단편 이야기 저작자
- 압수 문서 941-B is based on "CONFISCATED DOCUMENT 941-B" by "Waxx"
- 기어스 박사의 개인 기록 is based on "Personal Log Of Dr Gears" by "Dr Gears"
- █████ "아이스버그" ████의 개인 기록 is based on "Personal Log of █████ "Iceberg" ████" by "Iceberg 7"
- 최악의 시나리오 is based on "Worst Case Scenario" by "GWBBQ"
- 휴일의 호소 is based on "A Holiday Appeal" by "eric_h"
- 아빠 is based on "Daddy" by "Jack Rankin"
- 기억 is based on "Memories" by "Iron_wofle"
- 메타픽션 is based on "Metafiction" by "Voct"
- SCP-239의 마법서 is based on "SCP-239's Spell Book" by "Dantenson".
- 할당량 is based on "Quota" by "Asthix"
- 회수 기록 SCP-███-█ is based on "Acquisition Log SCP-███-█" by "Adam Smascher"
- 무대 뒤에서 is based on "Behind the Scenes" by "Tanhony"
- 여우원숭이 is based on "Lemuridae" by "Tom Serveaux"
- deleted:personal-log-of-dr-m is based on "Personal Log Of Dr M██████" by "Noilen"
- 라이츠의 생일 파티 is based on "Rights' Birthday Party" by "teaflower"
- 완승 is based on "Clean Sweep" by "DrClef"
- 전통 is based on "Tradition" by "Djoric"
- 401호 is based on "Room 401" by "Djoric"
- 그 도전 받아들이지! is based on "Challenge Accepted!" by "doomsniffer"
- 달리기 is based on "Running" by "Enma Ai"
- 코그 박사와 플라스틱 판타스틱 is based on "DR. COG AND THE PLASTIC FANTASTIC" by "A Fat Ghost"
- 우드득 is based on "Crunch" by "The Raven"
- 묘비명 is based on "Epitaph" by "Dr Gears"
- 왕이 죽다 is based on "The King Is Dead" by "Dr Gears"
- 재단 버거 is based on "Foundation Burger" by "Gargus"
- 월급날 is based on "Payday" by "Iceberg 7"
- 삶은 차가워 is based on "Life's Cold" by "Iceberg 7"
- 아이스버그가 135를 얼음 위에 올리다 is based on "Iceberg puts 135 on ice" by "Iceberg 7"
- 사격 훈련 is based on "Target Practice" by "Kain Pathos Crow"
- 전사와 용 is based on "The Warrior And The Dragon" by "Kain Pathos Crow"
- 광란의 가락 is based on "Deranged Ditties" by "DrEverettMann"
- 서투른 어머니 is based on "One Bad Mother" by "DrEverettMann"
- 흑 백 흑 백 흑 백 흑 백 흑 백 회색 is based on "black white black white black white black white black white gray" by "tunedtoadeadchannel"
- 매일이 생일 is based on "Birthday Every Day" by "CityToast"
- 투명함 is based on "Transparent" by "Roget"
- 일요 미사 is based on "Sunday Service" by "Sabitsuki"
- 8살 제임스의 완벽한 정본 이야기 is based on "The Completely Canonical Story of James, Age 8" by "Salman Corbette"
- 자장가 is based on "Lullaby" by "SpoonOfEvil"
- 부서진? is based on "Broken?" by "Boa Noah"
- 녹슨 악몽 is based on "Rusted Nightmares" by "Snowshoe"
- 682를 죽여라 is based on "Kill 682" by "Sorts"
- 완전한 is based on "Whole" by "Aeish"
- 백기사 is based on "White Knight" by "TroyL"
- 일상 is based on "Routine" by "anqxyr"
- 바꿔서 뭐하겠나? is based on "Why Change" by "Joreth"
- 섬뜩한 신청서 is based on "Eldritch Application" by "Gargus"
- 저건 새야! 저건 비행기야! 저건-?! is based on "It's a bird! It's a Plane! It's a-?!" by "Arlecchino"
- foundation-rhymes is based on "Foundation Rhymes" by "ghostchibi"
- 우쿨렐레 요원 is based on "Agent Ukelele" by "DrClef"
- 엔트로피 is based on "Entropy" by "Gargus"
