by Dr Whitney does not match any existing user name
여기를 클릭해서 참여팀 및 투고작 목록으로 바로가기!
그렇게 2022년 부서 경연은 조용히 성황리에 마무리되었습니다. 근 2개월 동안 이어진 이번 경연에는 42개 팀에서 165개 작품을 투고했고, 그 중에 23개 팀의 124개 작품이 끝까지 살아남았습니다. 어느 모로 봐도 놀라운 성적이죠. 종전 역대 최대 규모 경연 (2020년 즉흥경연) 보다도 20작품 이상 차이가 납니다. 참여해 주신 모든 분께, 자격을 충족하셨든 투고만 하셨든, 투고는 아니지만 멋진 작품들을 읽으셨든 (정말 진심으로, 투고작을 다 읽은 입장에서 말씀드리는데요, 진짜 멋졌어요) 모두 감사드립니다. 제가 경연을 진행하기는 이번이 처음인데, 여러분과 이번 기회로 만들어주신 미치구리한 부서들 덕분에 잊지 못할 것 같습니다.
감상은 이걸로 줄이고, 순위를 발표할까요?
🥇 우승팀 🥇
팀명: 마지는 설정상 방귀를 못 뀌어Marge is canonically incapable of farting
부서 이름: 진화부(Fire Suppression Department)
팀원: Uncle Nicolini, UraniumEmpire, T Rutherford
- SCP-6630: Fire on the Horizon by T Rutherford
- Life Insurance Policy by Uncle Nicolini
- SCP-6355: A Choking Grip upon the Neck of Propriety by UraniumEmpire and T Rutherford
- Turn the lights off when you leave. by UraniumEmpire
🥈 2등팀 🥈
팀명: 한번만 전화 부탁드리겠습니다Your Call Is Very Important To Us
부서 이름: 통신모니터링실(Telecommunications Monitoring Office)
팀원: Meserach (cpt)Agente Shuffle BattleblockB0ss
전화를 기다리다
Picture This
For Your Eyes Only
SCP-5783 - Accidents Never Happen
Call Me
🥉 3등팀 🥉
팀명: 루이즈 뒤샹 기념경연팀 기념경연팀Ruiz Duchamp Memorial Contest Team Memorial Contest Team
부서 이름: 성간격리부(Department of Interstellar Containment)
팀원: TyGently ᶜᵖᵗ, ch00bakka, GreenWolf
- The Damocles Initiative (허브)
- Stairway To The Stars by ch00bakka
- Harvester of Eyes by TyGently
- Workshop of the Telescopes by GreenWolf and TyGently
- SCP-6523 — The Machine (ISV Joyeuse) by GreenWolf
- Fire of Unknown Origin by ch00bakka, GreenWolf and TyGently
- Burnin' For You by ch00bakka, GreenWolf and TyGently
- Secure Planet Dossier: Site Anvil by GreenWolf and TyGently
순위 | 부서 이름1 | 투고작 수 | 득표 (최고 5작) |
1 | 진화부 | 4 | 636 |
2 | 통신모니터링실 | 9 | 504 |
3 | 성간격리부 | 7 | 439 |
4 | 다른것부 | 6 | 415 |
5 | 기록학부 | 5 | 413 |
6 | 인수청산팀 | 7 | 336 |
7 | 비현실학부 | 4 | 330 |
8 | 초현실학부 | 4 | 192 |
9 | 청춘학부 악몽과 | 4 | 179 |
10 | 재통합위원회 | 9 | 154 |
11 | 외우주무부 | 5 | 142 |
12 | 병참부 | 4 | 142 |
13 | 변칙독립체참여과 | 7 | 138 |
14 | 변칙무기개발부 | 7 | 136 |
15 | 성간변칙반 | 4 | 136 |
16 | 물류운송부 | 5 | 122 |
17 | 응용기적학부 | 6 | 92 |
18 | 비정형설득학부 | 4 | 86 |
19 | 에듀스킵과 | 4 | 74 |
20 | 고급외교부 | 5 | 70 |
21 | 예지학부 | 5 | 56 |
22 | 해명연구부 | 4 | 48 |
23 | 구강위생학부 | 5 | 28 |
자격 만족한 팀 (무순)
특별 면책 해당 팀은 노란색입니다
팀명: 팀포3Team Fortress 3
부서 이름: 기록학부(Archival Department)
팀원: A Random Day (팀장), The Great Hippo, Taffeta
- You Can Say Hi
- The Slow Bullet
- Visions of Bodies Being Burned
- Zatoichi
- SCP-6190 — Through an Arbor, Darkly
팀명: 그때 그 건방진 녀석Whippersnappers
부서 이름: 청춘학부 악몽과(Department of Youth — Night Terror Division)
팀원: Pedagonᶜᵖᵗ, Luxaiko, LORDXVNV
팀명: 신의 얼굴을 봤는데 놀라지 마, 리볼버 총이더래니깐I Saw God's Face. And You Won't Believe Me, Because It Was A Revolver Barrel.
