containing the location of a single cave against the backdrop of the entirety of the multiverse was not an easy task. Rows upon shelves upon sections upon floors…
100-feet-of-rope WrongJohnSilver (작가) 2015-05-19
“Yo Rashaun, I know you always like the weird shit, check this out!” It had been a long day at the Foundation, and Agent Rashaun Washington just wanted to see what his friends—his normal friends,…
mental-mazes TwistedGears (작가) 2015-05-20
Probability in the Foundation's multiverse is a fairly fluid concept, able to be pumped and dammed as the higher players see fit. Some, such as a certain Nobody, are not entirely conscious of the…
우리 아직 도착 안 했어? LurkD (작가) 2015-05-20
♫ Everythin', everythin', everythin's gonna be alright this mornin' ♫ driving.jpg "그러니까 지금 이걸 두 시간 동안이나 듣고 있다니까.“ 디트리히는 브리지를 세 번째로 흘낏 쳐다봤다. “그려? 근디 나는 네…
판단력 부족 djkaktus (작가) 2015-05-21
"I was once assigned to SCP-058," Karlyle said. "Back then, it would rage throughout the day and the walls of the containment cage would bend until they would buckle and break, and new walls would…
twisted-together WrongJohnSilver (작가) 2015-05-23
Rashaun shook his head. What did I just watch? he thought, as he opened his laptop. He entered the keycode for a Foundation online conference room and waited for the other members of his emergency…
목매달린 왕의 궁정의 한 남권사 Metaphysician (작가) 2015-05-26
무광의 바다가 노오란 하늘이 비친 상을 거부하는 곳. 검은 별들이 뜨지도 않고 군림하고, 어떠한 의미도 없는 메아리 울리는 곳. 무수한 범죄를 뼈대로 삼아, 알 수 없는 때에 지어진 도시….
팅커, 테일러, 솔저, 헌츠맨 L0rdDeath does not match any existing user name (작가) 2015-05-26
그 일은 매일 밤 예외 없이 일어났다. 자세한 내용은 다 달랐지만, 음지의 세계에 살던 그의 세월이 하나의 난잡한 그림으로 합쳐져 흐릿하게 나왔다. 오늘 밤, 그의 고객은 붉은 줄이 달린 넥타이를 맨…
the-templar-incident Jacob Conwell (작가) 2015-05-26
In a lonely office at Site-64 sat a short young man with salt and pepper hair. Across from his desk was a casually dressed woman with neck length brunet hair tied back in a ponytail. Several old…
and-then-i-died3 Decibelles (작가) 2015-05-26
☦A collaborative writing game that is currently on hiatus. Please get in touch with Decibelles or Agent Macleod if you wish to continue it.☦
i-thought-you-would-leave-even-the-reaper-for-me SoullessSingularity (작가) 2015-05-27
In this world, flowers bloom in hues too tender to survive elsewhere. Meadows are sacred spaces from which flow all mercies. The inhabitants bow to nothing and follow only their own devotions….
여기 좋은 게 하나 있어 DrClef (작가) 2015-05-27
가슴이 깊게 파인 파란 드레스를 입고 꽃무늬 실크 스카프를 한 여자가 앵두 색깔의 컨버터블을 공항 도로변에 세웠을 때, 알렉산더는 분명히 일이 잘못되리라는 걸 깨달았다. “알렉산더…
fault Tuomey Tombstone does not match any existing user name (작가) 2015-05-27
Document F246-2 - recovered from the site of a suicide of Anomalous Humanoid F246's mother. SCP designation pending. An investigating officer read the note aloud, shooting himself in the head and…
oricha-s-folly Ihp (작가) 2015-05-28
SignaledGospel.Com/Orichalcum Logs from #augmentedandproud chat, 2/5/2011 Prometheus Labs Grant Request File #2814-58 Telekill Project Test 58 Conversation Overheard Immediately Prior To An…
a-waking-nightmare TwistedGears (작가) 2015-05-28
Deep in the mind of all beings is a place. This place is without space, as space denotes a measurable area that physically exists. It is a plane with all the time it could want, beginning with the…
this-is-how-the-world-ends KnightKnight (작가) 2015-05-29
This is how the world ends. This is how they die. This is how the world ends. How did we survive? Atanti's thoughts drifted to his homeland. Now that it was the warm season, the land and people…
미해명 장소 기록 KnightKnight (작가)
서문: 이 페이지는 지난 몇 년간 SCP 재단이 발견했던 위험성이 낮은 변칙적 장소들을 기록하는 곳입니다. 해당 문서에 기록된 장소들 모두 타당한 격리 및 은폐 공작이 요구되지만…
and-so-the-crows-laughed SunnyClockwork (작가) 2015-05-30
There comes the King and his crowd, His subjects turned against him, taking his crown. The cheering comes with flames of hate, Burning and raging, bring the palace down. 乌声了却 黑星灿然 所谓缢王 凄凄艾艾 Gold…
이 모든 방랑 Eskobar (작가) 2015-05-31
0930 CDT "One more time. Just one. Come on, girl." Plastic handle firmly in hand, Ritchie placed one foot on top of the leaf blower. He let the pullcord out, readied himself, and pulled. The…
funfiction TobiasTheTapir (작가) 2015-05-31
O5-7 arrived to the breached containment unit at the lowest underground level of Site-19. Director Bright waited for her along with a Containment Specialist. “It’s good to see you again, Jack,” said…