- breakcalendar is based on "CONFISCATED DOCUMENT 847-26, "CALENDAR"" by "Waxx"
- 부서진 신의 교회 경전 파편 is based on "CotBG Bible Fragments" by "Dr Gears"
- 그녀의 머리카락 냄새 is based on "The Smell of Her Hair" by "TroyL"
- SCP-000 is based on "SCP-000" by "CryogenChaos"
- 회수 문서 제4761: CotBG-82 is based on " Recovered Document 4761: CotBG-82 " by "Joreth"
- 영공간 is based on "Null Space" by "Chubert"
- 클레프 탄생 비화 is based on " Origin of Clef" by "AdminBright"
- 최후 이후 is based on " Post Finem" by "DrEverettMann"
- 지평선의 불 is based on "Fire on the Horizon" by "Dmatix"
- 밝은 쪽에서 본 이야기들 1 is based on "tales from the bright side chapter one" by "AdminBright"
- 밝은 쪽에서 본 이야기들 1.5장 is based on "tales from the bright side chapter 1.5" by "AdminBright"
- 도마뱀 되러 갑니다 is based on "we're off to be the lizard" by "AdminBright"
- 브라이트 박사와의 저녁 is based on "an evening with Bright" by "AdminBright"
- 사그라지다 is based on "winding down" by "Sophia Light"
- 공장에 관한 12가지 이야기 is based on "12 Tales About A Factory" by "AdminBright"
- SCP 재단: 극장판 is based on "SCP Foundation: The Movie" by "Edrobot"
- 뽑기 is based on "Picking" by "Cherry Pict"
- 경영자 is based on "The manager" by "thedeadlymoose"
- 클레프 박사가 죽지도, 어떤 필수요소가 되지도, 아예 이야기에 등장하지도 않을 경우 is based on "In Which Dr. Clef Does Not Die, Nor Participate in the Furtherance of any Memes, Nor Even Appear In the Story At All" by "Sorts"
- 잠시 광고 보고 가시겠습니다 is based on "We Interrupt this Program" by "Salman Corbette"
- 창조의 섬광 is based on "Spark of Creation" by "HotCocoaNerd"
- 경이의 섬광 is based on "Spark of Wonder" by "HotCocoaNerd"
- 공장의 교대 시간 is based on "A Shift at The Factory" by "TwistedGears"
- 무쇠 늑대 is based on "The Iron Wolf " by "SunnyClockwork"
- 달팽이 이야기 is based on "Snail Tale" by "Pig_catapult"
- 목매달린 왕의 궁정의 한 남권사 is based on "A Wandsman in the Court of the Hanged King" by "Metaphysician"
- 암호명: █ ███ - 진실 is based on "CODE NAME: ████ ███ - The Truth" by "Jack Ike"
- 이야기를 썼다 is based on " I Wrote a Tale" by "SunnyClockwork"
- 베나레스에서 온 편지 is based on "Letters from Benares" by "psul"
- 나 ≠ 나 is based on "I ≠ I" by "Von Pincier"
- 탐사 임무 354 알파 is based on "Exploratory Mission 354 Alpha" by "Dave Rapp"
- SLATE THUNDER 브리핑 (혼돈의 반란 오리엔테이션) is based on "Briefing on SLATE THUNDER (Chaos Insurgency Orientation)" by "Hornby"
- 방랑자 추적기호 is based on " Wanderer Symbols" by "toadking07"
- 품위 is based on "Decency" by "Gargus"
- FAQ: 그래서, 흄이라는 게 당최 뭐요? is based on " An FAQ; Or, What The Hell Is A Hume?" by "Jekeled"
- SCP-SCP-033 is based on "SCP-SCP-033" by "HotCocoaNerd"
- 사설 (蛇設; 뱀의 이야기) is based on "About the Serpent" by "SunnyClockwork"
- 동산에서 is based on " In The Garden" by "The Great Hippo"
- 한편 모두 같은 날에 일어난 일이었는데 왜 그렇게 말했는지는 나도 잘 모르겠다. is based on "Also This All Happened On The Same Day, So I Don't Know Why He Said It Like That." by "Doctor Cimmerian"
- 뷰셔즨 싄 is based on "Brökkën Güd" by "LilyFlower"