부서 이름: 응용기적학부(Department of Applied Thaumatology)
팀원: Machen2, DrGooday, Roundaboutscpt
팀명: 인지행동요법 (CBT)Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
부서 이름: 비정형설득학부(Department of Atypical Persuasion)
팀원: 팀장 Fish^12, NebulousStar, and Felixou
- Ninth Circle by Felixou and Fish^12
- To My Past Self by NebulousStar
- SCP-6136, or two dudes chilling in an interrogation room, five feet apart cause theyre not happy by Fish^12
- Torture? I haven't even met her! by Fish^12
팀명: 태양중심설Heliocentrism
부서 이름: 성간변칙반 (Interstellar Anomalies Unit, IAU)
팀원: FluffyDog00(captain), Nyelo, CrystalMonarch
팀명: 평화를 준비할 전쟁 개시Wage War to Broker Peace
부서 이름: 고급외교부(Department of Advanced Diplomacy)
팀원: Zizeri (cpt), LightlessLantern, NDHeckfire
- Your personal invitation to the Department of Advanced Diplomacy by Zizeri
- SCP-6571 — RIGHTFULLY STOLEN by NDHeckfire
- SCP-6795 — Project Umbra by LightlessLantern
- SCP-6678 — Mineral Extraction by LightlessLantern
- Buried Corpses by Zizeri
팀명: 제노파니아Xenophania
부서 이름: 외우주무부Department of Extraversal Affairs
팀원: Malvarik1 (Cpt), Azmoeth Jikandia, Aftokrator
- SCP-6108: Schlemo's Wholesale — by Malvarik1
- Dying in an Ocean of Money was Worth It: by Azmoeth Jikandia
- SCP-6146: Sic Semper Cartago by Aftokrator
- Extraversal Affairs and Me — by Malvarik1
- SCP-5614: The Questing Stone by Aftokrator
팀명: 못난 놈들은 서로 얼굴만 봐도 버겁다The Wiggles Hate Each Other in Real Life
부서 이름: 비현실부(Department of Unreality)
팀원: Deadly Bread ᶜᵖᵗ, Elunerazim, Fishish
- 오후 (비현실부 오리엔테이션) by Fishish
- 당신의 상상 속 친구 by Fishish and Deadly Bread
- 무언가 빛나는 것 by Deadly Bread
- SCP-6208 - 그녀의 이름은 기억상실증 by Elunerazim and Fishish
팀명: 딱총퓽퓽Gun Go Pew Pew
부서 이름: 변칙무기개발부(Department of Anomalous Weapons Development)
팀원: TopDownUnder ᶜᵖᵗ, Cole 13, Maxyfran73
- War Machine by TopDownUnder and Maxyfran73
- An Orientation to the Department of Anomalous Weapons Development by Maxyfran73
- SCP-6821 - Mujeres con Cabezas de Caballo by TopDownUnder
- SCP-6410 - The Right Tool Kami by Maxyfran73
- SCP-6946 - Corregidor by Maxyfran73
- SCP-6114 - Returning to Our Roots by Cole 13
- The Crow Gets the Last Laugh by Maxyfran73
팀명: 루이즈 뒤샹 기념경연팀 기념경연팀Ruiz Duchamp Memorial Contest Team Memorial Contest Team
부서 이름: 성간격리부(Department of Interstellar Containment)