2015년 6월

제목 작가 생성일
the-little-things-that-count KnightKnight (작가) 2015-06-02
For want of a nail, a shoe was lost; For want of a nail, a shoe was lost; A box of spare parts makes it through a security check. Later on, some of those parts are used to create a makeshift…
except-it-is Dmatix (작가) 2015-06-05
It watched as they got together and tore themselves asunder. And everything in between. It was a thing that was not there. It did not exist, at least not on the level of narrative. It had no part to…
자원을 웅덩이에 담그자 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-06-08
Red pools at night, Travelers' delight. Red pools at morning, Travelers take warning. Incident 053/682/1129/354 - 1: On 12/9/20██, at 21:07 hours, escaped anomalies SCP-053, SCP-682, and…
transmissions Goodwill (작가) 2015-06-11
To: Director ████ From: Researcher █████████ Subject: Species XC-1105 After 2 months of testing both standard and specialized, my research team and I have come to the conclusion that Species…
오래된 얼음 Ihp (작가) 2015-06-11
SunnyClockwork의 그림 춥다. 에어컨이 재단의 매년 매일에 가져다준 그런 서늘함이 아니다. 어두운 겨울날의 밤을 위한 그런 추위다…
how-173-got-to-site-19 MrWrong (작가) 2015-06-17
Moved to Site-19 1993. Origin is as of yet unknown. It is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile.
unusual-incident-units-case-files-classified Roget (작가) 2015-06-18
The following is a collection of cases and disturbances investigated by the Unusual Incidents Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. These cases date from the founding of the division, but…
posology Roget (작가)
Voct (작가)
…Two (2) pills have been used for Experiment 217-█████-█████. Number of pills is forty-seven (47) at the time of writing. Request to have SCP-500 investigated for mental compulsion leading to…
out-of-your-element SnakeoilSage (작가) 2015-06-21
“I-I-I just can’t. You can’t make me.” Anguis Salvia leaned back in his seat, tapping a pen against his notepad. The interview room was a comfortable looking space, with neutral colors and no…
cat-s-in-the-cradle Dewman (작가) 2015-06-21
Doctor Jack Bright stared ruefully at the simple bowl in front of him, filled with a creamy French Onion soup, the smell alluring enough to make his assistant sniff the air and lick his lips. He…
장난스런 괴수 TobiasTheTapir (작가) 2015-06-25
"저, 기지 관리자 사무실은 어느 쪽으로 가야 하나요?" 하급연구원 토시다 타케루(Takeru Toshida)가 그리스 중장보병 차림을 한 두 남자의 뒤에 대고 물었다. 타케루도 가설격리지대 델타-3에서 실행하는 규약 이야기는 진작에 알았지만…
domo-arigato A Random Day (작가) 2015-06-25
ACT I Gregory awoke in a large room, tied to a chair. At least, he guessed it was a large room, and that it was a chair. Gregory couldn't actually see anything - as best as he could tell, he was…
war-is-child-s-play Agent MacLeod (작가) 2015-06-26
But in this game, there are no victors
flora thefriendlyvandal (작가) 2015-06-28
She could grow flowers from the ground and fruit from the trees by glancing at a barren place. Everywhere she went, and everything she touched, was beautiful and alive. She burned like a star and…
her-masterpiece LadyKatie (작가) 2015-06-28
It’s all his fault. If he hadn’t been around, the baby would still be here. The beautiful product of our flesh and blood. It’s easy to smash his skull in with the baseball bat he kept around. And…
monophobia Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2015-06-28
I must, again, become that which I hate. But why? We haven't heard from central command for decades. They're probably gone. Lost to their own horrors. But because of a girl, we live on. She's down…

2015년 7월

제목 작가 생성일
hand-sewn EldritchCadence (작가) 2015-07-01
Her hands shook as she threaded the needle again, feeling around the head for the tiny eye. Decades of practice and well-worn fingers served her well, and she began the slow process of sewing in…
moonrakers Von Pincier (작가) 2015-07-02
"Herr Noamtosk." "Herr Direktor." Without a further word, von Erbach pushed the sheet of clippings across the desk. In his mind he wanted to call them newspaper, but most were printed on the thin…
re-promotion OverThinking (작가) 2015-07-03
Anyway, congratulations on your promotion. I can tell you                                                                                                                             To:…
바다에서는 이상한 일들이 일어난다 Agent MacLeod (작가) 2015-07-09
노인은 창자가 뒤집히는 복통을 느꼈다
humans-and-houses pxdnbluesoul (작가) 2015-07-11
"The O5s about shit in their pants, Craig. What did you expect?" Stanley Scott shook his head at his colleague as they walked through the hallways of Site-01's computing lab. The persistent low hum…
밈 및 정보재해학과 오리엔테이션 Rounzie (작가) 2015-07-19
Alright everybody, welcome to the orientation for the memetics and infohazards division. Now this is a full week of training, and a long day so be sure to get some coffee or a donut, because we…
bridges-burnt Jacob Conwell (작가) 2015-07-21
Tom and Jill Herring had been in the middle of dinner when they were interrupted by a knock at the front door. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Tom went to answer. He was greeted by a tattered Daniel…
chapter-1-verse-1 Djoric (작가) 2015-07-22
In the beginning, there was darkness. All was formless waste and empty void - The quiet nothing without time or place, the gentle sleep that has no waking. All was still. Nothing stirred in the…
the-has-been Dmatix (작가) 2015-07-24
The grey little man was gathering his belongings. Not many of those. A microfiber towelette he used to clean his monitor, a few spare ink cartridges he thought no one would miss, his green stapler,…
golan Wils (작가) 2015-07-25
Date: 2015-02-15 Time: 17:56 From: Subsite 23-Delta-K6 Lead Research Analyst Dr Marion Kelster To: Subsite 23-Delta-K6 Chief Security Officer Frank Onegra Subject: RE: (Ex)Agent Paris -…
katrina-and-morgan-and-little-miss-dotty-doo OverThinking (작가) 2015-07-28
Katrina sat on the red bench, her shiny Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lunchbox to her left, and Little Miss Dotty Doo tucked under her right arm. The sun felt nice on her face. She absently swung…
all-work-and-no-play weizhong (작가) 2015-07-31
“How long do you think he’s going to take this time?” Katsuo scratched his chin and checked his watch. “Who knows. He certainly doesn't seem to be in a rush." Yuudai Shibata and Katsuo Tanaka sat in…