- FAQ 2편: 또는 흄에 대한 질문들의 대답 is based on "An Faq Part Two; Or, Your Hume Questions Answered" by "Jekeled"
- 클레프와 드미트리의 여행 is based on "Clef and Dimitri Hit the Road" by "DrClef" & "Waxx"
- 상속인 양 is based on "Miss Heir" by "TwistedGears"
- 작전명 갤러해드 is based on "Operation Galahad" by "daveyoufool"
- 배관 공사 is based on "Plumbing" by "Dr Gears"
- XK is based on "XK" by "Randomini"
- 사르킥교의 인류학적 접근 - 사례연구 01: 사르비의 바스나 is based on " An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 01: The Vaśńa of Sarvi" by "Metaphysician"
- 엄청난 아이디어, 아마도... is based on "A Great Idea, Probably..." by "Mf99k"
- 교미의 살점 is based on "The Flesh That Mates" by "DrClef"
- SCP 시 is based on "SCPoems" by "A Fat Ghost"
- nje-4097 is based on "NJE-4097" by "Prototype_Toaster"
- 경연 참가작은 아니지만, 어쨌든 신들에 대한 약빤 소설 is based on "Not a contest entry, but a crackfic about gods anyways" by "SunnyClockwork"
- SCP-REDD is based on "SCP-REDD" by "TwistedGears"
- 요주의 인물 파일 #2273/01 is based on "Person of Interest File #2273/01 " by "Agent MacLeod"
- 173 is based on "173" by "tunedtoadeadchannel"
- 제142격리실 문 밑에서 미끄러져 나옴 is based on "Slipped Under the Door from Cell 142" by "DrEverettMann"
- 안쪽/바깥쪽 is based on "Inside/Outside" by "CapnThatguy"
- 유서 is based on "A Suicide Note" by "Ihp"
- 벽에 더해진 별 하나 is based on "Another Star On The Wall" by "Hornby"
- 제19기지 크리스마스 캐롤 is based on "A Site-19 Christmas Carol" by "djkaktus"
- 귀기공학에 관한 간결한 해설 is based on "A Brief Explanation of Demonics" by "AJMansfield"
- 애들은 괜찮지 않아 is based on "The Kids Aren't All Right" by "Roget"
- 월출 is based on "Moonrise" by "djkaktus"
- 사라지지 않아 is based on "Not Fade Away" by "Shaggydredlocks"
- 장례식은 즐겁다 is based on "Funerals Are Fun" by "WrongJohnSilver"
- 모두가 안다 is based on "Everyone Knows" by "Bryx"
- 보아라 끝마침이라 is based on "Ecce Perago" by "AdminBright"
- 날개 is based on "Wings" by "Sad Xiao"
- 그렇지 아니하니 is based on "Annon" by "AdminBright"
- 활동 문서 파일 11-A is based on "Activity Documentation File 11-A" by "Roget"
- 어두운 것은 밤이요, 차가운 것은 땅이라. is based on "Dark was the night, cold was the ground." by "Uncle Nicolini"
- Re: 해피엔딩을 원한다고? is based on "Re: You Want Happy Endings?" by "daveyoufool"
- 파리지옥 is based on "The Flytrap" by "Sophia Light"
- 오버(씽킹) 더 레인보우 is based on "Over(thinking) the Rainbow" by "DrChandra"
- 먼지와 피 is based on "Dust and Blood" by "Djoric"
- 통행 재개 is based on "Traffic Resumes" by "ObserverSeptember"
- 시간 초과 is based on "Out of Time" by "Goodwill"
- 길 떠나기 전 한 잔 is based on "One For The Road" by "TechSorcerer2747"
- 목조를열매의 잃어버린 보물 is based on "The Lost Treasure of the Stranglefruits" by "daveyoufool"
- 역설계되다 is based on "Reversed Engineering" by "Roget"
- 구식 is based on "Outdated" by "Cerastes"
- 그 사람들 말로는, 재밌을 거라던데. is based on "It will be fun, they said." by "Rigen"
- 시체를 본다는 것 is based on "Watching Corpses" by "Randomini"
페이지 내역: 115, 마지막 수정: 23 Jan 2021 12:12