팀원: TyGently ᶜᵖᵗ, ch00bakka, GreenWolf
- The Damocles Initiative (Hub)
- Stairway To The Stars by ch00bakka
- Harvester of Eyes by TyGently
- Workshop of the Telescopes by GreenWolf and TyGently
- SCP-6523 — The Machine (ISV Joyeuse) by GreenWolf
- Fire of Unknown Origin by ch00bakka, GreenWolf and TyGently
- Burnin' For You by ch00bakka, GreenWolf and TyGently
- Secure Planet Dossier: Site Anvil by GreenWolf and TyGently
팀명: 마지는 설정상 방귀를 못 뀌어Marge is canonically incapable of farting
부서 이름: 방화부(Fire Suppression Department)
팀원: Uncle Nicolini, UraniumEmpire, T Rutherford
- SCP-6630: Fire on the Horizon by T Rutherford
- Life Insurance Policy by Uncle Nicolini
- SCP-6355: A Choking Grip upon the Neck of Propriety by UraniumEmpire and T Rutherford
- Turn the lights off when you leave. by UraniumEmpire
팀명: 후견지명 20/20, 선견지명 2022Hindsight is 20/20, Foresight is 2022
부서 이름: 예지학부(The Department of Prescience)
팀원: Doctor Fullhamᶜᵖᵗ, fairydoctor, SketchyTh0ughts
A Stitch in Time Saved Mine by Doctor Fullham
Self-Fulfilling Pity Party by fairydoctor
SCP-5746 by fairydoctor
SCP-6485 by SketchyTh0ughts
Secure Facility Dossier Site-∞ by fairydoctor
팀명: 다섯째 옷Fifth Suit
부서 이름: 다른것부(The Department of Other)
팀원: Rimpleᶜᵖᵗ, OthellotheCat, daveyoufool
- And You Are? by Rimple
- SCP-5784: This Should Be A -J by OthellotheCat
- Just Misunderstood by daveyoufool
- SCP-6774: paperclip. by Rimple
- SCP-8==D-J: Monster Containment for My Monumental Dong by OthellotheCat
- SCP-477-J: This Should Be A Mainlist by OthellotheCat and Rimple
팀명: 팀으로서 기대된다Can't Wait to See It As a Team
부서 이름: 인수청산팀(Acquisitions and Liquidation)
팀원: Grigori Karpin ᶜᵖᵗ, ihp, HarryBlank
- Just Another Shop That Wasn't There by ihp
- SCP-6237: Oh, You Lucrative Devil by Grigori Karpin
- Sunshine and Lucre by HarryBlank
- SCP-6117: A Florida Woman by ihp
- SCP-6530: Plus Shipping and Handling by Grigori Karpin and ihp
- SCP-6261: Magequest: Prison of Circe by ihp
- SCP-6318: The Fungible Fungus by ihp
경연 미참여작:
- Secure Facility Dossier: Site-106 - 우리 허브, by ihp, HarryBlank and Grigori Karpin
팀명: 봉급 부족 카페인 부족Underpaid & Undercaffeinated
부서 이름: 물류운송부(Logistics and Transportation Department)
팀원: MarcusLCrassus (CPT), Donnerino, Trotskyeet
팀명: 그럼은요! 저희도 감정이란 게 있지!Why yes! We do have feelings!