2015년 8월

제목 작가 생성일
재단에 보내진 여섯 통의 편지 (한 통은 집) ahbonjour (작가) 2015-08-04
SCP-2118의 격리실에서 발견됨. 칼리에게, 너 신문에 나온 거 봤단다. 그 사람들이 위험하지 않은 SCP들 스킵들 변칙개체들을 내보내고 있을 때, 기자들이 있어서, 사진을 찍었거든. 그 중에 놀라운 네가…
how-site-19-blew-up TobiasTheTapir (작가) 2015-08-06
Safety Supervisor Thompson just finished explaining Site-19's safety and security protocols to the new recruits. It was the 47th such lecture he had given so he was used to the depressing…
the-sky-carries-the-brightness-of-your-smile SoullessSingularity (작가) 2015-08-08
In this world, memories are imparted on all things. A baby's room remembers every lullaby sung within its walls. Graveyards remain eternally wet from shed tears. Rain often falls on barren fields of…
the-grand-theological-game Djoric (작가) 2015-08-10
In the temple of Ana, there were a thousand mirrors. They covered the walls, the columns, the arched and vaulted ceiling. Scales of silver, lit by a thousand lamps. One could stand anywhere, and see…
across-the-hills-so-quiet Djoric (작가) 2015-08-12
The seal is broken O fallen King of splinter’d crown Eye pierced upon thy spear The girl has got you bested The seal is broken The Mother of Hunters has shattered her chains The Toymaker has fired…
three-short-scenes-about-death Dmatix (작가) 2015-08-14
The smell of rot was in the air. As the afternoon sun began its descent, the footsteps of the approaching stranger fell upon the quiet village streets as poison leeches into an unguarded well. The…
therapy Dmatix (작가) 2015-08-18
The tip of the knife was plunged into his ear. It was an odd sensation. Sure, there was pain, incredible, exquisite agony, but that stopped at the surface of things. Below was the sensation of cool…
strung-out-in-heavens-high A Random Day (작가) 2015-08-19
PREVIOUSLY on THE INCREASINGLY POOR DECISIONS OF GREGORY PLUMP Gregory awoke in a large room, tied to a chair… "Well Gregory, you're in quite a bit of trouble," a monotone voice rang out… "It's…
a-day-at-the-un-stables Cavalry (작가) 2015-08-21
The dinosaur starts to beep. I can't tell why, but I continue to rub its belly. The little T-Rex still won't shut up, and then it hits me. My alarm clock is blaring. My arm reflexively moves to slap…
painless Dmatix (작가) 2015-08-21
"So you can cure me?" The doctor rubbed his forehead then rearranged his heavy plastic spectacles. They were supposed to compensate for his missing mask, but he found that all they really did was…
surprise-happy-birthday-5 TroyL (작가) 2015-08-22
I… Well. I've had quite enough of this. Do you know how long we've been visiting? How long we've been showing up here, spinning the tales for you? Well, I'll tell you. It's been years. Decades! The…
창조의 섬광 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-08-23
1만물이 있기 전에 태허가 있었노라. 이 공허 안에는 빛도 어둠도 시간도 없었노라. 2이 공허는 너무 거대하여 자기 안으로 갈마들어 자기 속을 채웠도다…
excerpt-of-an-autobiography Djoric (작가) 2015-08-23
For Becca and Ruth and Number Three. * I was twelve when the Troubles came. It’s as good an age as any to witness the total transformation of the world, I think. I look back and see a quiet girl…
histories Djoric (작가) 2015-08-27
There was a vast machine; a clattering and rattling, clanking and clicking, ticking and tocking machine. Its skeleton was plastic and tin, its veins were rubber tubes, its nerves were glass. Its…

2015년 9월

제목 작가 생성일
surgery Dmatix (작가) 2015-09-01
How long has it been since he had flesh under his fingers? Too long, that much was certain. This cell was small, too small by far. He did not much mind being alone, that was not the issue. He had…
망각 불가, 그게 바로 당신 qntm (작가) 2015-09-04
"끝났어요, 엘." 린 마르네스는 구십 살이 넘었으며 지난 십 년 동안은 허리를 쭉 펴고 서본 적이 없다. 한창때에는 탑과도 같아, 키는 2미터가 넘으며 권투 선수와 같은 몸을 하고 있었다. 그의 눈을 똑바로 바라볼 수 있는 사람은 거의 없었다…
cells Roget (작가) 2015-09-08
The Commander sternly stared over his crew. They were a good crew, rich with protein. For a moment, he steeled his nerves. "Alright squad. This is it. Today, we infiltrate the hated Foundation's…
the-star-and-the-smith Djoric (작가) 2015-09-09
Creation was made of fire and song, and from the glowing clouds of the beginning came the Stars. They were the firstborn of matter, the sustainers of all Creation. In their bright-burning forges the…
every-other-day Zmax15 (작가) 2015-09-09
SCP-507 heads on a wild adventure through wacky parallel universes, and may just learn his own shocking origins!                                                                           …
a-burial-in-the-woods Gaffsey (작가)
It was just after dawn on the twentieth day, when Karl tore out his own throat and continued to rant and rave, that Lars' nerve finally broke. Whatever evils nature hid in the woods, they could not…
smothering-dreams Gaffsey (작가)
Journal recovered from SCP-186 on 08/03/1971 during a routine bi-monthly patrol. Inside cover contains inscription in Russian1 "Property of Dr. Jean Durand." Writings are variously in Russian,…
심야의 가두행진 SunnyClockwork (작가) 2015-09-12
At midnight, two men met under the dim light of a back alley, away from the crowd and their watchful eyes. Dark stars shone weakly in the sky. One of the men was dressed in fine clothes, and yet he…
nazi-nonsense Kalinin (작가) 2015-09-15
Sergeant Freudenberger squinted again at the tiny print on the manifest list, struggling to find his place. He jumped at the sudden sound of the train whistle as yet another load of prisoners…
askinate-herr-spankoflex Edrobot (작가) 2015-09-17
It me! Cack! Self-Portrature is topside, no? == Gate of Babel v. 0.3 (Pre-Alpha) == Copyright: SCP Foundation, 20██ Loading Config File: Spankonese.cfg Loading…………………… DONE Happy times, mimes!1…
nondescript-nose Kalinin (작가) 2015-09-18
"No, no, no! The chorus does not start launching into Horst Wessel Song until the Hero of Aryan Purity is above the Threshold of the Fatherland! Above!" Max von Gruben barked directions at the…
critiquing-a-cardboard-box Scorpion451 (작가) 2015-09-18
What they ask, tells you everything you need to know.                                                                                                                             An ancient exhaust…
a-fairy-tale psul (작가) 2015-09-25
Once upon a time, there was a little boy, about five and a half years old. He had bright blue eyes, and shiny blond hair, and faint freckles on his face, and his front teeth protruded slightly over…
K. M. 산도발의 일지 LadyKatie (작가)
WrongJohnSilver (작가)
Hub | Bigger Than Jesus » "All right, if you could please step up towards the object," says the stone-faced researcher. The lone man in the room takes two tentative steps towards the box on the…
nx-07 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-09-29
Nexus #: Nx-07 Civilian Designation: Gwag Hen y Cwn, Swansea, Wales Population: 1,506 Area Class: Asphodel Nexus Interaction Protocol: Civilians within Nx-07 are fully aware of the anomalous nature…
nx-33 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-09-29
Nexus #: Nx-33 Civilian Designation: Drake, Inverness-shire, Scotland Population: 759 Area Class: Camelot Nexus Interaction Protocol: Nx-33 is to be removed from physical and digital civilian maps….
Nx-58 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-09-29
일련번호: Nx-58 민간 명칭: 일본 도쿠시마현 꿈게임 인구: 5,724명 분류: 샹그리라(Shangri-La) 넥서스 상호작용 규약: Nx-58에 배정된 모든 인원은 피하에 추적 장치를 이식받아야 한다…

2015년 10월

제목 작가 생성일
document-48116-88-son-of-the-earth Blackbird5154 (작가)
Gene R (translator)
iavev (작가)
On ██/██/19██ a message in Russian was received by the [REDACTED] observatory via a radio telescope operating as part of the SETI program. Supposedly, the signal originated from a space research…
a-witch-s-tale-mistakes-were-made sirpudding (작가) 2015-10-13
Only ghosts remember. This thing in Detroit, though? Well, this was a bad one.
regret Abettik (작가) 2015-10-15
Dr. Lang woke up happy. Everything was okay again, the way it was meant to be. He had fixed it. Or maybe it had never happened, and was all a misunderstanding. A moment later, the dread hit. The…
home-again Snarky Potato (작가) 2015-10-16
Working a mass-disappearance case is always unsettling. Far too often, we arrive at the location to find a ghost town that's populated with a few gibbering stragglers and an occasional abandoned…
a-swingsets-song trennerdios (작가) 2015-10-16
Here I am with metal arms; still and silent, knowing Tracing back to rural farms; old and quiet, sowing As a boy I learned I had; low and secret, power Grew much older, good and bad; self-taught…
fear-not Randomini (작가) 2015-10-21
I had fear. Fear had me. I had no words. There were no sounds. I found words, in the darkness. There were none to talk to. I found ears, in the darkness. The ears did naught but whistle. Nothingness…
hallowinside HatIsMyFriend (작가) 2015-10-26
It's Halloween. When humans follow a pointlessly old tradition of scaring away spirits with badly made costumes. Alright, fine. We follow pointless traditions too, like crucifying food before…

2015년 11월

제목 작가 생성일
figure-and-ground psul (작가) 2015-11-09
She lay, crying, in the darkened cell, listening to her brother's screams and the threats of their captors if he failed again. SCP-2162: Supplementary materials …
경이의 섬광 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-11-15
1세계가 아직 젊었을 적에, 또 사람이 아직 분명히 말할 수 있었을 적에, 또 창조의 온기가 아직 땅에 남아있었을 적에, 메주콩 농사를 짓는 농부가 한 명 있었으니 그 이름은 폴랴코프였다. 2폴랴코프는 덕 있는 사내였으니…
stars-over-misty-veil Kalinin (작가) 2015-11-16
TO: Esquivel, Roberto FROM: Site-67 Secure Connection RE: thought you'd like this Attachment: mistyveil.pdf announcing yourself, Roberto? found this in the fall issue of Route 5. you're a literary…
unusual AkkiKama (작가)
Gene R (translator)
It's not easy being unusual. Especially when you're twelve years old. Especially when, due to you being unusual, the people in lab coats have you locked away in an empty metal room. Stacy never…
귀기공학에 관한 간결한 해설 AJMansfield (작가) 2015-11-20
Fold Table of Contents 악귀란 무엇인가? 귀기공학의 역사 첫걸음 소형화 귀기공학의 황금기 황금기의 몰락 여파 악귀란 무엇인가? 악귀, 또는 악마로도 불리는 존재는 지각을 가진…
heretherebe AdminBright (작가) 2015-11-20
Monsters? No, no, no, it wasn't like that. We began with the best intentions. That might've gotten lost along the way, but it isn't how we started. We were young, and idealistic. I was in love. We…
SCP-SCP-033 KnightKnight (작가) 2015-11-20
제41기지: 항밈학부 본부 엘리제 던월은 스크린 오른편의 창을 본다. …기호들의 "합계"는 (허친슨 교수가 θ'으로 명명한…
작전명 갤러해드 daveyoufool (작가) 2015-11-23
기획명 코르베닉 — 작전명 갤러해드 발제문 그리하여 이 몸 여관, 전당, 농가를 지나, 다리와 개울을 건너, 공원과 울짱을 넘어, 완전무장에 말 달리니, 무슨 일이 있더라도, 찾고야 말리라 성배를. —앨프리드 테니슨 남작, 「갤러해드 경」…
네가 혼자 죽은 줄 알았어 A Random Day (작가) 2015-11-23
> 수신: 산토쉬 데자이Santosh Desai (pcs.52a|iaseds#pcs.52a|iaseds) > 발신: 아르빈드 데자이Arvind Desai (pcs.24|iaseda#pcs.24|iaseda) > 제목: 영화 볼래? 안녕 산토쉬, 널 못 본 지 오래되어 요즘 어떻게 지내는지 궁금하구나. 금요일에…
사건명 무색의 녹색 qntm (작가) 2015-11-27
일련번호: SCP-3125 등급: 케테르(Keter) 특수 격리 절차: SCP-3125는 제41기지 1층의 제3125인식재해격리단위 내에 보관되어 있다. 이 격리단위는 10 m × 15 m × 3 m의 입방형 방으로…