부서 이름: 변칙독립체참여과(Anomalous Entity Engagement Division)
팀원: winkwonkboicpt, GreenGolem, Deadcanons
허브: Secure Facility Dossier: Site-169 — written by Deadcanons
- Anomalous Entity Engagement Division Orientation — written by winkwonkboi
- SUN TALK? — written by Deadcanons
- SCP-6714: For Duck's Sake! — written by winkwonkboi
- SCP-6925: Jailbreak — written by GreenGolem
- Routine Tragedies — written by GreenGolem
- SCP-6245: Sweet Tooth Sammy — written by winkwonkboi
팀명: 한번만 전화 부탁드리겠습니다Your Call Is Very Important To Us
부서 이름: 통신모니터링실(Telecommunications Monitoring Office)
팀원: Meserach (cpt)Agente Shuffle BattleblockB0ss
전화를 기다리다
Picture This
For Your Eyes Only
SCP-5783 - Accidents Never Happen
Call Me
팀명: 마법해명회Explaining The Magic
부서 이름: 해명연구부(Explanation and Research Department)
팀원: Ethagon,cptn Einer von Rabe, DoctorHope does not match any existing user name
- SCP-6192 - Mirrors Out-Of-Use by Ethagon
- SCP-6192-1-EX - Mirror Inspection by Ethagon and Einer von Rabe
- Mirror in your Mind by Einer von Rabe
- To Whom It May Concern by DoctorHope does not match any existing user name
팀명: 케테르 하나도 빠짐없이No Keter Left Behind
부서 이름: 재통합위원회(Reintegration Committee)
팀원: Rhys TannerCPT, A Fungus, Monsoon Season
- Welcome to the Last Frontier by Rhys Tanner and A Fungus
- Reintegration Aptitude Test for the College Level, 2022 Edition by A Fungus
- To the Office of Dr. Tau, Paratherapist by A Fungus and Monsoon Season
- A Date Which Will Live In Infamy by A Fungus
- SCP-6738: so smoothly d o th he cr est. a wi nd g o d ! by A Fungus
- SCP-6737: Come Fly With Me by A Fungus
- SCP-6736: Enter the Salamancers by Rhys Tanner and A Fungus
- SCP-5578: A Terrible Thing To Waste by Monsoon Season
- SCP-1974-J: I, Nixon by A Fungus
팀명: 어금니 파워Molar Power
부서 이름: 구강위생학부(Department of Oral Hygiene)
팀원: DrDromeus ᶜᵖᵗ, Spider_Jaws, ApocalypticPotato
First Day at the Department of Oral Hygiene by DrDromeus
A Typical Visit to the Dentist by Spider_Jaws
Secure Facility Dossier Site-17A by Spider_Jaws
The Value of Proper Dental Care by Spider_Jaws
SCP-6798: Dental Implant by ApocalypticPotato
팀명: 쎄시네빠 엉 피프Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe
부서 이름: 초현실학부(Department of Surrealistics)
팀원: CompleteIndie, MontagueETCᶜᵖᵗ, UncannyClown276
Department of Surrealistics Orientation by UncannyClown276
SCP-⌘ — 전율하는 왕국 아래에 by MontagueETC
SCP-5763 — I dreamt I was a butterfly. by CompleteIndie
SCP-6454 — The Painting That Ate Paris, Texas by MontagueETC
와우, 투고작 정말 넘쳐나네요! 총 23개 팀에서 165개 작품이 나왔습니다. 하지만 자격을 만족하지 못했더라도 투고에는 성공한 팀이 엄연히 남아 있죠. 그렇다고 이게 퀄리티에서 차이를 접고 들어가야 한다는 뜻일 수는 없습니다. 그러면 이분들이 투고한 작품을 살펴볼까요?
자격 미충족 팀 (투고작 1개 이상)
팀명: 트레블 가즈아, 우리 베이스 납신다Let's Make Some Treble, Here's Our Bass
부서 이름: 뮤지컬학부(Department of Musicals)
팀원: KaraKatt, Oboebandgeek99, GerrymanderBassist
팀명: 이 프로그램 우리 끼어듭니다We Interrupt This Program
부서 이름: 변칙방송부(Department of Anomalous Broadcasting)
팀원: Nykacolaquantum does not match any existing user name, Lt Flops, Moximillion
- And Now, Our Feature Presentation... by Nykacolaquantum does not match any existing user name
팀명: 미션: 임파서블Mission: Impossible