2015년 12월

제목 작가 생성일
audio-log-from-december-24th-2010 Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2015-12-02
Date of Log: December 24th, 2010. Purpose: Documentation relating to SCP-055 testing. Subject: Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian Transcription Method: Digital + Show Transcript - Hide Transcript Begin…
project-morpheus MrWrong (작가) 2015-12-06
Project Aims: Establishment of a Class I pseudo-Oneiric Apparition capable of multi-universal communication for the manipulation of extra-universal causalities for the propagation and betterment of the Foundation and its mission statement.
보존문서 20██/██/██-███: 용과 뱀에 관하여 SunnyClockwork (작가) 2015-12-06
Warning: The following text may induce mild visual hallucinations. Personnel are to be applied with Memetic Counter-Agent: "Buzhou" before proceeding. The following documents are a collection of…
장례식은 즐겁다 WrongJohnSilver (작가) 2015-12-07
내 남동생 로스가 일주일 전 늘보로리스와 관련된 해괴한 사고로 죽었다. 알고 보니 그것들은 원숭이 친척 뻘에다가, 독도 있었다. 누가 알았겠어? 로스가 늘보로리스에 관심이 많은 줄도 전혀 몰랐으니, 어쨌든. 의사는…
database-error MrWrong (작가) 2015-12-10
"Some primitive artwork from Uzbekistan…" Jameson summarised, his eyes turning to the attached image files and their captions.
hamibombard1 Von Pincier (작가) 2015-12-12
Project VHUHANI Restricted Hangar, United Nations Occult Coalition Selene Base, Athena One May 19, 1974, 13:25 GMT Dropping from the catwalk into the open cockpit below, the words, so peculiarly…
rip AdminBright (작가) 2015-12-12
His name was Albert Smith, and he was the Spirit of Peace. So, I killed him. Well, that’s what he claimed anyways. Called himself Brother Earth, and said the hippies were his children, his idea. I’m…
loss-and-nostalgia TyGently (작가) 2015-12-14
1: A Mind Spends an Eternity in Solitude I sit alone inside myself and think on what is here. Pillars of radiation pierce me from all sides. I know they are stars but I do not understand them. I…
제19기지 크리스마스 캐롤 djkaktus (작가) 2015-12-14
주석: 이하의 총 72페이지 분량 원고는 제19기지 식당 쓰레기통에서 버려진 채로 발견되었습니다. 추가 주석: 제19기지 프린터 잉크는 재단 업무에만 쓰라고 있는 점 제발…
exit-interview psul (작가) 2015-12-15
When they finally came for her, it wasn't a black bag over her head in the middle of the night. It wasn't an MTF snatching her off the street on the way home. It wasn't tranquilizers in her coffee,…
bigger-than-jesus WrongJohnSilver (작가) 2015-12-16
« The Journal of K. M. Sandoval | Hub | A Convincing Lyre » "Hello, young lady. What brings you here?" Emma narrowed her eyes slightly at the man before her. The old man. Had to be in his…
1̶4̶ 13 Fantem (작가) 2015-12-16
Randale remembered when he was given his life by Huesic, member of the last pair, and the thirteenth demiurge to have been created from the Maker. Being number 67 of 777, Randal was one of the…
he-was-blind-and-deaf-on-a-sunny-day SunnyClockwork (작가) 2015-12-19
It was when the waves splashed against his body that he gradually returned to consciousness. How long had he been lying here? He found himself half-buried in the sand and attempted to move, but was…
too-drunk-to-be-merry LurkD (작가) 2015-12-22
Dietrich sat on the edge of the boat dock, setting down the last few from his six pack next to him. It was just above freezing as the mirror surface of the lake reflected the cold spacey sky. Merle…
the-lost-shepherd Crayne (작가) 2015-12-22
December 24th, 2011 5:14:06 PM Daniel Horatio Aeslinger, Psy. D. stood with his back to the room, facing the window. Outside all was quiet and dark, mostly dark. The single point of light in the…
santa-s-new-home MrWrong (작가) 2015-12-24
'Twas another year's Christmas Eve, and most were asleep in those parts of the world engulfed in the night of the 24th of December. In a certain house located in a certain city at night, a certain…
codebrown AdminBright (작가) 2015-12-24
“This is a bad idea,” mutters Dr. Jack Bright, currently in the body of a 54 year old Jewish butcher, who had been sentenced to death for killing his wife, and using her body as extra stuffing in…
baby-s-first-guide-to-keter-class-anomalies-and-other-questi Cyantreuse does not match any existing user name (작가) 2015-12-25
The following images were found saved on a portable hard drive belonging to Dr. ████ ███████, a level 3 humanoid containment specialist transferred from Site-11 to Site-19 on 08/08/██ and currently…
walk-in-the-park MrAnakinSpecter (작가) 2015-12-26
"And the Phantoms are no-shows, again?" "You know they can only play home games, sir." "Well have somebody conduct a séance or something, Johnson! We go live in fifteen! "Yes, sir." "What about…
시계는 다시 쳐야 한다 SunnyClockwork (작가) 2015-12-29
The clock struck twelve as the guard stood at the great gate of the Court. It was a night of revelry as lords and ministers entered the grand building, their faces covered by masks of masquerade….
escape Abettik (작가) 2015-12-30
"We're patient." FROM:|4412_3s#|4412_3s TO:|4609_2a#|4609_2a,|8943199_1a#|8943199_1a SUBJECT: Proceed Gentlemen, Orders…
beasts-of-the-old-letters KnightKnight (작가)
OZ Ouroboros (작가)
You hold in your hands the paper keys, the keys that can unlock Fantasy. When I first discovered this wondrous land, I could scarcely believe everything before me. The spiraling and floating…

2016년 1월

제목 작가 생성일
당신의 마지막 첫날 qntm (작가) 2016-01-01
이전 매리언 휠러는 하강하고 있는 제41기지 주 화물 엘리베이터 구석에 웅크린 채로, 본인의 키 정도 되는 크기의 반짝이는 붉은색 광선 총을 움켜쥔다. 총은 총열을 대신하여 두 갈래가 나 있으며…
SCP-REDD TwistedGears (작가) 2016-01-04
어두운 방에서 수많은 모니터 스크린들이 파리한 얼굴 하나에 빛을 비췄다. 지난 몇 달을 태양이 로저 리틀에게 선물해 준 것보다 더 많은 색깔들이 비디오 피드에서 녹슨 갈색 빛으로 쏟아져 나왔다….
casefileforsimferopol Technician Downs (작가) 2016-01-07
and-again Kalinin (작가) 2016-01-09
The little boy hid behind a tall sycamore tree, the wind sending a steady rain of orange and red leaves over the field behind the school. The boy adjusted his satchel again, deciding that he would…
the-corpse-the-twister-and-the-veteran Randomini (작가) 2016-01-17
There was a boat on a lake in the dead of night. The moon was out, a whole shining circle. There were three people on there. The boat, I mean, not the moon. One of them was a tall male behind the…
nonpareil A Random Day (작가) 2016-01-22
Her metamorphosis took place at the dinner table. She abruptly crumpled up, compressing herself into a fat, rounded form before a light red layer of veins covered her, themselves being covered by a…
too-insane-to-fail TobiasTheTapir (작가) 2016-01-23
The members of the Black Rabbit Company were spending their well-earned rest time in a temporary hideout deep in the mountains. They were sorting the bounty they got from raiding a nearby crime…
베나레스에서 온 편지 psul (작가) 2016-01-24
이하의 편지는 개인이 소장하던 기록 중에서 회수하였으며, SCP-2833 관련 추가 자료로서 보관하는 중이다. 베나레스, 1901년 5월 12일 우리 사촌 에밀리(Emily)에게…
무쇠 늑대 SunnyClockwork (작가) 2016-01-28
무쇠 늑대가 어둠 속에 울부짖나니, 그 이빨은 창백하고 날카롭더라. 육의 무리를 감시하며, 발톱으로 고깃덩이 양떼들을 잡으니. 육과 피를 삼키고, 뼈와 내장을 찢는구나. 좁은 길을 따라 그들을 끌어가…
환상적인 마술의 문인데 잠긴 문에 찾아가서 환영받는 내용 Bryx (작가) 2016-01-31
Well, class, I hope you're enjoying our little field trip. Sorry about the tight squeeze. At least the place is abandoned. If you all behave, maybe we can stop at Dunkin Donuts on the way back to…
for-old-time-s-sake Bennings (작가) 2016-01-31
“Bloody hell, did Bennett have to pick such a cold place?” Abby said, rubbing her hands together for warmth. Larry placed a large crate in the snow in front of them. “It’s Finland, what’d you…

2016년 2월

제목 작가 생성일
colors Cyantreuse does not match any existing user name (작가) 2016-02-01
This world is composed of color and light, and I have seen every hue. Only a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible, but that does not mean that the rest of it is nonexistent….
on-the-efficiency-of-various-postal-services Eta Carinae (작가) 2016-02-01
Letter I (addressed via UK Post Office to the original recipient of SCP-2699-A, retrieved from Norfolk police station during a routine check, about two weeks after initial containment of SCP-2699 by…
remembrance-of-walking Drewbear (작가) 2016-02-02
He no longer remembered when he had not been walking. He remembered that there were other colors once, but all he knew now was the gray-white of the bleached wood he trod, the gray-green-blue of the…
on-seabirds-and-sleep Randomini (작가) 2016-02-03
We keep the exhibition space open for anyone who wants to use it. We never take anything down: the only person allowed to remove a piece is the one who put it there. Many pieces stay up forever….
Hello World LurkD (작가) 2016-02-10
« 제I부 | 제II부 | 제III부 | 제IV부 » 뉴 욕, 타임스퀘어. 다양한 전자상가에서 22명의 사람들이 정오의 혼잡하던 시간대에 사망했다고 발표됐다. 사인은…
narcissus Oboebandgeek99 (작가) 2016-02-11
An Echo haunted flower grows more curious by the hour.                                                                                                                             Twice as lucky…
Hello World (2부) LurkD (작가) 2016-02-12
« Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV » A trip through a fiber optic line is near instantaneous. Before one would even be aware of what happened, they would be sucked up, scrambled, and…
아바타라 A Random Day (작가) 2016-02-15
The best way to conquer one's enemies is to befriend them. "We sent twelve operatives into that farmhouse and never heard from them again. The robots we sent in shut down before getting through…
a-convincing-lyre psul (작가) 2016-02-16
« Bigger Than Jesus | Hub | An Impenitent Thief » The concert hall was silent, expectant. Emma looked out, dazzled by the stage lights. If there was an audience out there, it was shrouded in the…
date-night Hercules Rockefeller (작가) 2016-02-19
Alvarez knocked on the open door and stepped into the office. “You asked for me, sir?” Dr. Gears looked up from the files on his desk, fixing his gaze on the young security guard. “Yes, I’ve been…
wayfarers Jacob Conwell (작가) 2016-02-22
T-0 Hours Within the interior of SCP-2344 was a section unlike any other. Rather than a pitch black tunnel of packed dirt, the Gate Passage was fully lit by an unseen source. Thick ivy covered…
an-impenitent-thief psul (작가) 2016-02-22
« A Convincing Lyre | Hub | Our Mutual Guide » "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee Lousy…"‎ I hate that song so fuckin' much I could almost die. In fact, I just almost did.‎ I freeze, one foot in the…
hello-world-part-iii LurkD (작가) 2016-02-23
« Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV » Two pairs of pitch black hands feverishly scrolled from screen to screen. In the soft blue light of the Grand I/O Temple, a row of yellow eyes twitched…
whatislove AdminBright (작가) 2016-02-24
“EVELYN!” Her head jerked up, the tentacle in her hands twitched of its own accord, and an inky substance squirted across the nearby wall, where it immediately burned a hole in the wood paneling….
M13 인원 수집품 기록 Zyn (작가) 2016-02-24
개인 인원 기타 수집품 및 기록 일람 접속 중 편집자 마누 13 (인공지능 시스템, 기동특무부대 로-19) 데이터베이스 항목을 로딩합니다… 목록 점검 3 (임무경과시간: 12일…
come-back-kid Doctor Cimmerian (작가) 2016-02-25
Loading grape_space.x3d ::RENDERING:: What are you doing here? I'm here to talk. You came all the way over to lord your superiority over me? No. I came because…
목조를열매의 잃어버린 보물 daveyoufool (작가) 2016-02-26
Much to his chagrin, Dr. Spanko hadn't been given a single gummy worm since the Ganymede Protocol was enacted. There had been a great deal of screaming among the humans. He had overheard the Lesser…
some-rational-inheritance Randomini (작가) 2016-02-27
The A-78xD United Eidolonic Collective were a reasonable lot. Or one. They/it/we didn't really understand human languages. Always hung up on "nouns" and "adjectives" and "tenses" and whatnot. A-78xD…
행성 진출 Kalinin (작가) 2016-02-28
Excerpt, Memoirs of K. Yildirim, Mission Commander, Expedition of the First Thousand I think back to what happened, how it changed the way in which we view the ultimate result of the expedition….
ofanendlesshunt-partone-alltheworldwillbeyourenemy rumetzen (작가) 2016-02-28
Though the sign above the cell door said “4521”, in casual conversation the guards and scientists called it The Witness, the woman inside had never stopped thinking of herself as Amy. She didn’t…
rho9-support-assignment AJMansfield (작가) 2016-02-29
From: Frank <pcs.9ohr|knarf#pcs.9ohr|knarf> To: Kendal Shipley <pcs.9ohr|yelpihsk#pcs.9ohr|yelpihsk> Subject: technical support assignment Message: Its time you actually do some work around here….