부서 이름: 전문 변칙개체 회수 및 비밀 작전 그룹 (Specialized Anomaly Recovery, Covert Operations Group : SAR/COG)
팀원: JackalRelated ᶜᵖᵗ │ notgull │ LiterallyMechanical
- SCP-6904 by Agent notgull
- Dead Reckoning by Agent notgull
- Wind in the Sails by Agent notgull
- SCP-6973 by Field Operative Dysadron
팀명: 불면증Insomnia
부서 이름: 신비동물학부(Department of Cryptozoology)
팀원: EthanHanson (팀장), Luis Gm, oniricshogunsoldier
팀명: 포가토리Poggertory
부서 이름: 연옥공간학부(Department of Purgatorial Spaces)
팀원: Jack Waltz, basirskipreader, CephalopodStevensoncpt
팀명: 팀 스피릿Team Spirit
부서 이름: 고인학부(Departed Department)
팀원: Lamentte (cpt), GremlinGroup, Its a Bad Idea
- SCP-6368: Dead-End Job by GremlinGroup
- Life And Limb by Its a Bad Idea
팀명: 어여쁜 녀석들The Fair Folk
부서 이름: 신화민담학부(Department of Mythology and Folklore)
팀원: Tanhony (cpt), Dr Leonerd, stoner99
팀명: 다중성The Multiplicity
부서 이름: 일자학부(Department of One)
팀원: Modulum (cpt), pr0m37h3um, stormbreath
- SCP-6511: OBLIVION ACCESS — by Modulum and pr0m37h3um
부서 이름: 존재운동역학부(Department of Ontokinetics)
팀원: Ralliston (captain), JakdragonX, Limeyy
- SCP-6172: Escapism — by Ralliston
- Stranded Lullaby — by Ralliston
팀명: 개같이 정신나간 놈이 지껄이는 내역서Statements Dreamed Up by the Utterly Deranged
부서 이름: 회계부(Accounting Department)
팀원: Cassandra_Prime does not match any existing user name ᶜᵖᵗ, Rhineriver, RosySaturniidae
팀명: 그리지 피지Greazey Peasy
부서 이름: 그리즈버거 조사팀(Greazeburger Investigation Team)
팀원: Kensing ᶜᵖᵗ, Mooagain , Quadraginta
팀명: 하루 사과 한 알씩An Apple A Day
부서 이름: 의료부(Medical Division)
팀원: R4_EXcaptain, Tstaffor, OriTiefling
- SCP-6619: Birthing Pains- By OriTiefling
- SCP-6621: Los Niños que Comieron Maíz Crudo- By OriTiefling
팀명: 클락블락ClockBlock
부서 이름: 예지력과(The Precognition Division)
팀원: Marcelles_raynes does not match any existing user name Capt. Calibold FlameShirt
팀명: 베가스 언더그라운드Vegas Underground
부서 이름: 레크리에이션부(Department of Recreation)
팀원: RuraScarlet (captain), Douglas-MA, Slyedog
팀명: 고스트리마트Ghostlimats
부서 이름: 영무부(Department of Spectral Affairs)
팀원: NotOrteil (엄마 나 팀장 먹었어)ambyshframber AHJack does not match any existing user name
영무부 환영책자 by: NotOrteil and ambyshframber
SCP-6403: An Undead Robot living Underneath Crete in Site-237's basement by: NotOrteil
팀명: 버그 시티Bug City
부서 이름: 곤충학부(Department of Entomology)
팀원: RadiantGold cptn, REDESERT, Stealth000
팀명: 대왕모둠Great Circle
부서 이름: 채용과(Recruitment Division)
팀원: bigslothonmyface (Captain), dxvi, Ecronak
팀명: 우우 꺅 유령이다 넘무 무서워Boo ah ghosts so spooky
부서 이름: 영체부(Department of Spectral Entities)
팀원: Voiiiii cap, AdrienRion, ClownSlayer
The Anatomy Of A Specter - by Voiiiii
The Personal Recordings of Doctor Wilcastle of the Department of Eidophysics - by ClownSlayer
Welcome to Ghost Theory - by Voiiiii
팀명: 苦力怕殺手크리퍼 슬레이어즈
부서 이름: 마인크래프트과(Minecraft Division)
팀원: tetsusquared팀장/연락책, RuRItech does not match any existing user name, Jiu_Huan
팀명: 파우스트의 뻘소리Faustian Jargon
부서 이름: 귀기공학부(Department of Demonics)
팀원: drblackbox does not match any existing user name, West246, RealSurrealSirᶜᵖᵗ
1. scp-6566 - Build-a-Boar Workshop!
2. 이야기: The Grimmest Grimoire and the Perilous Parrot
그리고 마지막으로 조용했던 팀들이 남아 있죠. 각자 사정이 있었겠지만 경연에 투고작을 내지 못한 채로 마감한 팀들입니다. 다음 기회를 노려보세요!
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