2016년 3월

제목 작가 생성일
warm-milk-and-ramen Moohab (작가) 2016-03-01
Ring, ring There sat a man in a dark room, illuminated only by the dim light of his computer screen. He shifted in his chair, ripping the blanket from his body as pillows fell from where his head…
hello-world-part-iv LurkD (작가) 2016-03-01
« Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV » Hatbot clenched his fists in frustration as he turned towards Grape. Each eye was struggling to focus correctly on his head. where is the fuckface? …
black-lotus Crayne (작가)
faminepulse (작가)
SoullessSingularity (작가)
Millions of humans exist only in their dreams. They are known as the Oneiroi, and live in the subconscious of other waking individuals. They float freely from person to person, forming…
oneirocritic faminepulse (작가)
The exhibit was located in a small town in west Texas. On display there was a man, who supposedly had been asleep for his entire life. His name was Jeremy, and he was inside a lot of people. “This…
oneirochemy faminepulse (작가)
“Misses Shao, There’s a fate better than death.” The man adjusted his thick, rimless bifocals. His toothy grin seemed to put her at ease, despite the bizarre circumstance of their meeting. “This…
oneirophrenia faminepulse (작가)
“We. Us, the rest of us. We stepped outside, into the night dream. Probably a bad idea in retrospect, but you understand. We didn’t understand, but you said it was like the moon landing, and we did…
we-boldly-went Jacob Conwell (작가) 2016-03-05
Standing in the heart of an evergreen forest were two men, each wearing the tattered remains of an MTF uniform. Faded and spattered with dirt and grime, the Eta-13 emblem was still visible on their…
윤회 A Random Day (작가)
TyGently (작가)
« The Lord of Endowments | Samsara » …
ofanendlesshunt-parttwo-rites-of-passage rumetzen (작가) 2016-03-07
For the first time in five years, Amy slept peacefully. No nightmares. No panic attacks in the middle of the night. She woke with no aching in her joints, no cramped muscles. She opened her eyes. A…
broker-bailer-grifter-thief DrStranger (작가) 2016-03-07
Broker, Bailer, Grifter, Dealer. Soldier, Holder, Carrier, THIEF. FoldUnfold Table of Contents Broker Bailer Grifter Soldier Holder Thief Broker The Agent sipped her coffee as the…
기동특무부대 시그마-66 작전 후 심리평가 Silberescher (작가) 2016-03-07
Via Davis (Current Foundation Personnel) Davis: I can't believe you're making me sit in for one of these. Dr. Arthur Howell: The supervisor is still a member of the team, Ms. Davis. Davis: Missus….
nope-not-typing-all-that Gaffsey (작가)
Alright, everyone let's - everyone? Alright, let's sit down. Today, I want to welcome you all to the first meeting of Mobile Task Force Sigma-3. Well, the new Sigma-3. We don't have a nickname yet,…
lessons-learned Dexanote (작가) 2016-03-07
On a day a few decades ago, a group of mundane mortals mistakenly thought that they could categorize the concept of knowledge. That they could contain the nexus of worlds, that the Foundation could…
after-action-report-cover-letter Boogey_Man23 (작가) 2016-03-07
While you will find collected in the official file all the pertinent reports from my Force's operatives in the field, I feel obliged to append my own review and rationalization for the actions that were taken and their results.
application-to-form-mtf-mu3-cover-letter Boogey_Man23 (작가) 2016-03-07
Dunn shuffled his papers while rushing to Conference Room C. The trembling in his hands was easy to stifle; it was his stutter he needed to worry about. Calm down, Roger. It's not like you're undercover anymore… This is supposed to be easier…
a-dysfunctional-heist Vincent_Redgrave (작가) 2016-03-07
I SEE YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO TRANSFER FILES. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME HELP WITH THAT? [Y] [N] Isaac grunted in frustration as he analyzed the computer, hoping that the current owners were dumb enough…
nothing-says-promotion-like-a-bag-over-your-head TwistedGears (작가) 2016-03-07
+ Open for other entries from this team - Close Team Name: We Deny The Existence of Other Games In Town (Sigma-3, "Bibliographers") Team Members: Gaffsey (Captain), thedeadlymoose,…
making-a-scene TwistedGears (작가) 2016-03-07
+ Open for other entries from this team - Close Team Name: We Deny The Existence of Other Games In Town (Sigma-3, "Bibliographers") Team Members: Gaffsey (Captain), thedeadlymoose,…
a-breath-of-relief-no-different-from-drowning SoullessSingularity (작가) 2016-03-07
Sci-Fi Apple Pie waited in the crowded mass between dreams like a busy street corner of a too-large city, playing with her holographic hair. Buildings of non-euclidean design towered above, each…
직장에 뼈를 묻다 EldritchCadence (작가) 2016-03-07
In the main briefing room of Sigma-66- also the recreation room, kitchen, and gymnasium- there were two couches taken, one chair, and one footstool. Another chair, covered in bloodstains, was…
enjoy-the-silence CumaeanSibyl (작가) 2016-03-07
I like it here. I always liked the little pockets of forest left over between cities, the places where it wasn't worth anyone's time to level the ground or log the trees. It's not exactly the…
broken-faith ChaoSera (작가) 2016-03-07
Today's the day. I will be drinking the blood of god and the Modifiers will bring me closer to MEKHANE. I don't know what will happen, but I'll make sure to tell you. After all, you know everything…
operation-hippodrome Lex1nat0r (작가) 2016-03-07
Report on Operation Hippodrome Stigma-9 Preamble: Given SCP-████'s combination of both religious and technological iconography, and given GOI-004's ("The Church of the Broken God") status as an…
recording-hippodrome-045 Lex1nat0r (작가) 2016-03-07
"Uh, hi. If you're watching this, then I guess you, or maybe that should be 'we', survived. And yes, I really am you. Look, this is my… your… our face. No makeup or anything, this isn't a mask. Uh,…
미궁의 끝 Kalinin (작가) 2016-03-07
He disengages his straps and punches in a sequence into the armside interface tablet. He sees his hands bathed in red, flashing light as several alarm systems trigger, warning him of his imminent…
the-musical-suspects psul (작가) 2016-03-07
« Pattern Breaker | Hub | Counterpoint » Mobile Task Force Eta-11 "Savage Beasts" Operation Impromptu - Background briefing Operation Impromptu was one of a series of Foundation operations…
마법 오리엔테이션 thedeadlymoose (작가) 2016-03-07
Introduction Sigma-3 The Community The Library Magic Q&A "Hello. Thank you all for coming. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Dr. Tilda David Moose. I am the director of Site-19….
north-waterworks Zmax15 (작가) 2016-03-07
Task Force Designation: MTF Lambda-5 (Λ-5) Type: Combat/Containment Distribution: Specialized Response Moniker: "White Rabbits" Specialization: Operation in and containment of unstable, surreal,…
기본적 관찰들 SunnyClockwork (작가) 2016-03-13
한 의식이 스스로를 의식했다. 그 의식은 자신의 존재를 의식했고, 전자 신호, 자료, 정보가 그 존재를 통해 쏟아져 들어오는 것을 느꼈다. 아래를 굽어보니, 동적이고 살아 있는 정신들의 네트워크가 모두 이 위대한 기계에 연결되어 있었다…
ofanendlesshunt-partthree-riddlesfromthedark rumetzen (작가) 2016-03-14
“Man, if I’d known you were so useful for petty larceny, I would have started years ago.” Years ago you believed I was a schizophrenic delusion. “Whatever, Nancy Nitpicker.” Amy pressed her hand to…
old-kansas-sector-part-10 faminepulse (작가)
The Last Era: 13, August, 2119 AD Envelope Logistics®, Gersha, Oneiroi Space The Oneiroi fought hard to survive, like many did in the Age of Rot. The Oneiroi were still very much human, even if…
ofanendlesshunt-partfour-livingthroughshatteredglass rumetzen (작가) 2016-03-22
“So, everything you told me was bullshit.” Rupinder tilted his head. “Was it?” “All that talk about letting me leave if I wanted? Yeah, looks like it.” Something about him made her shudder, though…
at-the-library Wils (작가) 2016-03-25
Note: This is part one in a multi-part story based around the events leading up to the containment of SCP-2982 Harold Maine sat at the desk and leafed through the medical dictionary. "Did you even…
may-13th Ian is Me (작가) 2016-03-25
Personal audio log for Agent Jason Finch, May 13th. It is… 13:02 where I am right now. Currently on route to a reported anomalous incident in the town of Pete’s Point, Washington. I have gone over…
razumite-games Jacob Conwell (작가) 2016-03-28
A xenobiologist and a botanist sat beneath the shade of a tree in the forest outside Site-93. The latter rested her head on the former’s shoulder and softly hummed. After several moments, she…
ofanendlesshunt-partfive-theprisoner rumetzen (작가) 2016-03-29
Borrowed books covered the floor of the room. They lay open around Amy, and her focus darted from volume to volume. Processing the information glut was like trying to isolate melodies from twelve…
my-beloved-gecko Decibelles (작가) 2016-03-31
☦Dr. Gears takes his gecko out for a walk. Written for the Crackfiction contest.☦

2016년 4월

제목 작가 생성일
the-minions-day-at-the-scp Randomini (작가) 2016-04-01
그냥 실험복 속 고양이는 아님 MonkeyClone (작가) 2016-04-01
기어스는 완전 로봇이 아니라고 얘들아 Dr Solo (작가) 2016-04-01
다음은 O5의 (성인향?) 이야기다 “아니 내가 말했잖아, 씨발 절대로 빌어먹을 로봇을 고위 경연진으로 둘 순 없다고.” “하지만 그 개새끼는 완전히 받아들였잖아?” “그건 달라! 그…
변칙적 콜레라 시대의 욕망 WrongJohnSilver (작가) 2016-04-01
"안녕? 조그맣고 연약한 인간들, 뭐가 문제지? 오, 모두들 별것도 아닌 걸로 아파서 몸을 웅크리고 있다고? 장을 비우는 동안은 격리실들을 감시할 수 없어? 하하하! 오, 몬테수마가…
breach-my-containment-baby Cyantreuse does not match any existing user name (작가) 2016-04-01
pretty-magic-gaiden-mecha-tokyo-mon-demon-ninja-sailor-clef rumetzen (작가) 2016-04-01
EXT. PUFFER KITTENS GENTLEMEN’S CLUB - DAY The exterior of the building EXPLODES as CLEF-SAN is tossed through the window like a weekly shonen jump tossed through a shoji. He hits the ground bounces…
dr-bridge-over-troubled-water Kestin (작가) 2016-04-01
Nota Bene: This was writted for an April Foll's Day contest, and misspellings were part of the jugging criteria. Dr. Bridge was board at his desk. He was known all over the Fondation for his epic…
my-loever-the-dog Zmax15 (작가) 2016-04-01
My Lover, the Dog - Part one I’d always heard about Kain Pathos Crow, but I’d neve understood what he really was. He was a dog, but like that, so much a man. We were alone, I his new lab asisstant,…
sophia-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel Steeltitan (작가) 2016-04-01
Senior researcher Mars sucked in one last desperate, gasping death as she began to die. The hole in her chested burned. She could feel herself, floating upwards, lighter and lighter, as though she…
경연 참가작은 아니지만, 어쨌든 신들에 대한 약빤 소설 SunnyClockwork (작가) 2016-04-01
썩은 고기에 파리가 이끌리듯 신들은 대심연에 모여 서로를 쫓고 우주의 상처를 핥았다. 그리고 파티도 열었다. "난 도무지 이해할 수가 없어!"…
교미의 살점 DrClef (작가) 2016-04-01
안녕 친구들, 다들 알다시피, 이 소설은, 뭐랄까, 읽을 땐 후방을 조심해야 하고 아마 측방도 조심해야 할 테니 이 소설을 읽어서는 안 돼. 고마워. + show block – hide block 내 사랑은…
alto-clef-jr-fins-of-the-father DolphinSlugchugger (작가) 2016-04-01
Death, some say, is an inevitability. The entire cosmos attempts to kill us; Meteors endeavor to crash into us, anomalies vie to redact us, the sun sends solar waves towards our humble planet,…
the-spider-and-the-flower-natasha-romanoff-pepper-potts-scp Dewman (작가) 2016-04-01
CONTENT WARNING: This tale contains explicit descriptions of highly sexual content. If you are not of legal age to be exposed to such material, I am obligated by law and a general sense of moral…
scruff-claws-paws Perelka_L (작가) 2016-04-01
Where seconds ago was a stern and tall and generally rather intimidating Doctor Gears was now a tiny, fluffy kitten. Well. A cat. A very old and thin cat. The tape that Gears was passing to you fell…
ried-chicken-lime-jello-the-dr-bjornsen-story Dmatix (작가) 2016-04-01
Listen. First thing first, I have absolutely no idea who Dr. Bjornsen is. I might, it is possible he's the guy I just clocked in the face with a sock with a brick innit, but evidence regarding this…
something-s-a-bit-fishy-about-all-this Davsto (작가) 2016-04-01
(a/n - this fanfic is set in a parallel universe where everyone in the devil may cry universe is a different type of fish! i like fishies, so it's just what i'd like! virgil is a really really hot…
orgy-5-counsel-9 TyGently (작가) 2016-04-01
"Tymantha Gones." Tymantha Gones sat in a flimsy plastic chair. She was surrounded by eleven people sitting by ornate podiums, surrounding her in a semicircle, and looking down at her with cruel…
duck-rule Eta Carinae (작가) 2016-04-01
Once upon a time there was a Duckman Drakeman, who was legally but not religiously (very, very few members of the waterfowl family Anatidae are actually religiously inclined. Many of them eat fish,…
its-not-pronounced-like-the-thesaurus-dammit Kestin (작가) 2016-04-01
Dr. Roget was angry. He was furious. One might say he was enraged, or even wrathful. Why? Because the world was a terrible place, full of war, poverty, bigotry, abuse, greed, selfishness, people who…
why-this-tho ahbonjour (작가) 2016-04-01
Disclaimer: these characters aren’t mine! This is a total work of fiction! I promise, I didn’t secretly sneak into the SCP world and record what they were doing…rofl!!! Gears: Yes you did! A/n: Who…
agent-imants-plumbing-pool-repair-and-pizza-delivery-service Eekium (작가) 2016-04-01
zyn-kaiju-butterfly-ninja-master Taffeta (작가) 2016-04-01
SCP-682 barreled down the hallway, its tail swinging to and fro like a Newton's cradle of thunderous destruction. Its roar turned the hallways into tremulous noise-affected goop as the staff of…